wonze oneshots <3

By as15xx

73.7K 1.4K 236

lucy bronze and keira walsh one shots <3 More

please dont leave
i wasnt planning on leaving baby
it just wasnt meant to be
your drunk, baby
i cant do this without you
a night in with friends
the growing distance
nervous flyer
authors note
i wont survive that lucy
i am so fucking proud of you
every step of the way
this was a mistake
let me help you
this was a mistake (part 2)
this was a mistake (part 3)
every step of the way (part 2)
every step of the way (part 3)
every step of the way (part 4)
every step of the way (part 5)
every step of the way (part 6)
every step of the way (part 7)
every step of the way (part 8)
every step of the way (part 9)
every step of the way (part 10)
even though im a single mum?
even though im a single mum? (part 2)
keira.. say it
i'll always be here when you need me
i wish it didnt have to be like this
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 2)
authors note: KEIRA WALSH
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 3)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 4)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 5)
new book!
every step of the way: theres no tired like newborn tired.
i dont want to leave

settling in

1.7K 31 11
By as15xx

Lucy Bronzes POV:
Keira and I have always been in a private relationship, not feeling the need to announce it to our fans. Most have already guessed, i mean its not like we are purposely keeping it a secret, but we've just never confirmed it. We never really announced it to the teams we've been in either, we've just always been know as 'Keira and Lucy' to them. Some probably just believe we are really close friends, which we are in some ways, Keira is my bestfriend, but shes also so much more than that. Obviously our close friends where told, but other than that nothing's been confirmed. But we are happy like this. We like living in our own bubble together, blocking out all negative opinions. Majority of fans love us together, which sectretly makes me extremely happy, however there is the odd person who doesnt realise that same sex relationships exist, despite us being in the 21st century. Other than that, we're extremely content with our lives together, and i couldnt have wished for a better person to do life with. When i signed for Barcelona, a lot of rumours sparked up that we had 'broken up' when we where far from that stage. That stage when i had just signed was the strongest our relationship had ever been. Then the rumours about Keira signing started, she would get asked multiple questions about her club status on the daily, even in press conferences at England. However she is well media trained, and always managed to swerve the questions, and change the subject. That didnt mean it wasnt stressing her out though, meaning she was always scared that she may have accidentally said something she wasnt meant to say, but she never slipped. Fast forward a few days, and it was revealed that she did indeed sign for Barcelona. Many people thought that it was so we didnt have to suffer long distance, and i mean that was part of the reason, but the reason why she signed is because she wanted to benefit her career, and when a club like Barcelona want you, it would be stupid to turn them down. The fact i had signed as well was just a bonus, but i was extremely relieved we didnt have to go long distance again, because that was quite rough. There is no pain like being away from the love of your life, but i had to choose what was best for my career. I knew it was risky, but i also knew that our relationship was strong enough to overcome the distance, and my point was proven.

Moving to Barcelona was a challenge , but it was Keira who was really struggling with the move. I had previous experience moving to a foreign country, from my time at Lyon, but she was a nervous wreck the first few weeks. She kept on telling me she felt like she had made the wrong decision, and that she didnt feel good enough to be here, but i ofcourse shut that down and made her realise that this was a positive thing, and it would just take some adjusting. We didnt really know any of the girls prior to moving, i mean we had played against them, but we wherent exactly friends, so we decided on keeping our relationship private from them as well, atleast until we got to know them better. However it wasnt long until they found out.

It was Keiras first week since transferring, and it wasnt going as expected. Last night, she didnt come home until 1am, and i had left many unanswered calls and messages. I was 5 minutes away from calling the police, but she walked through the door before i could...
'Keira! Oh my god you cant do that to me! I thought something had happened to you!' I say, rushing up to her and wrapping my arms around her. Thats when i notice my shoulder getting wet, and grip on me tightening. 'Keira, whats wrong?' I question, pulling away to look at her face. Her eyes where bloodshot, and her nose was red raw. What the hell happened?
'Oh baby, come on lets sit down, do you want a drink?' I ask her, but she just shakes her head at me and jumps back into my arms. 'No, dont leave' she whimpers, my concern growing. 'Okay, okay, im not going anywhere' i tell her, sitting us down on the sofa. 'You've got to tell me whats happening so i can help you Kei' i say, whilst rubbing my hand up and down her arm. 'I want to go home Lucy, i cant be here. This was a mistake' she rambles, the panic evident in her voice. 'I cant understand anything in training, these girls are 10 times better than i am, i cant keep up here. I shouldve stayed at Man City. I should've-' Holy fucking shit. Ive never seen her this erratic before. Keiras normally quite a composed person, so this is completely out of character for her. 'Hey hey hey, slow down. You need to breathe. You are MORE than good enough to be here, it will just take some adjusting, alright? Barcelona wanted you for a reason my love, stop doubting yourself' i say as an attempt to calm her down. 'I want to go home' she keeps on repeating. It kills me that theres nothing i can do. 'Baby, lets get some rest, okay? Maybe a good night's sleep will help you' i suggest. She nods against me, and i pull us up off the sofa, take her hand, and direct her to our new shared bedroom. I help her get changed, and then tuck her into bed before joining her. I lay facing her, however shes looking down, avoiding my gaze. My hand tucks loose strands of hair behind her ears, and my other lays across our pillows. 'Can you tell me where you went?' I hesitantly ask, scared of setting her off again. 'Just for a walk' she whispers. 'I got lost though, and ended up getting on a bus back' she continued. 'Kei i wouldve come and picked you up, you should've told me where you went ' i cant believe she was wondering the streets of a new country by herself. 'I was embarrassed, i ended up calling my mum though, so it was alright i guess.' My poor girl. I would do anything to make her happy again. 'Never be scared of embarrassment infront of me, no problem is too small nor is it too big for me to handle. Im here to support and love you baby. That is my job, please tell me if you ever feel like that again.' I remind her, to make sure she truly understands. 'I love you Luce, i dont know what id do without you' she whispers, cuddling into me. 'And you will never have to find out, get some rest baby, i love you too'
I stayed up until i knew she was 100% asleep, which didnt take long as the night's antics had exhausted her.

End of flashback:
Now, im the first one in the changing room after training, patiently waiting for my girlfriend so we can go back to our new apartment. She walks in, looking drained and tired, rightly so after the week shes had. I dont think shes even acknowledged my presence, as her head is titled towards the floor and she walks over to her changing space. I observe her, trying to find the right time to let her know shes not alone without scaring her. She lets out a sigh as she leans back against the wall, her eyes shutting and her breathing ragged, so i decide now is the right time to go up to her. 'You okay Kei?' I ask her, which does indeed startle her. 'Fucking hell I didn't realise you where in here, but yeah im okay i guess' she says standing up and hugging me. This was quite odd behaviour for her, as usually she would never risk being this affectionate in public, knowing anyone could walk in at any time. My concern was growing, but i wasnt about to question her sudden need to be comforted, im glad she felt comfortable around me, and could be what she would describe as 'vulnerable.'
'Was training any better today?' I ask her, not too loud just incase there where any ears listening from outside. 'No, but im hoping i will get use to it soon' she sighs. I really dont know what to suggest at this point, it will just take time. 'Well from what i saw, you fit right in with these girls' i tell her, trying to boost up her confidence. She lets out a light chuckle at that. 'I wish' she hums. I kiss her on the forehead and then tilt her head up to look at mine. 'I hope someday you realise your talent, you dont give yourself enough credit' i sadly sigh. It upsets me that she doesnt think shes good enough, when she is one of the best in the world right now. The world underestimates her so much, and its a shame shes not getting the recognition she deserves. 'Im already on the edge babe, dont make me cry again' she says, tears pooling in her eyes. I lean in to kiss her, but we are interrupted by footsteps in the room. We jump apart so fast, that i think i give myself whiplash. 'Girls, we are all gay as shit, keep on doing what you are doing, we are all use to it' Mapi laughs, in a very thick spanish accent. Ingrid soon follows, and sits on her lap kissing her forehead. This was... odd? No couples are like this back in England, so i was quite shocked. Infact, we where told to not be lovey dovey with each other, in respect of our other team mates, even though they never had a problem with it. 'So, how long have you two you knoww...?' Mapi asks us, clearly interested. 'Umm..' i look at Keira, who is as red as a tomato, but answers the question for us. '7 years' she replies, Mapis eyes widening. 'Wow! Thats what do you call it...... commentary? No... comment? No thats not it either...' 'Commitment' Ingrid helps her, as her English was much more fluent than Mapis. 'Ah yes! Thank you mi amore. But yes, what she said!' We all laugh at Mapis comments, even Keira, which relieved me as I thought she would be upset that we had been caught. 'I know, painful' Keira jokes, leaving me with a shocked expression on my face. 'Hey! You love me really' i pout at her, joining in on the joke. 'Hmmm maybe, just a little bit' she smirks, leaving me dumbfounded. Her demeanour had changed, from tensed and stressed, to content and relaxed, a direct contrast from last night. I was glad that Mapis extroverted personality had made her feel more comfortable. This was hopefully the real start of our new chapter, and hopefully she would adjust more now that the big elephant was out of the room.

Authors note:
-there may not be an update tomorrow, as im going Thorpe Park fright night, but please keep on leaving suggestions and requests. <3 Also, whos living for Lucys new hair colour, matching with the wifey now😏😭

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