Fear of Love

بواسطة OutOfMyLimit17

271K 11.4K 1.2K

{BOOK 3 OF THE 'FALLING SERIES} Lydia Ellis has been burned enough times her in life that she no longer belie... المزيد

Chapter 1....
Chapter 2....
Chapter 3...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7....
Chapter 8....
Chapter 9....
Chapter 10....
Chapter 11....
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13....
Chapter 14....
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19....
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21....
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23....
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25....
Chapter 26....
Chapter 27....
Chapter 28....
Chapter 29....
Chapter 30....
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33....
Chapter 34....
Chapter 35....
Chapter 36....

Chapter 4....

6.9K 322 59
بواسطة OutOfMyLimit17


"Final edits are done and should be in your inbox."

"The photos are also done and sent."

I was currently sitting in one of the conference rooms as we had our monthly staff meeting. Every month I wanted to get everyone together to see where they were at, if they had any questions, that sort of thing. The magazine may be mine but I wouldn't be here without incredible staff. So it was important that everyone was happy.

"Perfect. I'll look those over today and send it all in to the printers." I said while writing a few notes down in my planner.

"How's everything else going?" I asked leaning back in my chair.

When I started the magazine I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't become a tyrant, like a lot of the boss's I worked for. Not caring about my employees and making them unhappy to be here. Was I their friend more than boss? Sometimes but everyone that works here gives their 100% and trusts me to do the same. You don't get a growing company when your employees are ready to jump ship at any moment.

"Good." My head editor Susie answered. "Becca is due any day now." Susie and her wife have been trying to have a baby for over three years and last year it finally happened.

"You're going to make great parents." I sent her a smile.

"We're going to need tons of pictures." Josie added.

"I've already cleared my camera roll." All of us at the table laughed.

"How about you Nick?" I turned to product manager. Without him the magazine probably wouldn't be done in time. All three of them manage everyone else and made sure they were doing their jobs. Without them the magazine wouldn't run as smoothly as it does.

"Not much." Nick shrugged. "Boring weekend."

"Woo party animal." Susie teased.

"Nothing wrong with a relaxing weekend."

I shook my head as the two of them went on teasing each other. This is how staff meetings usually went.

"Oh by the way." I turned to Josie next to me. "I told the flower shop you and Wyatt will stop by sometime this week. They were more than fine with it."

"Thank you so much. I love Wyatt but this wedding is going to be the death of me."

"You're almost there. Only a couple of months left."

"True. Wyatt suggested we elope. Should have seen how Evelyn and Tasha reacted."

"Didn't go over well then."

"Not at all."

"Well if you need anything let me know."

"I'll hold you to that." Josie sent me a grateful smile.

As Susie and Nick eased up on their arguing I gathered my stuff and stood up. Time to get back to work.

"Let me know if you need anything. Good job guys." With that I left the conference room and headed back to my office. I was not looking forward to the work that awaited me in my inbox. While I wasn't looking forward to work it was nice to be occupied instead of thinking about what happened yesterday with Landon.

Not wanting to think about it again I clicked on my email and got to work.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

"No. I told them I'm not making that deal." I gripped my phone tightly as I tried not to lose my cool. "They can ask all they want. The answer is still no."

Pinching the bridge of my nose I closed my eyes leaning back in my chair. I've been on the phone for over an hour talking to another magazine company that wants to invest in Fusion Weekly.

I say invest in loose terms. What they really mean is come in, change the way things are done, and plaster their name on the front page. I've heard through the grapevine they are known for coming in and completely taking over.

"This is a great deal Lydia." My financial advisor, Larry, said through the phone.

"For some. Not for me."

"You realize they are offering over 4 million dollars to partner with you, PLUS monthly earnings." I could tell Larry was getting frustrated with me. My mind flashed to Landon's words. Money hungry. If I was money hungry like he said I would take this deal immediately.

Four million dollars. That's more than anyone could ever ask for. Maybe I was an idiot for saying no but I didn't put my blood, sweat, and tears into making this magazine to turn around and practically sell it.

"It's not a partnership Larry. They want to come in and take over. The magazine helps get small business's and events recognized. This company will come in and ruin all of that."


While it pained me to say no to the money I wasn't going to do it. We were doing fine on our own, more than fine.

"Sorry but tell them no." My tone was final. No point in talking more about this when I've already made up my mind.

"Okay I'll let them know." I know Larry was annoyed with me but understood. I wasn't someone that bowed to others whims. This is my company and it will stay that way.

"Thank you Larry. Talk to you soon." I disconnected with a sigh. A quick glance at my clock showed it was nearing 7 o'clock. The office was quiet since everyone went home over two hours ago.

Rolling my neck I let out a small groan. I was stiff from sitting in this chair for hours on end and my eyes were buggy from staring at my computer. It's been a day.

With the promise of ice cream and wine waiting for me at home I finally shut off my computer. Needed something to drown the fact I just turned down a huge deal. While I was confident in my decision it was still hard.

The ride to my apartment didn't take long. This time of night there wasn't that much traffic. Plus I only lived about five minutes from the office. I lived in a newer set of condo's near downtown. Three years ago when the magazine started to take off I finally left my shitty, hole in the wall apartment. Still don't know how I managed to snag one of these condo's up. They were a hot commodity with the location and the views you can have of the city. The fact I got it was just another sign that the path I was taking was the right one.

I barely stepped out of the elevator when my phone started buzzing. Fumbling with my purse and keys I pulled my phone out and hit answer without looking at the screen.


"Hey." Josie's voice greeted me. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

"You're good I'm just getting home." I held my phone against my ear with my shoulder as I unlocked my door.

"Working late again, huh."

"Had a few things to fix before I could send this months copy to the printers. Then Larry called." As soon as I said Larry's name Josie hummed knowing exactly what the conversation was about.

When I was first approached for the deal Josie was the only one I could talk to about it. She was the only one who knows about it. The two of us have spent countless hours going over the pro's and con's if I agreed.

"Take it they weren't happy with you saying no?"

"Nope. Larry thinks I'm an idiot for not taking it." Maybe I was.

"It's your company Lyd. You can do whatever you think is best. I'm proud of you for sticking with your gut."

My chest tightened at her words. Josie's words meant a lot. I had no family to tell me they were proud of me, so to hear it from someone I considered so close meant a lot. Everyone wants someone to acknowledge their achievements and see how well they are doing.

"Thanks." I muttered softly. "Hopefully we don't regret it."

Putting my stuff on the counter I made my way towards my bed, ready to get out of these clothes.

"Did you need anything?" I asked, averting the conversation back to Jo.

"I did actually. So..." I could practically see Josie biting her lip as she worked up the courage to say whatever it is she needed. "I was suppose to meet up with Landon tomorrow to talk about the kids event he's doing but Wy and I are meeting the flower shop at the same time. Is there any way you can go to the rink and talk to Landon for me?" Josie quickly rattled off.

I stilled at the mention of Landon's name. I would rather do anything else than see Landon anytime soon.

"I know it's so last minute but it's the only time Wy can go to the flower shop and Landon's event is coming up which we are covering for the magazine."  She continued. "I know it's the last thing you want but I promise it will only take a bit."

Just my luck. Especially after a day like today. But I know Josie wouldn't ask unless she really needed too. At least with this months issue done I had a bit of free time the rest of the week, so I really had no excuse not to do this. Unless I can use the excuse that I really just don't want to.

"I can email you the questions I was going to ask and-"

"Yeah, okay." I relented.

"Wait really?" I almost laughed at the disbelief in her voice.

"I have a bit of free time tomorrow and it will be a quick trip." I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret this.

"Thank you!" Josie gushed. "I'll send the questions right now. It's just a few questions about the event. Why he's doing it, when it's being held, where, stuff about the kids. That sort of thing. I already have some photos to use to promote it." Josie said, making it sound like a simple job when I know it won't be. Things are never easy when it comes to Landon Boone.

"Got it." Not my first rodeo. "I'll let you know when I'm done."

"Sounds good! Thank you again!"

After a quick bye I hung up, staring at the black screen. Why I agreed to this I have absolutely no clue. Me and Landon don't get along. Not for lack of trying on my part.

When we first met, at one of Wyatt's hockey games, I was nice. Tried talking to the guy only for him to shoot me down every time. It was like the moment he heard about my job he wanted nothing to do with me.

My mind flashed back to our friend vacation to Queensland over the summer. It was the first time he wasn't that much of a dick. He still made his comments and glared at me but it was tolerable. You'd think a nice relaxing vacation would get the stick out of his ass, but nope.

I couldn't help but flush as I thought back to certain parts of that trip. Nope, not doing that! I wasn't going to let myself think about that right now. Not when his words from yesterday still ran through my head.

Mentally berating myself I made my way to my bedroom. My PJ's were calling my name. Walking into my walk-in closet I toed off my heels. One of the main reasons I got this place was because of the closet. It was huge. Which was perfect because I loved a good shopping spree.

I wasted no time in stripping off my work clothes and putting on my comfy PJ's, which consisted of short cotton shorts and an old-band tee from Uni. I made quick work taking my makeup off and putting my nightly moisturizer. Another love of mine. Skincare.

Finally feeling a bit relaxed I went straight to the fridge. My already opened boxed wine waiting for me. I poured a glass before popping some leftovers in the microwave.

It wasn't lost on me that I was a 28 year old, single woman, eating alone in her quiet apartment. Pretty pathetic really. Wasn't a stranger to it though, I've spent a better part of my life alone so I was use to it.

I didn't mind eating in silence as the tv played in front of me. After the long day I had this was exactly what I needed. My phone buzzed beside on me on the couch as messages from our group chat came through.

Memes from Mateo, some borderline sexual that only prompted Wyatt to respond. Followed by teasing with the others. The chat was chaotic at best. I wasn't paying much attention until I saw Landon's name pop up.

The longer I stared at his name the more I dreaded tomorrow. I can sit here and hope he'll be on his best behavior but I know he won't. But if it helps Josie then I'll do it. I may not enjoy it but I'll do it.

I mean what's the worst that could happen? 


Lydia and Landon alone...what could go wrong. 

Just a little peek into Lydia's life at the magazine. Love a independent bad ass boss lady like Lydia. Although if I was given 4 million dollars I would probably take it instantly :D I'm excited for you guys to see Lydia and Landon together more. Love me a good enemies to lovers!

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Tiny bit of a filler chapter but necessary to learn more about Lydia as the story progresses. I really think you are gonna love her the more you learn! :P

As always let me know what you think!! <3 


*P.S-I have a huge question for you guys....if Mateo were to have his own book would you want to see him as a Senior at Uni trying for the NFL? Or a bit older where he already graduated Uni? Let me know which you'd like!!

Love you all so much!! <3 <3


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