A Rosé By Any Other Name. (Go...

By SilverPheonix6

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death. such a fickle thing. especially when someone is backed up in your corner. when a boy died in his sleep... More

Becoming A Shadow
I Forgot I Could Do That.
Time To Get Serious.
A Flaming Heart Befriends A Divine Hair-do
A 5 Hour Yet 6 Episode Fight.
An Understandable Lack Of Faith.
Less Entertainment Than Before.
A Sprinkle Of Anger.
Nearing Swan Song.
Intimacy Is A Wondrous Thing.
What Could Have Been Stays The Way It Is.
You Dare Defy Justice!?
Last Weeks Battle Is Today's Celebration.

The Swan Song. (finale)

99 0 0
By SilverPheonix6

you sat down opposite your mother, taking a drink from your cup of tea.

your mother was slowly coming to terms with who was infront of her. she took a drink herself from her cup of coffee, the only noise being emit was the ticking of the clock.

"before you say anything, yes, i did die."

she put her cup down, balling her fists.

"then..how are you-"

"well..." you did the same thing as her. "how do i put this?"

you put a hand to your chin, wondering how exactly to tell her.

"i guess the only way to tell you would be just the truth. even if blunt."

you took a deep breath.

"i died and was reincarnated to another world." you gave her a kind smile,  manifesting a small amount of ki on your fingertip. "and doing so gave me powers of a fictional character."

she seemed shocked, which was more than understandable.

"will you...come back?" she asked.

you balled your fist and looked down, lightly shaking your head.

"no. i wont." you looked up at her. "i got everything i wanted. powers, true friends.... a lover."

she nodded her head. she was happy to hear you got everything you wanted, but was upset it came at the hands of you dying and leaving them. 

"but that won't mean i wont see you. you told her."im not going to cut contact with you. it just means i won't be here per say."


"i know that for you, the wound of my death is recent. probably around a week? but for me? its been two years at least." you told her.

she seemed slightly confused at your statement. but didn't bring it up in the slightest. the both of you just sat there casually drinking both of your drinks.

"i'll stay here for a good few hours before i go back to...my...world." even now, it felt unrealistic. which was incredibly strange considering as you said before, it's been two years. "hey...do you want to meet everyone?"

she looked at you slightly confused.  you raised your right hand and snapped your fingers, a portal opening up behind you. she recoiled slightly. flabbergasted at the sudden portal.

"what the....?"

you chuckled at her reaction, standing up after finishing what little was left of your tea. you moved over and offered a hand.

she took it and stood up, standing over you. you moved over to the portal, looking back at your mother.

"ready to see my friends?"

"and lover."

"just dont embarrass me."

you walked through the portal shortly being followed by your mother, she still seemed slightly hesitant and skeptical of this.

was she daydreaming?

or was she just dreaming in general?

was it an hallucination?

she just didn't know what was going on.

she stepped through the portal, noting how she was now outside, although there was a large building infront of her. they seemed to be at the front of the house.

it looked huge, it was clear to see her son had accumulated some wealth.

"welcome to Taisho Era Japan."

she looked ta you shocked.


"yup! but for some reason, everyone speaks and writes in english!"


"oh trust me i know."

you took a step forward.










you sighed as the voices emit from your house. you heard the faint sound of Rengoku as well.






'why....why are that at my house at this moment of time?'

your mother was slightly taken aback by the shouts.

you walked towards the door, slowly opening it.

"....hey." you saw Giyuu holding Shinobu up by her armpits, she was thrashing around in his grip and trying to attack Sanemi, who hid slightly behind Kanae....who was slightly undressed. Sanemi was also partially undressed.

there was a knife on the floor next to Kanae, who picked it up and placed it on some furniture to her left.

"jesus.... why are you all here?" you asked them. "AND WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HAVE INTERCOURSE AT MY HOUSE!?"

your mother stood out of view to your left.

"you had a guest room, so why not?" Kanae replied, clasping her hands together like nothing was wrong.


noone responded as they all looked at each other.

"thats...a great question." Kanae spoke, raising a finger up to the ceiling. "why don't we forget about all this and go back to what we were originally doing?" she kindly suggested.

you didn't know her first statement was a lie and that they all knew why, it was like they were keeping something from you.

"NO!" Shinobu shouted. "I AIN'T LETTING HIM-"

Giyuu clasped his hand over her mouth and she looked at him, pouting.

you looked over to your left, apologizing to your mother over everything  she was hearing.

"anyway, all of you quiet. and Kanae button up your uniform!" you yelled.

you still wondered why she still wore her uniform when the corps you longer exsited. but she did as you asked.

"anyway, i want all of you to meet someone."

they all looked at you and tilted their head, but eventually, your mother walked into their view.

"this is my Mother. "

it was silent for a few seconds, and you got silently worried for a second.

it ended when they all suddenly bowed at her.


"YOU DON'T NEED TO BOW!" you shouted at them, and they all stood back up.

"hello..there." she awkwardly said.

she was still trying to wrap her head around all of this.

"my name is Tomioka Giyuu, and this is Shinobu Kocho, my wife."

"hold on, you two are married now?" you asked, wondering when that happened. "and none of you took each other's last name?"

they looked at you like you were insane.

you see, there has been a bit of a time skip here.

this takes place around 3 weeks after the party of Muzan's death.

during that time, they got married.

worst part was, you were at their wedding.

"you were there." Giyuu told you.

"i was?"

they blinked at you before your mother smacked you on the head.

"how could you forget going to your own friends wedding!?" she scolded you just like a mother in an anime.

she then took a deep breath and greeted them all, including Kanae and Sanemi.

"there you are! (y/n)-san!" 

you turned around, seeing Tanjiro walk up to you all.

"is everyone just at my house at the most convenient time possible?" you asked.

he seemed confused.

didn't you know?

he choose not to question your lack of knowledge.

"yes...we all are."

"well thats perfect then. could you lead us there Tanjiro?" 

he nodded his head, turning around and walking off.

you ushered for your mother to follow you, and she did, talking to the 4 individuals that tailed them.

you continued to talk to Tanjiro, but no mater what you said to try and get him to tell you about the party, he didn't budge.

if anything, he just got more stubborn, and you did notice a faint smirk on his face.


"it's like a party out here!"


Rengoku walked up to you and laughed heartily.


'that was a week ago though....we already had a party about that..'

you were incredibly confused.

"AND WHO IS THIS LADY BEHIND YOU?" he kindly asked.

"i'm his mum. its a pleasure to meet you...?"


'why is he shouting. it's not that loud out here.' she thought, offering him her hand which he graciously shook.

he then walked off towards his good pal Uzui who was further down the garden. he had his wives with him.

she took note of the large amount of people, all talking and having fun. the 4 that followed them, aka the 4 troublemakers from earlier, walked past her and also engaged within the talks in the garden.

"i have no idea what's happening by the way." you told your mum, who nodded her head.

"right. well, i have alot of introductions to do. i'll see you later son!"

"you're going alone?"

"of course i am! i gotta find your lover fast!"

she dashed off.

'wow..she works quick.'

you looked at at the garden, softly smiling.

Sanemi and his family along with Kanae, who rested her head on Saenmi's shoulder.

Giyuu and his sister, along with sabito and makamo.

Yorichii and Uta, a few feet away from his breathing style's predecessor.

although you did notice his gaze shifting slightly from time to time.

Tanjiro and Nezuko with their family, although Zenitsu was tagging along. Kanao stood not to far behind before Tanjiro whisked her to his side.

Inosuke was with Kotoha and Aoi.

Rengoku was with Uzui and his wives, put his family all came over and engaged in a large conversation with him.

Uzui's wives gushed over Senjuro's cuteness.

the Mitsuri family, minus you because you are now technically the son-in-law,  was here, each of them sitting next to her, seemingly teasing her over something.

the Kocho family parents thanking the giant himself, Gyomei for looking after and saving their children, all whilst a bundle of children sat down  next to or climbed the man.

Muichiro and his own family, the two twins pulling pranks on Genya.

Obanai was, surprisingly, having a conversation with your mother at this point, and he seemed to be very polite, even allowing his snake to coil up your mother's arm.

you watched as Obanai kept her calm as the snake made its way up to her shoulder and coiled itself around her neck softly.

it was night by the way, so Tamayo and Yushiro were here, the both of them talking to each other.

you noticed the slightest of blushes on Tamayo's face as she smiled fondly at the boy.

and last but not least, the Ubuyashiki family, who peacefully sat down next to Zenitsu's grandfather and urokodaki.

you noticed a distant lack of alcohol. good.

you noticed one person was missing, you knew where he was.

you sighed and looked to your right, at a person who sat alone.

his black hair and red eyes watching them all from the sidelines, deep in thought yet still guilty.

you walked over and sat down next to the man.

"you alright over here?"

he looked at you, no expression.


"about what?"

"all of this. the pain they all went through." he looked at his hand. "it was my fault."

you clicked your tongue.

"it was your 'future' self's fault."

"doesn't change the fact it was still me."

"look. i fixed what was wrong with you. i killed the future you, and stopped the whole demon bullshit." you looked at Tamayo and Yushiro. "well minus two."

he looked down, gritting his teeth.

"but.... i don't blame you. truthfully."

he looked at you.

"if i was put in your shoes i would probably be just as bad. hell, i always used to say i would be the villain if i went to a another world because half of the whole justice thing is bullshit." you looked at him. "this is some of the only worlds were i wouldn't be a villain. but if i was a human, that turned into a demon they way you did?"

you brought your hand up.

"after having a terminal illness? my life being cut short so drastically? with no way to achieve my dreams or aspirations? doomed to be lone until death that would only be so far away? i'd probably be an evil psychopath as well after getting a taste of the power." i mean who really wouldn't? if people say that they wouldn't theres a high chance they are talking out of their ass."

you sighed, looking up towards the sky.

"human's in every sense of the world, are evil. everyone is, simple as. and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, it's all bullshit. look at Tanjiro, he's actually a really good example."

he did what you told him to do, looking at the boy.

"he's kind sure, he might be the reason people say we ain't evil. but underneath that, there's a small part of him that's just brimming with rage, hatred and hell even fucking lust. that won't change. noone is fully pure. some are just better than others. i'm not a good example, i've killed before."

"demons. you killed demons."

"it could very easily have been humans. not only that, but i still took satisfaction from doing it. you have every right to call me a sadist and even then, i still get thoughts of just....wiping everything out. i mean, i have the power. noone can stop me. whats stopping me from just blowing up this place, this world and moving to another?"

"nothing could."

"exactly. i just have the control to not do it. but there's definitely a timeline where i did blew this world up. multiverse theory is real. i would know."

"why are you doing this?"

"you mean talking to you?"


"because your alone and i know how it feels. doesn't matter who you are. unless you were the future you who didn't care. but i can bet that you two are for sure not the same."

he looked at you, trying to find any hint of anger in your words that were directed towards him, but there were none. it was only sympathy.

"i don't care what others think anymore Muzan. if they look at me and see me talking to you and think that i'm a bad person because i sympathize with someone that got corrupted by greed? then they're no better. and im sure that everyone here....they don't like you very much."

"yeah no shit."

"but that's just where you gotta start. if you wanna get rid of that and experience life fully, then you gotta either leave em behind your try to fix things. and to me, both ways are acceptable. you can't life live at the same speed, with the same goals and the same attitude. it's just impossible. the question is, what do you want to do regrading them?"

"i...want to fix it. be friends with them. i never had any."

you pat his back, giving him a thumbs up.

"then go for it. worst cause scenario you end up back here."

he looked out at them before looking down at the floor.

that was until a shadow was cast over him. he looked up, seeing a man with burgandy red hair and hanafuda earrings.

his eyes were maroon-red and it held no resentment at all.

he just stared at Muzan before offering a hand, something he took.

they both stood infront of each other.

"quite frankly, i don't like you very much." Yorichii bluntly stated. "but i can tell, you're not the same man i hate."

Muzan tried to hold back a soft smile.

"and so...even if against my better judgement, i'll give you a chance."

you could tell that it was very difficult for Yorichii to tell him this, but you were glad that someone at least offered to renew their relationship.

you stood up and walked away, leaving the two, but Muzan stopped you before you fully left them.

"before i forget to tell you, congrats by the way."

"same here, congratulations."

they both told you,. you looked at them confused before walking off for real this time. the both of them stood alone.

although that didn't last long as Yorichii dragged him into the party's depths where alot of people looked at him.

he almost shrunk under their, what he could tell, harsh glares.


the flame hashira himself walked up.



the smile didn't fade, much to his surprise.


you and Muzan had no idea that everyone had heard your conversation, and a select few decided to test the waters.

Muzan smiled.

"i hope so too."


you walked towards the main storm of the party where Mitsuri was sitting and talking to your mother and her family.

your mother seemed to be telling her some important tips that you couldn't make out though. when they noticed you, she stopped, and you sat down next to Mitsuri, softly holding her hand.

she rested her head on your shoulder.

you noticed your mother narrow her eyes at you.

she didn't seem mad, just...deep in thought.

"so. i hear this is your wife?"

"it is yes."

"next time say wife instead of lover then idiot."


one of Mitsuri's brothers walked to you and looked up at you for a few seconds. you looekd down at him.



"i like your mum."

you tilted your head at him.


"she now my second mum."

"yes. that is how it works."

"do i have a second dad?"

"yes you do. you'll see him soon."


he then ran off, playing with the other kids in the garden which included the caterpillars, The Kamado family, The Shinazugawa family,  some children that Gyomei looks after and his own brothers.

the Ubuyashiki family children did join in the playing soon after.

you were slightly confused by the conversation but didn't mind it.

"oh and by the way, congrats."

"why is everyone seeing that today?" you asked, feeling Mitsuri rub a circle onto your palm. "it was Rengoku first, but everyone else followed shortly after."

"you...really don't know?" everyone said around you, minus Mitsuri.

you nodded your head, trying to figure out exactly what was going on.

but that thought left when Mitsuri's head landed in your lap and she brought your hand to her head, which you began lightly scratching.

"(y/n)..." you looked up at your mother, who shook her head. "you are one dense idiot."

"i don't get it."

"you're just proving my point."

"i'll give you a clue." Mitsuri suddenly spoke. "it has to do with why i asked to go to the shop in your world a few days back."

"okay then. so you grabbed something that caused this party huh?"

she looked at the adults around her, and they all stood up and left, per her unspoken request.

"they all left?" you asked, watching them.

"focus mochi."

"right, sorry."

you brought a hand to your chin.

'what did she do or buy that warrants a party?'

your eyes widened for a split second. remembering something.


"you already congratulated me on my marriage...."

you noticed Rengoku's smile seemingly extend.

a short, faint chuckle.

his eyes narrowed, and his smile carried an air of smugness.

and for once.

something that genuinely scared you.

"im not talking about your marriage."

he didn't shout.

you looked down at Mitsuri, blinking a few times.

"hold on....M-Mitsuri...could you....could you be?"

she softly smiled at you, giggling to herself before lightly pulling you down and kissing you.

"yes. i am. but i'll tell you directly."

she flicked your nose and rested her other hand on her stomach, smirking in satisfaction. you smiled at her, placing a hand ontop of her own.

"i'm pregnant."


thats it.

the end.


you got your happy ending.

satisfied? you got what you wanted.

if you wanted to see more than suck it up. use your brain to imagine the rest.

like that one film, A Silent Voice where it leaves the rest up to the reader, or in the movie's case, the watcher.

so this is it.

his tale is over.

but...one might just be starting.

spy x family.



no deal?

depending on how i feel, your choice might decide if it gets made or not.

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