Chapter One - Welcome to Shorehaven

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☼ Kai ☼

I was an hour away from Shorehaven, the windows in my mum's beat up black jeep were down as I blasted Phoebe Bridgers through the speakers. The drive from Torquay was brutal to say the least, the last time I made this drive I wasn't alone. An ache in my chest hitting me with a painful impact as memories of my Mum come flashing through my thoughts like an old black and white film. I missed her. The tears blur my vision as I furiously wipe them away. The thing about tragedies there was always someone left behind broken and mad at the world. I wanted to quit surfing, wanted it all to just disappear, I wanted to let the darkness swallow me whole. Her paddle out was beautiful, everything she would have wanted. I sat out there among the flowers while the sun was setting and everyone had gone home. I felt this inner peace like she was right next to me telling me not to give up...not to give up surfing. She probably didn't mean for me to throw myself into competitions right away but I needed a distraction, any distraction.

I pull up to The Tetanui's house, Poppy rushing out to greet me as my feet hit the ground her arms engulfing me into a huge hug. Manu and Prawnie come to greet me with hugs and a hair ruffle or two before grabbing my bags and boards. Poppy linking arms with me as we walk towards her home. "How was the drive?" she asked. "Exhausting. I think I'm going to sleep for at least a week." I joke as I take my first step into my new home. It was weird to think about. I've visited the Tetanui's a billion times, stayed in their home each time but now it was going to be a place I call my longer a visitor.

They showed me to my new room, offering to cook me food as I waved them off. All I wanted to do was sleep which they graciously understood. The moment I fell onto the bed sleep claimed me. I have no idea how long I slept as I tried to turn off my phone's incessant ringing. I groan into my pillow before slowly sitting up my body aching from the position I slept in. I found one of my bags sitting in the corner of my sea green bedroom as I walk over to pull out a swimsuit. I walked out to an empty house grabbing a banana from the counter and scarfing it down before heading outside. Manu was sitting on the yellow striped couch watching some of his taped videos of his surfers. "Good Morning sleepy head. You were out an entire day." he says not looking away from the screen. "What can I say the drive was brutal...." I look around for my boards with no luck. "Manu I was actually thinking about getting out in the surf for a bit. Where is...." He interrupts me as he points behind me. I grab my mother's longboard thanking him before strolling towards the path to the beach.

The moment I hit the water I felt like I was home. There was nothing like the sounds of waves crashing and the smell of salt water. I catch a few good waves before I lay on my board taking a few deep breaths to center myself, imagines of my mum flooding me with grief. Pros and cons of clears your mind. Unfortunately for myself it clears it well enough to reminded me of what I have lost. I hear someone come paddling next to me "Pretty impressive nose riding." his smooth voice causing me to turn to face him. He was, well, different from all the other surfers i've seen. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance that would make him stand out in the crowd. His pink hair and nose ring peaked my interest. His unfathomable, sea blue eyes were expressive, the type of eyes you could get lost in if you stared long enough. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, made my heart dance. I can't even mention the dimples and rosy cheeks without wanting to scream. He had an air of confidence that I liked, the kind that knew exactly what he was doing out here in the ocean.

"It's really not that complicated" I wink as he laughs his eyes gleaming in amusement. "I don't think I've seen you around before?" he questions. "Yeah I just got in" I answer him. Those sea blue eyes never loosing their contact with mine. "I should go in...." I state my body laying back down on my board to paddle in. He watches me with a smirk clearly entertained by my sudden flighty disposition. "I'll see you around longboard" he calls after me. "See you around Pinkalicious" I call back. The internal groan that just rumbled through my body. Did I seriously just call him pinkalicious? Just bury me six feet under right now. The embarrassment was staining my cheeks in crimson.

When I get back to the Tetanui house leaning the longboard against a wall, I hear Poppy and Manu going over her films from the other day. They turn their attention towards me as I walk into view. "Kai!" she smiles warmly at me as I take a seat in the matching yellow stripped chair. I watch a few minutes of her clip "you were slotted Pops." I say impressed. Poppy has always been an incredible surfer, after her Mum's death she lost herself in the surf..trying to be this perfect version of herself in hopes it makes her Mum proud. Her relentless training has made her technique perfect but she lost the soul of surfing.

"Thanks Kai." she pauses watching a few more seconds of her clip. "Hey my friends are having a little party tonight. Would you be interested in joining me. Bodhi is dying to see you again." she turns to smile at me. I could use the distraction and it would be better than sitting home with Manu and Prawnie watching highlight reels. "Sure that sounds great." I replied. It didn't take long for her to demolish the bags I brought trying to find the perfect outfit. She throws me a pair of jean shorts with embroidered flowers on the back pocket before quickly throwing one of my crochet crop tanks at me. I smiled when I saw which one she picked, it was my favorite because of the playful stripes that looked like waves. I threw on a pair of my blue chucks that matched my top. "Perfection!" she winks as she finishes up her final touches.

We walk into the backyard of her friends house, the nerves settling in my stomach. I was instantly met with Bodhi's arms wrapping around me in a tight hug. "Kai!" she screams before pulling away to get a good look at me. "I can't believe you are here....." she pauses as her voice lowers to a more somber coo. "I'm so sorry about your Mum." she hugs me once more. The awkwardness filling the space between the three of us as Poppy clears her throat. "Why don't we introduce you to the gang" she offers as I greedly accept the invitation to leave this awkward conversation. A dark haired girl was dancing and laughing in the center of the party. She clearly knew how to have fun. A curly blonde haired guy was watching her with a mix of adoration and love. I recognized Marlon from Laynah's paddle out. He was looking at Poppy like she hung the moon and stars. I reminded myself to talk to her about this latest development she choose to keep a secret from me, later.

"Everyone this is Kai! Kai this is everyone!" Poppy introduces before making smaller introductions. "You remember Marlon right?" she asks as I nod my head before he comes up to give me a quick hug. "Good to see you again Kai" he smiles "You too Mars" I pat his shoulder before Poppy moves on. "This is Ari" she says pointing to the curly blonde. "Nice to meet you." I recognized his name when Poppy and I would talk about all the drama in Shorehaven. "This is Summer" she tells me as the vivacious brunette gives me a warm welcoming smile. She introduces me to a few other people in the backyard before I go in search of a drink. I wanted to enjoy the distraction but it was all becoming too overwhelming. I stand in the corner trying to remind myself to breath. Everyone was too busy dancing or making out with their partner to notice my nervous breakdown.

"Longboard" his smooth voice sending a shiver down my spine. I look up to see that eye crinkling, dimple popping smile. "Pinkalicious." I say before my internal groan screams at me. My cheeks already reddening from the embarrassment. "So you know Pops?" he asks as he comes to lean next to me. "Yeah we are family friends. I'm staying with them for awhile." I answers him, I sneak a peak of him with the corner of my eyes. God he was attractive. My eyes trail down his muscular toned arms, a manta ray tattooed on his bicep. Pierced and tattooed, could he be any hotter? "So you're friend's with Poppy and them?" I ask him as he shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah I met them a few months ago. They seem to take in a lot of strays." he teases, a chuckle tumbles out of my mouth. "Sounds about right" I nod taking a sip of my drink. "There's been something I haven't been able to stop thinking about." he states those crystal sea blue eyes staring at me with a cheeky smirk tilting the corner of his lips. I raise an eyebrow at him in curiosity. "'s an interesting nickname. Rhymes with delicious. I've been pondering my whole day away wondering if you think I'm delicious, longboard?" he winks at me as my cheeks flame with crimson coloring them, he walks backwards his eyes never leaving mine before joining his friends. He didn't have to wait for an answer to know that I found him attractive, the blush told him all he needed to know. He seemed like trouble....the good kind of trouble. The kind that leaves you excited and nervous all at once. Whoever he was, I was interested. Shorehaven might not be too bad after all.

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