How to Make a Sinner Sleep

By lukiyo_224

199K 14.6K 5.9K

Kaden Chauvet awakes in the same cold room that he remembers, seeing the reflection of pale viridescent eyes... More

01 | sinners; we will burn together
02 | roommate; the dragon's son
03 | loneliness; the bleeding sun
04 | reverse; the watcher of time
05 | delusion; is he dangerous
06 | change; to experience and to learn
07 | study; to discover his face
08 | teacher; a lesson in fried rice
09 | author; dear future reader
10 | genius; to be cruel and sweet
11 | insufferable; a boyfriend wish
12 | mistake; the hows of socializing
13 | wallet; blessings of delicacies
14 | perform; one size larger
15 | crimson; a likeness in appearance
16 | window; what hides under gloves
17 | chatter; the crinkle of paper
18 | target; the inky tavern
19 | sold; the crease between brows
20 | demons; misfits of obscurity
21 | three; i choose you
22 | insomnia; nightmares that follow
23 | butterfly; a cat and a stranger
24 | welcome; to the record hall
25 | unfathomable; the secrets of the unliving
26 | here; to the beginnings of oath
27 | masks; the shadows that lurk
28 | mission; deals made in the night
29 | experiments; an anger that scares
30 | oath; against fate's decree
31 | division; the definition of beauty
32 | reversal; consequence of power
33 | permission; the last to trust
34 | trust; an honest face
35 | bandage; a garden of scars
36 | exposed; the ignorance of self
37 | wish; under the free skies
38 | carving; a pair of dragon wings
39 | knight; the faceless that roam
40 | stranger; whispers in the dark
41 | services; he who adorns a mask
42 | future; an easy smile
43 | macarons; a spiral of madness
44 | hallway; in discomfort he waits
45 | hallucinations; eyes under the bed
46 | night; a cloak of stars
47 | discussion; one-sided beliefs
48 | feline; between living and surviving
49 | sleepless; always running away
50 | window; that overlooks the garden
51 | believe; a slice of bread and jam
52 | fleeting; beneath the lake's surface
53 | doll; a crimson spreading
54 | dearest; to bones and ashes
55 | mistake; a touch that rots
Mini Q & A
56 | burial; to the child that lived
57 | sour; a slap to the hand
58 | bound; a plea to stay
59 | jeweled; a hinderance or a salvation
61 | fear; one curved wing
[a chapter of fan arts]
62 | clipped; to be imperfect
63 | hold; the hand that pleads for warmth
64 | corrupted; the salvation of deception
65 | rendezvous; a twirl of violence
66 | drinks; to confess under a haze
67 | saccharine; light that desires the knight
68 | time; a story about himself
69 | grandfather; to make assumptions
70 | plea; never made to be
71 | daughter; a reaper's requiem
72 | selfishly; a sleeping trio
73 | clown; insults and tease
74 | reading; a nameless name
75 | snake; a slithering song
76 | soul; to delight in affection
77 | cathedral; faith found in him
78 | suspicion; a web of fate
79 | identities; to read you a hundred times
80 | finale; remedy in tragedy
81 | together; to the future
82 | weeds; to play a charming fool
83 | society; the you unaware
84 | trust; moonlight tranquility
85 | security; stranger in lover
86 | satisfied; the mind of a man unbound
87 | betrayal; sake of sacrifice
88 | dream; of an envisioned future realized
89 | companion; to the first
90 | rage; skin and vengeance
91 | collapse; a stomach made uneasy
92 | bound; a curse replaced
93 | drowning; in the weight of emotions
94 | retribution; falling fallacies
95 | haunting; ghosts revisiting
96 | doll; daylight delusions
97 | wanderer; marked in silver
98 | shackled; a foreign wanting
99 | letters; existing within words
100 | flee; ancient regrets
101 | affection; a ghost festival
102 | familiar; the colour of your gaze
103 | ghosts; a sacrificed dreaming
104 | plea; tip of a drink
105 | intertwined; a fervent wanting
106 | imprisoned; to throw a tantrum
107 | threats; steaming sweet potatoes
108 | notes; three knocks on the wall
109 | metamorphosis; yearning for home
110 | elusive; the worth of a smile
111 | hesitate; star shaped scar
112 | deceit; in three days
113 | reversal; five fates
114 | faces; yet you are familiar
115 | lobster; the beauty in terror
116 | destiny; ten years gifted
117 | faith; in all the sacrifices made
118 | necklace; the punishment of living
119 | impossible; scattering papers
120 | betrayal; steal the solace of death
121 | blazing; poor pitiful misery
122 | lament; in another life
123 | territory; echoes of azure reverie
124 | experiments; a confirmed suspect
125 | fear; a little exposure
126 | grieve; tomorrow will come
127 | bite; a platter for a master
character descriptions
128 | bystander; dear gentle sun
129 | doubt; a testament to loyalty
130 | solace; our blood waters these lands
131 | farewell; journey to nowhere
132 | remember; the value of a loaf
133 | sinner; they all wanted to save him
001 | royalty; the stray who holds the doll's lost heart
002 | beast; the dragon's treasure found in noise
003 | duke; here returns the child he lost
a certain dragon's list of dislikes

60 | petals; the floating illusion

1.2K 95 50
By lukiyo_224

The students were separated into smaller groups that were monitored by specific professors. Three students per group, of various grades. Kaden knew that every person standing in the crowd was one of high skills, or great potential.

Whether it was their control of their blessing, or their talents in twisting their tongues in discussion, conversing with others to a standard Kaden's socially inept self would never reach.

He'd thought about it—how did somebody 'copy' somebody else? How did somebody have a conversation that flows instead of stagnating?

There were rules and methods to conversation, and Kaden couldn't adapt to them. To begin with, knowledge and experience aided greatly in talking to different people, all interested in different subjects.

Kaden, unfortunately, couldn't really discuss the different ways to killing a person stealthily, or where to hang around in order to get an invitation to an illegal meeting.

It'd been a while since his classes started, and the only friends he had were because they approached him first...

Raymond cleared his throat, noticing the distraction in his trio of students. "Ahem. I'm certain that your minds are full of thoughts, and many curiosities—or at least, I'd certainly hope they are considering how young you are and how much you can learn—"

A passing Alexander tapped a book on Raymond's head, and Raymond's glasses slipped slightly from his nose before the other adjusted it helplessly.

"Focus, Ray."

Raymond tilted his head back, smiling sheepishly. "Of course." He turned his attention back to the students. "Now, where was I? Wait... I forgot... ah! Remember to stick together, we are visitors, and cannot stick our noses in matters that aren't related to us."

Niklas laughed at the professor's distraction, waving his hand in the air. "Tell me Prof, what's our purpose being here?"

"Well, I'm sure you've all heard of the cases of missing faeries by now, there's no hiding that fact. Our being here is in good faith, and to lend our hand should they need it. It's also an opportunity for you students to witness another atmosphere."

They were seated at a wooden table cut from the slab of a trunk, the many rings telling of the tree's ancient history. Textured oaken walls stretched over them, concaved as if they were sitting in the hollows of a tree.

Which they were, actually, Kaden recalled absentmindedly. Flowers interwoven with hanging lights, lit with a soft glow of warmth, swayed from the ceilings, petals gently scattered over the ground.

A dining hall carved from a mystical dream, if dreams were sewn from leaves and branches, from nature and everything that it embodied.

Noah, sitting in a calm fashion, scrunched his nose as a white petal drifted and landed on his nose. He shifted his head slightly, but it clung to his skin as if attached by glue.

Niklas snickered, and only grew louder when glared at by Noah. Kaden couldn't help but let out a short breath of laughter, reaching forward to pick up the delicate petal.

Then, he reached out and placed it in the softness of Noah's hair.

"....." The dragon, mouth opened to offer gratitude, fell silent.

Kaden shrugged at the accusatory glare. "My finger slipped. It's unfortunate, you know, how much it suits you. I was compelled to place it back."

"Is that so?"

"It is so. I'm glad you understand."

Noah regarded him for a second before calmly leaning down, lightly cupping his hand as he drew a pile of petals toward him. The next second, expressionlessly, he tossed it over Kaden's hair.

Kaden blinked, petals falling around him and no doubt tangled with his hair—the petals seemed to possess a strange, clingy quality.

He was reminded of a certain cat and young boy.

The dragon leaned back, satisfied. "It suits you." He returned.

Niklas snickered, opening his mouth, "You know what they say, don't bite if you don't expect to be bitten in return—"

As he spoke, Kaden and Noah had exchanged a glance and the latter helped scoop more flowers, while the former dumped them over his friend's head. A few fluttered into Niklas wide, talkative mouth.


The cheerful man gasped, choking slightly before his cheeks started to move, mimicking a chewing action. Surprise turned into contemplation, which melted into satisfaction.

"'re eating it." Kaden said. Then, as if once wasn't enough, he repeated, "You're eating it."

Niklas swallowed. "That I am. It tastes... very unique. A subtle taste that becomes stronger as it lingers, melting against your tongue. You might like it." He dragged his tongue over his teeth, thoughtful. "Velvety, smooth."

Kaden frowned, a little curious. "Really?"

"Yes, really. It's an exquisite taste." Niklas grinned. "Curious?"

"It's petals that were on the floor, Niklas. I'm not in such dire states to eat them."

"You only live once. It's a little gross, but think about it like, you know vegetables? They grow out of the ground, so you're basically eating earth babies, dirt that's been touched and stepped on by so many people—"

"Stop. Also, that really doesn't make sense?"

"I personally don't dislike the taste. It's unique." He winked at Noah, a wink that seemed more like a bug flew into his eye. The dragon raised an eyebrow. "Just take the ones that fell on the table, they're clean. Noah, try one and tell him? Or Professor, don't you know about the taste?"

Raymond pushed up his glasses. "In fact, I am aware. However, Mr. Astors, I do believe the petals here are said to be extremely spi—" Faced with Niklas' one-eyed spasms, the professor seemed to realize something. "Spectacular. Yes, correct."

Noah sighed as he watched, lightly picking up a petal on the table. He placed it against his tongue and for the tiniest of seconds, his eyebrows furrowed an inch more.

Then, calmly, he agreed. "It's delicious."

Kaden stared at him pointedly. "I'm pretty sure I saw your eyebrows twitch."

"You're wrong, Kaden, Noah's face is in a position of permanently frowning. His eyebrows are always furrowed. They just moved when he chewed, you know?"

Noah glanced at Niklas. The other just smiled sneakily.

"Take a handful Kaden, it's really a special taste. Come on, why would I lie to you? You're the only one I wouldn't lie to."


"Well. It's your loss. Prof, sorry for the interruption, you can continue now."

Kaden stared deeply at the petals on the table, now plagued by curiosity and he just knew there had to be some trick, but what if there wasn't, and what if he was missing out a once in a lifetime taste?

Niklas suppressed another snicker. "Hey friend, you're looking a little constipated, need a break? I do believe the washrooms are--"

"One of these days Niklas—"

"You'll tell me how you appreciate me, I'm sure."

Niklas had been holding a hand open, catching half a dozen petals in his open hand. "Look, I've even caught some for you. It's as clean as it could be."

Suspicion clouded Kaden's judging stare. "How often do you wash your hands?"

"I'm clean!"

"That doesn't answer my—"

Niklas promptly shoved the petals towards Kaden's mouth, though he dropped them before touching Kaden, purposely leaving a space of distance. Kaden flinched as the first petal landed on his tongue.

Then came the burn.

A red-hot tingle that tickled the tip of his tongue, slowly spreading through his mouth until everything burned, and water, he needed water, oh my god.

A flush raced up Kaden's face in an instant, stretching to his neck as physiological tears sprung to his eyes. He spun his head to spit the petals out, cheeks bulging tried to push them to the sides of his mouth.

But spit them out where? He couldn't just spit on the sacred grounds of this dining hall—he was a guest, and he did not want to be representing humans as one who spat on the ground.

In a panic, he swallowed, and immediately regretted it as the heat chased down his throat.

Kaden sniffled pathetically, spinning to Noah as he spoke hoarsely. "Bellamy, Bellamy. Water— cough— please? Please?"

He grabbed Noah's clothes pleadingly, in too much pain to care about his appearance or anything else. The dragon lowered his dark eyes, sighing. "You swallowed it?"

Kaden nodded profusely.

"It hurts?"

Another nod. And a tug that Kaden didn't realize he'd done. However, Noah's deep gaze trailed to the long fingers, the bent joints that curved and clung to his shirt.

He raised his gloved hand, wiping away a bubble of tears with a soft laugh. "Your tolerance is that bad?"

Kaden grimaced, breathing with an open mouth, a redness to his lips. "I've never, why is this so hot, had this level of, spice. It's... not my fault."

On the side, Niklas was about to explode from laughter. "Hahahahaha! Hahahaha! I never thought, hahaha, it would be, haha, that bad!"

Kaden slowly turned his head, expression going still. He scooped up a pile into his hands, smiling dangerously through red lips. "Niklas, my dear friend."

Niklas shot up. "Oh no, no, no. That's practically murder, Kaden. You've got like two dozen there, much as I like spice, that's like chewing hot coal."

"Isn't that perfect? Murder is my aim."

The two grown men stared at each other for a second. Then, Niklas spun on his heels and dashed away. Kaden sneered, shaking his head. He dropped the flowers and sat back down by Noah, who'd at some point grabbed a cup of water.

Kaden accepted it graciously, taking small sips before gulping the rest of the liquid down. The heat still burned his mouth, but it was slightly better than it was originally.

Raymond looked slightly amused. "Ah, youth. I'm surprised, I thought you might chase after him, Mr. Chauvet."

Kaden shook his head, sniffling. "It's enough punishment to make him run that distance. Because he'll have to come back, and he won't want to miss out on anything, so he'll probably be jogging back soon."

As he spoke, an exhausted human dragged themselves over, heaving and huffing in a state worse than Kaden.

Niklas melted onto the chair, clutching his chest.

Raymond stared at the other with some pity in his gaze. "Mr. Astors, I do have some concerns about your health—"

"Stop, wheeze, stop. Professor Alexander already expressed his, cough, worries."

"I see. I can set up a separate training session for you, if you'd like? Remind me, Mr. Astors, which combat class you've been assigned to?"

"I'm a little shy to admit it out loud."

"There's no shame in whichever blessing you have. Regardless, I recall we were supposed to meet separately to test you, however, I'd been told otherwise later. I've been a little curious, as my qualifications are typically exclusive to this, which professor—"

"Hey, Prof?" Niklas' voice dropped an octave, smiling. The tiredness from his voice dissipated. "Thanks, but I don't need separate training. Aren't there still things you need to explain to us?"

Raymond, one to easily get distracted but not foolish, regarded his student for a second before allowing the conversation to steer.

A frown came upon Kaden's lips, and he awkwardly nudged Niklas.

The other glanced up. "Hm? Needing attention already?"

"...forget it."

The conversation soon came to a close. Their purpose was clear—they were mainly there to represent the goodwill of the Academy that was made of various species.

To put it simply, it was just a deliberate show, but also an opportunity.

Observe, Raymond had told them, and be careful of any mischief that occured. The faeries were not to be messed with, but the ones who could kidnap them were even more dangerous. They were never to act alone.

After the initial rundown between professors and students, they were all given permission to explore and communicate with the faeries that roamed.

Not that it was much of an option, when most of the faeries flew or dashed away upon their approach, leaving them with a deserted, hollowed tree. Kaden couldn't blame them—with blood in the air, trust wasn't a simple option.

He sighed, hand falling in the air after an attempt to speak to a blue-haired faerie, a head shorter than he, tucked in wings that gleamed with dewdrops spun into the web-like texture that formed them.

The interior was a maze created to guarantee any intruders would lose their way. Kaden dejectedly roamed down the wooden path that seemed to twist without pattern.

The hollows of the grand tree that caved around him seemed to breath with a pulse of life, and when he brushed his hand against the wall, a warmth seeped between his fingers.

Warmth. He wondered, if what he wanted most, was not merely happiness, but warmth. The warmth of family, the warmth of a place to belong. Of good food, of festive airs. Of the sun and nature.

As he continued, noticing the sprigs of baby flowers that ran along the edges where floor and wall connected, portraits begun to appear in frames of twisted vines.

Faces, of different shapes and appearances, some with horns that curved viciously atop their head, some with long ears that slanted straight. Kaden walked closer, heart beating faster.

He stopped before a portrait.

A picture of a middle-aged man with greying hair, and a vague smile cut into his skin. However, his eyes remained dead as they stared straight at Kaden.

"Guests," spoke an airy voice behind, delicate and light. "They were portraits of guests that remained with us the longest."

Kaden swerved around, staring in surprise at the image—the illusion that wore flowing clothes of gold and white, fabric that spilled to the ground yet never touched the floor.

Illusion, because the creature before him could hardly be called real, their appearance faded and slightly translucent.

Recalling where he was, he straighted and nodded politely. There would not be a repeat of his mistaken curtsey that he recognized was wrong after delibertaing for days after the festival.

"My name's Kaden Chauvet. And you are?"

The illusion smiled, face blurred. "Names are not a thing we care for, or in particular, something I care for."

"You're a faerie."

They smiled and floated past him. "I suppose so. And I believe, dear, that you're human?"

"As far as I'd know."

"You don't, do you?"

Kaden felt compelled to tell everything, the secrets locked in his chest pulsing, pushing to rise out of his throat. It was a disgusting feeling; it was a comforting feeling.

The illusion examined the portrait gently, the concaves of their eyes curving softly. "Ah, I remember him. An unfortunate, lost soul. I pitied him, and allowed him to remain here to distract from his sorrows."

Kaden's feet weren't touching the ground. He looked down, seeing them firmly planted, and frowned as a red flush heated his neck.

His voice, was he really talking? Or were they reading his thoughts?"

"Oh I assure you, dear, you're speaking quite clearly." A musical jingle of amusement melted in their voice. "You're rather lovely, aren't you? Pitiful, too."

"What became of him?" Kaden found himself asking. "Of the other man you took pity on. The man in the portrait."

"What indeed? A human's life after banishment from these lands is not one I follow."

"Banishment? What did he do?"

Kaden shivered, a stone pressed inside his stomach, throat clogged and oppressed. The figure, which had been staring fondly at the portrait, spun their head around, neck snapping.

Their smile stretched further, pitch black slits drawn on their blurred face.

They floated towards him, and within seconds, appeared hovering over him, long fingers reaching towards his face but never quite touching. The drapes of white and gold fabric flowed around him.

"An insidious crime," their voice echoed, reverberating in his mind. "Unforgivable, irredeemable. Ah, you darling humans, how frail you are, how lovely, how precious. How greedy, how pitiful, how miserable."

Kaden took a step back, and couldn't run away further, foot nailed to the ground by their overwhelming presence. His foot collided heavily, opening his injury that had been tightly wrapped up in order to deceive his friends.

His pants, a dark grey, became a deeper shade of black as blood seeped into the fabric. The pain was nothing but a dull ache, a pulse that ran up to his head, throbbing.

He tilted his chin, feeling sharp nails scrape against the curve of his neck.

Kaden closed his eyes.


Note from Author:

Kaden is actually just a miserable, anxiety-riddled poor little guy just like me <3 I'm joking, sort of. Just to let you guys know, if I forget to on Sunday because I'm rushed and don't leave a note, next Thursday I'll be taking an upload day off~

Thanks for your understanding. It's my first week of classes next week and I'm a little to a lot freaked out, so I feel like I may be internally in dire states haha, so I just want to not worry too much about needing to do anything but commute to my school.

Some unecessary information lol, but I will be back the Sunday following!

All the best to you wonderful souls~

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