Chapter Ten - Mine, Yours

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☼ Kai ☼

He smiles his lips twitching like he's trying not to laugh. I lay on the gym floor being over dramatic. "You're adorable when you look like a tired little gremlin." he teases "Bite me" I say with sass. He leans over me, there was a twinkle in his eye paired with his cheeky smirk. "Is that an invitation or a challenge, Longboard?" he raises an eyebrow, those blue eyes watching me bite my bottom lip. The butterflies quickly turned into a stampede in my stomach when his hand gently wraps around my throat tilting my head up for a better angle. "Challenge" I answer him, his eyes light up with a mixture of amusement and desire before our faces were a breath apart. I tried to close the distance but he pushed me back down. He tilts my face to the side as he slides his teeth down my neck biting my sensitive spot. A fire was growing in the pit of my stomach as he slowly pulled away, his eyes lifted back to mine as I tried to remind myself how to breathe. The tension between us was palpable, my body was practically aching for him. I've been with others before, an awkward first time, a boyfriend who lasted less than three minutes.....none of them exciting me the way Bax does. I wanted much more.

Poppy gags from across the room "Seriously you two, I'm asking for an hour! Just an hour to workout without being ALL over each other." she whines at us. Bax smirks helping me off the gym floor as soon as I turn he smacks my ass, Poppy groans in frustration. Marlon tries to stifle his laugh afraid of a glare from her. Bodhi and Summer give me the cheesiest grins while I walk towards them grabbing my water bottle and taking a huge gulp. "Your chemistry is so hot" Bodhi says fanning herself, I roll my eyes at her as she chuckles. "He hasn't been able to keep his hands off of you." Summer winks. "Have you...." Bodhi trails off. "Climbed that tree?" Summer finishes for her. "Manu walks around the house trying to be as loud as possible whenever Bax is over. He's either afraid he's going to hear something he doesn't want to or he's wanting to interrupt them." Poppy says leaning against one of the weight machines. "So....have you?" Bodhi asks again. "Not yet and trust me it's not like I don't want to." Summer interrupts me mid sentence "It's pretty obvious you both do." She smirks. "Manu doesn't help with his incessive pan banging and cabinet slamming. I.....I don't know. I've always been confident but Bax makes me nervous and I've never felt nervous with anyone." I tell the girls. "He's getting you out of your comfort zone....that's good." Poppy states. I look over to see Bax failing miserably to pay attention to the guys conversation, those ocean eyes keep looking my way a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I really like him." I tell the girls, as I continue to watch him. "Well I would hope so he's been your boyfriend for a month now, I'd be a little worried if you didn't." Summer says sarcastically. Poppy elbows her in the side as she gives her a glare. "I feel like my legs are dangling off the cliff and it scares me....the thought of falling in love." I look over at the three of them a bit embarrassed. "Afraid to fall in love with Baxter?" Bodhi asks, I shake my head no. "No....afraid of everything that could go wrong. Afraid to fall so deeply and utterly in love with him and he gets taken away from me. I wasn't prepared for him....wasn't prepared to feel this way. He makes me happy....deliriously happy and slowly I gave him my attention...let him into my solitude because he made me forget every bad thing that's happened. He's the first person I want to talk to in the morning and the last one before I sleep just so I can feel that deep sense of happiness in my bones and I'm terrified at how easily he could leave and take that happiness away with him." I could hear the waver in my voice, as I push back the tears. "Kai, have you seen the way he looks at you?" Poppy questions. "If Bax isn't in love with you yet then he's falling" Summer adds. "He looks at you like you hung the stars in the he just realized what love is." Bodhi smiles. My chest swells with an equal amount of happiness and fear. Being with Bax is like finding my safe haven. He gives me peace when my mind wages war. It's not that I'm afraid he won't fall too, it's the worry of life repeating itself. In the back of my mind this crippling fear of losing him like I lost my mum has me paralyzed...afraid to admit what I already know. That I've fallen for Baxter Radic.

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now