Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's...

By JesterX3

94.9K 3.9K 855

Y/N, a once valiant warrior, is losing himself to a malevolent curse, and Jingliu is unwavering in her determ... More

(SEASON 1 START) Prologue: The Descent into Madness
Chapter One: Lingering Shadows
Chapter Two: Unveiling Y/N's Curse
Chapter Three: Echoes of Time
Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility
Chapter Five: The Weight of Choices
Chapter Six: Memories of Steel
Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat
Chapter Eight: Jingliu's Awakening
Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation
Chapter Ten: Respite and Reflection
Chapter Eleven: Recovery and Revelation
Chapter Twelve: Alliances and Vendettas
Chapter Thirteen: Delusions Unveiled
Chapter Fourteen: Unleashing Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: ???
Chapter Sixteen: Unseen Realms
Chapter Seventeen: Aha, The Masked Fools
Chapter Eighteen: He, Who Ventured the Universe
Chapter Nineteen: O' incoming Death
Chapter Twenty: Grave Mistake
Chapter Twenty-One: Duel of Ice and Fire
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated Revelation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Unholy Ascension
Chapter Twenty-Four: Solemn Gambit
Chapter Twenty-Five: Goodbye, Sister of Sky
Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath and Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bonds beyond Space and Time
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Knight's Fashionable Interlude
Chapter Thirty: Crystalline Reverie
Chapter Thirty-One: Memory's Nexus
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ascension's Trials
Chapter Thirty-Three: Realms of Reflection and Resolve
Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine
Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms
Genesis Arc - Ch. Two: Blossoming Bonds
Genesis Arc - Ch. Three: Caught Red-Handed
Genesis Arc - Ch. Four: A Change in the Air
Genesis Arc - Ch. Five: The Edge of Resolve
Genesis Arc - Ch. Six: The Path of the Blade
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seven: The Siege of Mythic Terror
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eight: New Beginnings and Changes
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Ten: Hearts Unfolding
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eleven: Tides of the Unwritten
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman
Genesis Arc - Ch. Thirteen: Foxian Introduction
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fourteen: Foxian and Knight
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fifteen: Mischievous Concerns
Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seventeen: Wrath
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty: Inner Struggles
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-One: Turmoil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Three: Reflections in Luofu
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Four: A Friend in Need
Genesis Arc - Final Ch: Sword Champion Ceremony
Chapter Thirty-Five: I Have Returned
Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lost Child
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Oath and the Inferno
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel
Chapter Forty: Fear of the Unknown
Chapter Forty-One: Truth's Triumph
Chapter Forty-Two: First Aeon
Chapter Forty-Three: Armor
Chapter Forty-Four: Humility
Chapter Forty-Five: Stab
Chapter Forty-Six: Convergence
Chapter Forty-Seven: Convergence P.2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Convergence P.3
Chapter Forty-Nine: Finality
Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson
Chapter Fifty-One: Eclipse
Chapter Fifty-Two: Jingliu's Ascension
Chapter Fifty-Three: She, Who has become Fate
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Enigma Follower
Chapter Fifty-Six: Confluence
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Destiny's Edge
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude
Chapter Fifty-Nine: I Am You
Chapter Sixty: You Are Me
Chapter Sixty-One: Idrila's Conference
Chapter Sixty-Two: Y/N, No More
Chapter Sixty-Three: Shatter Thy Dreams
Chapter Sixty-Four: I am back, Jingliu
Chapter Sixty-Five: I Love You
Chapter Sixty-Six: Say Hello to Mother, Ena

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Resilience

882 43 9
By JesterX3

A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

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The atmosphere in the base was thick with tension and melancholy. The echo of laughter and merriment from days gone by seemed a distant memory. Baiheng's infectious humor and Y/N's unique observations had vanished, leaving a palpable void.

Seated around a round table, the remaining members of the High Cloud Quintet waited with bated breath for Jingliu to speak. Jing Yuan's piercing golden eyes met hers, seeking an explanation. Beside him, both Ying Xing and Dan Feng waited, their expressions a mix of concern and anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Jingliu announced, "I believe it's time to disband the High Cloud Quintet."

The weight of her words hung heavily in the air. Though the members of the Quintet weren't completely taken aback given Jingliu's recent unpredictable demeanor, the finality of her declaration still sent ripples of shock.

Jing Yuan, ever the understanding deputy, spoke up, "I see your reasons and respect your decision."

Ying Xing, his eyes reflecting gratitude, added, "The High Cloud Quintet gave my artisanal work the recognition it deserved throughout Xianzhou."

Dan Feng, the wise elder of the group, commented, "Had I not been part of this group, I'd still be that self-centered elder, as distant as the moon. I understand."

Jingliu, always composed, nodded in acknowledgment. "Then it's decided. The High Cloud Quintet is officially disbanded."

As Dan Feng and Ying Xing made their exits, Jing Yuan lingered. Sensing his unspoken question, Jingliu prompted, "Ask away."

Taking a moment, Jing Yuan finally said, "Where will you go from here?"

She gazed out towards the horizon from the balcony, her eyes lost in the vast expanse. "I seek answers," she replied cryptically.

Jing Yuan paused, recognizing the familiar secrecy that she and Y/N often shared. Respectfully, he nodded, wishing her well on her journey. "May you find what you're looking for," he whispered, leaving the Sword Champion to her solitude.


The hollow echo of footsteps resonated through the corridor as Dan Feng journeyed deep in thought. His contemplative stroll was interrupted when Ying Xing, with a grace unexpected for someone of his age, joined him. Without wasting a moment, the Artisan broached the subject of the old proposal Dan Feng had made.

Stopping abruptly, Dan Feng pivoted towards Ying Xing, his green eyes piercing the old man's soul. "Not here," he whispered, leading the way to a more clandestine chamber. This room, free from the scrutiny of unwanted eyes and ears, was austere in its appearance. As Ying Xing stepped in, a sudden darkness engulfed them.

And then he appeared – The Pontiff. A figure both majestic and macabre. Adorned in ceremonial robes, jewelry gleaming in the dim light, his deteriorating, pale skin was marked by extensive cracks. The oppressive aura he radiated rendered the room cold.

"Xianzhou's prized Artisan has arrived," the Pontiff remarked, his voice echoing an ancient enigma. Ying Xing looked bewildered. "What do you mean?" he asked, turning to Dan Feng.

After a pause, Dan Feng replied, "This entity before you is central to the plan I proposed. The objective? To harness the power of Permanence, the Ambrosial Arbor, and the Dragon's gem to transform the Vidyadhara's essence, enabling them to conceive naturally with other beings."

Processing this revelation, Ying Xing's expression turned grave. "So, you and I... we're striving for the same goal?" he mused, thinking of Baiheng.

Dan Feng's affirmation was succinct: "For Baiheng."

Considering their proposal, Ying Xing queried the feasibility of such a resurrection, given the Foxians' inherent inability to return from death.

The Pontiff, intervening with his ethereal tone, spoke, "The potential exists, albeit fraught with risks. Combining your artisanal prowess with Dan Feng's mastery over Permanence might yield success."

Resolute, Ying Xing met Dan Feng's gaze. "When do we begin?" he inquired, setting the stage for a perilous venture.


The echo of his steps had barely faded when Jing Yuan, momentarily lost in thought, exhaled deeply. It was as if the weight of recent events pressed on him, compelling a dramatic sigh. However, his solitude was short-lived, interrupted by the approach of Hua.

Though she had recently assumed the mantle of Marshal of the Cloud Knights following her sister Jinhua, Hua's demeanor was devoid of the arrogance that rank might bring. Jing Yuan instinctively straightened, ready to offer his respects, but she dismissed the formality with a gentle wave. "Titles are transient," she remarked with a smile. "Speak freely with me, General."

He met her warmth with a sincere grin, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a playful manner. "That's a relief," he chuckled, "and might I ask what brings the newly-appointed Marshal to this corridor?"

Jing Yuan leaned against the cool wall, watching Hua's animated expression as she spoke. "I swear, Jinhua must've thought it funny to leave me a tower of paperwork as a 'welcome gift'," she exclaimed, making exaggerated air quotes with her fingers.

"Is that why I found you wandering the corridors instead of being at your desk?" Jing Yuan teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

Hua playfully rolled her eyes. "Exactly! I needed a break, some solace away from those never-ending piles. It feels like they're staring at me, judging me for not finishing them."

Jing Yuan chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah, the woes of leadership. Paperwork is like a shadow, always following, always lurking."

She gave a dramatic sigh, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "And here I thought being Marshal would be all about leading troops and strategy sessions. Nobody mentioned the paperwork!"

Jing Yuan raised an eyebrow, feigning shock. "Oh, didn't they? That's the first lesson they teach you in 'How to be a General 101'. Always expect paperwork."

The two shared a lighthearted laugh, the weight of their responsibilities momentarily forgotten. In that brief moment, amidst the grandeur and intricacies of Xianzhou Luofu, they found camaraderie in their shared challenges, reminding them they weren't alone in their struggles.

Switching gears, Hua's inquisitive gaze settled on Jing Yuan. "And you, General? What brings you to these halls?"

The gravity of the High Cloud Quintet's dissolution loomed large in his mind. Jing Yuan glanced at Hua, the hallway's soft lighting reflecting in her earnest eyes. He hesitated, caught in an internal debate. "Should I really share such heavy news with her?"

As if sensing his internal turmoil, Hua gently nudged him, "You look like someone carrying the weight of the world. What's on your mind?"

Jing Yuan took a deep breath, his voice shaky. "Hua, it's about the High Cloud Quintet..."

She raised an eyebrow in surprise. "What about it?"

"We... we've disbanded," he admitted, searching her face for a reaction.

Hua paused, processing the news. The Quintet was legendary throughout Xianzhou Luofu, and its dissolution was no small matter. "Oh," she murmured, her voice filled with sympathy. "That's... significant."

Jing Yuan nodded, finding it hard to meet her gaze. "It was Jingliu's decision. The loss of Baiheng and Y/N took a toll on her. On all of us."

Hua reached out, placing a comforting hand on Jing Yuan's arm. "I can't pretend to know how you all feel, but if it means anything, I'm here for you. For all of you."

He looked up, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Hua. That means more than you know."

She gave a soft smile. "Some matters are personal, and I won't pry. But remember, a burden shared is a burden halved."

He chuckled lightly, "You always have a way with words."

Hua winked, "It's a talent."

Grateful for her sensitivity, Jing Yuan swiftly changed the subject. "Would you mind some company on your walk?" he inquired.

She smiled, extending her arm in an inviting gesture. "Of course, General. Let's explore Xianzhou Luofu together."

And as they ventured into the city's vibrant heart, the woes of leadership and the weight of their responsibilities momentarily faded, replaced by the simple joy of camaraderie.


The dazzling lanterns of Xianzhou's night market illuminated the bustling streets, casting their golden glow upon stalls filled with exotic trinkets and sumptuous local delicacies. The market was abuzz with chatter and the harmonious clinking of coins, but the crowd's fervor would occasionally die down as a particular figure gracefully wove her way through the throng.

Jingliu, with her poise and stature, attracted the attention of many. The younger ones gazed at her with stars in their eyes, daydreaming of wielding a sword with such prowess. In contrast, the elders subtly exchanged knowing glances, memories of a time when her anguish had been unleashed upon the streets, vividly painted in their minds.

Amidst the reverie of the market, Jingliu's focus remained unyielding. She was on a mission—to seek out Ying Xing, the master Artisan she believed would be engrossed in his blacksmithing work.

After hours of searching, the rhythmic clang of a hammer against metal led her to the famed blacksmith's forge. The fiery orange embers highlighted Ying Xing's figure, their dance reflecting off his aged, yet sharp, eyes. As she approached, she interrupted his craftsmanship with a simple request for a moment of his time. The old man, perceiving the gravity of her arrival, set aside his work—forging weapons for the Cloud Knights—and turned to face her.

The sight of the sword Jingliu held rendered Ying Xing momentarily speechless. A masterpiece of metallurgy, the Shard Sword was a magnum opus of his, a testament to his skills and the boundless possibilities of otherworldly materials. Yet, there was something unnerving about the blade, with its onyx hue shimmering in a dark red, almost reminiscent of bloodlust.

Jingliu's voice cut through the silent forge, echoing the depth of her conviction. "To transcend my limits, I must become one with this blade."

Ying Xing, staring intently at the sword, sensed the weight of Jingliu's words. He had glimpsed the true essence of her spirit before—an ethereal manifestation so radiant it dwarfed even the brilliance of his creation. Grasping the Shard Sword's hilt, the old artisan murmured, "Very well. I'll safeguard it for the next Sword Champion."

Despite her stoic exterior, the hint of a smile tugged at Jingliu's lips, acknowledging the levity in Ying Xing's jest. The air around them, filled with reverence for the blade and mutual respect, bore witness to a moment etched in time.

Amid the palpable tension that pervaded the air, Ying Xing's inquisitive eyes met Jingliu's. "What will you do now?" he asked, a genuine concern evident in his tone.

Her response, delicate and ethereal, drifted to his ears. "I intend to perform the Foxian soul-soothing ceremony."

The mention of the ceremony caught Ying Xing off guard, causing him to stagger back. The Foxian soul-soothing ceremony was no trifling matter; it was a sacred rite for the deceased. Realizing the implications of her decision, Ying Xing took a moment to process the weight of her words. He then gestured for her to wait. "Please, give me a moment. I have something for Baiheng."

Jingliu, initially inclined to decline and continue on her path, found herself hesitating. There was a profound seriousness in Ying Xing's demeanor, prompting her to stay her course and see what the master artisan had in mind.

After a brief pause, Ying Xing emerged from the shadowed depths of his workshop, holding a meticulously crafted flagon. The vessel, ornate and gleaming in the dim light, was clearly a masterpiece. "This was intended for her," he began, his voice carrying a trace of sorrow. "But circumstances..."

Understanding the unsaid words, Jingliu nodded solemnly. "I will honor it," she whispered, cradling the flagon with reverence.

With a final, appreciative glance, Jingliu turned to leave, but not before expressing her gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured.

Ying Xing's smile, though tinged with melancholy, was warm and genuine, reminiscent of a wise elder who had finally found a sense of peace in a turbulent world. "You're welcome," he replied, watching as the legendary swordswoman ventured into the night, a new chapter in her tale about to unfold.


Bathed in the luminescent glow of the Stargazer Navalia, Jingliu's silhouette was stark against the backdrop of inky darkness that stretched beyond. The intricate design of the Navalia, with its towering structures, glowing portals, and intricate detailing, reflected a harmonious blend of ancient tradition and advanced technology.

The silent expanse of the dock was only interrupted by the soft hum of the Starskiffs, floating ships designed for ceremonial voyages into the vastness of space. Alone in this vast sanctum, the gentle thrum of the ship's engine beneath her resonated with the weight of Jingliu's purpose.

Kneeling gently beside the ship, she began the Foxian soul-soothing ceremony, an ancient rite of "the Returning." It was a poignant moment; to send the deceased on their final journey into the great abyss of the stars, yet Baiheng's physical form was absent. Only the possessions that symbolized her essence remained.

With reverence, she laid Baiheng's recurve bow into the Starskiff, a testament to her prowess and memories of shared battles. Next, she carefully placed the flagon gifted by Ying Xing, a vessel containing sentiments beyond words. Lastly, she nestled a pendant by its chain, a luminous gem that pulsed with a mysterious light. A keepsake from Y/N, it held the promises and dreams of days long past.

Drawing a deep breath, Jingliu whispered her final farewell, her voice quivering with a mix of grief and hope. "Thank you, Baiheng. May the stars guide you to a realm of peace and serenity."

With a gentle push, the Starskiff glided smoothly away, its trajectory aimed at the vast cosmos. As it sailed further, it seemed to merge with the stars, becoming a tiny speck of light before vanishing entirely.

The sight left Jingliu in emotional wreckage. Tears, previously held back by sheer willpower, now streamed down her face unabated. The weight of the loss, combined with the solemnity of the ritual, crashed upon her like tidal waves, leaving her knees weak. The overwhelming sadness gripped her heart, causing it to ache as she watched the Starskiff drift further and further away. It felt as though with its departure, a piece of her very soul was also drifting away.

For what felt like an eternity, Jingliu stood, lost in her grief, allowing the melancholy to consume her fully. Eventually, she turned, every step heavy with sorrow, seeking solace in the embrace of rest, hoping that the morrow would bring some semblance of healing for her shattered heart.


The vast landscape of Ena stretched before him, a realm unfamiliar and ethereal. The horizon was painted in shades of otherworldly hues, with skies that shimmered in colors unknown to the mundane eye. Here, the rules of reality seemed different, and time itself felt distorted.

Amidst this surreal environment, the armored figure, a sentinel of strength and might, found himself caught off-guard by an unfamiliar sensation. The area over his heart felt as though it was gripped by an unseen hand, squeezing it with an intensity that took his breath away.

"Why does it ache here?" he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. This wasn't a wound inflicted in battle, nor was it the result of any physical exertion. It was a dull, lingering pain, one that seemed to originate from deep within his soul.

Glimpses of Baiheng's laughter, their shared adventures, and unspoken bonds flashed before his eyes. Yet, there was an uncertainty that plagued him. "Why do these memories flood back to me, if I can't even recall them clearly?" He wrestled with the paradox of feeling intense emotion for moments that felt both vivid and vague.

The realization slowly dawned upon him that the pain he felt was not of the body, but of the spirit. The loss of a cherished comrade had reached him even in this distant realm, a testament to the depth of their bond.

Shaking his head, he tried to dispel the overwhelming emotions threatening to cloud his judgment. "Now is not the time," he whispered, steeling himself. The realm of Ena was vast and full of mysteries yet to be uncovered. With a newfound determination, he pressed on, every step echoing his commitment to face whatever challenges lay ahead, while carrying the memory of Baiheng deep within his heart.

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