Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's...

By JesterX3

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Y/N, a once valiant warrior, is losing himself to a malevolent curse, and Jingliu is unwavering in her determ... More

(SEASON 1 START) Prologue: The Descent into Madness
Chapter One: Lingering Shadows
Chapter Two: Unveiling Y/N's Curse
Chapter Three: Echoes of Time
Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility
Chapter Six: Memories of Steel
Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat
Chapter Eight: Jingliu's Awakening
Chapter Nine: Frozen Confrontation
Chapter Ten: Respite and Reflection
Chapter Eleven: Recovery and Revelation
Chapter Twelve: Alliances and Vendettas
Chapter Thirteen: Delusions Unveiled
Chapter Fourteen: Unleashing Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: ???
Chapter Sixteen: Unseen Realms
Chapter Seventeen: Aha, The Masked Fools
Chapter Eighteen: He, Who Ventured the Universe
Chapter Nineteen: O' incoming Death
Chapter Twenty: Grave Mistake
Chapter Twenty-One: Duel of Ice and Fire
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated Revelation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Unholy Ascension
Chapter Twenty-Four: Solemn Gambit
Chapter Twenty-Five: Goodbye, Sister of Sky
Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath and Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Resilience
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bonds beyond Space and Time
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Knight's Fashionable Interlude
Chapter Thirty: Crystalline Reverie
Chapter Thirty-One: Memory's Nexus
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ascension's Trials
Chapter Thirty-Three: Realms of Reflection and Resolve
Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine
Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms
Genesis Arc - Ch. Two: Blossoming Bonds
Genesis Arc - Ch. Three: Caught Red-Handed
Genesis Arc - Ch. Four: A Change in the Air
Genesis Arc - Ch. Five: The Edge of Resolve
Genesis Arc - Ch. Six: The Path of the Blade
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seven: The Siege of Mythic Terror
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eight: New Beginnings and Changes
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nine: The Guardians' Vigil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Ten: Hearts Unfolding
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eleven: Tides of the Unwritten
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman
Genesis Arc - Ch. Thirteen: Foxian Introduction
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fourteen: Foxian and Knight
Genesis Arc - Ch. Fifteen: Mischievous Concerns
Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword
Genesis Arc - Ch. Seventeen: Wrath
Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow
Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty: Inner Struggles
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-One: Turmoil
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Three: Reflections in Luofu
Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Four: A Friend in Need
Genesis Arc - Final Ch: Sword Champion Ceremony
Chapter Thirty-Five: I Have Returned
Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lost Child
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Oath and the Inferno
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel
Chapter Forty: Fear of the Unknown
Chapter Forty-One: Truth's Triumph
Chapter Forty-Two: First Aeon
Chapter Forty-Three: Armor
Chapter Forty-Four: Humility
Chapter Forty-Five: Stab
Chapter Forty-Six: Convergence
Chapter Forty-Seven: Convergence P.2
Chapter Forty-Eight: Convergence P.3
Chapter Forty-Nine: Finality
Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson
Chapter Fifty-One: Eclipse
Chapter Fifty-Two: Jingliu's Ascension
Chapter Fifty-Three: She, Who has become Fate
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Enigma Follower
Chapter Fifty-Six: Confluence
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Destiny's Edge
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude
Chapter Fifty-Nine: I Am You
Chapter Sixty: You Are Me
Chapter Sixty-One: Idrila's Conference
Chapter Sixty-Two: Y/N, No More
Chapter Sixty-Three: Shatter Thy Dreams
Chapter Sixty-Four: I am back, Jingliu
Chapter Sixty-Five: I Love You
Chapter Sixty-Six: Say Hello to Mother, Ena

Chapter Five: The Weight of Choices

2.2K 93 2
By JesterX3

A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Image Art Source: Pixiv Artist "void_0" / Pixiv Art Code "111426357"

Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self) and removing repetitions.

-Dan Feng's POV-

After his meeting with the mysterious entity, Dan Feng was caught in a spiral of doubt and uncertainty. The offer made by the entity deeply affected him, leaving him with the persistent worry that his choice would determine the fate of their universe.

From a young age, Dan Feng had been familiar with the lore of the Ambrosial Arbor, and his recent investigations had revealed its vast power and significance. It was more than a mere source of cosmic energy; it held the capability to alter the very structure of their universe. Within its branches was the power to modify the Transmutation Arcanum, the method through which the powers of the High Elder were transferred.

Dan Feng felt a profound sadness knowing that the Vidyadhara, his noble race, was nearing extinction. The Transmutation Arcanum, once a sacred ritual, had dwindled to a ceremony practiced by only a few survivors. This dwindling capability to sustain their population cast a dark pall over their future.

-Time skip-

Seated alone on the outskirts of Xianzhou Fanghu, the city ruled by the Vidyadhara and supported by the Six Charioteers and Six Commissions, Dan Feng faced an excruciating decision. The Pearlkeepers, who had taken over from the Cloud Knights, now played a critical role. Weighed down by the gravity of his choice, he felt the moral stakes hanging in the balance. On one hand, there was a chance for redemption—for Y/N, his closest friend, and for the survival of the Vidyadhara. On the other, he faced the potential for profound wrongdoing, with consequences he would have to bear alone.

His mind was tormented by these thoughts, each moment of consideration deepening the lines of worry on his face. He was acutely aware of the severe implications his decision held.

As Dan Feng weighed his options, whispers flitted through his mind like shadows flickering at the edge of his awareness.

"Meet at Stargazer Navalia," one whispered, its voice eerily unsettling.

Another voice, softer and barely audible, added, "Where destiny awaits."

And a third chimed in, cryptic as ever: "A brief encounter, a fateful choice."

These murmurs, wrapped in secrecy, left Dan Feng enveloped in a silence filled with both anticipation and apprehension.

-Xianzhou Luofu, Stargazer Navalia-

Caught in his internal conflict, Dan Feng arrived at Stargazer Navalia. This place was where the "seeds" of ships were planted into the Fallow Earth, initiating their growth and development. It also served as a haven where craftsmen from the Artisanship Commission could unwind.

In the tranquility of this setting, he encountered the mysterious entity again. Although he appeared composed, a hint of hesitation and desperation lingered in his gaze. The entity faced him, its featureless face seeming to peer into the soul of the High Elder.

"Can you truly help me?" Dan Feng asked, his voice tinged with a tremor.

The entity's form flickered like a mirage, then stabilized. Its features were veiled in otherworldliness, obscured yet compelling. It spoke with a voice that resonated as if from the depths of space:

"The power I offer is both a gift and a burden, Dan Feng, Imbibitor Lunae. It can alter destinies, but at a cost."


The offer tormented Dan Feng's mind, igniting a spark of hope along his path. The words of the entity poisoned his whole being, echoing incessantly.

As he remembered his meeting with the entity, the sound of its voice haunted him, a whisper that wouldn't fade. "You have the power to reshape destiny," the entity had said, its voice seductive and dangerous, pulling him further into a chasm of doubt. "The choice is yours, Dan Feng, Imbibitor Lunae. Will you seize this chance, or let it pass, dooming your friend and your people to oblivion?"

The entity's words, full of promise and risk, echoed in his soul, continuously challenging his resolve.


The following days were marked by unrest and deep reflection. Dan Feng knew his decision was monumental, and he constantly questioned its potential impacts. He found himself on the verge of giving in, his desperation and intentions nudging him toward accepting the entity's tempting offer.

During his moments of meditation, he murmured in a troubled voice, "Can I really do this? Can I save Y/N and our people? Is it worth the risk?"

Day after day, he sat in contemplative silence, striving to find peace amid the chaos of his emotions. Yet, with each passing day, his determination faltered. He whispered into the silent room, "I need that opportunity. I must take it, regardless of the consequences."

The persistent whispers of hope began to overpower his rational thoughts, growing into an overwhelming chorus that filled his being.

And as he sank deeper into his thoughts, a chilling phrase from his encounter with the entity resurfaced, echoing ominously, "Desperation can lead even the noblest souls to dark choices, Dan Feng. Embrace the power I offer, and you can change the fate of your universe."

Dan Feng's eyes widened as the entity's words resonated within him, haunting his every thought.


As he deliberated over his decision, Dan Feng was motivated by a noble aim: to harness the power of the Ambrosial Arbor to alter the Transmutation Arcanum. He dreamed of expanding their alliance to include other deserving beings into the Vidyadhara lineage, transcending the limits of their species.

Yet, underneath this lofty ambition was a deeply personal and selfless desire. He could no longer stand to see his fellow Vidyadhara suffer from their inability to conceive naturally with their partners. A deep-seated envy of other races, who could freely procreate and experience the joys of parenthood, had grown among them, and Dan Feng felt this anguish as acutely as if it were his own.

-Evening, Dan Feng's Chamber-

Nights brought restless dreams. The image of Y/N haunted Dan Feng's sleep, a constant reminder of the choice he faced. Seeking peace, he spent time on the outskirts of Xianzhou Fanghu, where the Vidyadhara ruled.

In his vast chamber, surrounded by scrolls that any scholar would envy, Dan Feng pondered his choice. "How would you handle this, Y/N?" he asked aloud to no one. "You always fought not just for what was directly in front of you, but for those behind you—your friends and those longing for peace."

In his solitude, he sensed the presence of his late friend, as if Y/N's spirit was still part of the cosmos they once admired together. The memory of Y/N's steadfast courage and selflessness was both a source of strength and a poignant reminder of the difficult path he had chosen. Moonlight filtered through the green cloth drapes, casting a soothing light across the room.

-More Timeskip-

Amidst these reflections and worries, Dan Feng carried a hidden truth—a secret he had kept from the alliance about his encounter with the mysterious entity. "The entity's link to the one who defeated our progenitor, the Aeon known as Long, holds dangerous and unstable information," Dan Feng whispered to himself one evening as he paced his chamber. He felt the heavy weight of his secret, resolved to keep it undisclosed. Revealing it could plunge their already precarious universe into chaos.

"I cannot let this revelation disrupt the alliance," he declared, his voice firm with resolve. "The risks, the unknown factors, they're too substantial. I must bear this burden alone, for the good of our people and our future."

As he rationalized his decision alone in his chamber, Dan Feng recognized the treacherous road ahead, fraught with uncertainty and peril. Yet his resolve was steadfast, as he carried the weight of this secret—a burden that compounded the complexity of his decisions and the significance of the path he had chosen.

Deep down, Dan Feng believed that if he could fulfill the entity's request and successfully reshape the Transmutation Arcanum, Jing Yuan, Ying Xing, Baiheng, himself, and especially Jingliu, still grieving over Y/N's loss, might find some measure of happiness and closure. The chance to reunite with their lost comrade shone as a hopeful light on the difficult path he had decided to follow.

-Ying Xing's Forge-

Dan Feng knew he couldn't face this colossal challenge on his own. With determination, he went to seek Ying Xing, the renowned blacksmith who crafted weapons for the High Cloud Quintet.

Recent events had left Ying Xing shaken; as Dan Feng approached, the blacksmith whipped around, initially mistaking him for an intruder. The torment in Ying Xing's eyes revealed the trauma of the battles he had endured.

"I need your help with something that could fundamentally alter our species," Dan Feng said earnestly, his voice laden with the hopes of their people.

Ying Xing paused, meeting Dan Feng's gaze. "And what is this matter, O' High Elder?" he asked cautiously.


Author's Note:

Hello, how are you all doing? I've tried my best to produce this chapter as it is hard to capture how one reflects with decision making. A bit of info dump here and there but it's to help you understand how everything is connected. I also made an effort to research Dan Feng's past and the tragedy that once consumed Xianzhou, putting my own spin on it.

For the next chapter, we'll focus on Jingliu's perspective. That settles everything, and see ya'll next time!

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