IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. Grayson

Autorstwa Autumnrain20

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'Just how far can one walk the path that has been set for them by others?' [Young justice] Więcej



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Autorstwa Autumnrain20



COLLEGE APPLICATIONS AND BROCHURES STARED BACK AT HER AS SHE CAREFULLY EYED EACH OF THEM. It had been a long time coming, regular high school wasn't for her, she had graduated when she was ten, she didn't need to attend some sweaty institution full of adolescents who were trying to figure themselves.

"Hey" Dick knocked gently on her open door as he entered, taking away her attention from the papers in front of her "Still making a decision huh?"

"I have narrowed it down but, there is still some confusion at the moment" Dick picked up one of them and showed it to her "I'm more of an MIT guy myself but... Wally's apparently thinking Stanford, maybe you could join them?"

"No. Stanford does not interest me" Jason entered her room and laid down on the bed "What have I said about entering my room, Todd?"

"You let him inside without question" He pointed to Dick who rolled his eyes "His presence is well received, unlike yours" 

He mumbled her words mockingly under her breath as he picked up a brochure "Why are you even going to college?" He questioned "College is a good way to develop your skills or if you wish to further your education"

Jason nodded, dryly commenting "Sure it is. College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?"

"That's only applicable to people like you, Jason" Jason pointed towards him "True" He then looked at the ceiling "But who wants to go to college willingly? It's where dreams die" He stated, hoping the older ones would end his curiosity

"It isn't for everyone. It's not an obligation to go either" The big brother advice "You can be something without the degree—what do you wanna be anyway?"

"I don't know, I'm pretty badass as Robin but uh...writing is interesting and i know that to be a writer you have to write—and no academic degree is going to do the writing for you."

"Did something remotely profound just leave your mouth, Jay?" Dick teased and Jason narrowed his eyes "Shut up, Dickwad"

"Gentlemen. I believe I have decided" She stated as she held up the brochure of the place she wished to attend and both of them gave her huge grins, congratulating her


"MUST YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?" SHADOW QUESTIONED AS SHE HELD UP A BOX FOR ARTEMIS WHO STOOD ON A LADDER "Even I don't wanna do this, but she's making me do this...and since you're here, you're helping"

"I could leave"

"So nothing unusual then?"

"You are one petty woman, I hope Wally never breaks your heart." Artemis smirked "I plan on setting fire to his sneakers if he does" Shadow's lip quirked "He's been checking you out, you know?" They turned to Barbara who was standing next to Shadow, holding up her clip board, the latter raising a brow "I am aware of his intense gaze"

Barbara's eyes widened "Then why don't you talk to him?" She questioned "Darling, I hardly talk to all of you, do you honestly believe I would talk to him?" She looked at the boy who smirked at her, sunglasses and all "I wish nothing more than to ask him to stop."

Artemis scoffed "Not a fan" Barbara shook her head "Rodrick Ranks. He's sweet. I have AP calc with him"

"Then should you not be the one to 'ask him out' ?" Barbara blushed, shaking her head "She likes someone else, she won't tell me who it is" Shadow's brows furrowed "Why not? Is he truly such an embarrassment?"

"What? No!" She immediately denied "He just doesn't look at me like that..." The halls door opened to reveal more people who had been part of the decorating committee and others who had been asked by their friends to help out "What an odd man, a beautiful woman cannot garner his attention, he must be blind" Barbara blushed before clearing her throat

"Alright, we just need to put up a few more posters for Bette then we can—is that a sports car?" She questioned as she lifted her gaze from the clipboard towards the back entrance gates where there was indeed a red sports car making it's way down towards the campus. Artemis groaned "Bette is going to lose her head"

"You're damn right she is! What the hell is that?"

"A car" Shadow stated. She had set the box down and began to hang posters properly in order to be done with the work faster and leave "Jee, I didn't notice" The blonde drawled out sarcastically "I meant what the hell is it doing here? Is he even allowed to do this?"

"I don't think there's a rule against campaigning with a car" Bette groaned "There wasn't even going to be a campaign. I need a sports car" Artemis nodded in agreement "Don't we all?"

"That's it, I'm gonna need to cash in a few favours." She turned to look at Artemis "Please tell me you know someone who owns a car better than that"

"I don't" Bette sighed and nodded "Damn it. Barb you better have my speech ready and new girl, you and I are gonna spy on their campaign later"

"Must we?"

"Yes, we must" She gripped Shadow's hand and the girl, thankfully, didn't put Bette six feet under for the very unwelcome touch to her wrist. But, the man who had been eyeing Shadow was walking upto them and Bette stopped in her tracks.

"What do you think you're doing, Ranks?" She questioned with narrowed eyes. The man in question shrugged, handing his campaign poster to one of his friends. The boy took off his sunglasses and smiled at Shadow with a wink before looking at Bette "Winning"

He turned to Barabara "Hey Barb" The redhead waved back but Bette glared at her 

"I was running unopposed"

"And now I stand in opposition. Funny thing, I needed a credit score and this is the easiest thing in the world"

"You don't even care about the student body" The boy shrugged, slightly in mocking offence "I care" Shadow had successfully removed herself from Bette's grip. The boy smirked and stepped closer "You know, haven't seen you around here, If I had, you'd be on my team"

"God is great in many ways, he saved me from your tyranny. I can only hope the same for the others" He chuckled slightly, stepping even closer, invading her space "Oh you are feisty, I'm Rodrick, have we met?"

"I've met many people, you don't particularly stand out" He laughed "Then you'll have to get to know me, sometime"

"I'm sure she has better things to do, Ranks" Artemis scoffed and Bette nodded "Seriously I need you to back down"

"No way" He scoffed "I'm not backing down" He paused for a moment "Unless..." He looked at Shadow "You and me? Coffee?"

"Sure, we could take the aerial route on your flying pig" The people behind laughed and he scoffed "Listen Betsy Johnson, I'm not backing down and there is no way that these idiots are gonna vote for you when I stand in the running so I'd drop out now. Save yourself some face"

"You wish." The boy shrugged "Suit yourself" He walked away, handing a photograph to Barbara whose eyes widened and he left "See you at the debate then"

"What the hell?" Artemis said as she took the photo from Barbara "Oh boy. This is bad" Barb shook her head and Bette looked at them confused "What?" They handed Shadow the photo who gave no expression but sighed "Every day I am amazed at the audacity of men" She held it back when Bette trued to grab it from her "Seriously, what is it?"

"Before we inform you of your current dilemma, I advise we go somewhere more...private?" Bette looked at the three confused before nodding and they headed inside, to the library. Once inside, Bette immediately turned to them in a softer tone "What is it?"

"You had a thing with our teaching assistant?" Artemis questioned bluntly and Bette let out a gasp of shock, a shameful look crossed her face "A long time ago, it was like the start of junior year and believe me it was a huge mistake. My parents were going through a divorce and he was just...there"

"Well someone else was just there too..." Artemis took the photo from Shadow and showed it to Bette, who gaped at it "That is such a bad angle"

"And the action caught within is no concerning matter?" Bette nodded "Right. Right. Sorry. I-I should go back out now, before everyone finds out. Thankfully, Adam isn't teaching here anymore"

"Woah. You are not backing out" Barbara pushed her down "That's what he wants" Artemis nodded and Shadow took the photograph from Bette's grasp "I shall take care of your issue, Artemis will make sure no one else knows of this matter and Barbara and yourself will perfect your speech. Do not worry yourself, simply focus on the winning"

"What do you plan on doing?" Shadow didn't answer, simply walking away "Hello? New girl?" Artemis gave her a smirk "She does that a lot, don't worry. Consider it not a problem anymore"



"Who?" He questioned with furrowed brows as he passed the basketball to his teammate "Don't know. But apparently she matches every single description you've given me about the love of your life" Dick just rolled his eyes and stepped out of the court to see Shadow leaning against the stands. A smile graced his face as he stared at her "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Artemis and I had plans but she persuaded me into some campaign business."

She eyed him for a moment, he looked sightly to say the least. With his hair matted down, his face flushed, muscles flexed and his eyes, oh how wonderful were his eyes. But, she immediately snapped out of her trance when she saw him step forward, a more alert posture now replaced her laid back one "I require your help" Dick raised a brow "A student has been threatening to leak Bette Kane's private photographs in order to ensure he wins some childish election campaign—one should think this is how villains and bad politicians are born"

The doors flung open to reveal Rodrick Ranks who was dressed in basketball gear, his team behind him as they marched onto the court "Let me guess, he's the asshole whose threatening her?" Shadow nodded and Dick grabbed his bag, pulling out his laptop "Then let's teach him one lesson he won't forget" He smirked as got to working. A few minutes later, he scoffed "His password is 'Rodrick Rules'. Guy has embarrassing photos on everyone, not just Bette" 

Dick's eyes widened and he handed the laptop over to Shadow "Uh...if that label suggests what it suggests then I'd rather not open that file" Shadow's brows furrowed, clicking on it and she frowned in disgust "He's a disgrace to your gender. Women he's spent the night with...he has a camera in the girl's locker rooms?" She shook her head, pressing down to delete the entire file and handed it back to Dick "Some people don't understand the concept of privacy or consent"He scoffed "I really wanna clock him in the jaw now"

Shadow turned to him "So what should be our next course of action?" A basketball came flying straight for Dick but Shadow caught it with ease and everyone stood shocked as she threw it back and made a basket without looking "Well—"

"Damn, Grayson. You're not gonna introduce me to your friend?" Rodrick questioned as he walked upto them and Dick didn't look up, simply typing away "No"

"Well she should get to know me. I'm sure she'd like me"

"She's right here and can speak for herself" The boy countered as Shadow glared at him "And she most certainly does not like you" The assassin remarked mockingly

"Breaking my heart huh? What's rich boy got that managed to grab your attention?" Dick smirked at him "A personality"

The blonde scoffed "I have personality" Dick still hadn't looked at him "One that's barely there" The boy clenched his jaw "I'd be careful, rich boy. You wouldn't want to mess with me" The other two simultaneously rolled their eyes "Wouldn't I though?" The former Boy Wonder smirked and the Ranks man just scoffed, stepping away from them "She's not that great anyway. At least the others are easy"

Dick's jaw clenched but he continued to work as Shadow's blankly stared at the boy who squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze and immediately walked away "I really want to knock him off his ass"

"We will. Strategically"

Dick nodded before his eyes widened and he let out a laugh, pulling Shadow closer "Think this'll do the trick?" They shared a mischievous smirk. Oh how the Ranks boy would suffer for his actions


BETTE KANE ANXIOUSLY TAPPED HER FOOT AS SHE WAITED FOR SHADOW TO SHOW UP AT THE AUDITORIUM "Where's new girl? If she can't do this, I'm screwed and it's far too late to drop out and oh my goodness! I'm gonna be a social outcast and my cat is gonna hate me and the world is gonna collapse and even Superman won't save me and my life will be over and all my hair will fall out because I'll be—"

"Bette shut up! You'll be fine. She just texted me that she's got it covered" Artemis cut her off "Yes because 'got it covered' brings in so much confidence" Bette rolled her eyes, she was nervous, the auditorium was filled up with everyone and they were just waiting for Rodrick to come so they could begin their speeches.

"Ugh, I might as well start digging a hole in the ground" She bent down but Barbara pulled her up as they saw Rodrick stand behind the stage and passed them a wink before taking his notes and walking on stage "Go!" She whined slightly before walking up on stage.

"Welcome! Students and faculty to the one hundred and seventy fifth annual student body election contention. It is an old tradition at Gotham Academy that students have friendly competition in order to uphold a democratic society within the school so that some of you may shape up to be the leaders of tomorrow" The announcement began and Bette almost yelped in happiness when she spotted her new girl with a new boy? She offered the girl a wink and suddenly the nerves she felt washed away and she was ready to take the man next to her down. Hard.

Shadow and Dick walked back stage and stood next to Artemis who gave them a surprised look "Did you fix it?" She questioned in a low tone and Shadow simply nodded looking ahead.

Bette's speech went smoothly, the girl clearly making her point across the room and everyone burst into cheers as she finished, moving back to her rostrum. Rodrick was next and nothing seemed to happen during his speech either, it went just as smoothly. Artemis and Barbara both exchanged a confused look as Shadow and Dick looked at each other and smirked

The lights turned off and Rodrick gave a smug, satisfied smile. His plan was in place but the smile of satisfaction immediately fell off at the video that began playing "No." He mumbled and turned to glare at the guys in the front row who were stunned watching the videos "It isn't true!" He tried to reach for the cords but none of them seemed to work and he yelled before kicking away the podium "Mr. Ranks!" Everyone began to laugh as he tried to exit the stage but fell down and the curtains wrapped around his ankle, pulling the stage with him "Oh that has got to hurt" Artemis muttered

"He deserved it" Dick turned to them "Trust me. You wouldn't want to see half the stuff he had on people"

He turned to Bette and began to yell "You! You did this. Bitch! I'll ruin you" He started to charge towards her but Dick was quick to step in his way and held his wrist that was ready to throw a punch "I wouldn't do that if I were you" He made a sloppy attempt to punch him, but Dick held his other wrist and instead punched him in the jaw and no one made a move to stop him as the boy clutched his nose. Dick walked away as other students held Rodrick down and he rubbed his fist, smirking "Man, that felt good"

"This isn't over! She didn't look fifty! Anita was gentle and tender" He yelled as a few faculty members escorted him away, the vice principal following, talking about how a long chat was over due. The principal had tried to have the video turned off but to no avail and sighed

"Will someone please shut this thing?! Due to the unfortunate circumstances of our opponent and the disgusting behaviour displayed today. I shall have to cancel the contestation. However, rest assured, you Miss Kane, are most certainly our next student body president. Thank you all for your time"

With that she walked off and the students began to take videos of the screen where it showed Rodrick Ranks making out with the fifty year old librarian named Anita Sokolov

"At least mine was still hot" Artemis hit Bette's shoulder and scoffed "It's nothing to be proud of, Bette. Believe me"


"I SUPPOSE CELEBRATIONS ARE IN ORDER, MISS SHADOW?" ALFRED QUESTIONED AS HE PLACED TWO TEA CUPS ON THE TABLE AND TOOK A SEAT "I suppose they are" She held up two letters "It feels odd" She mused as she placed the letters down "How so?"

"It feels...normal. All so very normal"

"Isn't that the worst?" The butler remarked "It most certainly is" She replied, looking at the letters before shaking her head and drinking her tea. "Would you like me to open them for you?"

"No. I'd rather do it myself" She held the paper cutter and gently opened the letter and Alfred had to ask because her expressions would never give away anything "Well?"

"I made it" The butler smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder "Congratulations, Miss. I shall prepare a fine feast in your honour. There's only so many reasons one can celebrate here" She gave a small smile "Thank you, Alfred" The butler smiled back "You are very welcome"

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