wonze oneshots <3

By as15xx

73.7K 1.4K 236

lucy bronze and keira walsh one shots <3 More

please dont leave
i wasnt planning on leaving baby
it just wasnt meant to be
your drunk, baby
i cant do this without you
the growing distance
nervous flyer
settling in
authors note
i wont survive that lucy
i am so fucking proud of you
every step of the way
this was a mistake
let me help you
this was a mistake (part 2)
this was a mistake (part 3)
every step of the way (part 2)
every step of the way (part 3)
every step of the way (part 4)
every step of the way (part 5)
every step of the way (part 6)
every step of the way (part 7)
every step of the way (part 8)
every step of the way (part 9)
every step of the way (part 10)
even though im a single mum?
even though im a single mum? (part 2)
keira.. say it
i'll always be here when you need me
i wish it didnt have to be like this
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 2)
authors note: KEIRA WALSH
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 3)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 4)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 5)
new book!
every step of the way: theres no tired like newborn tired.
i dont want to leave

a night in with friends

2K 29 2
By as15xx

Lucy Bronzes POV:
Tonight, Keira and I invited a few of the girls over, those girls being Demi, Jill, Georgia, Ellie and Alex, just for a chill evening, with wine, pizza and movies. It wasnt often we got to spend time together like this, but when we did it was always a blast. Currently, Keira and Jill where teaching the electric slide to Georgia and Ellie, whist Alex, Demi and I sat around the kitchen island chatting away and watching on. 'Oi Lucy, press play on the music for us' Jill shouted. They requested 'Candy' by cameo, rather than the actual electric slide. 'Alright, im expecting great things here guys' i joke to them. 'G if you fuck it up again im giving up' Keira laughs. Oh this is going to be good. I press play on the music and wait for the dancing to start. 'Okay to the right first, yep, now to the left, back for 2, forwards, back, pivot, no G! The other way! Oh i give up.' Keira tells her, whilst Demi, Alex and I laugh at how uncoordinated Georgia looks. 'G are you sure you've picked the correct career path, i think dancings for you' i say, whilst laughing uncontrollably. 'You can talk to me when you actually try it Lucy.' She says back to me. Fair enough i guess. 'Noooo chance im happy sat here watching thanks' She must be crazy if she thinks im attempting that. 'Yeah thats because your BORING' Keira exclaims whilst walking behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck. My hands lift up to hold her arms, 'you wherent saying i was boring last night' i mumble to her, so only she can hear. 'Oh shut it you' she says into my ear, which sends chills down my body. 'Can we order food and put a film on now?' Ellie asks, tired from Jill and Keiras dance lesson, 'yeah sure, any suggestions?' I ask everyone. 'What about a horror film?' Alex suggests. 'Im down for that' i say, looking over and Keira and Georgia, who dont look too pleased at the idea. 'Pleaseeeeeee' Demi begs them. 'Oh for fuck sake fine. Fine' G sigh's defeatedly, looking at Keira, who is giving her the dirtiest look ive ever seen. 'Your such an idiot why would you give in so easily?' Kei moans at Georgia, who just laughs at her.

We all take our seats down in our living room, with Keira, Georgia, Demi and I on the sofa, and Ellie and Alex sat infront of us, with piles of blankets and pillows around us all. I sit down in the corner of the sofa, and Keira moves and sits on my lap, and just wraps her arms around me. 'You okay baby?' I ask her, questioning her sudden need for affection. 'Yeah, better than okay actually' she replies. 'Im glad' i tell her, as she moves off my lap and sits next to me. My arm moves to lay across her shoulders, and she just melts further into me. I use my hand to scratch her arm gently, as she hums in enjoyment. She was either going to fall asleep before the film started, or not be able to sleep at all. We decided on watching SAW, which was more grusome than scary, but it still gave the same effect. I press play and not even less than 5 minutes in Georgia and Keira have already decided they hate it. Keira moves from my arms to hide into Georgia, 'Georgia this is your fault' she cries into her. 'Dont blame me! Blame whoever suggested it!' She argues back. 'Well if you didnt admit defeat so easily, we wouldnt have had to watch it' Ive learnt my lesson, im never watching a horror film with these two again. 'Will you shut up?' Alex moans, clearly annoyed by the amount of conversation happening throughout the film. The pair did indeed, shut up, and we carried on watching the movie.

1 hour into the film:
'Nahhh thats so gross, oh thats vile i cant watch this anymore' Keira says, turning her head away from the screen. I wont lie, it was a pretty disgusting film, and not for the faint hearted, even i had to look away at some parts. We all felt our souls leave our body as Keira and G let out a VERY loud scream at a jumpscare. 'No no im actually done now, sooo done' Keira said as she jumped off the sofa, G not far behind. 'Im checking out as well, let me know when this shits over' and the pair both leave the room. After 10 minutes, they still havent come back, so i decide to go and find them. I walk into the kitchen and see Keira with her phone in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other hand, with Georgia no where to be seen. I walk into the room, ask Kei 'Wheres Georgia gone?' clearly startling her as she spills her wine all over the counter. 'LUCY oh my days, announce your self next time, scared the shit out of me and wasted my wine' she pouts. 'Okay, im Lucy Bronze and im stepping into the kitchen' and all i get is a glare. 'Has the film traumatised you baby' i say walking up to her and kissing her cheek. 'Its not funny, whoever comes up with them kind of films genuinely needs to be psychologically checked, because that is not normal' she replies, wrapping her arms around my torso. 'I need to clean up my spilled wine now, thanks for that.' My bad. 'No need ill do it for you, since im the reason you spilled it to begin with' i tell her, as she stands up and walks over to get some kitchen roll. 'No, its fine ive got it Luce.' She bends down and begins to wipe the floor, but i dont let her do it alone. 'Where did Georgia actually go?' I ask whilst cleaning the wine. She just disappeared. 'I think she went to the bathroom, knowing her she's probably gone to sleep as well' Keira laughs. Oh i do love that laugh. 'Do i ever tell you how beautiful you are?' i say as the blood rushes to her cheeks, turning them a rosy colour. 'You may have, once or twice.' She says and adds on 'do i ever tell you how much i love you?' Now causing me to blush. After 8 years she still has this effect on me. I smile at her and lean in to kiss her, and she reciprocates the action. The kiss deepens, but we are shortly interrupted by Georgia walking into the room. 'Kei, do you know where my phone is- OH MY GOD. What have i walked into? You sicken me! Oh god get me out of here, im leaving, im leaving, carry on doing... whatever your doing' Georgia rambles on, obviously startled by us. Our lips part and we just look at each other and laugh, our foreheads still touching. 'Whoops' Keira whispers. 'She'll have forgotten about it in the morning, dont worry. Now where were we?'
'I think you might have been kissing me, not sure though.' She jokes. 'Oh shut up and kiss me again then' i tell her. It was the little moments like this that meant to most to me, the ones where I could completely be myself around the girl i love more than anything. She was my world, and I cant wait to see what the future holds for us.

Authors note:
- hope you enjoy! i have work now, a closing shift, the last thing i want to do. there may not be an update tomorrow as im a figure skater and i have training, then another shift at work, but ill try my best to write something, enjoy your weekend ❤️

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