Chapter Twenty One - Here's The Thing About Grief

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☼ Kai ☼

We finally made it to finals. Bax was more than annoyed with out current situation in which we don't get to share a room and he will be bunking with the boys while I'm with the girls. I think he's been a tad spoiled sleeping with me every night.

His hands are wrapped around my waist as his face is buried in my neck while I lean back against his strong frame. "Hear me out, I go to the lobby and get us our own room." This was his fifth attempt of finding a solution that involved us in the same room together. "It will be good for you to spend some quality time with the guys" I try to assure him. "I don't want to stay with a bunch of stinky guys. I want to stay with my girlfriend that smells like lavender and vanilla and rubs my hair while I fall asleep." He pouts. "Space will be good for us" I tell him as he scoffs pulling away in shock.

"Are you breaking up with me longboard?" He mocks a heartbroken expression. I turn around in his grasp so I can face him. "I think it's safe to say what we did in the bathroom of the plane...twice. Is more than enough proof that I'm not breaking up with you anytime soon. There's also that small tiny detail of me loving the shit out of you."

"Yeah...yeah....You're just using me for my body" he teases. I roll my eyes trying to get out of his grasp but his strong arms tighten around my waist even more. "It's okay can use my body for anything....and I mean anything you need." he winks before pulling me into a kiss.

I can't believe we are finally here. After all the ridiculous gym sessions with drill sergeant Poppy, the hours of footage watching I've had to endure thanks to Manu and all the team bonding get togethers we have been through....we finally made it. I had a handful of moments I'm proud of....this right here...being apart of this team was an honor and yet I felt lost.

We had to make it through the pair events with good scores in order to move on to tomorrow's pairs finals. Manu comes walking up to the group of us in our tent with a huge grin. It was good to see him this happy. All the hard work he's done to get here...he's made his dream a reality. I'm just glad I get to be here to witness it.

"Let's take a page out of Kai's book....close your eyes, breathe in the ocean breeze and just appreciate this moment right now." I do exactly what Manu says as I lift my chin towards the sky basking in the sun shining down on me. I made it Mum. I feel Bax's hand wrap in mine like he knows I'm talking to her. The smallest action that means the most to me.

"You've all worked incredibly hard for this moment right here. Even Baxy Boy!" Manu winks. Marlon grabs Bax on the shoulders as he shakes him, all of us laughing.

"Take this don't get opportunities like this every day. Stay in this moment. Feel it. Live it. Enjoy it." Manu starts to get choked up as Poppy wraps her arms in his, leaning her head on him. "You've given me purpose. Made my dream a reality that was better than I ever expected. I love you're family." He quickly wipes a tear before clearing his throat. "Okay enough mushy talk. For today's pairs I'm going to have Ari and Griff for the boys and Bodhi and Summer for the girls. Okay. Good chat." He claps his hands walking off as everyone goes off in different directions.

The commentators voices coming through the speakers. "We're moments away from the Under 19's pairs event."

"Yeah, these are must-win heats. So, by the end of today the successful teams will surf it out in the Pairs Final, tomorrow."

Bax fixes my team bucket hat as I shamelessly stare at him. I still can't believe that I get to call him mine. "Did I ever get around to mentioning how adorable you look in this" his hand drops down as his finger hooks under my chin tilting me up for a better angle. "There is nothing adorable about my thoughts right now." I say.

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