Burning Wings - Scarian Hero...

By LanIsCrying

11.1K 419 935

Grian has moved to a new school on the other side of the city. He somehow befriends Scar, a guy with a good a... More

!Before reading!
Chapter 1 - First day
Chapter 2 - Friends
Chapter 3 - Secrets
Chapter 4 - Upgrade
Chapter 5 - New enemy
Chapter 6 - Small introduction
Chapter 7 - Not as planned
Chapter 9 - Nice to meet you!
Chapter 10 - Get ready
Chapter 11 - Promise?
Chapter 12 - He's not dying, he knows that
Chapter 13 - Healing
Chapter 14 - Oh no
Chapter 15 - Things are going worse than bad
Chapter 16 - This wasn't a mistake, was it?
Chapter 17 - I wish I wouldn't have to remember
Chapter 18 - Where is my mind?
Chapter 19 - You look far too different
Chapter 20 - Why do I hate you?
Chapter 21 - I'm too scared if you stay
Chapter 22 - Please don't let me be the coward that gave up on you

Chapter 8 - Bonding? Absolutely not

535 20 62
By LanIsCrying

A funny thing about this story - Everyone is completely stupid except Grian :D

(Scar POV)

It had been two or three days since the incident (if you could call it that) happened at the café.

Grian had told Scar Aeor only wanted his money and luckily Grian had only 20 dollars, and he was not harmed in any way.

Scar was relieved and happy, but something didn't sit right with him, because now he was constantly paranoid that something would happen to Grian. Like a Burned would just kidnap him and torture him any moment, worse if they would kill him.

-"Scar? You good buddy?" Mumbo's voice cut through his thoughts.

-"Yeah, just worried." Scar sighed as Mumbo started to fix something on Scars bow.

Scar was in the Sky headquarters and Mumbo, one of the sciencetist that worked there, was working on improving his weapons.

He only had a bow, two smaller guns and a knife. He desperately needed to upgrade them if Watcher had came to their side of the city. Who knew what would happen?

-"Why?" Mumbo asked calmly.

-"Well there's this new guy in my school-" Scar started, but was interrupted by Mumbo 'ooh'-ing him.

The ravenette stopped after Scar gave him a look.

-"Anyway," Scar continued. " we had an incounter with Aeor a few days ago and now I'm worried other Burneds will do something to him."

-"Did Aeor do something to him?" Mumbo asked spitting Aeors name out with disgust.

-"Grian told me he only stole his money, but I'm still worried." Scar shrinked into the blue sofa he was sitting on.

-"I'm guessing Grian is the boy you're crushing on?" Mumbo turned to face Scar and tilted his head in question.

The brunette just nodded slightly.

-"You have nothing to worry about, because even if something did happen the other Skys or even you could help and fix whatever would have happened." Mumbo explained turning back around.

Scar sat in a bit of silence before speaking up again.

-"Can I tell him I'm a Sky?" He interested even though he knew the answer, but there's nothing wrong in trying.

-"No. Scar you know that and you also know that the only way for you to reveal yourself to him is if he's a Sky as well and as much as I know we do not have a new Sky here." Mumbo said in a serious yet apologetic voice.

Scar sighed.

-"You're patrolling around the Shroom street, Sudden Voice centre and Lattle street today. " Mumbo informed Scar, reading the place names of a document on his desk.

-"Fiiineee~" Scar groaned.


(Grian POV)

Grian sat on the edge of a tall red building with legs dangling over the edge.

He was in his Watcher form.

It wasn't his turn to patrol, he just wanted to go somewhere to relax and if he was honest this was the perfect place.

Sun going down, making the sky look like a watercolor painting with different shades of orange, yellow, a bit of red, pink and purple to blue.

The wind was subtle. Not strong enough to send chills down Grians back, but strong enough to be very enjoyable.

Grian had his glove pulled down till his wrist and he was staring at the small scars that were scattered 'round his arm from his elbow to his wrist.

He was glad he quit, but sometimes he wished he didn't. It was nothing to be ashamed or feel bad about, Ayla made sure he knew that.

Grian zoned out for some time only for the call of his name to bring him back.

-"Watcher." Someone said behind Grian.

Grian pulled up his glove, straighten out and concentrated.

-"Hotguy." Grian returned the greet without turning around.

-"I'm not here to fight." He said slowly approaching Grian.

-"Why are you here then? Plus, wasn't fighting villians your job, because last time I checked I was one." He flapped his wings in a defensive way.

-"Yes, I know, but I'm feeling a bit too tired to fight right now." Hotguy yawned and sat down next to Grian.

-"Ha! That only gives me an advantage! " Grian laughed.

-"You know, your personality is so weird I'm suprised we haven't found you yet." Hotguy said looking Grian over. "And with your wings! Are you a shape-shifter?"

-"Why the fuck would I tell you that?" Grian looked him death in the eye which seemed to send chills down Hotguys back.

-"Because I asked?" He suggested nervously.

-"In that case I could ask your full name, age and which school you go to and you would need to tell me." Grian said looking at the sunset.

-"How do you know I go to school still!?" The brunette freaked.

-" Isn't it obvious? Even though I can't see your face fully it's still pretty clear your not over twenty, plus your voice. " Grian explained.

Hotguy tilted his head in confusion. "What's wrong with my voice?"

-"It sounds like those annoying wannabe teens."

-"How dare you!?" He gasped overdramaticly. "I do NOT sound like a wannabe teen!"

Grian shrugged and didn't say anything else after that.

They sat in silence.

Grian started to debate if he should leave, say something, attack Hotguy or keep sitting there in silence.

He internally sighed before asking. "I have noticed you guys refer to me as 'they', why's that?"

-"Well we're not really sure to put it like that. You dress pretty feminine, your hairs almost to your shoulders, but your voice, even though pretty high-pitched, sounds masculine. So can you atleast share that information with me?" Hotguy said.

I'll take that as a compliment.

-"I mean what bad can it do?" Grian rolled his eyes before responding to the question. " I'm a guy, so y'all can stop with all your they/them bullshit. "

-"Okey, yeah! Good to know." He sighed at the end.

Fuck it! Grian thought before asking another question to the hero that sat next to him.

-"You got anyone you're crushing on? Or are you already in a relationship? "

-"Why are you asking?" Hotguy gave a smug smirk.

-"Nevermind." Grian rolled his eyes.

He wasn't interested in him or anything. He wanted to know more about him because if he told Grian about the people in his normal life, he may have a chance to find him, kidnap him, torture him into giving away all of the Skys secrets and then probably kill him in the end.

-"Well, I guess there is a boy." Hotguy said looking dreamily into the sunset.

-" What's his name?"

-"Like I'm gonna tell you!" The brunette laughed.

-"But, oh how much I love him." Hotguy sighed.

Grian tilted his head gesturing for Hotguy to continue.

-" He's just so beautiful and sweet. I want to have him all to myself. Give him the world so we can dance in the middle of night while everything is spinning under the shining moon." The brunette said looking far behind the sun.

His eyes were shinning with love, but they were yet so full of sadness.

Grians heart melted for a moment before emptyness and the distant rage built it up again.

Hotguy looked down. " But he'll never love me back. I can see it in his eyes. He feels nothing, but annoyence towards me." Grian saw a tear roll from Hotguys eye.

Oh fuck. Grian sighed on the inside. Why did he feel sorry for that dumbass. God, what was wrong with him!

They sat in silence once again, though this time Grian wasn't thinking of the situation he was in. He was thinking about Scar. Weird? Yeah, he knew that.

Guilt washed over him as he thought about how he acted towards Scar. He was being so rude and annoyed. Scar was probably just trying to be friends, but no, Grian had to push him away.

God, how he hated the feeling of guilt.

-"How about you? Do you have an eye on someone? " Hotguys cheerful voice cut through Grians guilt.

-"No and even if I had i wouldn't tell you." Grian spat back.

-"Sassy, I see." The brunette giggled.

Grian was not sassy! Well... maybe just a little.

He wanted this interaction to end so he put his hand on Hotguys back and pushed him off the building.

He stood up and started walking in the opposite direction from where he was facing.

-"What the hell was that for!? I thought we were having a moment! " Anger echoed through Hotguys voice as he reappeared behind Grian.

Grian swiftly turned around, looked Hotguy dead in the eye and harshly spoke. "People like us don't have 'moments'!"

The brunettes rage seemed to fall and be replaced with just simple shock, confusion and realization all at the same time.

-"People like us are supposed to hate each other! You're the Hero and I'm the Villian! Don't get us mixed up as some 'Friands', because I will never share anything with a Hero! Not even those stupid 'moments'! " Grian yelled harshly at Hotguy.

The rage that had taken over him was sudden, probably merging from the guilt, but if Grian was honest the 'moment' should have never happened in the first place.

Grian turned back around and whispered a rage full 'Never' before flying up into the air and heading back to the Headquarters.

(Word count: 1616)
No! I am not making this story about Grians mental health, it was just something I wanted to add so it would be more interesting. And I know the past few chapters haven't been the best, I apologize for that, but I do have a more clear mind regarding the next chapters! So I hope you enjoyed!

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