Masked Love -Mattheo Riddle

By Lyra_Nightshade

82K 1.4K 1.7K

Two broken souls with glass hearts, who despise each other with a passion, meet once more behind masks and sh... More

Background info
1. Invitations
2. Nightshade Manor
3. The Masquerade Ball  pt. I
4. The Masquerade Ball pt. II
5. The Masquerade Ball pt. III
6. Nocturnal birds
7. 'To, my Nightingale'
8. Dream or a Nightmare?
9. Love, your Raven
10. Love, your Nightingale
11. Depressing train ride
12. Uninvited
13. The Slytherin Party pt. I
14. The Slytherin Party pt.2
15. The Slytherin Party pt.3
16. The Slytherin Party pt.4
17. The Slytherin Party pt.5
18. The Slytherin Party pt.6
19. Missing
20. A hickey?
21. The Room of Requirements
23. Letters from no one
24. The Plan (timeskip)
25. Acceptance
26. Fate?
27. Please read!
New Chatacters
28. The Second Ball pt.1
29. The Second Ball pt.2
30. The Second Ball pt.3
31. Pansy Holmes and Astoria Watson
32. Girl to girl talk
33. Persuasion
34. Grief and Acceptance
35. Plotting
36. Distraught
37. Plan in action
38. Revelations
39. Beginning of War
40. The Pensieve
41. Ending of war pt. 1
42. Ending of war pt. 2
43. Eventful
44. Preparations
45. The Final Ball
Author's note
Plots I didn't include

22. Havoc

1.4K 28 19
By Lyra_Nightshade


Lyra's POV:

Classes were over.

We were headed back to the common room.

Ezra was still life less and zoning out every couple minutes, he didn't even have lunch.

Eliana and I started walking to our dorm.

We entered and I headed to my dresser to get changed, when,

"Some one was here." Said Eliana.


"I can tell, not for long, but some one was here." She said

"Could it be Jess?" I asked.

"Check the bathroom." She said

I checked and saw the clean towel, we had left for her, now wet and hung on the rack.

"She was here." I said.

"Then where's she now?" Asked Eliana.

"Her uniform's untouched." I said.

"But her vanity isn't." She said.

We decided to first get changed from our uniform and then we'd go look for her.

I got changed and sat on my bed, waiting for Eliana.

I heard rustling outside and checked the window to see my owl.

I frowned, odd timing for letters.

Sapphire landed on the windowsill and I noticed an envelop, tied to his foot.

I took it off to see no stamp, the handwriting looked as if it was written in a rush.


Lyra Nightshade

Ms Nightshade you must hurry home, we don't have time. Your father came home injured and is now causing havoc at the manor. He's broken many things and your home's in bad shape, not to mention he's searching for Lucia, and I can't find her. I'm sorry for this news.

Lucinda Evern

The letter fell out of my hands.


What has he done now?

Eliana stepped out of the restroom and frowned, running to me.

I couldn't move and stood there frozen.

"Lyra? Lyra? Speak to me! Are you okay?"

I couldn't form words so I kept silent.

She noticed the parchment on the floor and picked it up and her eyes scanned the paper intensely for a minute.

Her eyes widened.

"Lyra, LYRA!"

I finally snapped out.

Eliana ran to my dresser and pulled out my black trench coat, and handed it to me.

"GO! I'll cover for you."

I nodded.

I couldn't apparate within school grounds, I grabbed my broom and left through the window.

I landed near the forbidden forest and left my broom near a tree and apparated.

I arrived at the gates of the place I consider farthest from home.

From outside at least, everything looked peaceful.

I opened the gates and stepped inside through the huge doors

Same Cold dark walls

Same empty halls

Same overly dramatic staircase.

The same silence which nearly pushed me to insanity.

Then I noticed the damage.

There was blood splattered, a small fire at the end of the hall, broken marble pillars, broken glass, smoke, dust, broken pieces of the walls.

And still, it was still silent.

Other than the crackle of the far away fire, it was silent.

The same silence that will forever haunt me.

"Lyra!" I turned around to see Lucinda, blood in her clothes, minor injuries, couple scratches, her usual neat bun, a mess, her skirt slightly ripped, tears in her eyes.

The woman I considered my only mother figure, a mess.

And it broke me.

She ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged her back, with nothing but shame, that I wasn't there to protect her, from this ruthless savage monster, my father.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I pulled back from the hug.

"Where is he?" I asked, my voice low.

"Somewhere upstairs." I nodded.

I walked up the empty steps to the second floor, and I saw havoc.

I slowly went to my sister's room.

It was a mess like downstairs.

"Lucia?" I whispered

"Honey? Are you here? It's me."

Still, just silence.

My breathing increased.

My sister was the only thing standing between me and insanity.

I can't lose her.

I then went to my room.

It was empty, and the only room untouched.

The bed was neatly made, everything was in place.

"Lyra?" I heard a faint whisper.

"Lucia?" I looked around to see my sister, hiding in a small closet, near my bed.

"Lucia!" I ran and engulfed her in a tight hug, a couple tears slid down my face and I smiled, finally the silence was gone.

Her little face was covered in dust and her dried tears.

Yet she smiled, a smile which I only knew to well, to be the only thing keeping me.

I wides her little cheeks with my fingers and picked her up.

"I'm sorry I look so long honey." I whispered

She didn't say anything, but put her little head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

My angel of a sister.

I gently walked down the steps and put Lucia in Lucinda's arms.

I took them outside the manor and Apparated them to Lucinda's old house where she still sometimes visits.

It was a small neat cottage in the middle of a dairy field.

It was lovely and looked like something out of a fairytale.

I told them to stay the night here.

I knew going back this soon would be too dangerous. I also know my father is a powerful wizard and will fix the damage he did to our house in case we have visitors.

Our image is set to the public's eye.

I kissed Lucia on the cheek and hugged Lucinda goodbye.

I'd miss them, but for now I would have to hope for their safety.

I apparated back and flew back to my dorm with my broom through my window.

I was exhausted.

I was alone, our dorm was empty.

I threw my coat on the floor, too tired to put it away and went to lye down but I noticed an envelope on my bed.

Not again.

I picked it up and brought it closer to my eyes and was immediately hit with its intoxicating scent.

It smelt divine.

I read the words written on top of the envelope.

'To, my Nightingale'

I'm trying to write as much as I can before my exams and am writing longer chapters.

This book is overdue for an ending

But it's still pretty far.

Hope you liked this chapter. Well it was a bit depressing.


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