Chapter Twelve - L.O.V.E.

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☼ Kai ☼

"I  can't believe you!" I shout at Manu, his arms crossed with an angry expression on his face. "It's not that hard Kai! You check in when you decide to spend two days with your boyfriend." he shouts back. "I'm 18 years old Manu! I checked in with Poppy she knew where I was, I thought she would tell you. I'm sorry that I worried you!" my voice lowering just a bit. "Kai, I get that your old enough to do what you want. I'm not your parent....but I do look at you like a little annoying sister. I just want to know that you are safe, especially after....." he trails off stopping what he was about to say. "My mum" I answer for him as a flash of guilt for even uttering that sentence crosses his face. "I'll make sure to text you next time." I walk closer to him envolpoing him in a hug "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I asks holding him tightly. One of his hands ruffles my hair at the top of my head. "Ahhhh I can never stay mad at you." he teases. I start to walk back to my bedroom as he whistles at me as I turn to look back at him. "You both bring out the best in each other. It's nice to see you happy again." he smiles at me as I nod my head a little blush creeping up on my cheeks.

It's been three weeks of consistent training for comps, traveling to comps, and competing in comps. I've come away with impressive scores, Bax was incredible out there. Poppy claiming that's the best he's ever done. Our team was sitting really good in second place just a few points short for first. We are coming up on a a decent break from competitions, something I'm looking forward to. My body was sore between all the extra training Poppy has sprung on us and Bax and I staying the night at each other's places every night...there hasn't been much rest.

I was in a deep sleep when I felt the dip of someone laying on my bed, a pair of big warm hands finding its way under my shirt to massage my back. I groan at the feeling of him kneading my tension away. "How did it go?" I asked him as I continue to lay on my stomach enjoying the way his hands feel on me. "Working on a surprise" his voice making the butterflies take flight in my stomach. "Are you making a board for the Prime Minister?" I tease him. His hands leave my back before I feel his fingers lightly comb through my hair by my ear and nape of my neck. Goosebumps explode over my body, this was complete and utter bliss. I was puddy in his hands, he could literally ask me anything right now and I would do whatever he wanted. "Mmmmmm" I say contently. After a few minutes he flips me over to face him, his arm holding me at the waist as those ocean eyes roam over my face, his smile growing wider. My hand comes up to cup his cheek as he leans into my touch. "Beautiful" I say barely above a whisper. Those dimples popping. "I don't think anyone's ever called me beautiful before....I kinda dig it." he leans in to kiss my forehead. "Bunch of idiots than." I wink as his laugh fills my soul. It's strange the way we use to be strangers....never knowing one another than all of a sudden he came in like a wave crashing into me....I miss him so much that I physically ache when he's not with me and I find complete comfort when I'm in his arms like I've found my home inside of him.

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࿐ Baxter ࿐

It's been on the tip of my tongue the last week, I've caught myself several times silently cursing that I'm going to scare her off. It hit me on the last competition, I was watching her absolutely crush her set knowing she was getting a ten. I've never had someone to feel proud about, to be so incredibly in awe of how amazing the person I'm with is, that all her accomplishments make me proud. I've never cheered so loud in my life watching her, when her heat ended and I met her as she walked back on shore it was like a tidal wave just came crashing into my chest. The way her eyes twinkled with a smile like I was the only person in her universe. Dropping her board before jumping into my arms kissing me with that all consuming need. When she pulled back her hands cupping my face as her eyes roamed over me taking in every detail, that's when I knew....that I was utterly and deeply in love with Kai Anoki. There was no limits, no boundaries, it was deep and consuming love. I think silently deep down I always knew she was something worthy....something special....the kind of special that I knew I would fall in love with.

As soon as I got out of the shop I knew the only place I wanted to be was with Kai. I drove straight to her place as Manu let me in with a gruff hello. I walk into her room watching the way her body lightly rises and falls, as she was fast asleep. I almost feel guilty knowing I'm about to wake her up, I've been selfish lately....wanting her...being with Kai was like the most addicting drug. One I would gladly be addicted to for the rest of my life. I've kept her up with my unquenchable need for her. "How about we order take out and watch a movie in bed tonight?" I ask her, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on my cheek as she cups one side of my face in her hand. "God I love when you talk dirty to me" she teases. I swear I craved her deeply it had become a physical ache. "Want to try an Australian kiss?" I ask her as her eyebrows pinched together confused. "It's like a french kiss but down under" I wink as she burst into a fit of laughter. "You are ridiculous but I lov...." she stops herself suddenly as my heart jolts. My eyes searching hers as I'm suddenly leaning closer to her. "But you...what?" I question her, those steel blue eyes stayed glued on mine.

I sit up in her bed swiftly pulling her into my lap as she wraps her legs around me. I cup my hands on her face forcing her to look at me. "I swear to God Longboard.....please tell me you feel exactly how i'm feeling...tell me I'm not alone and your thoughts are just as consumed with me as I am with you..tell me baby....please." I beg her like a proper needy bloke. "I'm scared.....I'm scared one day you're either going to wake up and not love me anymore because you got tired of having to constantly reassure me that I'm okay. I'm scared you are going to get tired of my mood swings and panic attacks. But most of all I'm terrified that something will happen to you like it did my mum.....terrified that I'll lose the only thing that feels like home to me by a freak accident......that something will happen again that I have no control over." tears pool in her eyes as I quickly wipe them away. "I love you Kai. The feel so much you get scared kind of love....the can't sleep can't breathe kind of love....It's the kind of love that doesn't waver, the scary kind that doesn't fade. I was a broken mess when I met soul felt dark and empty waiting for something....and then you came and filled it with you....filled it with so much sunshine and love that my soul is as much a part of me as it is you. My heart made a home for you and it will never beat without you." My lips find hers, my heart slowed and every muscle in my body relaxed against her. When I pulled away her eyes fluttered open slowly. "Be here with me. Don't focus on what you can't will eat you alive. I'm right here, Kai. I love you. Just us, baby." I tell her. Those eyes lighting up, a small smile tilting the corner of her lips. "I love you too Bax." In seconds I was pushing her back against her bed as I hovered above her our faces inches from each other. "Say it again...please" I beg as her grin gets bigger, her hands coming up to cup my face "I love you Baxter Radic." she says confidently before pulling me into the most electrifying kiss. My whole world spinning. She was it for me....I was going to marry her one day. That's a promise I intend to keep.

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