Chapter Nine - Team Work Makes the Dream Work

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☼ Kai ☼

Deep breath in.....deep breath out. I keep repeating as I try to push out my rising panic. It's my first competition without her here. I'm struggling. I sit away from the others my eyes closed as the sun shines down on me. I pull out my phone pushing play on an older video from when I was little. My mum's voice coming out of the speaker. "Remember Kai, it's not about your precision it's about the way you feel out there. Let the ocean guide you.....listen to what it's telling you. Enjoy the moment Kit Kat." the tears were streaming down my cheeks as I replay the video.

Two strong arms wrap around me holding me against his warm body as his legs rest around my own. I relax into him as some of my panic ebs away, he tries to wipe the tears away but it was useless.  "She's not here.....this is the first comp that I don't have her here with me.....I won't get her pep talks....won't get her advice against heats. I.....I don't think I can do this." my voice breaking. He lifts me up turning me around to sit in his lap and face him. His hand tenderly cupping my cheek as I lean into his touch closing my eyes. "I wish I could say all the right things to make this better. Wish there was some way that I could take all your pain and sadness away but I can't. So rather than trying to push it down, use it. Use this pain....this heartbreak...this sadness and channel it into surfing. Let it go out there until you have nothing left to give and when your done I'll be right here waiting for you." He says those ocean eyes watching me tenderly.

I bury my face in the warm curve of his neck. I didn't realize how much I needed much I needed Bax. Needed his arms around me, needed him to hold me as I cried. He cranes his neck to kiss my forehead as we sat like this for awhile neither one of us daring to move.

This was it...our one and only chance to make state teams. This year Manu got the state team coach position which means he wants Shorehaven to come out proud and make the team. "Here we go, by the end of the day four girls and four boys will be selected for the State team." the commentator's voice booms from the speakers. "It's an unforgiving arena. Each competitor only gets two waves. Best score counts." With each heat I watch my friends surf as Bax continues to hold me his fingers drag over my bare thigh. It was like he needed to touch it's physically comforting for him to know that I'm right under his fingertips.

Soon Bax's heat was up, he quickly kisses me on the lips before untangling our bodies and grabbing his board. I walk as close as I can my hands tucked under my chin as I watch him flawlessly attack the waves with control and passion. "The judges are loving it" the commentator says. Poppy and Manu come to stand next to me as the heat almost finishes, they didn't have to say a thing. Both their arms wrap around me in a hug as we stood there silently watching the last competitor grubbing it as he falls off his board mid wave. "A simple mistake like that will cost you big time." The commentator speaks.

When the heat finishes Bax walks back in coming straight for me as he picks me up with one hand. I throw my arms around him smiling as he kisses me breathless. "You were incredible out there!" I say excitedly as I pull back to get a good look at his giant grin. There was so much emotion in his eyes, the butterflies exploding in my stomach.

"We're in the home stretch. Final round of the Girl's 19 and under" the commentator announces as Manu takes Bax's board, Poppy following after him to grab mine. "She will always be with you Kai. All of the knowledge she left with you is still up here..." Bax lightly touches the temple of my head. "and she will always be with you, right here." his finger now pointing at my heart. "Use all of that emotion out there and when you are done I'll be right here waiting to catch you." He gives me a small smile before Poppy hands me my board and shoos me off towards the starting line.

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