Being Bad For Good Sake

Door The_Author_S

22.1K 503 122

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... Meer

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?
The Betrayal

The Rumor...

220 7 4
Door The_Author_S

Marinette tossed and turned in her bed, unable to shake off the mysteries surrounding Damien. Despite the rumors and his enigmatic demeanor, her own experiences with him painted a different picture. She couldn't ignore the moments of kindness she had witnessed—the genuine concern in his eyes when she was hurt, the respectful way he approached her, and the way he cared for his friends. The dissonance between the files she had read and the person she had come to know kept her mind racing. She decided that perhaps there was more to Damien than met the eye, a complexity that the world hadn't seen yet.

Marinette's POV:

As I entered the academy, the hushed whispers and stifled giggles reached my ears. Instinctively, I knew it was the work of Lila, but I decided to ignore the petty drama. Engaging with them would only waste my time, and I had more important things to focus on.

Walking calmly down the familiar hallways, I was suddenly jolted from my thoughts by the sound of furious shouting. Damien's voice, usually so composed, echoed through the corridor. A year ago, I might have passed it off as none of my business. But something inside me, a mix of curiosity and responsibility, urged me to follow the sound.

Turning the corner, I found Damien in the midst of a heated argument with a group of students. It was entirely uncharacteristic of him, his temper flaring in a way I had never witnessed before. My eyes widened in surprise; I hadn't expected him to react so strongly, especially in defense of... me?

"How dare you talk about her like that?" Damien's voice cut through the air, his anger palpable. "You're all good for nothing, believing the words of a stranger you met just yesterday. Did any of you bother to ask Marinette if the rumor was true? Your baseless accusations only show your ignorance."

It took me a moment to register that he was talking about me. I was both moved and perplexed. What could the rumor be? The intensity of his defense, though, left no room for doubt – he believed in my innocence, even if I wasn't entirely sure what I was being accused of.

My first instinct was to confront Lila, but before that, I needed to calm Damien down. Gripping his arm gently, I interjected, "Damien, let's step outside for a moment." His eyes, still ablaze with anger, met mine, and something flickered there – a mix of frustration and gratitude, perhaps.

Leading him away from the confrontation, I hoped to clear his mind. Whatever this rumor was, it had affected him deeply. As we walked, I pondered the situation, my mind racing with questions and a growing determination to get to the bottom of it. There was more to this story, and I was determined to uncover the truth.

Damien's POV:-

The rage was still simmering inside me as I walked alongside Marinette in the quiet corridor. Her hand was wrapped around mine, and although she seemed calm, her touch was strangely comforting amidst the chaos of my emotions. The rumor, the malicious words, they all echoed in my mind, refusing to fade away.

Marinette's voice, gentle and caring, cut through the turmoil in my head. "What is happening, Damien?" she asked, her words filled with warmth and empathy. Hearing her say my name in that soft tone sent a shiver down my spine. It was different from her usual assertiveness, and it touched a part of me I hadn't known existed.

I hesitated, still grappling with the anger that had consumed me just moments ago. My gaze remained locked on our intertwined hands, finding a strange sense of solace in that simple connection. "There's a rumor about you," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "They're saying... they're saying you're a stripper, that you got into this prestigious academy because of some wealthy patron. They spoke about you in the most degrading manner, making jokes and even suggesting they'd pay for your... services."

I could feel Marinette's heartache, even though she tried to hide it. "I'm so sorry you had to hear that, Damien," she said, her voice laced with genuine sympathy. Her apology cut through the silence, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of protectiveness toward her. "It's not about me hearing it, Marinette," I admitted, finally looking into her eyes. At that moment, I let her see the depth of my concern. "It's about you having to endure this, about people tarnishing your reputation with lies. It infuriates me because I know it's not true. I know you."

Her reassurance, that it didn't affect her, left me conflicted. "It's okay, Damien. I've faced worse rumors before. They don't affect me anymore," she said, her voice filled with a quiet strength that both amazed and worried me.

"That scares me more," I confessed, my gaze locked with hers. "Seeing you unaffected by it... it means this has happened before. Too many times for you to be this strong now. It means you've had to build this shield around yourself, and it terrifies me to think of the pain you might have endured."

Marinette's POV:-

His words hung heavily between us, and at that moment, I realized the depth of his understanding and the extent of his caring nature. Despite the fury in his eyes, there was an underlying fear for me, a fear that went beyond the surface. Damien saw through the facade I had built, and it both comforted and unsettled me. The realization that someone cared enough to see past the mask I wore was both a balm to my wounds and a revelation that left me vulnerable.

Silence enveloped us as we returned to school. The empty corridors were a stark contrast to the emotional whirlwind we'd just experienced. We parted ways as our different classes beckoned. This has to stop, I thought determinedly. I couldn't allow Lila to continue tarnishing my reputation. Fortunately, we shared a class that day, which was both a challenge and an opportunity.

When Lila entered the classroom late, her eyes quickly sought me out. I met her gaze with unwavering determination, refusing to succumb to her manipulative tactics. The tension between us was palpable, but I stood my ground. Today marked a turning point, a moment when I chose to rise above the rumors and confront the storm Lila had brewed.

I sat down next to Lila, a deliberate move intended to signal my forthcoming action. I wanted her to sense the storm brewing, to feel a sliver of the unease she had so casually caused me. The French class provided the backdrop for our confrontation, an ironic setting given the ease with the language – an ease that was about to be disrupted.

As the class ended and the professor made his exit, a charged silence settled in the room. Everyone felt the tension crackling between us and stayed, expecting a confrontation.

"Miss Rossi," I began, my voice cutting through the hush, "have you heard the rumors circulating this morning?" My tone was sharp, demanding a response. Her feigned innocence didn't fool me, but I let her play her cards.

"The rumors about you being a stripper, yes, I've heard them. I bet everyone has. But why are you asking me this? Don't tell me you're suspecting me of being the source of that rumor," she replied, a master of twisting words.

"I was going to ask you nicely to confirm whether my suspicions were correct or not. But now, I'm convinced you were the source of that rumor. And this isn't the first time, is it? Right, Chloe and Alya?" I called her out, throwing light on her history of deceit. Her composure wavered, unaccustomed to this side of me. I no longer felt the need to adhere to my cover, granting me the freedom to confront her without reservation.

"Well, the rumors aren't false, are they? My friend saw you there multiple times in Paris. I even have photos. Want me to show them to everyone and tarnish your little reputation left?" she retorted, attempting to regain control.

"The rumors are false," I asserted, my voice unwavering. "I assure you of that. As for the photos, they can be easily faked. Furthermore, I have alibis to confirm I wasn't there at that specific time."The confrontation hung in the air, a battle of words that I was determined to win, for my sake and for the truth.

Lila, usually so composed, seemed rattled by my response. The certainty in my voice, backed by the assurance of my innocence, challenged her carefully woven web of lies. The class watched in a mix of fascination and horror, glued to the unfolding drama.

Seeing her falter, I pressed on, my resolve unyielding. "Spreading baseless rumors and attempting to tarnish someone's reputation says more about your character than mine, Lila. But this stops now. I won't let your lies poison the atmosphere of this school."

The room seemed to close in on us as her facade cracked, revealing glimpses of the scheming manipulator beneath. "You're just jealous because I have what you want – attention, admiration. But no one will believe your words over mine," she hissed, desperation flickering in her eyes.

I met her gaze with unwavering determination. "This isn't about jealousy, Lila. It's about truth and integrity. And I trust that anyone with more than one brain cell will be able to see through your deceit."

With that, I stood up, leaving Lila seething with frustration. Walking away, I felt a mix of relief and adrenaline. It was a battle won, but I knew the war was far from over. Lila might retreat for now, but I had challenged her, and she wouldn't take it lightly. But till that time I am free of her malicious tactics. 

I needed to confront Damien about it. We were getting too close, and lines were blurring. I had to make things clear before we ended up destroying ourselves. Responsibilities weighed heavily on both of us, pulling us in different directions. We couldn't afford distractions from our motives. Making friends had never proven right for me in the past, so I couldn't afford to make that mistake now. Clarity was essential, even if it meant creating distance between us.

I found Damien in the library, his usual calm demeanor replaced by a fierce determination as he read through a stack of books. I approached him, my steps hesitant but purposeful. His eyes met mine, a silent invitation to speak my mind.

"Damien, I faced off with Lila," I said, my voice firm, betraying the underlying frustration. "I had to, but there's something you need to know. This battle, it's one I've been fighting long before you came along. I've built walls around me to keep people out, especially in moments like these. I've learned to protect myself."

He looked at me, confusion flickering in his eyes. "Why are you telling me this now?"

I hesitated, searching for the right words. "Because I thought you should understand. Understand why I might seem distant or closed off at times. It's not personal, it's just a defense mechanism."

Damien's expression softened, his confusion giving way to something akin to understanding. "I don't get it, Marinette. Why do you need to shut everyone out, especially when you're facing something like this?"

I sighed, my shoulders sagging with the weight of my emotions. "It's complicated, Damien. Sometimes the things we do to protect ourselves end up isolating us even more. But I can handle it. I've been handling it."

He didn't respond immediately, his gaze searching my face as if trying to decipher the depths of my emotions. Finally, he said, "I still don't fully understand, but I won't interfere if you don't want me to. Just... know that you can talk to me if you ever decide you want to."

There was a sincerity in his voice that caught me off guard. For a moment, I glimpsed a vulnerability in Damien, a crack in his usual composed exterior. Maybe, just maybe, he was beginning to comprehend the complexities of my world. With a small nod, I acknowledged his words, unsure if I could ever fully let him in but appreciating the offer nonetheless.

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