Chapter Thirteen - I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings

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☼ Kai ☼

We sit on one of the longboards waiting for a set, his fingers rubbing circles on my hips. The dawn sky was absolutely gorgeous today. We had caught wave after wave, falling off quite a few times laughing endlessly. I've never had so much fun in my life. We catch one last wave as the morning sun starts to shine down on us. We sit out in the line up facing one another my legs resting on top of his thighs, his hands brushing my wet hair out of my face. My eyes closed enjoying his touch. "I love you" he says his eyes roaming my face appreciatively. I couldn't help the cheesy smile that plasters it's way on my face as I look at him. I take in every perfect detail of his face...the way his eyes match the ocean. His sharp jawline...his septum piercing, which was surprisingly a huge turn on for me.....his full lips in that perfectly beautiful smile that is meant for only me. I was obsessed with everything about him, it's like I can't get enough of this what love is supposed to be like? This obsessive need to be with him every second of be completely consumed by him.

"What have you done to me?" I question him, his head tilting as he smirks. "I think the better question is when are you going to kiss me?" his big hands grabbing at my hips as he pulls me closer into him. My arms wrap around his neck as my hands find their way to his messy pink hair pulling him towards me. Our lips finding each other, I could feel the smile still on his lips. It wasn't long before our kiss becomes heated. Those big hands grabbing a handful of my ass as he groans into my mouth. "I really don't want you to go to the shop today" I pout pulling away from our kiss. He leans his forehead against mine a sigh escaping his mouth. "For the first time in my life....I don't want to go either...but I have too. Besides you have your intermediate class today." he reminds me as I pout some more. "You have turned me into some mushy needy girlfriend." I give him a slight glare as he chuckles. "But you're so cute when you're all mushy and needy for me." he winks, I playfully hit his chest his laugh engulfing me with warmth. We decide to paddle back into shore both of us knowing we need to be responsible.

It was the longest day of my life and all I wanted was to see those ocean eyes and perfect smile. My phone buzzes in my back pocket as I pull it out to see a text from Bax.

I can't help the smile on my face as I set my phone down and head for my closet to find something

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I can't help the smile on my face as I set my phone down and head for my closet to find something. It's been a few minutes and I've started throwing things out of my closet groaning in frustration. Poppy walks in watching me have a small panic attack. "Whatcha doing?" she questions me as I groan again. "Bad day?" she asks as I turn around to look at her with a narrowed gaze. "I have absolutely nothing to wear tonight." I tell her, she was still clearly confused. "What's tonight?" I roll my eyes plopping down on my bed. "I have a date with Bax." I answer like it's explaining my existential crisis. "Kai....I have absolutely no idea what's going on. You and Bax have been together for a few months now.....why are you freaking out about what to wear?" she gives me a puzzled look. "Because he told me he loved me and now everything is very real and this date just seems......special. I want to look perfect for him." Poppy's eyes widen before she starts squealing jumping up and down in the middle of my room. "How could you keep this from me! Oh my GOD KAI! He told you he loves you! How are you not freaking out right now!" She screams some more as I open my arms and look around my room showing her the proof of my freak out. "Oh are definitely spiraling." she says looking around the tornado of clothes in my room. "Okay to my room. I've got something that would look amazing on you." she grabs my hand pulling me off my bed and towards her room. She hands me a light pink dress as I slip into it. It was a broderie anglaise fabric with scalloped lace ruffles on the hem and the chest. She helped with the string tie straps making them into a cute bow. "Wow" she smiles as I look at myself in the mirror. "Pink's your color" she winks before handing me a pair of heels to match, I give her a narrowed look. "Nope, don't you even dare try to wear your converse with this dress." she snaps at me pushing the heels into my hands. "Can I atleast wear the wedges?" I counter, she rolls her eyes at me but takes the heels back and grabs a pair of nice wedges as I take them and slip them on.

I just finished up last minute touches when I hear a knock on the back door. I rush out to see his huge grin through the sliding glass door. I open it quickly jumping into his arms as he spins me around peppering my face in kisses. When he sets me down he takes a step back his eyes trailing up my body admiringly. "You are incredibly stunning." He grabs a hold of my hand making me spin around for him. Those ocean eyes filled with desire "You look good in pink, longboard" he says his lips twitching into a smirk. "I think pink might be my new favorite color" I tell him as he leads me to his truck, opening the door for me and helping me in. When he gets into the drivers seat his hand comes to grab the back of my neck pulling me into a needy kiss leaving me breathless as soon as he pulls away.

Bax helps me take my seat on the long booth as he takes a seat across from me in a chair. There was greenery adorning the exposed brick walls. The lights were dim as candles and small lights that hung low from the ceiling casted a beautiful serene glow around us. It was cozy and intimate. A dreamy date with the most dreamy man. "Where did you find this place?" I asked him still in awe of the space around us. "I have my ways" he winks. "Ever so mysterious pinkalicious" I tease him, his smile making my heart skip a beat. I don't think I'll ever get use to the idea that Bax is my mine. "God I've missed you today" he tells me taking my hands from across the table. "I was shaping a board and all I could think of was you. Wondering how your class went. How you spent the rest of your day? How many hours I had left until I could see you again. You have redefined everything in my life, Kai. You're all I can think about." Those perfect blues on mine. The waitress interrupting us as she takes our orders.

I swear I have never laughed this much in my life until Bax. He was effortlessly funny, he didn't have to try it was just natural. He made my life better, he always says I fill his life with sunshine but he's wrong. He is my sun....his light finding it's way into my heart and warming me from within. Whatever sunshine he sees in me is his own reflecting back on him. "Do you have any plans for the future? I know we haven't really talked much about that kind of stuff but...." I trail off watching the way he played with the wrapper of his straw. He grabs my left hand as he wraps the wrapper around my ring finger making a little paper ring before turning his attention back to my question. "I never really gave much thought to my future. I've always been talked about as the family fuck up....kinda did my head in a bit but then you came along and I started to see the potential in myself. I think I want to go pro for a few years, see where that life takes us. Go on adventures and experience the world together. Then when were ready we make a home in Shorehaven where I own my own shop shaping boards. We'll have as many ankle biters as you want, I'm not picky. Just as long as I get to spend my life with you." the sincerity in his voice was startling. A life with me? He wants to have a future with me? There was a stampede in my stomach as my heart was beating out of control, I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks as I look into those incredible ocean eyes. "You want a life with me?" I said barely above a whisper. His fingers play with the paper ring on my finger. "Yes" he said with no hesitation his gaze locked on mine. "Are you sure?" I question him. "It's the only thing I'm sure of." he answers. I stand up from the booth as I take the few steps towards him, sitting down in his lap one of my arms wrapping around his neck as my free hand cups his cheek. My lips finding his as everything fades away and it's just us sitting in this restaurant alone....Kai and Baxter...Longboard and Pinkalicious.

Surviving Summer // Baxter Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now