King of the hero's |My hero a...

Av _kosu_

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In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... Mer

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association

All Might vs All For One

850 14 20
Av _kosu_

After his fight with All For One many years ago, Toshinori lay in bed and looked at an old photo.

"We won." The pro cried.

(Credit to Batemeuma on Tumblr)

"It's the ruler." The two experienced heroes revealed, activating their quirks and haki to get ready for an attack.

"That's him? I mean I guess he looks eerie, but I was told he has white hair, why does he have a mask?" Yūsutasu asked, readying more metal spears to deal with the villain.

"It was All Might's doing young man, I'm surprised your mentor hasn't told you this yet." All for one answered for the heroes, making them shiver in fear.

"Man I don't care if you're The Ruler or God, you're a villain so you're going down whether you like it or not, Hō, Draw, let's go!" Yūsutasu ordered, shooting his spears at All For One while his friends used their quirks to attack him from afar.

"How about I show you boys why I'm so respected!" The villain yelled, pushing back all of their attacks with a wave of his hand, pushing everyone in his vicinity out of his way and destroying a part of the town they were in.

Hiding behind the wall next to the lab, Mawata created a Haki barrier, protecting everyone from the blast. Unlike their usual self, everyone was petrified. It was as if the wrath of a God had been unleashed and they had no way of stopping it. Now everyone there knew why he was once, King of the Underworld.

"Tomura's performance in there could've been a lot better, but he's grown a lot after his talk with Izuku Midoriya. That boy will become the perfect Queen Piece on my board in due time." The man stated while shaking off his hand.

Hearing the man's ramblings, Bakugo realised what he meant by that statement. At that moment in time, he had already figured out which piece Midoriya was and way his retrieval at that point became even more important. 'If All Might and this ruler guy are the king's, Midoriya and Shigaraki are the queen's.'


Intermission: Dabi (real name unknown)

With extensive knowledge and overwhelming strength, Dabi is the strongest and one of the smartest League of Villains members.

His background is unknown, but we do know that he had a mentor who taught him how to master all three Haki types. The location of his mentor right now is unknown, but there are rumours going around that it was Dabi himself who killed him.

Dabi views the league as his family and sees himself much like a big brother to them, especially Toga and Twice.

Right now, Dabi still doesn't think Shigaraki has what it takes to lead him or the league, but he believes in due time Shigaraki will bloom into a great leader.

(Sketch by Horikoshi, colour by HEXAMEDLE)


In the villains' hideout, the Nomu swarmed All Might as the villains teleported away. Seeing this, All Might let out a very concentrated wave of Haki, knocking all of the Nomu off of him and destroying parts of the building. "I'm sorry guys!" Kamui Woods apologised, upset that he had done nothing to help his superiors.

"It's fine, if you want to help us out, stay here and bind up all the Nomu while we go and capture The Ruler," Endeavour suggested, looking at All Might to see a distressed look on his face. "All Might, let's go."

"YES!" All Might nodded before leaping away.


Intermission: Himiko Toga

Bubbly and Intentive. Those two words can be used to describe Himiko. You could also use Love-struck and Determined. Many words can describe her, but there's only one thing she wants and that's to see a world where people, who were outcasted by society, have a place in their deranged world.

Himiko only cares for a few people and they're the League, Izuku and his mother. Her love and care for the League stems from her understanding of their struggle and how many of them were born at a disadvantage or shunned by society. Her love for Izuku is very unconditional and due to it she unconditionally loves Inko.

Right now Himiko is focusing on making herself stronger to support the group.


Standing above his intruders, All For One began to clap. "Well done, if it wasn't for the boy with the long sword teleporting you all, I'm afraid everyone would've been severely injured." All for one clapped, praising Ho's quick thinking.

"You talk too much, how about I shut ya face," Yūsutasu claimed, trying to crush All For One's mask, but to no avail.

"Your Haki is pathetic compared to mine, but your quirk... yes your quirk would do just fine for Tomura, especially yours long sword." The floating man thought out loud, sticking his tendrils out only for them to be burned by Draw.

"I don't know what those things do, but if I had to guess, they probably steal quirks and that's not happening on my watch." The American teen smiled, taking his pipe off of his back to face the Villain.

Whilst staring each other down, black goop appeared out of nowhere and spawned Izuku. "That stinks, what the hell is that?" The boy wondered, looking around to see a floating All For One and many of his allies. "Yūsutasu! I'm so glad you're here, let's team up and beat this guy."

"Yeah I would love to but we got more company." He said, pointing to the disoriented league of villain members who were trying to stand up.


"Although you lost your cool, you did well Tomura, we have assessed that Izuku Midoriya isn't what we expected so now let's enter phase two. Remember boy, this is all for you." All For one stated, hovering over Shigaraki who was kneeling to him.

"Yes master I under-"

"TEXAS SMASH!" All Might yelled, interrupting Shigaraki and crashing into All For One's palm.

"I knew you would be here sooner than later, have you come here to kill me again?" All For One taunted.

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I AM." All Might responded, jumping back to dash in once again delivering a devastating liver punch to the masked villain. "MIAMI SMASH!" All Might called out as black sparks trailed off of his fist.

"ACK!" All for One responded, slightly jolting into the air after the impact of All Might's fist connected. "That's it All Might, give me MORE!" The villain demanded, sending an at All Might knocking him away. Whilst All Might recovered himself, Tomura's master used his quirk to forcefully activate Kurogiri's quirk, allowing his followers to escape. "Leave Tomura, you must continue the plan."

"But I don't know the plan, what is it?" Tomura asked as his master turned around to face the incoming All Might.

"You will know, don't worry." The elder Shigaraki told the boy before clashing with All Might once more, blowing him away.

Landing next to his comrades, Shigaraki engaged in a fistfight with Midoriya, which he was doing poorly in. "I'm gonna beat your ass for giving me only vegetables for all those days!" Izuku claimed, punching Tomura square in the face.

Next to the boys, Kodomo and Ho face Dabi who is holding them off with his new Ifirt style, catching them off guard many times. "Damn it he's too fast, he fights like that Todoroki kid from the year below," Yūsutasu notes, creating a metal shield to protect himself from incoming hits.

"I've faced him before, he's definitely holding back right now as well," Mizu stated,  making Dabi chuckle.

"How about I turn it up a notch." He smirked, kicking them both in the face while firing fire from his hand to blast them back. Looking around to see his friends in tough situations and his leader terribly hurt, Dabi realises that he's the only one truly built for an occasion like this and decides to be a team player to save everyone. "This isn't usually my style but it has to be done. Have this you hero bastards, Ifirt Jambe: Multi-course kick!" Dabi yelled, exploding his leg into fire and disappearing to land many hits on everyone, who was fighting his comrades.

Using the opportunity to regroup, the league backed away closer to the portal, watching on as All For One and All Might continued to go at it.

"We're in a rough spot here, I want to listen to Master, but right now I want to kill All Might so bad." Shigaraki debated, scratching his neck whilst thinking about the opportunities in front of him.

Observing the battle from afar, the Izuku retrieval group decided to come out of their hiding spot and back the heroes and Izuku against the villains to push them out of the battle completely.

"Hey guys!" Mawata yelled, transforming into her hybrid form.

"Wait, YOU GUYS CAME TOO?!" Izuku cried in happiness, making Bakugo scoff.

"Why do they look like that though? Were they trying on disguises or something?" Hō wondered while looking at each of their outfits.

Standing alongside the heroes, Bakugo, Kirishima, Ilda, Yaoyozoru, Todoroki and Mawata got into a battle stance, ready to fight the League of Villains.

"Damn it, let's leave, we can't fight them all right now." Shigaraki scoffed, jumping into the portal with his head held low.

"Bye Izuku~"

"See you later bro."


"Damn it, they made us look like punks."

"The next time we won't be so kind~" The villains waved as they all walked into the portal, leaving All For One the only one remaining.

As the group turns around to join the battle against All For One, All Might is thrown into them, but luckily he catches himself. "AH SO YOU'RE ALL SAFE, THAT'S GOOD. NOW THAT THE LEAGUE IS GONE AND YOUNG MIDORIYA ARE SAFE, ALL OF YOU NEED TO LEAVE, IF YOU STAY HERE YOU'LL DIE." All Might warned them, gaining quick nods from Tiger and Best Jeanist.

"I know, let's get going kids." Best Jeanist said as he used his quirk to grab everyone and run away from the battle.

"BEAT HIM ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yelled before All Might clashed with All For One again.


"That's fine by me, I've been waiting to fight you ever since you beat me all those years ago." All for One obliged, using an air compression quirk to blast All Might away only for the number one hero to launch his body forward and crash down into All for One.

"LET'S GO FOR A RIDE!" All Might smiled, grabbing All For one's half-destroyed mask to drag him across the floor and throw him into the air, delivering a gut-wrenching punch, which sent the criminal across the town. "L.A SMASH!" All Might called out, slamming his balled-up fists into All For One's stomach, making the villain jump from the impact.

"GET OFF ME!" The villain demanded, letting off his conquerors haki and punching All Might with an air shot quirk.

"COME ON, I KNOW YOU HAVE MORE BITE THAN THAT!" All Might laughed, jumping at the levitating All For One.

"Have a taste of this one!" All For One yelled, shooting a blast of energy from his finger, hitting All Might in the face, who was forced to clad it in Haki.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, THERES THE ALL-FOR-ONE I REMEMBER!" All Might exclaimed sprinting at All For One at unfathomable speeds to fake a body shot.

Falling for the bait, All For One protects his ribs, but in that exact same moment, All Might picks him up and suplexes him, forcing the villain to use a spike-like quirk to force All Might to let go.

Jumping away from the villain, All Might got into stance and smirked. "ARE WE DONE WARMING UP OR DO WE NEED TO STRETCH OUR LIMBS SOME MORE?" All Might asked.

"Everything past this point is to kill, I hope you've already passed on that quirk." All for one responded, making All Might smile.

"ALRIGHT THEN, LETS BATTLE!" All Might yelled, appearing in front of All For One to punch his face only for the villain to smack away the black sparking fist and uppercut All Might with his own black sparking fist, launching the hero into the air.

"All talk no bite All Might?" All For One asked as he flew up to the air bourne All Might to grab his face and activate his spike quirk only for All Might to bite his hand. "YOU RAT!" The suited villain screeched, throwing Toshinori across the town to land next to his evacuating friends.

"Do you need help, sir?" Yūsutasu asked.

Looking at his intern, All Might smirked, "NO, I'M GETTING STARTED, I HAVENT HAD A BATTLE LIKE THIS IN YEARS." The Pro replied before dashing in the direction of his opponent, immediately grabbing his arm to spin him around and throw him toward the ground. "BROOKLYN SMASH!" All Might yelled as he propelled himself to the ground, smashing his powerful fist into All For One's stomach. Not letting up on his current assault, Toshinori grabbed The Ruler's tie and threw him across the battlefield, launching a new technique at him as he flew into a destroyed building. "DELWARE SMASH!"

Shaking off the debris, All For One sighed and asked All Might a simple question. "Do you happen to know who Tomura is related to?" The villain asked, making All Might confused.

"WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING, STOP WITH YOUR RIDDLE NONSENSE." The Pro responded, making All For One chuckle.

"Just answer it."

"WELL IF I HAD TO GUESS, HE'S YOUR GREAT-GREAT GRANDSON OR NEPHEW OF SOME SORT. THE WHITE HAIR IS A DEAD GIVEAWAY." All Might answered, launching toward All For One only to be stopped by the villain's palm.

"Not quite." The villain responds, trying to throw all might away only for the pro to spin around and kick the villain, shocking him.

"OH WELL THEN, IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYWAY," Toshinori says as he blitzes All For One, grabbing his head and driving him through a building.

Laughing at All Might's dismissal, All For One uttered a few simple words that shocked All Might to his core. "How cold of you, to think you could care less for the grandson of your master, you're truly evil All Might."

Loosening his grip, All Might began to sweat profusely, allowing his opponent to land a devastating gut punch, making the hero cough up blood. "Y-YOURE LYING, HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HER." The Hero swore.

"Did our fight many years ago make you go blind? His eyes tell you everything you need to know. I'm pretty sure you're familiar with those piercing narrow eyes," All For One continued, making All Might stop in his tracks. "C'mon All Might, you must also remember the lips that made you smile as a teen, he even shares her beauty spot." The cynical villain laughed, forcing All Might to his knees with his words alone. "Kneeling to me now? I wonder how the world reacts to this?" All For One wondered while pointing to the helicopter above them.

Noticing the helicopter above him All Might stands up and pushes all of his worries and sorrow down to be the hero the world needs. "MY APOLOGY TO YOU, NANA WILL HAVE TO COME LATER. BUT FOR RIGHT NOW I MUST SHOW THE WORLD WHY I'M THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" All Might exclaimed, gaining his usual smile.

"It's rare to see a King fight a King don't you think? On our chessboard, we've sent away all of our pieces to have a showdown." All For One rambled, making All Might sigh. "Our battle is the true battle of Justice Vs Injustice, Yin Vs Yang. You want to see everyone smile, while I... I want to see them beg for mercy and cry." The man explained, furthering All Might's boredom.

"ARE YOU DONE YET?" All Might asked while clenching his fist.

"Just one more thing, how do you plan to play your queen?"

Looking at the villain with a confused face, All Might began to wonder who his queen was until he came to a sudden realisation. "I PLAN ON MENDING HIM INTO THE BEST HERO HE CAN BE. IF HE TAKES DOWN YOUR QUEEN PIECE AT THE SAME TIME WHILE DOING THAT, THEN I GUESS WE'LL KNOW WHO WINS. ANYWAY, A GAME OF CHESS CAN'T CONTINUE IF THE KING IS OUT OF THE GAME, SO HOW'S YOUR CHESS BOARD GONNA LOOK AFTER THIS FIGHT?" All Might smirked, gaining a swift response from his enemy.

"Our game of chess doesn't stop until our queens are gone." All For One answered, making All Might think.

"YOU'RE PLANNING SOMETHING I KNOW IT." All Might stated, gaining a laugh from All For One.

"Of course you do, despite your appearance, you're one of the smartest people I know so it should be easy for you to figure out stuff like this." The suited-up villain cackled.

In the helicopter in the sky, the pilot and the reporter look down as the two infamous men talk to each other, "As you can see guys, after that punch All Might and the... that criminal are having a chat. We're not close enough to hear, but we can assure you, it's probably very serious." They commented as many other heroes arrived on the scene to view the fight.

"We've evacuated all the stray civilians and sorted out the Nomu, all that's left is for him to go down!" Gran Torino confirmed, making All Might smile.

"RIGHT!" The number one hero smiled, clenching both of his fists and channelling power through his legs to launch himself at the villain, smashing the rest of his disfigured mask once he connected with him. "TEXAS SMASH!" All Might roared, sending the villain flying through many buildings. "NOW THAT OUR CONVERSATION IS DONE, HOW ABOUT WE BOTH FINISH THE FIRST STEP OF BOTH OF OUR PLANS?!" All Might suggested while running and jumping into the air to grab his enemy's leg. "NOW SPIN!" The hero yelled, spinning All For One around in circles.

"GET OFF!" The villain screeched, activating spikes on his legs, but unfortunately, they didn't work.

"NICE TRY!" All Might grinned, activating his haki to protect himself. "NOW FLY!"

"I'm not flying ANYWHERE!" All For One lashed out, activating a magma quirk to set his body alight, burning All Might's hand.

"HEY, WHEN DID YOU GET THIS?" All Might asked, jumping down to the ground only for an enraged All For One to charge him with a massive fist covered in magma and King Haki.

"DIE!" The villain shouted, clashing All Might's fist.

"HOW ABOUT YOU SIT DOWN!" The hero replied, slipping past the punch to land an uppercut on the villain. "HAVE ONE OF THESE!" All Might continued, following up with a liver shot and then a hook to the rib. "NOW FINALLY, DETRIOT SMASH!" All Might called out while hitting All For One in the stomach, forcing him to slide back.

"ACK!" The villain coughed as blood poured out of his mouth.

"THAT MAY HAVE BEEN THE END OF THAT COMBO, BUT IT WASNT THE END OF THIS BEATDOWN!" All Might stated before jumping toward his adversary, blitzing him with a combination of punches, clearly overwhelming the villain.

"At this point, there's a clear difference in strength. Toshinori is stronger and by a good margin." Gran Torino commented while looking at the fight.

"Did All Might really weaken The Ruler that much all those years ago?" Deku wondered, gaining a nod from Torino.

"I hope All Might doesn't get overconfident," Endeavour noted, remembering how All Might was injured the last time.

"I wouldn't worry about that, I think he's gonna close the show now." Gran Torino smiled as All Might dodged a concentrated magma blast to cock his fist.

"TIME TO END THIS, UNITED STATES OF SMASH!" The hero yelled as massive haki lighting streaks emitted from his fist, which connected with the villain's head, smashing him into the ground and creating a massive tornado.

Spectating the fight, everyone came to a singular conclusion after seeing All Might perform this move once again. 'He's gotten stronger.' They all thought as All Might stood over the defeated All For One.


"You... just wait... we'll have a battle reminiscent of that one all those years ago." All For One croaked as he struggled to stay conscious.

"I won't allow your plan to flourish so there won't be a round three." All Might replied while deactivating his quirk, making the villain weakly laugh.

"We'll see, we'll see." The criminal cackled before passing out.


Intermission: Tomura Shigaraki (Tomura Shimura)

As the leader of the League of Villains, Tomura has only a few thoughts on his mind. Destruction, protect his allies and All Might. Shigaraki is a man of determination and will achieve his goal by any means necessary.

He plans on following the mysterious plan his master set out for him and leading his allies to their goals.


After All Might's dominant performance against The Ruler the night prior, the majority of society was happy and satisfied, while a few weren't. Although the Symbol of Peace beat All For One in an extremely dominant fashion, certain people can't get over the fact he knelt to the villain. To many, this didn't mean much, but to the rare few this completely destroyed their image of All Might. A once invincible hero was brought to his knees.

The small number of people who thought like that didn't shift the public image of All Might, but for criminals, this made them even more dangerous. To know that the World's Strongest Hero does have a weakness gave them an unimaginable amount of confidence.

In a packed press conference room located in Tokyo, All Might stood in front of many people alongside Aizawa to address the fight. "HELLO THERE PEOPLE OF JAPAN AND THE WORLD, I'M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT THE CRIMINAL IS NOW IN TARTARUS." All Might revealed, making everyone celebrate.

"Did the criminals do anything to Izuku Midoriya or Ragdoll?" An interviewer asked.

"Izuku Midoriya is fine, while Ragdoll's situation is... concerning. We can't disclose too much about the situation due to the circumstances, but when we can, we'll happily tell the world." Aizawa responded, gaining even more questions from the media.

"All Might, why did you kneel last night, was the criminal just that strong?"

"NO, HE WASN'T, HE CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD THAT'S ALL. I GOT COCKY AND PAID THE PRICE." The pro quickly responded, quelling any doubt about his strength.

The press conference went on for many hours as Nezu and the hero association board thought it was best to have All Might and Aizawa, two polar opposites in the public eye sit there and calm society down.

Once it was finished, the two set out to meet each parent of Class 1-A to discuss the safety of their children. It took some convincing, but they were able to convince every parent to move their child onto UA grounds.

Their first day there was a pleasant and cosy one, the class even had a contest to see whose room was the best, which, Todoroki won (he convinced them with food).

The next day the kids were chucked back into training due to their upcoming hero licence exam. "Although the villains seem to have gone back into hiding, it doesn't mean that they're completely gone, many will come to attack so we've decided to push the exam a year ahead to allow you kids to fight back," Aizawa explained, making the whole class cheer.

For the following days, the class worked on themselves, improving their haki and quirks in preparation for the exam.


Intermission: Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)

Struggling with a personality disorder induced by his quirk, Jin struggles to use his abilities to their fullest, hindering him in battle.

Twice is one of the more experienced and level-headed fighters and thinkers despite his appearance and personality.

Twice loves everyone in the group, but adores Toga the most due to her attitude toward him. He views her as the baby sister he always wanted, leading him to pamper her.

Right now Twice plans on achieving his goal of helping his friends and spreading the message of Stain.


After many days of hard work, the hero license exam came around. Standing outside of the huge building, Class 1-A chatted amongst themselves in preparation for the exam. "Alright guys remember, give it your all, go PLUS ULTRA!" Midoriya yelled in unison with a random stranger.

"MAN, I FREAKING LOVE UA!" The shaved head teen revealed, making everyone look at him with a questionable face.

"Who are you?" Mina asked, gaining a shocking bow from the boy who smashed his head into the ground.

"Inasa Yoarashi, nice to meet you Mina Ashido!" The boy bowed again.

"Oh, he's the student who got in but decided to choose another hero school. His grades and performance rival Todoroki." Aizawa stated as he locked eyes with someone he didn't expect to see. "No, we're not doing this here." He stated, turning around only to be jumped on.

"SHOTA!" The woman called out, jumping onto the man's back. "Long time no see, did you come here to start the family you promised me?!" The woman wondered, forcing Aizawa to throw her off his back.

"No I'm here because my students are taking their hero license exam, now leave." He bluntly replied, making the woman cry fake tears.

"Men are so cold, does that mean everything you said to me in Okinawa was a lie?" She said, making everyone in the vicinity think the exact same thing.

'Erasurehead/Mr Aizawa is a player.'

Seizing the opportunity to get more information out of the woman, Mina walked up to her and hugged her. "It's okay, Mr. Aizawa is very cold, just let it all out." She smirked.

"That's enough let's go," Shota demanded, activating his quirk to wrap up his pink student and drag her into the building.

"Sir if you're a playboy just that, I mean we wouldn't look at you any differently," Kirishima stated while trying to hold back his laughter.

"Yeah plus she's really cute, I would understand why you said all of those things." Kaminari agreed.

Swiftly turning around to face his students, Aizawa sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Don't worry about it, it's adult stuff, you kids wouldn't understand it." The man said before signing the students in.


Intermission: Mr Compress

With an amazing intellect and outstanding observation Haki, Mr. Compress is a very valuable member of the League.

Due to his extensive life as a thief playing the role of a magician, Mr. Compress is very knowledgeable when it comes to the criminal world.

His work as an untraceable criminal leaves him very vulnerable when confronted by capable opponents like in his fight against Bakugo.

Compress has respect for all league members and plans on helping them succeed in all of their goals.

(Credit to LannLannz on Twitter for the art)


In a warehouse located in Shibuya, Shigaraki and the League of Villains could be seen bloody and battered, huffing and puffing as if they were going to die. Laughing at their pitiful states, two infamous criminals looked on as they began to mock them. "And Ruler said these chumps were meant to replace us? How disappointing, the only one there with any real substance is the fire user." A woman laughed.

"You're right, this little weasel here was meant to take my place, how pathetic." A blonde man spat, using his strings to hold up Shigaraki.

"Get these things off of me before I kill you." Tomura snapped, making the man chuckle.

"And how will you do that?" The man asked as Shigaraki stared into his soul.

"Like this!" Tomura replied, decaying the strings and lunging at the man.

"Too slow." The unimpressed criminal sighed, dodging the obvious strike and kicking him.

"Ack, why don't you just kill us already?!" Shigaraki winced.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you, to be honest, we can't since it's an order to look after you guys and make you stronger for when Ruler gets out," The woman reveals as she puts out her cigarette. "You're a lucky bunch of rascals you know? If you guys didn't have the boss's blessing, I would've filled your lungs up with sand." The tall woman grinned.

Standing up while holding her broken arm, the bloody Toga walked up to the woman with her blade in hand. "Who are you guys?" She asked, letting go of her arm to raise her blade to the woman's face.

"Look at this cutie trying to scare me." The criminal laughed while slowly lowering Himiko's blade. "We're The Ruler's former right and left-handmen, and woman. I'm Sand King and he's Heavenly Demon." She revealed, making everyone in the room silently gasp.

"Look at the majority of their faces, they look shell-shocked." Heavenly Demon laughed while looking at the league. "You three, on the other hand, you guys seem more pissed than impressed." The man noted, looking at Dabi, Himiko and Tomura.

"Why should I care about washed-up criminals?" Dabi responded.

"If we're washed up you guys must be fodder." Heavenly Demon spat.

"We may be fodder now, but we'll surpass your washed-up asses." Shigaraki declared, unconsciously using his newly awoken Haki.

"Woah what was that, maybe this kid is built out for it. I was gonna say we should tell Ruler to replace him with the patchy over there, but he's fine." The blonde commented. "Tell me, kid, what drives you?"

Without taking a moment to think, Shigaraki responded to the question. "Destruction and to achieve that destruction I must kill All Might. If they all smile because of him, I have to kill him to take it away and make them feel how I feel. I won't stop until everyone knows what I felt!" The deluded criminal answered, intriguing the blonde man.

"Pure destruction and carnage... I see why he has taken a liking to you. Pulling the strings to your destruction will bring me nothing but joy." The man whispered to himself while smiling deviously. "Your drive is perfect, Sand King and I will make you losers stronger than ever if you listen to us."

"The blonde idiot is right so listen up. Around Japan, there are a few people who have started up their own groups for many different reasons. Two of them are a man called Nine and another called Overhaul or Kai Chisaki. We need you guys to see whether their intentions align with yours and if you're able to make them allies. If you can not, get rid of them." Sand King ordered. "Getting them to meet you will be on you guys, you have to use your popularity and who you have behind you to negotiate and talk with them. Until then, you guys are staying with me." The woman explained, gaining a nod from her new students.

"Heads up, just because her hotel looks nice, it doesn't mean it's gonna be nice. Expect frequent visits from people to try and kill you guys. As criminals, you have to worry about everything, heroes, criminals the lot. Being relaxed won't work." Heavenly Demon followed up, giving the group a further understanding of a criminal's life.

Opening the warehouse door, Sand King revealed the group's way of transport to the hotel. "If the kids have UA, you guys will be AG, Akuyaku gakkō, your villain academia."

(End of chapter, I know this chapter wasn't the most climactic, but this is a set-up chapter, the words spoken in the fight were far more important than the fight itself.)


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7.7K 230 5
Izuku Yagi is the son of Toshinari Yagi and Inko Yagi or are mostly called All Might and Green Teleck and he has a twin girl named Izumi Yagi They bo...
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🎉*Completed*🎊 Izuku Midoriya had a great life with his twin sister until they turn to the age of four when they found out Izuku was quirkless. Izuk...
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Being born 'Quirkless'? He can handle that. Being bullied? Hah, he knows how to handle bullies! Becoming a manga artist and the strongest human alive...
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NOTE: This is the first story of my first-ever: Demon Deku trilogy, each story is different from the other, meaning Izuku's powers are different. EVE...