Dean's Life

By Rddudd

92.6K 2.4K 3.1K

This is a story about Dean Winchester's life. He's a sheriff's deputy and a strict dad who's not afraid to sp... More

Once Over
Don't Even
Move In Day
Making Room
Paying the price
Say Uncle
Tea Party
Same Difference
Nick of Time
Didn't ask
For One Reason
No Big Deal
Taking Care of Business
Bad guy
Girl time
Don't think
What happened
Line Jumping
Focused on the Past
Traffic stop
Getting through
Either way
Because you are
This time around
Building Blocks
In Case
My life


1.3K 29 67
By Rddudd

Dean's pov

"I'm not afraid of you," Alex retorted.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me," I responded calmly, surprising even myself.

"Good, cuz I'm not," he stated, with a bit less certainty in his voice now.

"I want you to be afraid of disobeying me." I unbuckled my belt without ever breaking eye contact with the boy.

"Wh_what are y_you do_doing?" he stammers, now appropriately frightened.

"I'm gonna teach you why it's a good idea to listen when I tell you not to do something." I seamlessly stripped the belt from around my waist and folded it over in my hand.

"You're crazy. You know that?" he asks, finding some newfound, albeit wildly inappropriate, confidence. "You can't touch me."

I shook my head and scoffed. This kid's got stones. Rubbing my chin, I looked him in the eyes, ready to stare him down. He's not gonna win this fight, despite what he might believe.

"I told you not to leave this house." I took a step closer to him. "But, you did it anyway."

"I don't have to listen to you. You're not my dad so just back the fuck off, old man."

"You're right, I'm not your father." Not yet anyway, I thought to myself as I absentmindedly reached down to run my thumb over the ring box in my pocket. I find myself carrying Amy's engagement ring around with me practically 24/7, just waiting for the right moment to arise to pop the question. I love her so much, it's just a matter of time before I make her mine, officially speaking. First, I have to deal with her obnoxious oldest son. "You're wrong, however, about not having to listen to me. Your mother left me in charge of you and your little brother while she's at her conference and that means what I say goes. Understand?" I gave Alex a hard look, indicating I meant business. I'm not fuckin' around here.

"You're delusional. You understand that?" he retorted snottily, with a hefty dose of attitude.

I shook my head in disbelief and chuckled. This kid really is a piece of work. Not having a father figure in his life has really messed with his head. Katie would never dream of speaking to me that way and if she ever did, she wouldn't sit for a week. I sure as Hell never would have spoken to my father like that if I wanted to keep on livin'. John would've decked me flat, without hesitation.

I used to think my dad was just an impossible-to-please-hard-ass who took great delight in bossing his kids around, but now I know why he did it. More importantly, I realize it was necessary, not just a way to get his jollies. I could be a real shit when I was a teenager, much like my soon-to-be step-son standing in front of me right now. I thought I knew everything, had it all figured out. Certainly didn't need anyone pushing me around or telling me what to do. I was untouchable, invincible, had the whole world at my fingertips.

Looking at Alex, I shook my head and sighed. Fuck was I stupid, I thought to myself, chuckling derisively. But I learned and this kid will too and as the closest thing he's got to a father in his life now, it's my job to teach him and lead him down the right path, or at the very least, whip his ass when he takes a wrong turn and point him back in the proper direction. Is there a better way though? A way to impart wisdom to a belligerent little shit of a teenager without the aid of an unyielding, unforgiving strip of leather?

I always hated my dad after he whipped me with his belt, but John always said it wasn't his job as my father to be liked, it was his job to raise me right and I like to think he did that. I'm a decent, God-fearing productive member of society, most of the time anyway. I might not have liked my father much when I was growing up, but I respected him nonetheless, or maybe I just feared him. The line is blurry when you're young, especially through the tears brought on by an anger fueled ass beating. There's gotta be a better way.

"Are you like havin' a stroke or something? Cuz you haven't said anything in like two minutes," Alex questioned me quite rudely, bringing me back to the matter at hand.

Or maybe there isn't a better way. I rubbed my chin before taking a deep breath and stepping back. This kid's disrespect infuriates me. I want so badly to teach him a lesson but I could seriously hurt him with my belt if I lose control, if I let my anger get the best of me. He just doesn't know any better, I try to convince myself so I have a reason not to lose my temper and beat his ass into oblivion. Amy would never forgive me and I can't risk losing her. She's the second best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't just mean cuz she's a fine piece of ass. She honestly makes me want to be a better person and nobody has ever done that before, except for my brother Sammy of course and my beautiful daughter Katie.

I need to be the bigger person here. I can't let this little punk goad me into losing my temper and his mom in the process.

"You need to get out of my sight." I glared at him somethin' fierce, deriving some misplaced satisfaction seeing his eyes widen in fear. "I mean it, Alex. Get the Hell up to your room. NOW!" I shouted, successfully scaring him into submission as he scurried up the stairs.

"You're crazy," I heard him exclaim, before he was out of earshot.

"You have no idea, kid," I chuckled out loud. Teenagers are fun. I can't wait tlll the other two reach this stage of life. God help us, I silently prayed.

The next morning, Amy called me.

"Hey, baby," I greeted her, in my best sultry, sexy tone of voice.

"Hi, hon, I miss you and the kids so much already. I can't wait to come home."

"You just got there. It can't be that awful," I said, feeling bad that she was miserable.

"It's not, I just miss you guys, is all."

"Don't worry, you'll be home soon enough, darlin'."

"I know. How are things going with the kids anyway? Or do I not want to know?" Amy asked, giggling her sweet little laugh that always makes me smile.

"Everybody's still alive and accounted for, if that tells you something."

"Somehow I get the feeling there's more to that story, Dean. What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing, baby, I'm handling it. Don't you worry, I've got everything under control."

"Dean." Amy said my name in her parental warning tone. It's cute she thinks that'll work on me, like when she does it to her kids. It won't but I give her props for trying.

"Yes, that's my name, baby. I'm glad you haven't forgotten it yet."

"Very funny, smart-ass. Now tell me what happened. You know I'm gonna find out anyway so you might as well save yourself the trouble and get it over with."

"How can I resist such an enticing offer?" I laughed at my lady. She loves thinking she calls the shots. Ludicrous, I know. I mean it's obvious who's the boss in this relationship. At least to me it is but she'll come around soon enough and if she needs some persuasion of a punitive nature to get her onboard with the process, I'll be more than happy to deliver it.

"Deannnn," she whined. "Come on, don't do this to me." I could practically hear her cute little pout through the phone. "You know this will drive me nuts all week. Just tell me already, or I'll continue to worry about it until I can't think of anything else and it becomes an all consuming unhealthy obsession that ruins my career and causes me to drive into a telephone pole."

"Damn! Dramatic much?" I couldn't help laughing at her ridiculous argument. She should know by now, threats and guilt don't work on me. If she wasn't five hours away she'd be able to get the intel out of me in a heartbeat using her feminine charms of persuasion. I felt my dick throb in my pants just thinking about it. Mmmmm, fuck she gets me hard just picturin' her, and hearin' her beg is icing on the cake. I had to readjust myself as my jeans were gettin' awfully tight and uncomfortable around my fun zone.

"Please," she whined softly. Such a tease and such a turn-on. Fuck, I'm gonna need a cold shower by the end of this call. I can just picture her sticking her bottom lip out as she bites down on her thumbnail and bats her eyes. I palmed myself, stifling a moan.

"Baby, don't." I stopped myself from tipping my hand as I tried to catch my breath and get my mind out of the gutter. "Amy, don't worry," I said, saving face. "Everything is fine, seriously. I was just yankin' your chain, you know me."

"If I didn't have to get to the morning training session, you would be in so much trouble right now, mister. This conversation is not over."

I love when she tries to sound all bad-ass. So adorable.

"Lucky for me then, babe. Get to your meeting so you don't lose your job. You know I like being a kept man," I joked.

"Love you, bye."

"Bye, baby," I said, hanging up, already halfway to the shower to relieve myself of my quickly growing problem.

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