Chapter Nineteen - Might Have Messed That One Up

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࿐ Baxter ࿐

I never expected Kai to throw me a surprise birthday party, honestly I'm glad that was the reason I barely heard from her all morning. All my past traumas were rearing it's ugly head this week when she was being more than quiet. I thought she was second guessing moving in with me....second guessing us but it was all because she's an awful liar and didn't want to ruin her plans. Having all the people that mean something in my life together....even if it was a small gathering meant more to me than I can express. No one and I mean absolutely no one has ever thought to throw me a party. It shouldn't be a surprise that my parents never did any parties for us growing up, and when Elo took over parental controls there wasn't much celebrating when she preferred to focus on Wren being at the top of her game. Cake and parties wasn't apart of that. I've never been with someone that was so thoughtful, it's strange to be with someone who cares so much for the people around her she would absolutely do anything for them. It made me want to be better...made me want to be a person she deserved. I've never really cared what others thought of me. I made choices that were questionable.....chose girls that didn't offer me much besides a good night. I rebelled for attention from Elo....My parents. I wanted them to see me...wanted them to realize that all I wanted was their love. 

I'm glad I met Summer before Kai, because I wasn't ready then for the kind of love Kai gives me. Summer helped me realize that I do deserve to be loved...made me realize I wasn't so bad after all. She prepared me for Kai. Prepared me to love Kai the way she needs.....the kind of love she's worthy of. It's funny to think back to last year when I thought Summer was everything I wanted. Not realizing our situationship was only wasn't a relationship and it never would have become one. We came together out of circumstances that benefited us at the time. A spark that fizzled out. 

I sneak a peek at Kai sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window with a content smile. I can't imagine my life without her. She's the opposite of me. I go with the flow, never taking anything too seriously...I make stupid jokes all the time to avoid being vulnerable and I mess up constantly. Kai has a calming personality the kind that makes you just feel better. She likes structure....likes to know she has control over every situation. She's serious when the time calls for it but can be ridiculous and silly with the people she's most comfortable around. Her honesty and vulnerability is transparent making you instantly captivated by her. There is no doubt in my mind that she is everything I want forever. Tonight was just another reason to prove how incredible she is for all she does and will continue to do out of love. 

We get to my apartment our hands full of presents as we set them down in the living room. I felt like a little kid when I carried up the giant wrapped box trying to guess what it was all the way up the stairs as she laughed telling me no each time. "Okay Pinkalicious which gift you going to open first?" She questions me as I look around the floor full of gifts. I really wanted to open that big box but I decided to save the best for last especially knowing it's from Kai. I tear through my gifts a few amazing printed button up shirts to add to my collection. A few gift cards to my favorite restaurants, among other things. It was finally time to open Kai's gift. I rip off the wrapping paper before tearing open the box pulling out a beautiful pink shortboard. The exact Manta Ray tattooed on me was on the upper deck of the board, Baxter Radic written in Kai's handwriting along the upper rail of the board. I turn it around to look at the bottom of the board Pinkalicious written in bold letters down the center like a stringer. "Kai..." I choke out as I run my hands along the board in shock. I've never had a custom board made for me...never thought to make myself one. "I hope you like it....I had Shane make it. Told him exactly what I wanted down to the color and providing him the picture of your tattoo so he could replicate it. I guess it's kinda stupid to give you a board when I'm sure you got plenty of surfing gifts growing up...Maybe I should have done something else. Like taking you to get that tattoo you've been wanting..or those shoes you saw the other day. I really should have thought about this mor......" My lips interrupt her spiraling. I could feel the smile growing on her lips as I continue to kiss her. When I pull back I search those perfect steel blue eyes. "I've never been more speechless about a gift....never received something so thoughtful. I don't think you'll ever top this gift." I reassure her as her smile grows bigger. 

"Now that you say that...." she tells me standing as she walks over to her purse pulling out a small box and walking back to me handing me the small gift. My eyebrows pinched together as I slowly undo the box and see plane tickets. "You said you wanted to travel the world together. Thought we could get started on that dream a little sooner, after finals. You said you've always wanted to see Iceland." She smiles proudly as I set the box with tickets down, my hands finding her waist before picking her up and nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. Inhaling her faint lavender vanilla scent. "You're making it really hard not to get on one knee and propose right now." I tease her, her laughter filling my apartment like a perfect song. The kind you have on replay. "I've already told you Kai Radic has a nice ring to it." She teases me as my heart skips a beat. I can't explain the feelings that overwhelm me when she calls herself Kai Radic. It's like everything just it makes sense. want to stop being responsible and just act on my feelings. "I love you Kai....You continue to blow me away. You didn't have to do all this...the party...the gifts. I don't know how I'll ever thank you properly." I tell her as she shakes her head, her hands coming up to cup my face. "I didn't do all of this for altior motivates. I don't want you to try and find ways to thank me or repay me. This is your birthday Bax. This is the day that my soulmate came into the world. A day I want to selfishly celebrate like a fucking religion because I love you. I love you so much I want you to know how much you deserve all of this and much...much more." her eyes search mine for a few moments as I hold in the tears that were right at the brim. My heart was so painfully full....this love was completely consuming. "You deserve this Baxter. You deserve to be loved like this. You deserve to have the people who love you to come together on your special day dressed up like you as we dance, eat and smear cake all over each other. You deserve to be happy." she insists wiping the tears falling down my cheeks. 

After an hour of her holding me on the couch I finally pull back kissing her softly. "I know you said I don't need to repay you or anything but I have a surprise for you. I've been working on it for awhile now. It's the reason I've been working late." I tell her as she looks at me in confused shock. "Bax..." She starts but I cut her off. "Just let me do this Longboard......I've been trying to think of the perfect time to give this to you. Hiding it these last few days haven't been easy either...just sit there. Close those beautiful eyes until I tell you to open them." I demand as I rush back to my room opening my closet and uncovering the longboard under clothes and blankets. I finished the board a few days ago after I confidently thought I replicated it perfectly, the only difference is the words Kit Kat written on side of the nose. I was a ball of nervous energy walking from my room back to the living space as I look at Kai sitting there in between the mess of wrapping paper and bags. Her eyes closed, her smile tilting the corner of her lips in anticipation. I set the board gently down as I hold it in place. "" I tell her. I watch her eyes flutter open before they go wide in recognition. Instantly the tears start to fall, her hands covering her mouth as she sobs. I swiftly lean her board against the wall as I rush over to her pulling her into my arms. I royally screwed this up..

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now