Chapter Three - You're Trouble Baxter Radic

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☼ Kai ☼

I took the paddleboard out early this morning, it's been awhile since I've done any yoga on the board. Mum swore it was the best way to work your core and stabilizer muscles. I'm not saying it's the entire reason I'm good at what I do but I will put credit where credit is due.

I was in Reverse Warrior when his voice danced around me. "I've got to say when I decided to come out for dawn patrol I wasn't expecting to see you in very compromising positions but I won't complain." he winks as I slowly move out of the pose. "You caught me, I came out here before the sun came up in hopes that you would find me here doing poses that would make your grandmum blush." I return his wink before going into mermaid pose his eyes watching me carefully. "Next time if you're going to be bad invite me" he gives me a cheeky smirk. "Very anti Baxter of you" he teases. That dimpled smile of his made my heart race. I tilt my head towards him "Tomorrow morning. Meet me here and I'll show you how very pro Baxter I can be." His eyes dance with amusement, trailing up and down my body before paddling away to catch a wave. I move into a sitting pose as I watch him. He was incredible the way he attacked the waves. I was utterly mesmerized by him which doesn't come easy for me these days with anyone. There was something different about Baxter Radic, I didn't know if I wanted him as a friend or something more. It doesn't really matter, I just want him in my life any way I can get him.

The next morning I sit on one of the two paddleboards' I brought with me waiting for Bax to show up. The overthinking started clouding my judgement as I stand quickly grabbing the boards turning to head for the house. "Hope I'm not late" He grins coming towards me to grab one of the boards. "Nope not late" I say turning back around and heading out towards the water completely embarrassed that he caught me trying to bail. We make our way out towards the line up away from the swell where the water is calm.

"Paddleboarding yoga challenges you to find another level of balance and focuses your mind while floating atop the water. It's a great challenge for any rider especially a competitive surfer. It will improve your balance and flexibility which is key when surfing." I tell him as he listens to me intently. "We'll start off small with child's pose." I say spreading my knees a little wide, my belly coming to rest on my thighs, my arms coming out to rest on the board. I tilt my head so I can watch Bax get into pose. I was slightly impressed how well he did, even if this was the easiest pose. He turns his head to face me, that dimpled smile gracing his lips. "Easy. What's next?" that smile turning into a smirk. "Okay get on all fours for me." I wink as his smirk drops slightly replaced with raised eyebrows. "Starting early are we?" he teases, rolling my eyes at him. "Come on. All fours." I demand as he does what I asked. "Make sure your knees are hip width apart and your hands are directly below your shoulders. Your toes should lay on the board and do not tuck under." I watch him adjust his pose "Good. Now inhale and feel your belly drop toward the floor as you move into a flexed spine. Your gaze should stay on your your chest and keep your shoulders broad and away from your ears.....stop looking at me!" I try to instruct him as he keeps gazing over at me. "This is my favorite position. Can't get mad at me for seeing what you look like in it." He chuckles as I shake my head. "You're trouble Baxter Radic." I tease him. "Believe me I'm more trouble than I'm worth" he tosses back. "Guess it's your lucky day because I'm into trouble." Heat rushed up from the eruption that suddenly went off in my stomach, I've never been so bold with a guy before.

"Um....anyways. After you do cow pose you are going to go into cat pose. Take a big exhale and send your spine to the sky as your head drops to the board and your tailbone scoops under. Let your belly button pull into your spine as you push the air out of your lungs." I stop to watch him execute it almost perfectly. "Good" I praise him.

We do the pose a couple more times before moving on to a few others. "Come on longboard! Give me the hard stuff. What's the pose you did the other day when your leg was up like this" he states before trying to bend his left leg behind him almost slipping in the water. I couldn't help the giggle that slips out as I quickly slap my hands over my mouth. "Show me" he grinned laying down on his side his hand coming up to rest his head. I move into the pose as his eyes roam over my body taking his time watching me. "I could get use to watching you do yoga in a bikini." those eyes dancing with a fire in them. I get out of my pose hanging my legs over my board and into the water. My arms stretching behind me as I lean back tilting my head slightly cocking an eyebrow. "It's your turn to show me" I playfully demand.

He bites his bottom lip before trying to move into the pose. I knew he wouldn't be able to do it. The pose was to advance even if he did better than I expected today. I couldn't help the laugh that bursted it's way out as he falls into the water. He surfaces shaking his head as the water flies around from his wet hair. "Are you laughing at me, Longboard?" he mocks offense. I nod my head yes biting my lip to stop the giggle that wanted to make its way out again. He submerges in the water before surfacing again right in front of me. "Bax..." a warning tone evident in my voice. His hands come out of the water latching onto my waist before pulling me off my board and into the water. When I bob back up I give him a playful glare as he chuckles. "You deserved that" he taunts. I push him underwater letting go quickly as he comes back up shortly after. He grabs my waist pulling me towards him before ducking me in the water quickly.

When I come back up for air I'm inches from his face. Those sea blue eyes staring into my steel blue ones. My eyes trail from one eye to his lips back to his other eye. He bites his lip our bodies coming closer as we try to stay afloat in the water. Everything in me was begging him to kiss me but he doesn't. "We should head back to shore" he says. I try not show the disappointment I was clearly feeling. "Yeah....of course." I answer him back before pulling myself back up on my paddleboard feeling like an idiot. Once we make it onto shore I try to grab the board from Bax but he keeps it out of my reach. "Today was fun, thanks for inviting me." he gives me that dimple popping smile. "Thanks for showing up." I say refusing to give into his eye contact. I try to grab the paddleboard once more but he pulls it away from my reach again. "I'm sure you got somewhere better to be right now. I can take the boards back it's okay." I offer. "Kai" my name on his lips caused my heart to skip. I look up to see him intently staring at me. That's the first time I've heard him use my name, I was starting to wondering if he even knew it. "I can help carry the boards back." he tells me, my stubborn ass screaming at me to do it myself. I push it down as I nod my head letting him walk with me back to the house.

I tell him to set it down next to my other boards. He lets out a slow whistle as he takes in my collection. "These are amazing" he says as his fingers trace along each board. "I'm impressed, longboard." he smirks. "Most of them where my mum's." I tell him, he turns to face me. His smirk long gone, a genuine smile replacing it. "I have an apprenticeship as a shaper. I had one up in Queensland too until I moved here......" he takes a step closer towards me. "That's why I don't really go out with the group much or seem like a loner." He pauses one of his hands coming to hook under my chin tilting my face up towards his. "I didn't want to leave the's just..." I interrupt him "It's okay Bax. I get it." I say barely above a whisper, or at least i wanted to get it. To understand why he didn't kiss me, all the flirting and the way I feel drawn to him....does he not feel it? I want so desperately for him to.

Our lips were only inches apart, I swear he could probably hear the way my heart was pounding out of my chest. "Hey Kai..." Manu says absentmindedly as he comes walking out of the house. Bax drops his hand taking a step away from me. Manu notices him and greets him with a smile. "Mornin' Bax" he nods his head at Manu telling him good morning. "I'll see you around longboard." he smiles walking backwards a few steps refusing to lose eye contact with me before eventually turning around and walking back down the path to the beach. I wanted to shake Manu and say a few choice words. Instead I walk in the house with a huff before heading straight for Poppy's room to unload on her.

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now