Chapter Twenty Two - Perfect Scores...Perfect Couple

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☼ Kai ☼

Day two was finally here and I felt a much needed reset. Who knew spending my night crying my eyes out would make me feel slightly brand new. I let myself grieve. Something I haven't allowed myself to do but Bax was here for me. He was my safe haven. The only place where I felt I could fully let go and not have to worry about anything else. I'm so lucky to have him. 

We spent the morning with our friends getting a full breakfast in and much needed laughter. Bax and Mars left a few minutes early to get our beach chairs set up for everyone. Poppy hooks her arm in mine leaning her head on my shoulder as we walk towards the beach. 

"This is it Kai. Today is our day. I can't believe it." She smiles giddy. "You think they're watching us up there?" I ask her tilting my head to the sky. The sun already beating down on us. 

"Of course they are and I bet they're damn proud of us too." She answers. "Hey sorry about last night. I didn't realize how much I've been holding in. Just kinda lost it." She stops us as she moves to stand in front of me taking my hands in hers. 

"No need to apologize. I know what it's like to not fully let it all go. Holding that grief in can be a ticking time bomb. I'm happy for you......" she says as my brows pinch together. 

"What?" I question her. "You have someone who takes care of you....who knows you better than you know yourself. I know your mum is up there right now excited you met someone whose good for you....who takes care of her daughter." she explains. 

"He is pretty amazing." I smile as she rolls her eyes. "Okay enough of that. Let's go kick some ass." She practically shouts before heading over to Mars he welcomes her in his arms with a giant hug. 

Those ocean blue eyes find mine as he holds his gaze on me. I walk slowly over smiling at the sight of him. I don't think I will ever tire of how incredibly handsome he is. Every inch of him sculpted to perfection. I finally make it to him as we stand inches apart. His gaze trailing down my body appreciatively before coming back to meet my stare. 

"Hi" I say like a idiot. "Hi" he says back with a smirk. His arms come to wrap around my waist pulling me into him. "I've missed you." He mumbles into my neck. "It's been less than twenty minutes Baxter." He leaves a trail of kisses up my neck a shiver runs down my spine. "Twenty minutes too long." 

"Such a clingy fella" I tease as he pulls slightly back to look at my face. "Do you think it's unhealthy.....our attachment to each other?" I question him as he looks at me like I've grown two heads. "No....and I don't really care what others think. I just care about what you you think it's unhealthy?" He questions me slightly concerned. 

"No I don't think so. I'm sure to outsiders it might be but this....." I place a hand over his heart looking up at him. "This feels right." I answer him. 

"Need help with your board?" He ask already knowing the answer to his question. I don't need help with my board but I always let him because I know he likes to help me. He follows me into our tent as he grabs my board and some wax applying a light topcoat to my board. 

Manu comes over giving us another pep talk, nothing like yesterday but enough for us to get pumped up for the days comp. Bax pulls out my airpods putting them in my ear before grabbing my phone from my hand and swiping until he finds the video of my mum. He holds me patiently in his arms as I listen to the video a few times until I feel ready. 

Marlon was the first out today for our team. He kills it getting an average score of 18.6 which keeps us in the first spot overall. I don't know if it was the energy around us or something else but I could just feel it was our day. We've all worked so hard to get here and we've proved it. We watch a few more heats before it was Pops turn. 

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