Meltdown [Derek Hale]

بواسطة louNowakowski

71.9K 2.2K 131

She always had a one-tracked life planned out, she was going to be a surgeon and she was going to help cure o... المزيد

Chapter Six
Chapter Twelve


7K 131 23
بواسطة louNowakowski

Staring down at the charts in front of her, Juliette tilted her head as she read over the last of the paperwork. "Okay, and good to go," she finalised passing them down to the nurse in front of her. "So, any more thoughts on that date yet?" She asked, and the nurse looked up at her annoyed, "oh, come on, your single, my dads single, my brother and your son are basically brothers already...I'm just saying the match works. Two public service people who work long hours and understand emergencies... honestly it's a match made in heaven."

"Julie, stop trying to set me up with your dad."

"Oh please, Melissa. You need to get out there, my dad needs to get out there. It just makes sense you start with each other, who knows you might end up being the cutest couple in town."


"Yes?" The much younger woman asked, a hopeful smile and a cheerful glint in her eye.

"You're supposed to be doing post-ops," she said handing the girl a new set of charts. Julie's smile dropped and she snatched the charts from Melissa wandering off annoyed.


Entering the house, Julie tucked her hands into her pockets trying to conserve warmth. There was something about night shifts and staying up for around twenty-four hours that made her feel cold. She didn't care though, she just wanted sleep, she needed sleep.

"No, because when I get a call out that does not mean you get called out," she heard her dad chastising, and she walked into the kitchen ditching her bag and coat on one of the chairs.

"What's this?" She asked, looking at her dad who was stood with his arms crossed in front of her little brother who was sat at the table munching on toast in the most pathetic way she'd ever seen. He looked like a lost puppy.

"Stiles here, decided to take my call of a dead body being found in the woods as an invitation to go running around the woods in the middle of the night," Noah explained, she looked at him before grimacing.

"How are we related?" She asked.

"What?" Stiles asked, looking at her annoyed.

"I mean...I'm so smart, and you're so dumb...what if the murderer was still out there? Then what?"

"Hey, Jules, you have access to the morgue..." Stiles began and she tilted her head, pressing her lips together, "when they find it will you give me a text?"

"No," both Noah and Julie said at the same time.

"You know what? No car." Noah said, and Julie nodded in agreement, crossing her own arms as she did so, "Jules will take you to school, and pick you up."

She started to shake her head in disagreement, "but I want to go to bed," she countered, looking to her dad pleadingly.


She looked back to Stiles, hatred on her face, "get in the car," she growled, and he looked to his dad imploringly.

"You tryna get me killed?"


After school, she found herself sat in the pick up point for the second time that day. She'd used the hours in between to sleep and she wanted to get home so she could grab some food before going back to work. She was ignoring all the students who were walking to their own cars and heading home, as she waited for her little brother, singing the songs she'd put into the radio. She was leaning back into her chair, one foot up on the dashboard and the other crossed beneath her. She couldn't see much of the daylight due to the sun glasses that were obstructing her face.

'I almost didn't notice all the roses / and the note that said / our song is the slamming screen door / sneakin' out late, tapping on your window-" she was cut off to a tap to her own window, and she looked over to the passanger window where Stiles was stood his face pressed into the glass. Pulling her glasses down to peer over the top, she raised her brow at him before unlocking the car.

"By the way..."

"What?!" She shouted over the music, and Stiles rolled his eyes.

"I said-"

"Can't hear you!"

He reached out lowering the volume of the radio, "you'll damage your ears doing that."

"So? It's T. Swizzle," she countered, not caring as she raised the volume to 23 exactly. Hearing the back door opening, she looked back confused only to see Scott sat in the centre.

"As I was saying... we've got to take Scott to the preserve. He left his inhaler."

She slowly looked back to Stiles, "you said that you went alone."

Stiles only grinned, "oh come on, I'm only strengthening my bond with Scott so there'll be no objections when you inevitably get out parents together."

She hummed in thought, "I'll accept that answer."

"I won't!" Scott cut in, but she only raised the volume of the song to drown them out as she drove to the preserve.


"I can't believe I'm working a thirteen-hour shift in about four hours and you're having me traipsing through mud," Julie admitted, as the trio crossed the creek in the nature preserve. None of them had been there throughout the day as it was still technically private property, and their father could only do so much to get them out of trouble.

"Oh come on, Jules, this is fun... isn't it exhilarating?" Stiles urged, as he looked to his sister with a giddy face. She looked at him annoyed.


"I-I don't know what it was," Scott interrupted, still rambling on about his earlier experiences not caring about the siblings back and forth, "it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asked.

"Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket."

Stiles made a face, not remembering putting any in his pocket, "I don't even have any mint mojito-" he checked all of his pockets before pulling out, much to both of the Stilinski's suprise, a singular piece of mint mojito gum.

"Ooo, gum," Julie said, snatching the piece from his hands and putting it in her mouth before he could snatch it back. "So all of this started with the bite?"

"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"

"It's probably hyperosmia, you know... migraines, lyme disease, pregnancy, Addison's disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, sexually transmitted disease..." after a moment of thought, Julie crossed her arms and looked to Scott, "you deffo had unprotected sex, didn't you? God, Scott, your moms a nurse surely you know better!"

"What?! No!" Scott exclaimed, but Julie only looked at him funny not believing him for a second.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this-- it's a specific kind of infection," Stiles said, and both the surgical intern and the lacrosse player looked at him confused.

"Are you serious?" He asked, glancing between the two siblings.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy."

Following along with what Stiles was getting at, Julie hummed in agreement, "it's very hard to catch. Only a select few are ever found with it," she agreed. Scott continued to look between them paniced.

"What's that? Is that bad?"

"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month," Stiles confirmed.

"Once a month?"

"Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo!" Stiles' fake howl caused Scott to shove him away. "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!"

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott countered.

"My guess is the STD," Jules added on.

"No, you're a werewolf! Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon."

"Look, come to the hospital tomorrow, I'll get you an STD test," Julie assured.

"I don't have an STD!" Scott shouted, his voice echoing through the forest.

"Well, now you're just in denial," she scoffed, "it's okay, I'm a doctor, I took an oath to confidentiality," she said trying to encourage him to open up.

"I took no oath," Stiles interrupted.

Scott stopped walking, looking around confused when he didn't see anything remarkable where they were stood. "No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..."

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles asked.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty bucks."

The three continued to look around, kicking away leaves so that they could see beneath.

None of them had noticed the man who had approached, his skin sickly pale in contrast to his black outfit and black spiked hair. The scowl was not a flattering look on him either, which would be an observation Julie would make the second she saw him.

"What are you doing here?" The three jumped, all of them looking to the intruder of their peace. "Huh? This is private property!" He added on his voice gruffer when none of them had responded.

Julie immediately shoved Scott forward, "him. His fault," she said, and the two younger lads looked back at her exasperated.

"Oh just offer him up to the wolves why don't you?" Stiles scoffed, his voice low.

"I'm giving us a chance to escape," she gritted back not taking her eyes off the scowling man. He was gorgeous. If she'd met him in a bar, she would have approached him, drunk of course. She never approached anyone sober, that would be far too scary for her.

"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know," Scott said, trying to divert the man's focus from the two siblings behind him, "we were just looking for something..." he was about to continue but the man's glare focused on Scott causing him to drop the subject, "uh, forget it."

The three stared as Derek suddenly tossed an object to Scott before turning and heading back the way he had come from. Without a word, in silence, making the situation even more awkward than it had been before. Scott opened his hand to see the inhaler in it.

"Why are all the hot ones so weird?" Julie asked once the man was out of her assumed ear shot. The two lads looked at her even more confused than they were before, "what do you want to bet he hid the body, too... but god he's hot."

"Hey Jules?" Stiles interrupted, "want to stop drooling over the stranger."

"No, he's cute... all right then, come on, we've all got work to get to... except you, you little freeloader," she scoffed glancing at Stiles.

"But dude, that was Derek Hale! Come on, you remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us."

"Remember what?"

"The Hale fire," Jules responded for him, "his very large family all burnt to death in a fire, there was only three supposed survivor's."

"I wonder what he's doing back..." Scott muttered.

"Come on," Julie repeated.


"I'm just saying, if he's gonna be a serial killer... whoo," she mused, "he can kill me any time," Julie was leaning back against the office desk where Melissa was sat behind the computer, watching the monitors. "Like, he wasn't just hot, he was hot, you know?" She asked, rolling over so that her elbow was resting on the top of the desk and her head was in her palm.

Melissa looked up at her, a disturbed look on her face, "sometimes I think you're one of the smartest kids I've ever met," she admitted, "and then you say stuff like that."

Julie narrowed her eyes as she hummed in thought, "yeah but like, he's hot hot."

"And you're acting stupid stupid."

"You're no fun."

"Why aren't you working?"

"I'm on my break," Julie groaned out, resting her head onto the desk as she did so, "you're right I'm too busy for a husband."

"Wait, is he your boyfriend?"

"Not yet," she admitted, before pushing herself up so she could see Melissa, "so..."

"No," Melissa said, a smile on her face, "go speak to your peers, they're your friends."

"Fine, I'll go craft my plan for epic love elsewhere. I just thought as my future step-mother, you know, you'd want to be involved in my life."

"Jules, I'm not getting with your dad."

Julie looked Melissa up and down before huffing, "not with that attitude," she said before strolling off to go back to work.


The next evening, she was lying in bed having been woken up from Stiles' and Scott's shouting. She didn't know what they were shouting about, she didn't care either. What she cared about was that she'd been woken up and she now couldn't return to her state of comfort.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour." Scott shouted, and having had enough, she pushed herself out of her bed fixing her shorts and top as she did so, not wanting to look indecent in front of two young teens.

"I saw you on the field today, Scott, okay? What you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible," Stiles' voice echoed, she rued the day the builders built the house letting everyone's voice echo.

Knocking on the door, she waited a few seconds but got no response as they continued their conversation amongst themselves, "boys, wanna keep it down?" She called through the door, but still recieved no response. Rolling her eyes, she listened as they continued shouting, not bothering to listen to what they were saying. She assumed it would be a load of teenage gossip anyway.

"No, give it to me!"

Hearing a loud thud, she quickly forced the door open seeing Stiles crashed into the wall with Scott holding up his fist as if he were going to punch him.

"Hey!" Julia shouted, stepping in and moving to push Scott away from Stiles, "pack it in, now!"

Scott took a few breaths seeing Stiles' horrified face and Julia's angered one. Shouting out of annoyance Scott threw the desk chair across the room before he managed to regain himself. Both of the Stilinski's watched as the guilt formed in his eyes.

He looked between the two siblings again, before clearing his throat, "I'm sorry. I-I gotta go get ready for that party." He grabbed his phone and backpack before heading to the door, not without looking back at Stiles with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry."

With that he left, and Julia looked down to her little brother, "what the hell happened, are you okay?" She asked helping him up. She could tell he was upset, she understood that though.

"He... he can't go to that party," he said.

"Why not?" She asked, moving to grab onto the chair that Scott had thrown.

"Because well..."

As she set it right both of their eyes fell on the claw marks that had torn through the leather, "I don't think that werewolf joke was much of a joke," Stiles admitted.

Julia looked back at Stiles her face filled with bewilderment, "what?" 

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