Thirsty For Attention

Door BriTheWriterr

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Thirst/An epidemic that seems to be spreading fast. Where a male or female does anything for a the opposite s... Meer

Character List
Authors Note
Authors Note :


478 36 5
Door BriTheWriterr

Chapter 44

" you just going to the doctor fuck you doing all that for ? " Cassius asked Kaia watching as she stood in front of her bathroom doing her makeup .

" Because i'm making a strap book for the baby starting from my pregnancy leading up until he or she gets older and I need my baby to know they mommy was a baddie " She said .

" I see you getting excited about having a baby now " Cassius noted and she sighed .

" I'm not really excited but i'm coming to terms with it and making the best out of it " She said causing Cassius to smack his teeth . " What ? "

" Nothing Kaia " He said simply. He understood that she was young and having a baby wasn't in her plans right now but sometimes he didn't like how she worded things pertaining to the baby.

" Say it " She demanded.

" You said come to terms with it like it's a bad thing "

" It's not a good thing " She told him . " in case you forgot i'm not your age i'm only eighteen , still in high school so excuse me for not throwing a party because i'm pregnant " She complained .

" I'm not saying throw a party but they have females that get pregnant younger than you and they don't be acting the way you acting "

" How am I acting ? I literally just said i'm making the thing a scrapbook " She yelled .

" That shit right there .. fuck you mean the thing? it's a baby " He said and she sighed .

" I didn't mean it like that " she said.

" whatever man just finish getting ready so we can go " He told her as he walked out of the room .

Kaia finished doing her makeup and getting dressed before meeting Cassius in the front of his apartment. He didn't say anything to her as he grabbed his keys and motioned for her to follow him out of the door . When they got in the car he blasted his music loudly so she wouldn't talk to him but Kaia wasn't having that because she clicked his radio off .

" let me ask you something " Kaia told him . He could tell by the tone in her voice that they weren't about to be on bad terms for a couple of days .

" what's up ? " He asked glancing over at her .

" Why did you have sex with me before you told me you were breaking up with me Dominique ? " She asked catching him off guard. He was expecting to ask anything but that .

" Why are you asking me this shit ? That shit is so old and you know I wasn't really with her " Cassius said deflecting the question.

" I asked you how did you expect me to just forgive you and get back with you after everything you were doing with her and when I asked you that question you couldn't look me in my eyes .. you had sex with me before you broke up with me because you planned to get pregnant right ? that was your way of ensuring that I would get back with you after everything with Dominique " Kaia said answering the question for him .

It took her a while to put the pieces together but it all made sense . Cassius didn't seem shocked when she told him that she was pregnant and he seemed to know the exact date and timeline that she got pregnant more than she did .

Cassius didn't respond to her . " That's what happened right ? " She spoke up again .

" Yeah that's what happened " He admitted causing her to smack her teeth .

" Why would you do this to me ? " She asked causing him to whip his head over at her .

" There you go talking crazy again . You saying it like I ruined your life or some shit , it's just a baby Kaia " He said like it wasn't a big deal making her even more upset than she already was .

" Cassius I keep trying to get you to understand that I am eighteen years old . I don't have any of my life planned out , I don't even have my own place and you thought the best way to keep me around was to give me a damn baby out of all things  ? " She asked .

" Yep " He said without a care in the world .

" So you just didn't even care about me going to college or my education or any of that right ? " She asked .

" You don't even need to go to college " He replied.

" What you mean I don't need to go to college ? What do you expect me to do ? Be a stay at home mom and let you take care of us ? " She asked sarcastically.

" If that's what you want " He said causing to hit him . " That's not what I meant thought. You don't even really wanna go to college , you was just telling me about how you don't even know what to major in . You just want to go because you think you have to when you don't . You do really good making your face mask and that other shit you be making you can just go to aesthetician school , do that since you like giving out facials and shit and sell the products you be making , easy money and you love doing it so that's a plus " He said casually .

That was a good plan , even she knew it but she wasn't going to admit it to him because she was still pissed off . " So now you just figuring and planning my life out for me ? I can't think for myself now ? " She asked .

" Ma'kaia you need to chill out ! maybe the baby was a little extreme but honestly your ass should've been pregnant months ago . I've been busting in you since the first time we had sex and you never asked me to wear a condom or pull out it just so happened the time I was wishing you got pregnant that you actually did get pregnant and as far as trying to plan and figure out your life that's not what i'm doing , you told me you were stuck on what you wanted to do that was a suggestion to help you decide " He said .

She didn't respond to him she just remained quiet the rest of the ride to the doctors office . When he pulled off before he could park fully she hopped out of the car and walked into the building leaving him .

Cassius shook his head at her pettiness and took his time parking before walking into the building . When he found the right office he opened the door and saw her already sitting down filling out paperwork.

He sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. " I know you're upset and I understand why you're upset . I can admit I probably went about what I did the wrong way but I ain't wanna lose you forever and you know my thinking process ain't normal " He told her .

" You're going to tell my mom you got me pregnant on purpose " She told him causing him to chuckle.

" What good is that gonna do ? It don't make a difference that you willingly fucked me unprotected " He said causing her to smack her teeth. " I don't wanna fuss with you and i'm sorry for manifesting pregnancy on us but i'm happy as fuck about the baby and I want you to be too " He said .

" you want me to happy that you trapped me with a baby ? " She questioned and he smacked his teeth .

" Bruh I told you it wasn't necessarily trapping because I been butting in you I was just wishing that you did get pregnant the last time and it just so happened my wish got granted " He said .

Before she could respond they were getting called to the back room . Cassius helped her up and helped her hand as they walked to the exam room .

" Hi i'm Dr.Lin , i'll be your OBGYN for this pregnancy and you must be Ma'kaia right ? " She asked holding her hand to shake
Kaia's hand .

" Yeah but you can just call me Kaia "
Kaia said and she nodded .

" And are you the dad ? " She asked Cassius and Cassius nodded . She shook Cassius hand as well .

" Ok , is this your first appointment since taking a pregnancy test ? " She asked Kaia and Kaia nodded . " Ok so what we'll do today is do a ultrasound to confirm your pregnant , see how far along you along , get an estimate due date , we're also going to get some blood today too "

" okay " Kaia said .

" Okay lay back on the table and pull your shirt up " She instructed . Cassius helped Kaia on the table and pulled her shirt up for her . Dr . Avery came over to rub the gel over her stomach so they could do the ultrasound.

Kaia and Cassius both looked at the screen and smiled when they saw the baby appear on the screen and heard it's heartbeat . " You're 17 weeks so we're going to set your due date at July 21 " She said .

Kaia didn't respond she was in awe looking at the black of white screen of the baby the was in her womb . It was like for the first time it was actually hitting her that she was having a baby. The doctor allowed her a minute to gawk at her baby as she printed out some copies of the ultrasound for the two of them .

" When do I find out what i'm having ? " Kaia asked .

" So at 20 weeks you go to a ultrasound specialist and that's when they'll determine the gender of the baby as well as do a chromosome count , make sure the babies organs are developing correctly so i'll set that appointment for you it's going to be in three weeks "

" Ok " Kaia said .

" These copies are for the both of you , and we're all done here . I'll look over the paperwork you filled out and if there are any concerns i'll give you a call and i'll see you every three weeks . " She said and Kaia nodded . " Also here's a list of foods to avoid during pregnancy and there's a list of 24 hours nurses if you have any questions or concerns that aren't emergency related "

" Ok "

" Nice to meet you too and congratulations " She said.

"Oh do you mind taking a picture of us for the baby's scrap book " Kaia asked .

" No problem " Dr Lin said as she took Kaia's phone for him . Kaia as Cassius both held up their copies of the ultrasound smiling as she snapped the picture.

Once the picture was taken she handed Kaia her phone back and they all left out of the room . She had Cassius make her appointment for three weeks from now and they were on their way out .

" You wanna go home or you wanna come back to my place ? " Cassius asked her once they were settled in his car.

" You can take me home , I think i'm ready to tell my mom " Kaia told him .

" Alright but you gonna have to wait bout a hour for me okay because Dominique and I have an appointment to take the DNA test in a few " He said .

He noticed her facial expression change from happy to upset . " What's wrong ? "

" For a minute I forgot that you could possibly have another kid and this ain't be your first baby like it's mine " She mumbled .

" Yeah that may be true but this experience is still a first for me. Going to doctors appointments and watching your stomach grow and dealing with pregnancy cravings and things like that" He said trying to cheer her up.

she nodded but didn't respond . " If the kid is mine , is it going to change things between us ? " He asked and she shrugged .

" I don't Cassius .. all of this is happening too fast. When we first met it wasn't a potential baby mama in the picture and an outside kid . I'm still young and I feel like now you have too much going on for me to handle , shit this baby is a lot for me to handle " Kaia answered honestly.

" what exactly is a lot to handle with the situation ? " He questioned so he could know what to say to reassure her . 

" I don't like dominique and she doesn't like me so i'm pretty sure there would be a issue if it came down to me being around her child . The bitch still wants you so i'm pretty sure she'll try to use y'all kid as a way to fuck you and i'm pretty sure she's going to just have a whole bunch of baby mama drama coming along with her cause she's a ghetto bitch and I don't want to deal with any of that especially not while i'm pregnant "

" you love me ? " He asked causing her to smack her teeth .

" don't try to use that reverse psychology shit on me and try to use me loving you as a way to get me to deal with all of that bullshit "

" That's not what I was gonna say .. I was gonna say if you love me then trust that I won't have you in any drama and ima make sure this pregnancy is a peaceful and beautiful journey for you regardless of if the kid is mine or not " He said .

" I don't know Cassius " she said and he decided to drop the conversation for the time being .


A Few Hours Later ...

" what took you so long .. you said a hour " Kaia complained to Cassius as she opens the door to the house to let him in.

" I'm sorry , I had to make a few runs " He said as he pecked her lips.

" make a few runs doing what ? I find it mighty funny how right after you meet up with that bitch you all of a sudden had runs to make " Kaia said looking at him suspiciously causing him to smack his teeth .

" you can call my pops and ask him since you think i'm lying " Cassius said simply as he closed her front door .

" My mom and Eric aren't home , she's at the boutique today so we have to wait for her to get back " She told him .

" that's cool , I need a minute to lay down and unwind anyways " He said . Kaia led the way to her room and she watched as Cassius laid back in her bed with his eyes closed .

" What's wrong ? " Kaia asked him . She could tell he was upset by his demeanor .

" Nothing .. I just have a headache "

" I have some tylenol " She suggested .

" I took some already , i'm waiting on it to kick in " He said .

She laid on the bed next to him laying her head on his chest. " you be giving me mixed signals like a motherfucker , first you mad cause you claimed i trapped you , then you was just saying things might change between us now you laying all up on me "

" just vibe " she said causing him to smack his teeth.

" wake me up when yo mama nem get home i'm tired " he said .

" you're always tired " she told him .

" cause i don't sleep good unless i'm with you " He said causing her to blush . She gave him a kiss and shutup so that he could get him some rest.

She didn't realize that she fell asleep too until she felt someone tapping her to wake her up. Both her and Cassius looked up at the same time to see Makena and Eric standing over them looking like two disappointed parents .

" We need to talk " Makena said .

" Huh ? " Kaia said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up all the way .

" She said we need to talk " Eric repeated for her .

" what's wrong ? " Kaia asked .

" This is what's wrong " Her mom said as she threw the zip lock bag of pregnancy test on the bed next to Kaia . She didn't throw them away because she wanted to keep it for memories and get something memorable made out of it for the baby .

Kaia looked at what it was and palmer her face that she found out before she had a chance to tell her . " Ma what were you going through my stuff " Kaia questioned as she tapped Cassius for him to get up cause he was still laying down with his eyes closed .

" I was looking for some toner for my face but I don't have to explain myself to you this is my house i'll go through anything in here .. explain to me why they had positive pregnancy test in your vanity drawer " She said .

Kaia looked at Cassius for help because she was scared to speak . " We were actually waiting for the both of you to get home so we can break the news to you that we're going to have a baby " Cassius said .

" So you gonna keep it ? you just gonna throw your life away like that ? " Her mom asked .

" with all due respect, she's not going to throw her life away . Kaia and I already talked and discussed things regarding when the baby gets here and I already told her while she's attending classes i'll be at home with the baby . She can still go on and be very successful and a baby isn't going to stop that " Cassius spoke up for Kaia again .

" So I guess you plan to go to college locally then ? " Her mom asked . " and Cassius let her speak for herself "

" I never even really wanted to go to college . I was only looking and applying to colleges because everyone makes it seem like college is just a mandatory step after high school to be successful but it's not . Im going to aesthetician school and i'm going to open up a business selling the skin care products that I be making for us " Kaia said . " and Cassius is going to have to have the baby while I go to school during the day "

" So y'all just got it all figured out huh ? " Makena said looking back and forth between the two of them .

" We don't have it all figured out but it's nothing we can do about it . I didn't plan this and I didn't want a baby at this age . I dont the first thing about taking care of baby I can't even take care of my self but it's too late for me to abort and honestly I went to the doctor this morning and after seeing the ultrasound I got a lil excited so all I can do now is prepare myself and make plans and preparations for what i'm going to do when the baby gets here "

Makena just stared at her daughter for a moment not saying anything. " Are you mad ? " Kaia asked playing with her hands .

" I'm disappointed ... I wanted you to do better than me . I wanted you to have a career and a ring and be a little bit older before you decided to bring kids in this world " She said .

" I did too " Kaia mumbled .

" How far along are you ? " Eric asked .

" 17 weeks " She said as she got up and went to hand her the ultrasound picture that was in her purse . Makena took the picture and sighed. " in three weeks I go a ultrasound specialist and that's when they're going to look and makes sure the baby doesn't have any genetic disorders and I get to find out the gender " Kaia said.

Makena didn't respond she stared at the ultrasound picture in shock while eric was mugging Cassius . " what ? " Cassius asked him .

" I specifically asked you to do three things I said don't break her heart , don't get her pregnant, and don't hit her .. and you already did two of those things "

" I mean technically I didn't break her heart because it was all a lie " Cassius spoke causing Eric to smack his teeth .

" That's besides the point " Eric stated .

" You right it is , but you know that I love Kaia and you know that I got her . Whatever sacrifices I have to make to make sure that she's able to go to school and do what she have to do i'll do it . I can adjust my schedule any kind of way to accomplish her and you know that her and the baby won't want for nothing " He assured him .

" I can't believe this shit " Makena said more so to herself as she still looked at the ultrasound picture . " let me see your stomach " she told Kaia .

Kaia lifted her shirt but she didn't look too big at the moment. She just looked bloated . " You know it's time for you to grow up now right ? " Her mom said .

" What does that mean ? " Kaia raised an eyebrow.

" It means that you're not eighteen and you have a baby on the baby . No offense Cassius , but you can't depend on him and his money because if you learned anything from me it's that a man can walk out at anytime so you need to be able to stand on your own two feet with or without a man . Those brand deals you have promoting clothes might not be there once you get big and pregnant so it's time for you to get a job and make your own money . " Her mom said .

" How an I going to do that ? " Kaia asked .

" I'm your mother so baby or not i'm going to always look out for you but i'm not going to baby you anymore . I'll give you a job at my boutique but you're not getting any special treatment because you're my daughter you have to show up on time and do your best work like every other employee there or you're going to be fired . I'm not making you pay any bills or anything here either but it's time for you to learn to budget your money and create a savings you can't just be blowing your money on shoes , clothes , and makeup now . You have someone depending on you now and you have to think about your baby before your own personal needs " She said.

" Ok " Kaia said because her mom was right .

" I'm not going to overwhelm you right now because I still need to process this shit " She said . " come'on eric I need a bottle of a wine " She said as she walked out of the room .

" That wasn't too bad " Cassius told her and Kaia agreed . She felt her mom went easy on her because she was once in the same predicament as Kaia and she didn't want to be her like parents who put her out and left her alone to fend for herself.


Y'all it took me about a week to write this chapter because I had to go back and read about the last ten chapters to remember what was going on and to see the timeline and remember what month they were supposed to be in in this book. But I hope y'all enjoy this chapter ! i'll try to update this book again on Wednesday when I have another free day !

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