Chapter Seven - Perfect Last First Kiss

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࿐ Baxter ࿐

There were quite a lot of words for what Kai was, talented, smart, witty, perhaps it went without saying according to everyone including myself that she was naturally beautiful. Her steel blue eyes were breathtaking. I've been obsessed with her since the moment I saw her nose riding her longboard, been obsessed with her before I even spoke to her. There was something about her, some kind of invisible string that has been pulling me to her since the beginning. The moment our eyes met it felt like I was being struck by lightning, I knew in that moment I would never be the same again. Have you ever met someone and it feels like your soul aches to touch be with them. No one else has been worth thinking about, a quiet curiosity was planted inside me and I knew it was only a matter of time before all I could think about was her.

"Bax!" Summer's thick american accent shouts over the music as I turn to see her. "What's taking you so long to tell that gorgeous girl you like her?!" She playfully questions me. "It's not like I haven't been trying. I keep getting interrupted." I smirk, my eyes finding Kai in the crowd as she talks to Poppy my smirk quickly turning into a smile the moment I see her. Summer's hand pulls my chin to face her. "Tell her how you feel dummy!" she orders me, my smile from looking at Kai still splitting my face in two. "I'm happy for you Bax. You found someone who truly cares about you. Don't screw it up." She winks dropping her hand from my chin, smacking me in the chest, I quickly rub the slight burn.

I look back to where Kai was standing but she was gone, my smile dropping slightly. I quickly search the backyard but don't see her anywhere. Summer sees my frustration as she starts looking around too. Ari comes up to us and kisses Summer on the cheek. It use to bother me, how affectionate they doesn't anymore which was surprising yet nice. "If you're looking for Kai she left." he tells me. I stop to face him my eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "What. Why?" I ask. "I'm guessing she didn't like seeing Summer grab your face. To be fair it looked a bit flirty." Ari says giving Summer a pointed look. "I'm sorry" she tells him. "She also knows you two had history. I think Mars gave her a ride home. I would watch out Poppy is pissed." Right on queue Poppy comes storming over to the three of us, fire in her eyes.

"Want to explain what that little show was about!" she snaps looking between Summer and I. "I swear I was only telling Bax that he needed to tell her how he feels and that I was happy for him." Summer defends herself. "Where is she?" I ask, Poppy crosses her arms her eyes narrowing on mine. "She went home." She answers me as I start to walk off, she quickly grabs my arm stopping me. "I think it's best you let her sort through her emotions tonight. She is not in the best head space." she warns me. "She needs someone by her side then." I tell her pulling my arm out of her tight grasp.

I didn't care if Poppy was pissed at me, or anyone for that fact. The only person's opinion that I cared about in this moment was Kai's. She needs to know it's only her...that it will only ever be her. I promised her she wouldn't be alone, I don't make a habit of breaking my promises. "Baxter!" Poppy calls after me as I take off for my truck. I didn't care to wait around, I needed to see her....needed to explain myself. I was not going to lose the girl of my dreams.

Poppy stands in front of my truck not letting me leave. I roll my window down waiting for her to come talk to me. "Losing a Mum isn't something that a cute boy can fix." She states "I know that Pops" I tell her a bit aggravated. "Listen to me Bax." her eyes narrowing as she collects her thoughts. "When you lose a parent....especially the way Kai has. One she couldn't prepare for, one that was a tragic accident. You lose a part of lose a part of yourself that you can never get back no matter how desperately you try. She will never be the carefree, happy go lucky Kai I've grown up with. In the back of her head she will always be worried that a day will come when someone else she loves leaves her forever. That carefree spirit replaced with an anxious one. I know you see a glimpse of that old Kai...the kind that everyone gravated too because they all wanted a bit of her sunshine. There are going to be more days of her crying then there will be laughter. She hasn't allowed herself to fully grieve her mums death. I'm not going to lie to you, the way Summer was holding your face and the way you were smiling at didn't look good Bax and I think realization hit her right in the face tonight....that she has very real, very big feelings for you and that scares her." she warns me, I match her narrowed stare my arm leaning over my open window.

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