A bet on Love

By debb_iexx

3.3K 250 127

Naruto is the son of the way too loveable Minato Namikaze and his beautiful hotheaded wife Kushina Uzumaki wh... More

1 | "...why her?!..."
2 | "...why Him?!..."
3 | Meeting my fiancée
4 | Family dinner
5 | Obedient daughter
6 | Concealer
7 | Lets make a deal
8 | Plan A
9 | "...do you hate me?..."
10 | Execution of Plan A
11 | It's OK
12 | New Maid
13 | Day Out
14 | "...ghosts aren't scary..."
15 | Plan B
16 | Tenten
17 | Targeted
18 | Ice skating
19 | Content
20 | Draw a Line
21 | From the bottom of my Heart
22 | Christmas Party
23 | Kyoto
24 | Trust
25 | "...since when was Itachi your therapist?..."
27 | Night Stroll
28 | Plan C?
29 | Happy

26 | "...more than myself..."

48 6 1
By debb_iexx

Staying a week in Kyoto with no drama whatsoever was something Hinata had not seen coming. When Hiashi told them to stay there for the remaining two weeks of the year she was convinced he had something in mind like he always did, but so far nothing had come up. This should be a good thing but it worried her, it scared her. When your enemy is silent just know they are planning something.

Momona threw another kimono towards the bluenette an irritated groan leaving her lips. Hinata shifted her gaze from the light that hung on the ceiling to her friend who was kneeling in front of her wardrobe, kimonos of different styles and designs littered around her. "For your information," Hinata started, "You're clearing this up."

"That's not the problem right now Hinata-sama, I can't find a kimono that brings out your beauty! I mean they're all beautiful but honestly, black? Are you going to a funeral?" Hinata shrugged as she walked over to where Momona was and looked through the kimonos that were scattered across the floor. She picked up a light lavender one with dark floral patterns in contrast to the background colour.

"What about this one?" Momona turned to look at the cloth and her eyes immediately shot up with sparkles in them.

"Oh, beautiful! Now you're sorted, we need to choose one for Tenten." A groan was heard from the other room making the girls laugh. "Come on Tenten, this will be the last time this year you'll ever wear a kimono!" Momona called back but TenTen's groan was even louder. "Hanabi-sama! Please come and choose the kimono you wish to wear!" She called to the younger Hyūga who shuffled in wearing a pale pink kimono with lavender floral patterns on them. "Why are Hyūga women so beautiful?" She whispered, clutching her chest.

"Thank you?"

Neji was a calm, cool and collected man who barely flaunted his emotions for the whole world to see. He was better than Sasuke but still held his dignity. But you see, no matter how cool you try to play it off people have their weaknesses which tamper with their emotions and codings and they suddenly act out of character. Well, unsurprisingly for Neji, his weakness, as he was soon to realise, was Tenten. What shocking news (note the sarcasm).

He had never felt so not calm and collected in his life whenever the brunette bounced into the picture and suddenly he was saying something stupid, something Neji would never say, or acting out of character which scared him, because what the hell?

As if she had read his mind, she slammed the room door open and jumped in, struggling to walk in the kimono Hinata and Momona had picked out for her. It was a traditional black kimono with white floral patterns engraved into them. Her hair was tied back and instead of her usual twin buns, with was a neat one with floral gold hairpins holding the bun in place. Neji looked up and he felt his throat go dry. Shit not again!

"Opinions and reasons why I should wear this to a festival." She demanded, lifting her arms and spinning around so he could see it properly. Neji pursed his lips as he felt the tips of his ears glow red,

"It's nice...I guess," he answered looking away. Tenten stared dumbfounded at the Hyūga, nice? That's it? She shrugged,

"Fair enough. Are you ready? The festival starts in a bit and I need to be there on time to eat all the candy apples," she answered, picking up the tiniest bag she had ever seen in her life and leaving the room. When she was gone and out of earshot, Neji let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. What was that answer? Nice?! Who the hell compliments a lady with nice? He slapped his forehead, kicking himself at his stupidity.

"Neji, stop self-harming yourself and get your lazy ass out of the room we gotta go!" He heard Naruto call as he walked past the room, then padded back and stood at the entrance with a grin, "What do you think about my yukata?" He grinned, practically jumping from foot to foot like an excited child,

"You look stupid." Was Neji's answer as he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving a very sad Naruto. He shook his head laughing slightly, "Hurry up we're gonna be late." Naruto rolled his eyes as he ran up to the brunette and they walked towards the entrance of the compound where the girls stood waiting.

As they walked towards the place where the festival was being held, the Hyūga noticed TenTen's speed drop slowly but surely. Being the head of a weapons company she herself was quite skilful and had a lot of stamina so it shocked him to see her wear out so easily after walking a few steps. He turned to her,

"Are you okay?" He finally decided to ask, stopping for a while for her to catch up. She looked up at him, her face bright red and sweating as she grits her teeth,

"Why are these murder machines so hard to walk in? What kind of sorcery is this? I can't even feel my toes in these tiny shoes!" She snapped turning to Hinata, Hanabi and Momona who, unlike Tenten, walked with grace and elegance. "When did you three master the art of murdering machines?" Hinata turned to her with a smile,

"Since the day Hiashi forced a kimono on us for our mother's funeral. It's not that hard if you don't think about though I will admit it's a bit difficult to walk in. Do you want to lean on me?" The irritation in the brunette's eyes immediately disappeared and was replaced with sparkles as she quickly stood up straight, shuffling towards the bluenette.

"You are an angel!" She grinned, linking her right arm onto Hinata's left so Momona was on her right and she was on her left. Due to their arrangement, the three girls walked hand in hand in front and the two boys along with Hanabi who held onto Neji's yukata sleeves, trailed behind them in silence. But Neji's mind was racing. It usually wasn't because what did he have to think about aside from relevant matters but right now what was racing through his mind was irrelevant matters that didn't matter.

For example, why did Tenten naturally navigate to his cousin in time of help when she could come to him, her fiancé? If you think about it logically, it makes no sense. Unconsciously, he grits his teeth, trying to come up with an answer to his question but it seems there were some things even the all-knowing Hyūga didn't know.

Naruto nudged him with a raised eyebrow but he wasn't paying attention to the blonde because he was currently irrelevant. They reached towards the entrance of the festival site and as if her leg wasn't hurting just a few seconds before, Tenten jumped away from her support on Hinata and skipped into the crowd, pulling Neji along with her.

The Hyūga broke into a massive grin before controlling himself, remembering that he didn't break into a massive grin that was out of character for him. Instead, he cleared his throat and feigned a groan, walking slowly and letting the brunette drag him along. Hinata and Momona snickered at the sight which Naruto rolled his eyes at.


Four of them, Hanabi, Hinata, Naruto and Momona stood in the middle of the festival sight, staring expectantly at one another. Hinata glanced at her younger sister, "Who do you want to go with Hanabi since Neji-nii-san has abandoned the both of us with his girlfriend?" She asked the brunette who shrugged, glancing at the two faces she was still getting used to. Hinata groaned. Why couldn't she make decisions? Not like she was one to talk but still.

"I'll go with Hanabi." Naruto offered and Hinata glared at him,

"Why? So you can manipulate her or murder her behind my back? I don't think so." She answered quickly, pulling the younger girl behind her.

"Geez talk about a sister complex," the blonde muttered, "She looks too much like you and gives off similar vibes there's no way I'd be able to do anything with your carbon copy next to me."

"You're right she does look like me, a beautiful and innocent angel!... But you lay your hands on her and I'm switching my target to you understand?" She hissed at him then gave Hanabi a little peck on her cheek, "You know my number if you feel uneasy even if it's because you don't like him. Call me okay? Bye~!"

Naruto was too stunned to speak. He watched the two girls disappear into the crowd, still trying to take in all that had happened. How could someone switch emotions that fast? He turned to the brunette beside him and she looked at him with a bored and slightly disappointed expression. They have the same energy.


Naruto had started to get used to the mini-Hianat that grabbed his hand with her left and a candy apple in her right. In the two hours they had arrived at the festival he had been dragged to every single shop- though he was not complaining, he enjoyed himself. Her threatening glared at random people was too much like her older sister but hers was diluted, not as concentrated and intense like Hinata.

After a while of climbing, the came to a stop at the top of the mountain where the group were waiting for them. He lowered Hanabi who he carried on his back down and she smiled brightly at him. The brunette ran ahead towards her sister and he walked slowly towards them, feeling the fatigue starting to kick in.

"Are you tired?" Hinata asked, standing next to his crouched form. He sat down, releasing an exhausted breath,

"Yes but it was worth it." She glanced down at him with a raised eyebrow, "She finally stopped glaring at me," he huffed, a proud smirk on his face. Hinata chuckle, clasping her hand behind her back,

"I guess that's a positive thing." There was a silent whistle before an array of colours exploded in front of them, crackling and shimmering in their eyes. Naruto turned to the brunette beside him, watching as the bright colours reflected on her face, in her eyes. Hyūga's had identical eyes, but her was different. He didn't know how, it just was.

"Merry Christmas." It spilled out of his mouth before he had a chance to register his words and she stared at him in surprise. She was surprised but she let out a chuckle which exploded into a peal of laughter as she dropped beside him,

"Merry Christmas to you too," she smiled and he felt his face heat up. "Hanabi, come here." The brunette obliged, sitting next to her sister, then Momona, Tenten and Neji. They sat close and together, watching the sparkling show of bonfires shimmer and shine in front of them like stars in the night.

"Merry Christmas Kyoto!" Tenten shouted, falling on her back with a content and exhausted laugh.


It was way past midnight when the group had returned to the Hyūga Mansion from the festival and Tenten was barely able to walk. So Neji insisted on carrying her but that was a stupid idea. 'I'm wearing a kimono', she said, 'I can't even walk in it', she said and suddenly he felt stupid. She had taken off her shoes and now walked barefooted into the compound, hands clasped behind her back.

No one is supposed to look that good, Neji hissed to himself, biting his lower lip to stop himself from blushing. This is not fair. He pursed his lips, his hands hidden in the sleeves of his yukata clenched in front of him. "Haaaaa~ I'm gonna take a looong soak in the bathhouse. Anyone coming?" Everyone turned to to Hinata and she pursed her lips, glancing at TenTen's back.

"That's quite a question Tenten, are you saying can all be in the same bathhouses together?" She teased, trying to cast all eyes away from her but it only lingered more as this time, they stared at her with a surprised expression. Tenten shrugged, turning to her friend,

"I mean sure, what's there to hide? We already have Jiraya-sensei for biology so." Hinata nodded slowly. The brunette cocked her head to the side, a small smile on her face, "What? Are you hiding something from me?" She asked, narrowing her and her smile turning mischievous. Hinata scoffed,

"Nooo?" She rolled her eyes with a nervous laugh, walking ahead without stopping to look at the brunette, "What would I be hiding from you whom is share everything with?"

"The fact that you're wearing foundation all over to hide something." Tenten lifted her hand, foundation smeared all over her palm. "What is this one thing you're not telling me? Is it that big you can't trust me?" Hinata came to a slow stop and let out a sharp breath,

"It's not that I don't trust you if that was the case Naruto wouldn't know and for the record, I didn't intend on telling him he just found out annoyingly. It's just...you already have so much going on in your life and if I keep telling you my problem it doesn't really benefit either of us. I keep relying on you and you won't be able to have time for yourself. Believe me, trust you more than I trust myself so trust is not the reason."

Tenten looked at her, then turned to face the group who cast their eyes to the ground. "And you all knew? Even Naruto?" With a sigh she shrugged her shoulders, "That explains why you always avoided anything to do with water when the group went out. That's a fair answer. Well now you have confirmed my theory we can all take a swim in the bathtub together!" Hinata let out a relieved laugh, following the brunette towards the bathhouse.

"It's not a swimming pool Tenten." The brunette rolled her eyes, dragging the bluenette towards the bathhouse.

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