My Sun, My Drug, My Mate [ON...

By sofi_fangirl

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Hecate is only seventeen years old, yet she has been through what most people don't get to experience in a li... More

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178 8 22
By sofi_fangirl


Hecate's POV

"It's nice to see you two getting along, but we still want to know what she is." I turn around and see the other men strutting in, all except Jean and Michael. It was Pietro who had spoken. I get the feeling he doesn't like me very much, but I've no idea why.

"Yeah, I was wandering the same about you guys." I retort.

Pietro sends me a glare but I smile at him and shake it off nonchalantly. This seems to annoy him even more.

"Since you guys kidnapped me I have the right to know."

I say, and Pietro takes a quick step towards me and hisses. Before he can say or do anything Maximilian intervenes. "She's right."

We all look at each other for a second. I'm staring at Pietro and he's staring back at me with hostility, both of us waiting for the other to speak.

"Well then, since everyone is so quiet I'll do the talking." Kevin intervenes.

"Right, um..." He seems embarrassed for a second, and shyly starts speaking. "I'm Kevin, and this is my brother Keith. But you know that...." He clears his throat. "Let's see... we're Hunters: that means we have heightened strength and senses, although not like Vampire ones. Apart from that we're pretty much human. All you have to know about us is that we're naturally talented for all weaponry, so watch out." He winks at me, and I try to put on a smile to hide how much at unease I am.

Born with the talent to handle weapons? I really want to stay away from them. 

"Our touchy little friend here is Pietro." Kevin points at Pietro, which huffs and rolls his eyes. Thankfully he stays quiet.

"He's a Hybrid. It's very complicated with Hybrids, 'cause you never know what they're Hybrids of. Pietro, for example, is half Siren half Shifter. He can't control people's mind, but he can sometime read into them. He can't turn into every animal like the Shifters but only his Totem animal. Get it?"

My head is spinning from all the names but I nod my head. It's odd, I shouldn't feel this natural about all these creatures actually existing, but I'm calm nonetheless.

"So what are Sirens and Shifters?" I ask.

"Sirens are usually evil creatures who use their mind powers to control humans. Since they feed on human flesh, their slaves don't last that long. As for Shifters, their name says most of it. They're mostly human, but have heightened senses and speed. They can shift into any animal they want, although most of them don't have enough power to so. Most of them prefer to shift into their Totem or Soul animal, which is the one that wears them out less."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. She knows enough now, but we still don't know anything about her." Pietro says, and Keith nods in agreement. "He's right. Now it's our turn to ask the questions."

I take in a deep breath and nod slowly. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

"Well, for one, how the hell you managed to put Jean to sleep like that." Keith looks at me intently, with his eyebrows raised. He's obviously waiting for an answer, but I don't have one to give him.

I can't exactly tell them the truth.  Oh, one of the voices in my head told me to say a word and I just did.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too." Jean walks in the room, weary and holding onto Michael for support. He looks pale and more tired than he did earlier, and I wonder if it's because of what I did to him this morning.

Was it only this morning? I realise, and a yawn escapes my lips. Even if I passed out more times than I can count today, apparently my body still hasn't had enough sleep.

"So? How did you do it?" I snap back from my phase, but suddenly my eyes are heavy. I need sleep and, apparently, I need it now.

I open my mouth to answer but another lingering yawn comes out instead. I cover my mouth and apologise, when I feel someone's hands on my shoulders. My skin tingles and I know exactly who it is.

"She's tired, Keith; she should go to sleep. You'll get your answer tomorrow." Maximilian takes my hand, helping me to stand up. I feel his hand linger over the small on my back as he starts leading me up the stairs and back into the bedroom.

As soon as we enter I just take my shoes off and throw myself on the bed without many ceremonies. I make myself comfortable and wrap up in the soft duvet. I don't bother changing into the pyjama. God knows I'll never be wearing that again.

My brain makes a fuzzy connection, and I decide to ask Maximilian about it. "Hey, you talked of God as if he were a person... Does he exist too?"

Maximilian sighs deeply and doesn't answer for a few seconds. In the meanwhile my eyes have closed. I'm right on the edge of falling asleep, but part of me stays awake to hear the answer.

"God is just... God. He's not as fantastic as humans make him out to be. He is my Father, and I would never speak ill of Him. But His wrath sometimes outweighs His mercy, which is supposed to be infinite. He's not always forgiving... But He does as He sees fit. And I believe in Him, or I used to..." He phases out, as if remembering some old memories.

I feel the bed sulk next to me and I'm only partly aware as he wraps his arms around me and places a soft kiss on my temple. I can't help but shiver at the contact, both from pleasure and fear.

Maximilian is going to sleep in the same bed as me. I'd be a lot more scared if I wasn't so tired and didn't feel so safe in his arms. I've never felt so safe with any of the girls I've been with, mainly because I was the leading one in the relationship. If you can even call one night stands relationships, that is.

But, to be honest, I don't mind the fact that he's a man: I actually even prefer it. I like his affections, his attention. When Maximilian looks at me, I feel only him. It's like if nothing else matters, and his warmth and love is the only thing making me feel alive.

He's my sun, the one thing that can shine light on my life. Everything up to know was immersed in darkness, and he's the first ray of sun I've had shine through me so far. Maybe my life so far has been so hard and empty because he wasn't there. Maybe.

Although I have a long way to go, and I know it will take me a while to warm up to him, I hope I'll be able to do it, someday.

"Maximilian?" I whisper.

"Hm?" He answers, and I know he's on the verge of sleep, like me.

"Did you kidnap me because I'm your mate?" I whisper.

He breathes in deeply and I feel him nod.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I hope you understand—"

"I do." I say. "I'm just not sure I can forgive you yet."

Those are the last words I speak before I slip into oblivion.

I think I feel Maximilian shiver, and say "I know. Just let me know when you can."


I wake up with the light shining in my eyes. It really is a bright day and I'd love to spend it outside— that is, if I'm even allowed to do that now.

It's not my first time being kidnapped, but it certainly is the first that I'm given this much liberty as a captive. I might be surrounded by supernatural creatures, but instead of a six foot wide cell I'm free to roam a huge mansion.

Plus, this time my captors haven't shown any intent of hurting me, so far.

I turn around on the bed, and see Maximilian's sleeping face. He looks so innocent in his sleep, the kind of look you'd expect to find on a baby.

He looks like an Angel. I laugh at the irony of the thought: he actually is an Angel. An Angel that I could look at forever, to be honest. Seeing him like this, eyes shut and features relaxed, I could honestly believe that I could spend the rest of my life with a man.

Everyone looks innocent when they sleep. It's what they look like when they're awake that counts. My brain tells me bitterly, and the image of Maximilian's Demon runs through my mind. I flinch, pulling back from Maximilian's sleeping shape. My subconscious is right:  I can never spend my life with a man, or anyone for that matter.

"You're cursed Hecate, forever." The echo of a nightmare reaches me, and I sigh deeply. I am cursed, and everyone I might love in the future will die, just like they did in the past. I have to remember that.

I grunt and sit up, looking around for any sort of clock. I finally find an electronic one on the wall and read the time: 7:24 am.

I quickly stand out of bed and get ready in the bathroom before heading downstairs to the kitchen. I haven't eaten in more than three days, and my stomach is beginning to complain. I'm going to make breakfast, and nobody's going to stop me.

I reach the kitchen and try a couple of cabinets and cupboards, just to get the feel of the place. I'll be staying here a while, so I might as well make myself at home.

I finally find the pans and get a couple of them out. Then I head for the fridge and am happy to see that it is fully stocked. There's everything I need: milk, eggs, butter, bacon. Even maple syrup! I don't like it myself, but the guys might.

Is that what they are now? 'The guys'? They still kidnapped you, in case you've forgotten. My brain chips in annoyingly, as always.

They did kidnap me, that's true. But, for some reason, I feel safe with them. They're not going to hurt me, because I know Maximilian wouldn't let them... I hope.

They all seem pretty decent, except for that Pietro fellow... He really doesn't like me, at all. I just wish I knew why. He gives me spine-chilling looks and always treats me as if I'm inferior to him. One day I'll give him a proper ass beating, and I'll show him just how superior I am.

I huff in frustration, trying to let go of my anger. I remember the night in the woods, the one they kidnapped me. I was crying because I've always only seen red in my life. I hold a grudge like it's nobody's business, and I'm pretty sure I've never forgiven someone in my life. I blame others, get angry and, eventually, start to hate them.

Maybe you should learn to let go and move on. My heart suggests, and I sigh deeply. I really want to follow its advice, but I know I can't. I'm not that kind of person.

Maybe you are that person. Or you can choose to become her. My stubborn heart continues. I shake my head: those are too many 'maybe-s' for my liking.

I'm just finishing up when Keith walks in and takes a seat at the counter. His hair is scruffy and he yawns widely, and I can't help but smile. He looks like a giant teddy bear: it's kind of cute.

"Hey." He says sweetly, and I reply with a smile and a quiet " 'Morning."

"So what you got there? I have to say, I didn't expect you to cook." I huff and ignore his comment. I take a plate out and put it in front of him. "So what will it be? Pancakes, eggs or bacon?" I ask.

"All three, please." Keith answers, and I chuckle at the murmured "Thanks." he gives me.

Then Kevin walks in, along with Michael. The first sits down but the latter comes around the kitchen and unexpectedly pulls me into a hug.

I'm too shocked to move for a second, but when I realise what he's doing I awkwardly pat his back. I'm not used to people touching me, and I would usually shake them off me and probably then punch them in the face for getting so close to me.

I suppress my acquired instinct.

"Thank you for making breakfast, everything looks delicious! I'm just sorry I won't get to eat it." He pulls away with a bright smile.

I'm just about to ask him why, but I see him walk over to a mini fridge and pull out a plastic bag with a red liquid—

They're Vampires. The thought suddenly snaps back on me, like if the tension on an elastic band had been released and it had finally flicked back on me, leaving a stinging sensation behind. My brain tries to wrap itself around the fact that the content of that bag is blood.

Michael uncaps the bag and pours the blood in a mug, before casually taking a sip. When he finishes drinking, there's a red stain on his upper lip.

I turn away slightly, not wanting to see the rest, but a weird feeling gets me to get a napkin and dab it on his cheek, taking away the stain.

"You had a stain of..." My voice fades. I still can't say the word blood.

He smiles shyly and looks at the floor, muttering a "Sorry."

"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me all that much." I smile lightly, shaking it off. 

"Wow, she's going to make a great Mother." Kevin whispers and Keith nods in agreement before taking another big chunk out of his pancake.

"What did you say?" I question. Why would he call me a mother? I'm half his age, and he thinks I'm his mum?

"Nothing, just congratulating your amazing culinary skill." Kevin quickly makes up. He's a surprisingly good liar... I'll keep that in mind.

"Hm hm." Keith has a big piece of pancake in his mouth, and I chuckle at his silliness. He's a fully grown adult yet he acts like a child.

"Well, I've learnt over the years. There was never really anyone to cook for me, so I did it myself." When I found an empty house with a good kitchen. My subconscious adds.

"You know what you should make?" Keith says enthusiastically. He swallows before saying "Pie."

I laugh and nod my head. I remember finding a good recipe in one of the houses I'd been in when I was eleven. The family that lived there was on vacation and I had the house all to myself for three weeks, and to thank them I left them a couple of pies I'd made during that time.

It was the only way that I thought I could pay them back, at the time. That was when I still actually felt guilty for breaking in people's homes. You get used to it after a while.

"Maybe I will." I answer Keith. He looks at me with affection before returning his undivided attention to his plate of food.

Pietro walks into the room and glares at me. I can literally feel the room getting colder, and my legs shake a bit. Again, I get the feeling he hates me, even if I don't know why. I know I never needed a reason to hate someone, and maybe this guy is just like me. I smile lightly to myself: he dislikes me so much, but we're more alike than he thinks.

"Oh-oh, here comes the party-pooper." Michael says, and I have to shut my mouth tightly to keep from laughing. Keith and Kevin smile, but Pietro definitely isn't amused.

I take another plate and fill it with some eggs, two slices of bacon and a pancake. I hold it out to Pietro. "I cooked breakfast. I thought you might like some, since I think you guys don't get to eat it that often."

"Fine." Pietro rudely takes the plate from my hands and starts eating. He hums in approval at the taste. "This is actually pretty good." He nods his head.

"Wow, I think that's the nicest you've been to her since she got here." Keith laughs and Pietro hisses at him. His eyes turn bright green for a split second too.

"So, Hybrid huh?" I try to start up a conversation with him. He might not want me here, but I am. I find it extremely odd, in a way: the guy was in on the kidnapping, but he doesn't want me here. What's the point of that?

He does what the boss asks. My brain informs me, and I have to remind myself that the 'boss' is Maximilian.

I clear my throat. "That's pretty cool. What's your Totem animal?" I ask him.

"A lion." He shrugs casually, as if it were no big deal. My eyes widen a little: a lion? I'm standing next to a guy that can turn into a lion?

"That's... awesome." I try and refrain myself from saying terrifying.

"I guess it is pretty cool." Pietro smiles and looks at the floor.

"You know a Lion Totem symbolises courage and strength? It's usually the symbol for a great warrior. But thing is it can also mean that you have difficulties controlling strong emotions, especially anger and rage." I blurt out the facts incoherently.

I honestly don't know where that came from. I guess I must have read them in a magazine, somewhere.

Everyone is eyeing me sideways, and I return their glares with confusion.

Pietro suddenly bursts. "How the hell do you know that? The meaning of one's Totem Animal remains hidden to everyone except the Shifters themselves. There's no way you could've known, unless—"

His eyes widen and he abruptly stops talking, shaking his head. "But it's not possible." He whispers quietly to himself, shaking his head again.

"What's not possible?" I ask. Everyone's looking at me weirdly, eyes wide and mouths hanging open.

"How did you hear that?" Michael asks me, and I see his head tilted to the side. He examines me for a second, walking from behind the counter to stand beside me.

"He whispered loud, I guess—"

"No he didn't. I have super hearing and I barely heard him." Jean informs me.

I look around the room: everyone is studying me. They're all looking at me intently, trying to decipher my next move. I shiver at their looks: I've had that look on my face one too many times. They're trying to figure out whether they should attack or not.

"Guys, you're freaking me out." I say, and my voice shakes a little. I slowly start to walk backwards, behind the counter, putting space between myself and them.

Pietro lifts his gaze and slowly starts walking towards me. He takes on step after the other, at a frighteningly slow speed. What is he doing?

"Guys? What's going on?" I say again, frantically feeling behind me with my hands. Keeping my eyes on them, I find the knife I was cooking with earlier. I take its hilt, managing it as if it were a dagger, and then keep it hidden behind my back.

Nobody answers me, but Pietro keeps walking towards me. Suddenly, a weird light shines around him. I hear the ripping of clothing and then, out of the blue, there's a lion standing in front of me.

It's larger than most lions I've ever seen: it's taller than I am. Its golden fur is beautiful. I get the feeling he's angry, and I suddenly get the urge to pet him. That's right: I get the urge to pet the fucking lion.

It roars at me, and I jump back. I pull out the long knife from behind my back, and everyone in the room flinches. Everyone, except the lion.

It's looking down at me, and I stare into its eyes. It's weird: the animal's eyes don't look like they belong with the rest of the body. They're bright green and the pupil is thin. They look like they belong to a reptile, not a feline.

The lion roars again, but this time something reaches my mind. "What are you?" An angry voice shouts into my head. It takes me a while to realise that it's Pietro's—

But how can that be? How can I be hearing his voice when he's turned into a lion?

"Shift!" He then orders me. What does he mean? I can't do that! I hold up the knife, waving it in front of the lion, trying to make it back away. It doesn't; in fact, it doesn't seem to fear the knife at all, as if it knows that the knife can't hurt it.

"Shift!" The power radiating off his voice makes something inside me snap, literally.

I feel the bones on my left leg shatter all of a sudden, broken by an invisible force. I fall to the floor as I cry out in pain, my vision going black.

"HECATE!" I distantly hear Maximilian's angry shouts. He must be furious right now.

Another bone in me cracks. This time it's my right arm. Again I cry out in pain, spots dancing before my eyes. Then another bone breaks, and another.

There's nothing I can do to stop it: the process is going on by itself. I desperately try to will my body to stop somehow, but nothing works. Nothing works.

"Don't worry. It'll be over soon."

Those are the last words I hear before the pain makes me lose consciousness.

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