wonze oneshots <3

By as15xx

73.7K 1.4K 236

lucy bronze and keira walsh one shots <3 More

please dont leave
i wasnt planning on leaving baby
it just wasnt meant to be
i cant do this without you
a night in with friends
the growing distance
nervous flyer
settling in
authors note
i wont survive that lucy
i am so fucking proud of you
every step of the way
this was a mistake
let me help you
this was a mistake (part 2)
this was a mistake (part 3)
every step of the way (part 2)
every step of the way (part 3)
every step of the way (part 4)
every step of the way (part 5)
every step of the way (part 6)
every step of the way (part 7)
every step of the way (part 8)
every step of the way (part 9)
every step of the way (part 10)
even though im a single mum?
even though im a single mum? (part 2)
keira.. say it
i'll always be here when you need me
i wish it didnt have to be like this
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 2)
authors note: KEIRA WALSH
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 3)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 4)
i wish it didnt have to be like this (part 5)
new book!
every step of the way: theres no tired like newborn tired.
i dont want to leave

your drunk, baby

2.7K 34 2
By as15xx

Keira Walshs POV:
Tonight, a bunch of the England girls where going out to celebrate our Arnold Clark Cup win at a club in London. This was a very rare occasion for us, as most of us arent drinkers, but we decided it was time that we should let our hair down and spend time together away from football. Currently, we where pre-drinking at Leah and Jordans house, and despite not being a massive drinker, i decided i wasnt going to miss out on all the fun. We started off with just a gin and lemonade, then moved onto shots. 'Okay, okay, one more and then we can leave' Georgia says, all of us agreeing apart from one person, who i was quite shocked about. 'Nah imma miss out on this last one, you guys go ahead though' Lucy stated, sitting down on a stool in the kitchen and leaning on the counter. 'You sure Luce?' I question her, this was quite unusual for Lucy, so i was a bit concerned. 'Yeah yeah, just not planning on going crazy tonight' she replied, smiling at us. 'Okay party pooper' Jordan adds on, punching her in the back. We all laugh at her statement, and take the shot. The liquid burned my throat as it went down, causing me to pull a face of disgust, that was mirrored between all the other girls. Lucy sat there and filmed the whole thing, finding our faces absolutely hilarious. 'God that was rough' i cough out, Jordan agreeing. 'Glad you found that funny Lucy' Leah jokes. 'Oh believe me, it was hilarious'

Lucy Bronzes POV:
Normally, if there was a party, I was the life of it. But tonight I decided to take it easy, partly because i knew Keira can be a nighmare when drunk, so i wanted to be sober enough to help her. We called a taxi to take us to the club, and on the way there Georgia suggested playing some 'bangers' as she called it. So we all had to sit and suffer whilst we listened to Georgia and Keira singing 'Promiscuous Girl' to each other. It was safe to say that those two where most definitely lightweights, the pre-drinks already having their effect on the two girls, but it was times like these that made me fall even more in love with Keira. Seeing her smiling and laughing with her friends, the happiness practically radiated off her body, which always gave me that fuzzy feeling inside. She looked absolutely gorgeous tonight, her hair was slicked and placed in a low bun, her eyelashes so long that every time she blinked it gave me butterflies, and she was dressed in a classy, black blazer scort co-ord, which was just breathtaking.

When we finally arrived at the venue, I stepped out of the taxi first and then helped Keira out, which resulted in her smiling at me and kissing me softly on the cheek. She linked her arm in mine and we walked up to the entrance, and showed our IDs to security. Inside was absolute chaos, as in people where absolutely hammered. Not gonna lie it did freak me out a little bit, but i did my best to not let it show. We all sat down in a booth, and Leah and Jordan went up to the bar to order drinks, not expecting them to come back with a round of tequila shots. I decided to participate in this round, as i knew that if i was careful i could easily manage my alcohol intake. After 5 minutes Keira told me that her and G where going to order themselves a proper drink, but they never made it back to the booth. Starting to worry, my eyes scanned around the room for the pair of bestfriends, until i eventually spotted them doing another round of god knows what, and then getting dragged  onto the dance floor by Tooney and Roebuck. I was quite satisfied with sitting in the booth chatting to Leah, Jordan, Jill and Lessi, so i remained in my seat and left keira to her fun.

1 hours later:
'Lucyyyyy, Lucyyyyyyyyyyyy' i heard my name being called, looking up to spot my very drunk girlfriend. 'Hey babe, whats up?' I asked her. 'Whats up is that your not on the dance floor with me, ive hardly seen you all night' she pouts at me. I really wasnt in the mood to party tonight, so I suggested that she comes and sits with me for a while, which she didnt like the sound of. 'Come on Lucyyyyy, we hardly ever go out like this, just oneeee dance.' I eventually gave in, and was immediately dragged to the dance floor. Keira placed her arms around my neck, and mine met her waist. 'You look unreal tonight' i shouted over the music. 'I what???' Oh god. 'I said you look unreal tonight Kei' if she didn't hear me this time then i was going to give up. But i know she heard me as she smiled at me and smashed her lips onto mine. When we parted, our foreheads remained together, and our mouths had the biggest smiles on. We continued to move our bodies together, the occasional kiss occurring, until i noticed a change in her behaviour. It was like she was zoned out, and forgot where she was. 'Are you okay Kei?' I asked her. No reply. 'Keira?' Again. No reply. I wrapped ome arm around her waist and pulled us away from the loud music and into the quiet bathroom. Hopefully to sort out whatevers going on with her. 'Keira whats wrong, you gotta talk to me love' i told her whilst caressing her face. She just looked at me in reply. And eventually spat out 'im really dizzy.' Uh oh. 'Okay, lets sit you down in the cubicle babe' i told her. With Keira, dizzy=sick, as ive learnt from past experiences. Ive also learnt that she absolutely despises being sick. I mean, nobody likes being sick, but shes especially bad. 'Sit on your knees Kei, im right here with you' she tiredly listens, and its not long before shes sick. I rub her back and grasp her shoulder with my spare hand, to make sure she doesnt fall. 'Its okay, its okay, you'll feel better after' I continue repeating to her. Once shes done she leans back on the cubicle wall and flushes the chain, with tear's pouring out her eyes. 'What is wrong with me' she splutters, my poor girl. 'Nothings wrong with you, your drunk, baby. It's unfortunately just what happens' i tell her, whilst wiping her face with a tissue. Her cries only intensify, so i hold her in my arms and rock us back and forth, to try and calm her down. I know we cant stay in here forever, but i wait a bit before telling her we should head back to Leahs. 'Do you need help standing up baby?' She doesnt reply, just tries to stand up, but fails, and i can see her lips start to wobble again. 'Shhhh its okay, here let me help you up- yep- there we go. See? Notbing to worry about. Lets get back to Leahs yeah?' She nods back at me, and leans all her weight onto me. I wrap my arm around her waist and tell the other girls we are heading back, then direct us out of the club.

When we finally made it back home, I immediately take us upstairs and into the guest bedroom. Keira is pretty out of it right now, her eyes fighting to stay open, so i help her get changed into one of my hoodies and a pair of sweatshorts, and tuck her into bed. I remove her makeup using one of my makeup wipes, as she is very particular about her skincare, and religiously takes her makeup off before bed. I then get myself ready for bed, and join her under the covers, not before i grab a glass of water and a packet of paracetamol to place on the bedside table for her in the morning. She rolls into me, and muttere something that i cant quite hear. 'What was that kei?' I ask her. 'I said thank you for helping me.' She slowly mumbles. 'Oh baby you dont need to thank me. I will always be here for you when you need me. Get some sleep now, ill be here when you wake up.'

'I love you Luce' is the last thing she says to me before falling into a deep slumber.

Authors note:
-sorry if its shit, im so tired but i wanted to write something, hope your all okay ❤️

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