Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)

By 5654wdh

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Loki, Thor, Sif, the warriors and ... you! How did the Odinson's and the warriors become friends? And what i... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Thor's Heart
Chapter 3 - Not So Fast
Chapter 4 - This Can't Be Happening
Chapter 5 - The Day has Come
Chapter 6 - I Made It
Chapter 7 - Feeling more Aware
Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts
Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up
Chapter 10 - Trying Something New
Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace
Chapter 12 - Waiting on Word
Chapter 13 - Beginning To Heal
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Jolly Good
Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting
Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too
Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems
Chapter 19 - The Prince's Dance
Chapter 20 - I Will See You Tomorrow
Chapter 21 - Finding Out Something Interesting
Chapter 22 - I am Going to Take Care of You
Chapter 23 - I Know You Care, But...
Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice
Chapter 25 - What Could Have Happened to Him?
Chapter 26 - Will You Help Me?
Chapter 27 - Nothing But Trouble
Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return
Chapter 29 - Needing More Time
Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened
Chapter 32 - Waiting For the Next Time
Chapter 33 - Trying to Figure Out What to do Next
Chapter 34 - What Does This Mean?
Chapter 35 - It Means Everything
Chapter 36 - But Why Not?
Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea
Chapter 38 - What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 39 - I Will Always Be Here For You
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning
Chapter 41 - The Nightmares Continue
Chapter 42 - Needing to Show Him
Chapter 43 - Feeling Safe At Last
Chapter 43 - One More Dance
Chapter 44 - So Much To Say
Chapter 45 - How Could So Much Have Gone So Wrong, So Quickly?

Chapter 30 - Someone New

18 3 0
By 5654wdh

It's a beautiful morning and Sif and I are headed to the practice courts. Thor and Loki are going to meet us there, along with the rest of our friends.  The seven of us have become pretty much inseparable since we begin training together; we do everything with each other. Sif and I talk as we approach the group. Sif is my best female friend, only because Loki is my best friend overall.

Or he has been my best friend overall, but we had a date last night, and it was wonderful. It might be odd to see him today...

Sif and I chat and giggle every so often as we approach the group.  We are getting to the age where it will be expected for us to court or even settle down with the right guy, but I am not certain that I am ready-especially after last night. This is quite the adjustment for Sif and I since we are such good friends with the Warriors and the Princes, our time together rarely allows us any time to find others to court.

As we approach the Princes we can see that Thor and Loki are speaking with a new gentleman named Valdemar. He just started learning how to spar, he usually is learning some diplomatic courses, but wanted to learn some fighting techniques. His parents are involved in several Court Councils and have arranged for him to train with us. I only know him by reputation, I have never been formally introduced to him, and all I was told is that he would be joining us today. Sif is telling me all about Valdemar: about our age, blond hair, brown eyes, and not courting anyone.

"Sif, " I say, "neither are you, so maybe you and he should spend some time together..." I nudge her and we giggle.

"I do agree that he is handsome, but you need to seek out some other guys. We both do," Sif says adamantly. "All we ever do is spar and hang out with the princes and the warriors, and you spend way too much time with Loki...come on, let's be adventurous and see who else we can meet."

"Sif, I am not ready to start courting someone... and Loki is my best friend, so of course we spend time together... and after the way things happened with Cedrin..."

"Who said anything about courting, just some harmless games, or flirting or a date here and there...."she says with a smile, and I sigh.

"Alright Sif, let's see what men are out there for us." We continue to laugh as we approach the group.

She doesn't know that I had a good time with Loki, she just thinks it was the two of us having dinner as friends. She doesn't realize that my feelings may have changed for Loki, but I am sure his haven't changed for me. I don't want to date other men, I only want to date Loki, I think.

"Who is that?" Valdemar asks and points to Sif and I.

"That is Lady F/n and Lady Sif." Loki says with an air of annoyance as he secures his armor around his body. He is annoyed because of this new person who is to be training with them, why couldn't Valdemar have trained with another group?  It's like having another Fandral around. Valdemar is always preening and primping, making sure the women notice him; strutting around like a peacock.  

Drop the pea part of peacock and that defines Valdemar perfectly Loki thinks to himself and smirks.

Valdemar always been an idiot and certain to try and get f/n's attention.  He is not good enough for her and he needs to know that she is MINE, Loki thinks to himself. We might not be courting, but she is mine to claim when I feel the time is right...though she may not know that, yet. And then last night.... I felt that I became alive with that kiss.

"She's glorious, how have I never seen her or met her before?" Valdemar asks as he points to me.

"You have never seen her before because you are a dolt and an imbecile and not worthy of her attention as well as being far below her station," Loki says and walks over to greet Sif and I while leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek, but leaving his lips there a little longer than expected. He hands me my armor and helps me put it on.

"Loki!" I playfully smack his arm, "I am fully capable of putting my own armor on."

"Yes love, I know, but what type of gentleman would I be if I didn't offer any assistance to a maiden such as you?" He says sarcastically. "Especially since you are still healing somewhat from your injury, hopefully it will be healed completely soon."

"Where's my armor, Loki?" Sif asks,

"Oh, I think the oaf has it... I mean Thor.....over there somewhere" he responds as he waves dismissively toward Thor and never takes his gaze away from me. 

"Are you sure you are to be out here?" he asks and I nod.

"I'm fine Loki...but thanks for your concern" i say, "besides that injury was quite a while ago."

"I will always be concerned for you my dear...but your foot and your side?" he says and runs his hand down my arm.

Sif scowls and walks away muttering something about the kind of gentleman she thinks Loki is. I laugh to myself because Loki either didn't hear her or is pretending that he didn't hear her. Loki offers me his arm, which I accept but wonder what he is up to, he never does stuff like this; especially when we are just walking to the courts.

He's showing off in front of the others especially since we have a new person joining us. But why can I not stop thinking about that kiss?

I can't stop either darling...

I give Loki an odd look because he heard my thoughts and I didn't want him too.

"She and Loki have been friends for a very long time, she trains with us a lot, and she is a gifted Master of Magic, or well on her way to being one of the best in all the realms." Thor says.

"Don't forget about her healing abilities..." Sif says.

"She is the most glorious creature I have ever seen. What else can you tell me about her Thor?" Valdemar swoons as she continues to stare. "Are she and Prince Loki a.... couple?"

"She loves the color purple, flowers, and chocolate. Loves to read, and catches on quickly to any magic and as you will soon see my friend, she is quite the good fighter. She is not courting anyone Valdemar but many man are vying for her hand; or contemplating such. You should ask her to escort you to the Harvest Ball tomorrow night" Thor encourages, and Valdemar agrees with Thor.

"Yes Valdemar, you should ask her to the ball tomorrow night, I do not know of anyone she is attending with..." Sif says with a mischievous smirk; she thinks she is going to find a way to get back at Loki for a bit and him seeing me at the ball with another guy would piss off Loki.

"How can that beauty not have a date?" he says, and Sif tells him that I am very picky about the guys I date as well as just getting out of a relationship with Cedrin.

Loki and I join Thor and Valdemar and we spar.  After awhile we stop, and while Loki and the others are occupied, Valdemar asks me to the Harvest Ball and I accept. I think how nice it is to be asked to attend a ball with someone, or with a date, instead of as a group like I have with Sif and the guys so many times. I make plans to have him pick me up outside of my door tomorrow before the ball begins.  Excusing myself from the rest of the group, I go and get cleaned up and decide to go to the library. 

My mom has been on Alfheim for a while, and I hope she is ok, I miss her.  I know she would be bothered that she is missing the ball, but duty calls and she is dedicated to the throne. I miss her and want to talk with her so badly. But I hope she comes back soon. Wandering to the library, I find a book on spells and sit on the big green couch that I always sit on. Grabbing one of the blankets nearby and covering my legs, I get swept up in reading about spells and their origins and quickly lose track of time. Suddenly I stop when I sense something.  There is a presence I feel, and I know who it is.

"You can come out Loki, I know you are there." I can't help but smile as my best friend appears from the bookshelves and flops down next to me on the couch.

Seeing Loki always brings a smile to my face, even when are quarreling. He sprawls out and lays his head in my lap and manages to cover up under the blanket a little too. After sparring Loki has changed into something more casual, but for most people it would still be formal. Simple black pants, boots, and a blue tunic secured with a wide black belt.

"What has gotten in to you Loki?" I can't help but giggle at him.

"Hello darling, what are you reading?" he asks and I tell him that I am reading a book on spells, and it's gotten a little weird yet fascinating since some of these are love spells.

"Ah, yes... those can be tricky and scary, but I highly doubt you would have a need for a spell to have someone fall in love with you." Loki purrs to me. "Just like that imbecile, Valdemar and even Cedrin while you were healing; which leads me to something I wish to discuss with you."

"Oh?" my mind races, what could he want to discuss with me?

Maybe he wants to talk about the date? Or maybe my thoughts on all of the court airheads that have been following him lately; just as I think that three of them wander through the library looking for him and are offended to see where he is.  They giggle and say hi to him, but he ignores them. They give me some horrible looks since he is laying with his head in my lap. To most people it looks like a moment stolen between lovers. Ugggh, I hope he isn't taking one of them to the ball tomorrow night. Many of them look down on Sif and I for being in the Army, but we would be too bored if our days consisted only of courtly matters. I wonder if he knows that Valdemar asked me to the ball...oh boy, what a discussion this will be. How could I handle seeing him with someone else? Oh I should have thought more about this before accepting Valdemar's offer to go to the dance.

"What is with you?" I laugh more, this is unlike him, and I ignore his comment.

I know what he is trying to do. I cannot decide if this is silliness or sincerity, but I decide on silliness since I have never seen this side of him. Keeping his head in my lap, he reaches a hand up and touches the side of my face.  I feel a jolt of something....not a bad jolt that would injure, something new and unexpected. I am certain he felt it too because he pulled his hand away for a moment before placing it back on my face.

Seidr  we both think at the same time and then laugh since we thought it and heard each other's thoughts, that's odd.

"You and I have been friends for a very long time, and I was wondering if I could beg your counsel." He asks all too politely.

"Now you have me worried, you never ask for anything in such a polite manner" We both giggle, but his is a nervous giggle.

"Hey, relax, you can tell me anything..." I say as he rolls over to lay on his back, but still keeps his head in my lap.  He takes one of hands from the book and plays with my fingers while placing my hand on his chest.

Hmmm, I have never really felt the muscle tone and definition of Loki's chest...focus f/n!

"Well you see.... There's this...girl... lady... woman... creature... wow this is difficult," He says and then takes a deep breath before continuing. "That has caught my eye, and I wondered if you have any advice for me on how I might entice her to look in my direction? Recently we went on a date and it went very well..."

"Loki!..., wow I ...who is she? Do I know her?" I begin to tease him, and I notice that over the course of our discussion his hand has gotten very sweaty. 

He notices it too and pulls his hand away from mine quickly and wipes it on his chest and then resumes playing with my hand. I feel a pang as the thought of him with someone else bothers me; I know that he and I went on a date and it went well, but who else could he have gone out with?

"You do know her, quite well actually, but ummm, how would I go about catching her eye?" he continues nervously, "or for hypothetical reasons, for example, and just because we are friends and talking about this, ...how would a gentleman go about getting your attention? For example, and for arguments sake...I mean just for an example?"

I have never seen Loki this nervous, so whomever he is speaking about he must really like! He never babbles. There is a part of me that is a little jealous, I never really thought of Loki with anyone else and then after our date, it's impossible to think of him with anyone else.

Maybe I should tell him how I am feeling now?

"Loki, I am so happy for you, and I hope she feels the same way..." I tell him and give his hand a squeeze when I realize he is still playing with it. 

Then I give him some advice.

"Since you have not told me who she is, I guess I have to be a little nebulous in my advice." I start, and he blushes slightly "just be yourself Loki, let people see the Loki that I know. Kind, gentle, fun to be with, courteous and chivalrous...handsome" as I continue to list his good qualities, I find myself actually realizing all of these things about him. Why have I never noticed these things before now? Or why have I never admitted that I know these things about Loki?

"Thank you Love, I appreciate the counsel and advice." Loki says stoically, "One more thing..."

Looking over to him I nod, and begin to get ready to leave the library, it's has grown later than I expected.

"Sure Loki, what is it?"

"Well, darling, I had such a good time sparring this afternoon, and yesterday but then you had left before I had a chance to ask you, but I wanted to know if you would allow me to escort you to the Harvest Ball tomorrow?" He looks to me with a look that I have never seen in his eyes before; fear and hope.

"Oh Loki, I am sorry, but someone else has asked me, and I said yes." I say apologetically, and offer him a smile. I feel terrible for having to say no to him. "I would have liked to have gone with you, it would have been fun; maybe next time?"

"Oh! I should have guessed you would already be taken for the evening" he says and casts his eyes downward, "perhaps you could save a dance for me?" he asks with a pleading look in his eyes and the voice of a small child.

"Of course My Prince." I say, stand up and give him a kiss on the cheek. As I pull away from him, he looks deeply into my eyes and I return his gaze. He places his hand on his cheek where my lips were.

"Um, see you tomorrow Loki, have a good night," I bid him good night and go back to my room. 

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