Among The Fallen Stars...{COD}

By NicoAlsoHasATwitter

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Soap is a single father who moves to a new city. Not to make more friends, but to forget about his divorce, a... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings
Chapter 2: Strange Nicknames
Chapter 3: Saved Numbers
Chapter 4: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 5: Found you
Chapter 6: Discovering Something New
Chapter 7: School's Out
Chapter 8: Mid-day Arguments
Chapter 9: Thoughts Of The Past
Chapter 10: Apologies
Chapter 11: Bar Conversations
Chapter 12: Tired Soldier
Chapter 13: Hangover
Chapter 14: Dinner and Problems
Chapter 15: The World Through Her Eyes
Chapter 16: Drive Home
Chapter 17: Hookers and Daydreams
Chapter 19: Five Minutes
Chapter 20: Sun and Moon
Chapter 21: Overcast With A Chance Of Heavy Showers
Chapter 22: Wrong Idea
Chapter 23: Unknown Purgatory
Chapter 24: Our Last Night
Chapter 25: Last Day On Earth
Epilogue + Authors Note

Chapter 18: New Voice Message

918 14 16
By NicoAlsoHasATwitter

Soap POV

I sit on the chair, Simon's house isn't what you'd think of a Lieutenant, or maybe it is. I look around, Random files, always working, liquor. I rub my chin, Seasoned military for sure, Simon comes back into the room. He searches the closet, I watch him from across the room, staying quiet. He turns to the bed, grabbing the jacket he lent me last night, putting it on.

"Going somewhere?" I ask, he walks over to me, resting his hands on the arms of the chair. I look up to him confused "Going to get lunch" Simon says. He turns the chair, facing it back to the window. He looks down at me "You can come if you want, unless... You want to stay" Simon says.

His dark eyes meet mine, "Can I drive your truck?" Simon heartily laughs at my question. He stands "If you're able to kill me, I'll consider it" Simon says. I stand from the chair, following him out. We walk over to his car, getting in "I'm gonna make a call, give me a minute" Simon says. He puts the keys in, starting the car "If you drive off, I'll shoot you" he says, closing the door.

"Wouldn't think of it" I say, watching him make his call. I look around the car, I notice on the floor, my phone. Forgot about you, I pick it up "Dead", I look around for a charger. I pull on the glovebox, finding it locked, I look out to Simon, he's still on the phone. I roll down the window, "SIMON" I yell out, he turns confused.

"You have a charger? My phone's dead" I say out to him, "Glove box" He says, turning back to his call. I look to the key, Well he clearly wants me to take the key out to get into the glovebox. I take the key out, turning the car off, I look to him, Still on the phone. I unlock the glove box, falls out a Pistol, magazine, along with one of his mask. I look down at the gun, feeling nervous for a moment, I look back into the glovebox, I dig around.

Taking out the charger, carefully putting the gun and magazine back. I plug it in, it quickly starts to turn back on. Simon gets back into the car "Work?" I ask, he take the keys from me, putting back into the ignition. "Just Price reminding me that I have a job, and to submit the papers I was working on" He explains.

"That gonna take long?" I ask, Simon starts to drive "More of me giving papers to someone, and they submit it, no more than five minutes" Simon says. He shakes his a bit, blinking "And I'm not sure why I told you that" He says confused. He furrows his brow, thinking for a moment, it was clear that he was getting comfortable around me.

Telling me things, not wearing his mask, being able to look me in the eyes. I look over at him, his eyes focused on the road. I look to my lap smiling, It's comforting to know that he's this comfortable around me. I look at my phone, 9%, I look at my notifications.

9 missed calls, 4 voice messages, 23 text. What the hell.


I just told him, no thinking, just said it. It's not like the call was something serious, it's unlike me, control yourself Simon. I shake my head again, Ghost, not Simon. I breath out in disappointment that I've allowed myself back into that comfort I lost years ago, Stay alert, but never calm. "Shit" John says, "What?" I ask, glancing over to him, keeping focus on the road.

"9 missed calls, 4 voice messages, and 23 text" John says. My eyes widen in shock, "Damn, collections?" I ask. "No it's-" John stops himself, turning his body to look at me with a disappointed look "Shut the hell up" John says. I chuckle, "They're all from Lydia" John says, suddenly the air feels serious. He holds his phone to his ear, I listen in, struggling to hear the low volume.

"You have, 4, new voice messages, New voice message, 8:42pm"

"Johnny take your time, I know that today was hard, but I was wondering if you were going to call for Maddison, let me know."  Click. 

"New voice message, 9:33pm"

"Hey Johnny, I don't know why you're not picking up, Maddison is still crying, and I've texted, yet you haven't read them. I have Ben trying to calm her down right now. Please call."   Click.

"New voice message, 10:02pm"

"Johnny why aren't you picking up? Are you ok? We finally got Maddison down and I talked to Ben a little, and he says he's sorry, he really didn't mean those things. He feels bad about it, so next time we see each other, we can all apologize. So please, John, pick up."   Click.

"New voice message, 1:53am"

"John... I don't know why you're not answering, it's currently.. 1:53.. 1:54am and you have yet to answer my text or call me back. I need you to call me, and I'm worried, I know today was harsh. We're all feeling things, but.. It feels a bit selfish of you, you're not the only one feeling sad. You can't just leave, I can't do this alone, you said we had to stick together for Maddison, yet she needs you, and you're not picking up. I hate when you act like this, just.... Please call me... Please.. Pick up.."    Click.

I feel the leather of the steering wheel under my palms, I glance over to John for a moment. He's scrolling through his text, with I assume, Lydia. The car is quiet for a moment "Did she ask you to tell me to call?" John asks. "Yes" I answer, his thoughts linger for a moment, he types something, putting his phone in the cupholder. Leaning back in his seat, watching the road "I don't blame you for not telling me" John says.

"What did she say?" I ask, regretting, as if he would tell me. "She's saying what she always does, plus some, I'm sorry, I regret what happened, I won't let it happen again, I can't do this alone. At a point, you have to wake yourself up from that dream of being happy, and see that what's happening to you isn't what happy people do to people they love."

I stay quiet listening "I..." John sounds, struggling to get his thought out. "Yeah?" I question, I hear him take a breath "Nothing important, but we should pick up Maddison today, go to the park or something" he says. I start to hear his phone ring, he stays in his position, not answering it. "Is that important?" I ask, the ring cycles again "Not as much as I thought it was" John says.

His words confuse me, but I choose not to push further, allow the phone to ring. After it ends, the car to fills with silence once again.

Is this a time skip? NO, this is patrick{it actually is a time skip!}

Soap POV

We arrive at base, I take my phone, putting it into my pocket. Simon reaches over me, opening the glovebox, the gun bounces, staying inside. He reaches past, grabbing his mask, putting it on. Just as quick, his blond hair was covered, and the only thing I could see, was his eyes. He grabs a folder from his lap and gets out of the car.

I follow him "Why the mask?" I ask, he looks over at me. "I don't like it when people stare" Simon explains "Why don't you wear it around me then?" I ask. "Cause you'll stare either way" he says, he walks into the building, I follow behind him. Immediately, everyone we pass averts their gaze, that's how they treat their lieutenant. Unfortunately, I quickly notice that as soon as we pass, they jolt their heads up, looking my direction.

I'm not sure I've had this kind of attention before, Simon was right, they like to stare. Not sure if the mask helps, ahead of us I notice the help desk, seeing two familiar faces. Gold and her friend, Gold looks to be leaned over the desk, talking to her friend. We get closer and I see her friend point at Simon, Gold turns around, standing straight.

She smiles at him as he passes, he keeps walking, not sparing her a glance. Her eyes shift to me, her expression quickly turning into one of disgusts, her friend stands saying something to her. Then they start to follow us, I focus in front of me, Probably nothing. Ghost knocks on a door, a woman pops out, he hands her the file.

"Perfect, Captain wants to see you in his office" She says, she closes the door. Simon lets out a breath, he looks back checking that I'm still there. He starts for Price's office, I follow closely behind, So much for five minutes. He knocks on the door, a moment goes by and Price opens the door. He looks to Simon, "Ghost, great" Price says, patting his arm.

He looks over to me "MacTavish" I give him a light not "Sir." He looks between the both of us, a confused expression on his face "Aren't you meant to be on the roof training?" Price asks. "It's my day off sir" I say, keeping my hands behind my back. "Why are you-" Simon interrupts him, "He's with me" Price's face is a bit confused. He walks in, leaving the door open for Simon to follow, I lean in towards him.

"This feels like a more than five minute conversation" I whisper to him, he glances down at me. His eyes saying, Shut the fuck up, I smile as he closes the door. I stand beside the door, holding my position. Five minutes till I see you, countdown starts, now. "John MacTavish" Gold says, beside her, her friend. "Yes?" I say confused why she's approached me "I see you're waiting so could I ask you a question?" Gold says.

"As long as it's not where I cut my hair" I say, trying to be joking. Their faces stagnant, Tough crowd "I've noticed you around Lieutenant Riley quite a bit" Gold says. I raise my eyebrow "I suppose" I say, "Have you seen his face?" Gold asks. "Yes?" I say, absentmindedly "So he takes off his mask off around you?" Gold questions. I look between her, and her friends faces "I'm not sure how else I would be able to see his face. but yes" I say.

"So you must be friends" Gold questions, I think for a moment. Are we friends? It's more we follow each other sometimes and it leads us hanging out, I wouldn't call that friends. "Something along those lines" I say, "So being that you're friends, does he talk about anyone, more or less, is he seeing anyone?" Gold asks. Almost seems like a bet against you and your friend.

"The only person he brings up to me, is the conversations he has with my 4 year old, anything else, no" I say her and her friend exchange looks.

"Why? You interested in the Lieutenant, Gold?"

{I'm gonna pretend you also sang along to me saying fruit salad, and you're gonna pretend I put this out earlier. Deal? Good, hope you enjoyed!}

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