Surviving Summer // Baxter Ra...

By RachelleJennings0

84.1K 1.4K 155

Kai Anoki's life was tragic, what was more tragic was being transplanted from her home to Shorehaven. Kai was... More

Fallin' Into Your Ocean Eyes
Chapter One - Welcome to Shorehaven
Chapter Two - Team Meetings and Stolen Glances
Chapter Three - You're Trouble Baxter Radic
Chapter Five - More Than Gym Partners
Chapter Six - You Have No Idea, Do You?
Chapter Seven - Perfect Last First Kiss
Chapter Eight - Penny For Your Thoughts
Chapter Nine - Team Work Makes the Dream Work
Chapter Ten - Mine, Yours
Chapter Eleven - My Safe Place
Chapter Twelve - L.O.V.E.
Chapter Thirteen - I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings
Chapter Fourteen - Great Bond-fire Pops!
Chapter Fifteen - Mario Kart Showdown
Chapter Sixteen - Daddy's Home
Chapter Seventeen - Not Proposing Yet....But I Want To
Chapter Eighteen - Happy Birthday Baxy
Chapter Nineteen - Might Have Messed That One Up
Chapter Twenty - Rule Number One: Pinky Promises Are For Life
Chapter Twenty One - Here's The Thing About Grief
Chapter Twenty Two - Perfect Scores...Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty Three - Six Years Later and a Lifetime Together
Chapter Twenty Four - I Do Too
Chapter Twenty Five - Welcome To The World

Chapter Four - The Perfect Not Date

4.7K 93 10
By RachelleJennings0

☼ Kai ☼

"Oh my god! You like him!" Poppy squeals as she bounces up and down on her bed. I needed someone to help me make sense of my thoughts and she was the only close friend I have here in Shorehaven. "I barely know him Pops and besides I don't think jumping into a relationship right after my mum's passing is smart. What if this is like a midlife crisis? I find the first attractive guy I see who happens to be ridiculously witty and cheeky and just oozes this laid back easy going confidence and I'm drooling over him. Who says he even likes me back, maybe I'm just being delulu! Maybe he just flirts with everyone? I'm probably just reading too much into it because I want him to want me too....." Poppy lightly slaps a hand over my mouth to shut me up as my eyes widen in shock. "Kai you're spiraling!" she drops her hand from my mouth as I sit closed lip watching her. "Bax is a bit of a flirt but he's all green flags I swear. When him and Summer had their situationship he was seriously the sweetest and only had eyes for her." Poppy explains but my stomach felt like a giant black hole just opened up and my heart dropped into it lost forever.

"Him and Summer had a thing?" I ask my voice sounding meek. "Yes well yeah they did but Summer chose Ari." Poppy stumbles on her words a bit. "So Summer chose Ari over Bax....." I repeat her words. I silently groan, of course I would like a guy who was probably still pining over his situationship. I mean how am I supposed to compete with someone like Summer? She was like a chaotic fresh breath of air, she knew how to let loose and enjoy the moment. Meanwhile I've been standing in corners watching everyone as I feel like my world is spinning out of control and if I stop for even a moment then I'll break down. I'm barely hanging on by a thread the light in me died when I lost her. How could anyone want someone so broken.

The next day Manu asked everyone to come over for some much needed training with the whole team. State surf team tryouts was in a few days and we needed to be ready, if we all wanted to stick together. Summer pulled me towards the couch forcing me to sit with her and the girls, telling me that no one was going to stand in the corner on her watch. We listened to his long speech about teamwork before he let us lose to hit the waters. I grab my thruster as we all head down the path to the beach.

There was a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through my body as I dive under the salty sea water before the wave breaks. We all make it to the line up waiting for the right set. I watched Poppy, Mars, and Ari drop in on their own. Poppy's technique was flawless as always, Mars caught some air and Ari has a surprising amount of soul in his surfing. "Ari that was sick" I tell him giving him a high five. Mum always believed that one small compliment could give any surfer the confidence they needed, I always made it a habit to compliment everyone. Bax raises an eyebrow before he takes off for a set beating Bodhi to the drop. I could watch him surf all day and never be tired of it. He does a 360 trick, the pure confidence he has in the ocean was fascinating. He belonged in the water. He comes paddling back towards me, that cheeky smirk splitting his face. "You look really good out there" I compliment him. "How good?" he questions me playfully. "Blush worthy good" I tease. "I take that as the highest compliment." he winks. I see a swell coming that looks beautiful.

Summer must have had the same idea as we both start paddling for it. Is it awful that I'm a little jealous after finding out about her and Bax having a thing....or does it make me a bad person that I secretly want to catch this wave before her to show off in front of him. Either way my experience beats out her grit as I drop on the wave first. "You got this Kai!" She cheers me on as I pop up and for five euphoric minutes I felt like I was riding the sun. The white foam nips at my toes as I carve in. The deep turquoise waters glistening under my board. There was nothing like this, nothing that could bring you such a high and yet be so peaceful. My heart sung for those five minutes.

When it was all done, I paddle back to the line up sitting up on my board waiting for the next set. "Yo! Poppy wasn't lying. You are legit" Summer muses as I hang my head awkwardly thanking her. Bax comes paddling next to me, that dimpled smile already making me swoon. "I'm not sure what I like more. You doing those naughty poses on your board or you catching a wave." He tells me. "I think you know exactly what one you like more" I retort giving him a playful smile. "When I watch you get into doggie style I can't help but be mesmerized." He teases as I roll my eyes. "It's cow cat pose, pinkalicious." "You call it that I call it my favorite position" he says it so nonchalantly, both his hands making a balancing motion. "Do you flirt with everyone like this?" I question him. My thoughts landing on Summer and him together.....or other girls he might be flirting with.

It's not like I have the right to be jealous, we aren't really anything besides two people that occasionally talk and flirt. Still the idea of him flirty with someone else like this has me going mad. "Only with girls who call me pinkalicious" He states almost seriously. I felt my cheeks heat, they we're probably an ungodly shade of red right now. "That blush looks good on you" he says before turning his board and quickly paddling to catch the set. We spent a few more hours surfing, being forced into close proximity to everyone gave me the time to get to know them on a more intimate level. I left the ocean feeling closer to all of them, something I think I needed and maybe even them.

Later that night there was a knock on the back door. I knew Poppy was out with Marlon and Prawnie was out doing whatever he does. I wait for Manu to answer it but I quickly realize he wasn't here when another knock sounds. I walk out of my bedroom and straight through the living room before opening the backdoor to see that eye crinkling, dimple popping smile greet me. "Bax?" I question him in surprise. "Grab a bite with me?" He asks. Those ocean blue eyes captivating me, as I just stare at him like an idiot. "Kai....dinner? You and me?" He asks again as I nod my head yes. "Yup. Dinner sounds good on you" I internally groan. I look down to see I was wearing my pajamas, the embarrassment keeps hitting me relentlessly. "Let me change real quick" I say as I slide the door further open so he can come in.

I rush off to my room as I throw outfits everywhere. I know exactly what dress I want to wear, after about a minute of digging I find the sapphire silk spaghetti strap dress. I slip it on before running a brush through my hair. I walk out of my room leaning against one of the walls watching him look at the photo of Poppy and I when we were seven. He sets it down turning around to see me watching him, the corners of his lips tilt into a smile. "You were a cute little ankle biter" he says, his eyes trailing slowly up my body appreciatively. "And now?" I ask him tilting my head to one side, a shiver runs down my spine at the look in his eyes. "Gorgeous" his voice was barely above a whisper. My heart was pounding erratically. I needed to change the subject before I do something really idiotic. "What are we going to eat?" I ask him. "Patience, longboard." he smirks walking towards the back door and opening it. He gestures for me to go first shutting the door behind him and walking towards his truck. He opens his passenger door for me like a true gentlemen. Poppy was right, he was a walking green flag.

We pull up to this little sea fish restaurant right on the boardwalk. We sit outside the light breeze carrying the scent of the ocean with it. Lights were twinkling above us casting a beautiful glow. It should be a crime how good he looks. His shirt was half unbuttoned, which soon became distracting because I couldn't look away from his bare chest on display. Our conversation started off slow at first we talked about surfing and comps. Nothing deep or illuminating.

I was taking a sip of my drink looking out to the people walking on the pier when his question froze me in my place. "What was your mum like?" I slowly turned my eyes finding those ocean blue hues watching me tenderly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't..." He starts as I place my hand on top of his causing him to stop mid sentence. "She was so effortlessly perfect. She never knew a stranger which sometimes drove me crazy when we had places to be and she would gab on with others. She had so much knowledge of the ocean and surfing, I tried to absorb everything she knew....everything she was willing to teach me. She had this kind, caring know the kind that draws you to them because you know that, this person was someone you needed in your life. She never stressed....never worried. So easy going and laid kind of remind me of her. She was the greatest person I have ever known" I smile wiping the tears from my eyes. I didn't even feel stupid crying in front of him, not when he looked at me like that.  With such tender understanding. "She sounds like she was amazing." He says as I nod my head another round of tears escaping. He pulls his hand out from undermine before coming up to trace small soothing circles on my hand.

"What about your dad?" He was more timid about this question, almost like he wasn't sure he should ask it. "Sperm donor would probably be the best way to describe him. I begged him like an idiot over the phone to come get me after she passed. Sobbed for him to love me but he just said he couldn't get away from work that it was too important......apparently more important than taking care of his daughter whose mum just died in a horrific car accident. Good ol'dad!" I let out a frustrated laugh.

"You aren't the idiot Kai, he is. He's missing out not having you in his life." He says, my heart fluttering at the way he says my name. It was strange, I didn't feel awkward in this moment like I always do...didn't feel the need to look away or hang my head. "What about your family?" I ask him as he continues rubbing soothing circles on my hand. This was comfortable...almost natural.

"My parents are always trying to catch their next big wave. It's been like that my whole life. My sisters Elo and Wren are finding their next team to victimize." He tells me his eyes watching our hands. "Victimize?" I question, he lets out a small sigh. "We moved from Queensland to here because of me...because the team dropped me but I found out my sisters lied and they were the reason we were forced to move to Shorehaven. I was so mad that I let them make me feel like everything was my fault, like I was ruining their lives.....sometimes I'm still angry that I was so stupid to not see what they were doing." I couldn't imagine how Bax feels, to not have anyone that's truly cared about him...loved him. My dads a piece of shit but at least my mum showered me in unconditional love. To have sisters purposely put the blame on him instead of telling him the truth, it was sickening. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Especially by people who are supposed to love and protect you...not lie and deceive. You know what I think?" I question as his blues eyes meet mine again. "What's that?" He smiles slightly. "I think you are better off without them." I say matter of fact. "I'm glad your dad is a shitty parent otherwise you wouldn't be here right now and I'm growing quite fond of you longboard." His smile was growing bigger. "The feelings mutual pinkalicious" I wink, a small chuckle escapes his lips. I really liked his laugh, it was smooth and rich.

After dinner we decided to take a walk on the pier. I wasn't sure what I was expecting tonight to be, maybe a bit of flirting and awkward conversation but it wasn't. We both shared some personal deep moments in our lives...something I don't make a habit of telling others and I think maybe Bax doesn't share this side of him with just anyone either. "Okay favorite color?" He asks as we continue our slow pace down the pier. "Picking the real hard hitting questions pinkalicious." I tease him as I playfully bump into his arm. "I like lilac" I answer him "what about you?" He smirks "Isn't obvious" "Pink looks good on you" I say without thinking, my words just tumbling out of my mouth before my brain could process. "I don't know maybe I need to switch it up a little...maybe a purple" he watches me from the corner of his eyes as I grin. "I think you would look good in any color" I feel my cheeks starting to heat "Okay last question....make it count!" I raise a brow at him as he pretends to ponder.

We stop at the end of the pier leaning against the railing. "Describe your perfect date?" He asks, his question throwing me off as I stumble to find my words. "I...well. I don't necessarily think I have an idea for a perfect date. I've been on plenty of amazing dates but the date itself was horrendous. My perfect date would be with someone who could make me laugh. Who makes me feel wanted...seen...who will listen to me and I listen to them. Someone who would make me feel comfortable and confident. I like to be alone, I have control over my own shit, something that felt completely lost after my mums accident. To win me be the perfect date...that person has to feel better than my solitude....if they have me wanting to spend more time with them...then they have won......That sounds stupid now that I've said that out loud." I laugh at myself. "Do you think about spending more time with me?" His voice was soft and tender making me turn to face him. Those ocean blue eyes studying my face like he's trying to memorize every detail. "Yes" I say a little breathlessly. He starts to lean in as I lean up towards him. Our lips inches apart....BOOM! Both of us jolt apart as we look up to see flashes of explosions lighting up the night sky above us. I couldn't imagine a more enchanting way to end our night kiss or not. I could get use to this, spending my nights with Bax. My eyes slowing trail over to look at him, my smile growing as I catch him already staring at me. If this was a date it would have been my perfect date.

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