Chapter Fifteen - Mario Kart Showdown

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☼ Kai ☼

I got an ear full from Poppy the next morning when Bax dropped me off. I was too deliriously happy that it went in one ear and out the other. I've never been this happy before...didn't think it was possible to ever be this happy again. Bax has shown me that it's okay to live again...that it's okay to feel the pain because that's what makes us human it's how we continue on with life that truly counts. I will never understand how his family could abandon him the way they his sisters could put blame on him when none of it was his fault. It makes me angry to know what he's been through....makes me angry that I still see the ripple effects from their shitty behavior. I want to take it all away....all the bad memories...all the all he has is happy memories....memories he deserves.

Later that night the Gibsons graciously opened their home to all of us as we pile into their living room for our weekly mario kart tournament. Manu not so graciously told us to fuck off after we got a little too into the game and broken one of his cups. Needless to say the Tatanui house is off limits to game night for the foreseeable future. "I don't think you're ready for this Sousa" I challenge him as I sit up straight between Bax's legs on the floor as he leans against the couch. "I don't know Anoki I have a record that can't be beat." He taunts back. "Oh you mean the record Bax obliterated last week? That one?" I question him, Bax and the rest of the group fill the room with laughter as Mars scoffs turning to the screen as Poppy leans against him trying to comfort his fragile ego. "You've got this meu amor" She tells him as the countdown starts. The moment the green light turns on I speed past Mars character getting in first. Mars was right on my tail as he threw shell after shell at me. "You asshole!" I yell at him as I sit up even further. I can hear Bax chuckling behind me but I keep my pace not letting Mars pass me. "Fucking banana peels!" I scream as I keep tossing those cursed things behind me. Pros of being in first place....the look on Mars face when I beat him....cons of being in first place you get the shittest power ups like the banana peels. "Where's a damn shell when I need one!" I continue to shout as Mars hits me with another one. "Those peels are doing nothing Anoki!" Mars chuckles as I shoot off another peel. I hear his chuckle die fast on his lips as I take a peek at his screen to see him going around in circles. "What was that about my peels Sousa?" I laugh as I come around the corner taking first place. I throw my hands in the air as Bax's hands come around my waist pulling me back down into his lap peppering my face with kisses. "Who knew your competitive side could be so damn sexy." he smirks as I pull him closer our lips meeting for a steamy kiss. 

We spent the next hour competing until we were down to the last game to decide who would move on to the championship round against me. It was Bax and Poppy....a tight race both of them taking turns in first. It was down to the last second Bax was in second as he hit the box giving him a red shell. A mischievous smirk crossing his lips as he waits just until Poppy could see the finish line before he shoots off his shell making her character fly through the air as he zooms on past her nabbing first place. "I am going to kill you Baxter Radic!" She seethes as he chuckles. "I love when you threaten me with homicide. It really brings us closer Pops." He winks at her. "Hate to ruin this beautiful moment but it looks like the love birds are going to have their first fight." Summer jokes as I tilt my head up to Bax who was already smiling at me. "Ready to show them what a secure relationship looks like?" he questions me as I give him a quick kiss before grabbing the controller from Poppy. "Let's do this baby" I smile leaning against his chest as we get ready for our race. 

"Are you kidding me!" I shout as Bax hits me with a shell before he takes first place again. At this point I'm completely off his lap as I try to regain my lead. I get the mushrooms as I click on them getting an extra turbo boost as I pull into the lead again. Bax groans but continues to follow closely behind me in the race. I come up to the finish line in the final lap....I could practically taste the victory when all of a sudden a shell hits me in the back as I go flying and Bax's character comes racing right past me. I scream in frustration as my cart finally lands back on solid ground before I take off trying to make second place. "Sorry longboard" His voice breaking through the chorus of laughters from our friends. I ignore him as I pout....I'm a sore loser, I'm woman enough to admit it. Especially when my boyfriend plays that dirty trick of giving me false confidence. "Kai..." his voice becoming softer. He leans up grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back into him. He wraps his big arms around me as his chin rests on my shoulder. "Don't be a sore loser baby." He teases me as I scoff. "I'll be a sore loser if I want to. You did me dirty." I whine as I feel his body shake with his laughter. "Would you be happy if I let you win?" He questions me already knowing the answer to this. "No. I would be more pissed if you did." I answer him, he turns me to face him. Everyone left for the kitchen in search of food, leaving us alone. Bax's eyes roaming over my face. "Your cute when you're angry." He states as I roll my eyes. "Why do you do that?" I asks as he cocks an eyebrow in confusion. "Do what?" that smirk still on his lips. "Looking at me like that making me forget how to breathe." I tell him as his face softens, his smirk replaced with a genuine smile. I've been in love before....or I thought it was love. But this....this love I feel with Bax is something entirely different. He makes my heart hurt...the good kind of hurt. The kind that fills my heart til its full like it's about to burst. There's no such thing as butterflies when I'm around him. It's like a whole zoo has been set free as a stampede comes to wreck my stomach. Those eyes....those damn eyes when they connect with mine light my whole body ablaze. No matter where I go...whatever room....whatever beach....wherever I am I look for him....I look for him everywhere. I look for him in a crowded room...look for him in a song....look for him in a feeling. I crave him like he is the only thing that keeps my heart beating....the only thing that keeps me breathing. I'm terrified....terrified because I don't know if I'll survive this love....Surviving Baxter Radic. He has ruined me in the best way possible....ruined any chance anyone would ever have after him. He was it for me...the only person I will ever love again....the only person I want to spend the rest of my time with. I love Baxter so effortlessly. I love him to the ends of time and only him. He is the one.....

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