Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey

Before the Storm

55 1 1
By thecowgirlbookworm

Sophie was content to stay home from the party, although she took a moment to enthuse over my gown when I came down. It was a new one, steel blue chiffon over a darker blue silk and spangled with silver beads. Will had dismissed Louise once he had seen it laid out, insisting that he had to help me dress himself. I hadn't minded, although I had asked Louise to come back and assist me with my hair.

Will was hopeless at that.

So after letting Sophie chatter about the beading pattern, and being assured that the staff would be around to look after Sophie, we had gotten into our carriage and set off. Will had managed to claim the spot next to me, and quirked an eyebrow up at Mother. "Back to the carriage? The car was alright, you know."

She rolled her eyes. "The car was for Sophie, and a hired one at that. Although I am considering purchasing one for here, and you should think about one for your house. Lewis already knows how to drive."

"I should have brought him to give me lessons." I smirked at Will, "Maybe he would have been a better teacher."

"I doubt he would have let you drive into a haystack." He shot back, leading me to chuckle and the both of us having to explain ourselves to Mother. She found the whole misadventure rather funny, although she told me that I should purchase a car and engage Lewis for further lessons in order to improve myself. I agreed, and we passed the rest of the trip to the Vanderbilts discussing which model to purchase. I was in favor of a similar model to the one we had in Southampton, Mother thought an American car would be better. In the end we could not come to an agreement, "Well, we have time to decide. And it's not as if I'll give up the carriage, you know. It's far too familiar."

"Indulgent." Will snorted, "Although I suppose some older things can be held onto."

"Yes, like a certain old husband." I teased, earning myself a pinch. But there was hardly anymore time for teasing as the carriage came to a stop, Will stepping outside to hand us out. He had worn his uniform tonight, with all that it entailed. I had asked him why, when a suit would have been just find, but he had replied that if the Reichsters were going to be in attendance then he wanted to be armed. So he kept one hand on his sword while I took his other arm, rubbing his thumb over the lion's head. I gave his arm a squeeze, "It'll be alright."

"I still don't like them coming." He muttered, nodding to the footmen at the door.

Mother sighed, "We could get away with not inviting them, the Vanderbilts cannot. Everything will be perfectly fine William, you know we'll all keep an eye out." Will grumbled some assent as we entered the massive ballroom, seeing only a few other guests that had arrived before us. The happy couple had not yet made it down, although Oscar was making the rounds. He immediately brightened when he noticed us, coming over immediately. He greeted me first, kissing my hand. Mother grinned as he bowed over her hand, "You'll have to excuse William's behavior tonight, I have a feeling he's going to act as if Henry Reichster is hiding behind every column."

"If he is, I'll flush him out and you can run him through." Oscar joked as he shook Will's hand. "As long as Liz won't mind a little blood on the dance floor."

"It wouldn't be a little." Will remarked, looking out as more guests were arriving. "I'll tend to Ana, I know you have your obligations." Oscar bowed to each of us before leaving, already calling out greetings to the other guests.

I tugged on Will's arm, "Come on, I think we both could use a drink." He begrudgingly walked with me, although we lost Mother along the way as she went off to talk to an acquaintance. I greedily sipped at my punch, "Will, you can't stand there like a statue all night."

In response his hand moved mechanically to the well watered whiskey he had ordered to lift it up for a sip. "I'm not."

"You look like a puppet." I sniggered, and reached over to adjust his lapels. That drew a reaction from him as he looked down to me and raised a brow. "There, much better." I smirked before reaching for my glass again.

"We both promised to take it lightly tonight." He set his glass down, returning his hand to his sword. "And to not leave the ballroom."

"And we will." I sighed, "I admit having you protect me is rather dashing but these restrictions are somewhat annoying."

"Annoying, but they will keep you away from him."

I rolled my eyes, but as I did so I caught two figures coming into the ballroom. "Oh, there they are. Doesn't Liz look lovely?" She had entered on James's arm, and while he was all dark navy in his uniform, she was in the palest pink. With pearl beading, bobbing white feathers in her hair and even leather gloves in a matching blush shade, she suited the ballroom as well as the blooming rosebushes that had been brought in and were perfuming the air. A light round of applause greeted them, and Liz beamed her happiness out at us all.

Will had a smile on as he watched them begin to greet guests. "She does, and he looks quite proud."

"Not as proud as you did during our party." I wound my arm through his. "Should we go say hello?" Negotiating our way to the happy couple took some time, for almost all the guests were thronging around them. By the time we reached them, Liz was looking rather flushed. I embraced her, "You look wonderful."

"I swear, all this attention." Her eyes were bright and flicked around the room. "It's thrilling!"

James, looking less than thrilled, adjusted his tie. "Yes, quite exciting. I don't suppose the dancing will start soon?"

"Of course it will, you'll be opening it." I chuckled, "And if you'd care to open it sometime soon, Will and I would much appreciate it." That led to a bit of scramble as a discussion was briefly had by the Vanderbilts, Moira and Richard having arrived behind their daughter, and the band began to play a slow tune. The guests cleared the way for James to begin to spin Liz around, and after their first few turns, other couple began to join them.

Will gripped my hands a bit too tightly and only noticed when I winced. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I squeezed his hand, although I was relieved to not have my fingers being ground together. "Although I don't think you grip your sword that tightly!" He only grunted at that, and I sighed. "I suppose I should just be glad you're not glaring daggers at Oscar anymore."

The music began to slow, and Will led us over to the edge of the dancing. "Speaking of Oscar, I should like to ask him a few things. Mainly if he knows if we're going to be losing James on the Anastasia. It would be a devil of a time to replace him."

"Then I'll go talk to Liz," I could see her over by a window, inhaling some fresh air. "I haven't seen the ring yet, well, not since they came back from the city with the diamonds they added on."

"I'll be watching." He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before we headed our separate ways.

I wasn't worried in the slightest knowing that I had him looking our for me, and I gave Liz a wide smile as I joined her by the window. "The party is wonderful, by the way."

"Oh, thank you." She brushed a curl back behind her ear. "Although Mother did most of this."

"Still, it's beautiful." I raised an eyebrow, "Now, let me see that ring!" Her glove was swiftly removed and I couldn't help but gasp slightly. The setting of the ruby had been raised so that it was the highest stone, although four diamonds had been added. Two larger ones on either side of the ruby, with two smaller on their sides, all of them clear and glittering in the electric lights.

Liz was positively preening. "Aren't they just wonderful? I was worried that they would overpower the ruby but our jeweler was magnificent."

"Indeed, there-" I found myself cut off as I was suddenly thrust backward and slammed into the wall. "What?"

"Where the hell is he?" Henry Reichster was grabbing my shoulders in a harsh grip, his face shoved up against mine as he screamed. "Where is my grandson?"

I tried to twist away, "Let me go!"

"You kidnapped him!" Henry's eyes were wild, even as he was dressed in the latest fashions and his hair was styled perfectly. I could see his wife and son behind him, their faces furious as they looked at me. Liz had stumbled backward, her lips trembling. Henry drew me forward and threw me back again, my heeled shoes scrabbling for purchase on the parquet floor as I barely stopped myself from slamming my head into the wall. "Tell me where Adam is! I know you have him, people saw Sophie getting in your train car!"

And then there was a shining sliver blade across his throat, and Will was by my side. "Remove your hands from my wife, now." Henry took his time, unhooking each finger from around my shoulders before withdrawing his hands. I watched as his throat jumped under Will's blade, a drop of blood welling up as Will pushed the sword forward to herd him away from me. Will's face was set, but his eyes were blazing. His voice was cold and formal, "How dare you touch her?"

"You stole my grandson." Henry fairly growled, "The both of you."

Mother, rushing up with the Vanderbilts and James in tow, bristled. "We did not! Sophie came along on her own." Samantha had come up alongside her husband, and Mother whirled on her. "Control your husband, damn you! Everyone is looking!"

"We know what you did." Samantha sniffed, "You stole my grandson, just because you don't have one!" She whirled on me, "Your daughter is nothing but a barren bitch-"

The crack of Mother's palm across her cheek drew every eye in the ballroom as Samantha stumbled back with a red cheek. I barely recognized Mother as she snarled, "You lying, little-"

"Ruth, remember yourself." Oscar had come up and gently pulling her back, "People are watching."

"Mr. Reichster," My voice was trembling and I fought to control it. "We did not kidnap Sophie and Adam, we came across them waiting at the train station. They said they were coming up for the good weather and were staying in a hotel. We simply offered them our hospitality, they're at our cottage right now."

"Then they're coming back tonight." Henry remained stiff as Will still had his sword on him. "I'll haul them back myself."

Oscar, with a glance to the crowd around us, snorted. "You most certainly will not. Sophie was skin and bones when she got here apparently, and all Adam did was sleep. You weren't taking very good care of your wife, Zachary."

Zachary, who had hung back during the whole confrontation, glowered. "Heaven forbid I want to show my son off, my firstborn. I know none of you can understand that feeling, but they didn't have to kidnap a my wife because of it."

Oscar's fist was balled up and half raised when his mother's hand reached out and gently grasped his arm, Moira's voice gentle. "I think this may have been a misunderstanding." She drew her son back, and Richard cast a look his way as Oscar stepped over to my other side. I noticed that James had drawn Liz away during the yelling, his arms tight around her. Moira sighed, "Ruth had asked me to drop off a letter at your house explaining everything, but I'm afraid in the rush to get up here I forgot. I'm awfully sorry that my forgetfulness has caused such an ugly scene."

"Ugly is far too nice of a word." Richard's voice was firm. "You three may remove yourself from my house. This is supposed to be a celebration, not a screaming match."

Henry reared back, looking like he might spit. "I will not! They are going to drive me to their cottage, bring our my grandson and let me take him back where he belongs."

"You will do no such thing!" Mother cast her eyes over all of them, "Sophie has no desire to return at the moment, and while Zachary is of course welcome to come and visit his son, his parents are not welcome in my house!"

"Sensible as ever, Ruth." Will muttered, pressing his sword toward Henry again. "Now, you heard Richard. Out."

Henry glanced from the sword to my husband, "I'll call the law."

"And Sophie can tell them exactly what we have." Will stepped forward. "Go."

The two elder Reichsters began to beat a retreat, whispers already dogging their steps as the crowd cleared a path to the door. Zachary stood his ground though, his face dark and growing red. His eyes found Oscar, "You knew."

"I thought Mother had told you." Oscar stepped forward, "Zachary, go."

"You knew she took my son, all because she can't stand to be barren." He cut his eyes over to me, and Will moved in front of me. "You all knew."

"Zachary, you need to leave." Mother's voice was cold. "Come and visit Sophie if you like, but you will not speak to my daughter in such a way, either here or at our cottage."

"Your daughter," Zachary spat, "Is nothing but a lying whore." I could barely see around Will, but I could see enough to spot Oscar moving quickly and Zachary staggering backwards. "My nose! You bastard!"

"It's time for you to leave." Oscar had grabbed Zachary's arm and was dragging him away, blood spotting the wooden floor as Zachary tried to stem the bleeding from his now even more crooked nose, quite clearly broken again. "I'll escort you out."

Servants were already rushing to clean up the blood, and Will quickly turned to me. His eyes had lost their wildness, and his touch was gentle when he brought his hand up. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I shook my head, looking down to his sword. "I didn't think the blade was sharp."

He glanced down, seeing Henry's blood still on the blade. "After last time I had it sharpened, I thought it prudent." He grabbed a napkin from a passing footman to wipe the blade clean before sliding it into the sheath. His hand was gentle when it brushed over my shoulder, "Those may bruise."

I shrugged, "I've had bruises before."

"And your head?"

"I managed not to hit it on the wall, I should be fine."

"I'll have him shot if he even gets close to the cottage." Mother all but snarled as she came closer, tugging the shoulders of my gown down to examine the red marks on my skin. I was eminently thankful for Will who quickly stood to block the view of anyone who wasn't standing nearby. "I must thank you for your intervention William, I was about to claw that man's eyes out!"

Richard snorted, "I'd much rather have a broken nose to clean up after, Ruth. Although I will keep that in mind, I think Henry Reichster has burned his bridges here."

"I think he's burned it everywhere, dear." Moira rocked her head, her eyes glancing around the room. Once my gown shoulders had been drawn back up and Will stepped away, I could see what she meant. The guests were whispering and their hands were animated as they discussed what had just happened. I expected a hostile gaze or two to be thrown our way, but most of them gave us a sympathetic smile. Moira had a triumphant smirk on her face, "I think that went quite well, Ruth."

"I would have preferred he not lay hands on my daughter." Mother groused, but shook her head. "But still, it was a success. I just hope we haven't ruined the party." Given that the initial plan had been for us to inform the Reichsters after bringing them some drinks and had not included kidnapping accusations, I couldn't quite agree. But then again, this had led to them being kicked out of the party and quite a bit of gossip trailing after them.

"Of course not," Liz, her arms still wrapped around James, chuckled. "If anything, you've made it more memorable. Now, let's all have a drink, and then a dance!" Will was still reluctant to drink, but Oscar quickly wore him down. After all, it was unlikely Henry would lay siege to the house and even if he did then we could hide in the lighthouse or even take the yacht out into the cove in case he did.

It made me happy to see a smile on Will's face again, for it kept me from thinking about Henry's face right up against mine. His hands on my shoulders, his voice loud in my ear, the feeling of my head thudding against the wall, it was all too similar to what had happened before. But if I held onto Will's arm, drank champagne and danced a rag with Oscar, I didn't have to think about it. When Will, lubricated by some unwatered whiskey, claimed me for a waltz after and stood far too close it drove all thoughts and memories from my mind.

All there was was my husband and my friends, together to celebrate and forget about what had happened.

I was still a bit drunk when we got home late that night, Sophie having already retired. Will still went up to check and make sure that she was still in her room, which she was. Still, the thought that Henry might have gotten it in his head to come stalk our cottage made me shiver. For all of Oscar's jokes, I could see him doing it. Prowling the grounds in the shadows until he had a moment to strike, watching Will and I, planning his next step. It was enough that when Will asked me to step out for a brief walk along the beach, I was reluctant. Of course, I didn't want to tell him so I lied. "It's just a bit chilly outside."

"Then here," Will unbuttoned his frock coat, settling it around my shoulders. "You wear it better than I do anyway."

I clutched it tight to me as we stepped out back, the breeze quickly tugging at it. The wool was warm from him already, and I was grateful for it. However I was not grateful for my shoes, and made Will stop for a moment so I could pull them and my stockings off. He found it amusing as I grumbled to myself, "Damn things, and this train. Oh, it's going to be all covered in sand."

"Then we'll brush it out." Will reached over and took my shoes, "God, I do have to admit that a cold breeze after too much drinking really is the thing."

"You sound like Father." I mumbled, although my ears perked up at the sound of something in the bushes. They were low, more scrub than anything, but in the dark they might as well have been towering trees filled with thieves. I clutched Will's arm a little tighter. "What was that?"

"Probably just a bird," He glanced over to the bushes. "Or the breeze broke a branch."

"Can we go in?" I glanced back over our shoulder towards the cottage, only a few windows with lights in them. "I want to go inside."

Will glanced down, "Ana, don't tell me you're worried about him."

"But what if-"

"He's not the villain out of some dime store paperback." Will sighed, and I kept pace with him as he started walking again. "He's a utter bastard and I would gladly see him dead, but I can't see him actually dirtying his hands."

I pursed my lips, "He did dirty his hands once, you were there."

"And I dirtied mine!" Will turned, "You remember that."

"I do, and I am forever grateful for it." I stepped forward, bringing my arms up through the front of the coat to grab at his waistcoat. "Now, I would really like to go inside, husband. Please?"

He brought his hands up to cover mine, "Alright, fine. But let's go here." He drew my attention to a dark building, it took me a moment to recognize it as the boathouse. "I think we'll be safe in there." I held onto his arm, my bare feet glad that the wood was well sanded and unlikely to splinter. Part of me was worried that like last year we'd have to spend the night in the lighthouse, but apparently Will had planned this out because he drew the key out of his pocket to unlock the door.

I glanced aside at him as I walked past, "You could have told me why you wanted to go for a walk."

"But then that takes the fun out of it." Will closed the door, making the boathouse as dark as a tomb. "Just a moment." I heard him moving around, a thumb of metal and then the flicker of light as a match was struck. A lantern flared to life on the chart table, illuminating the sparse furnishings. With only one door and two windows, both of which had canvas curtains drawn over them, I felt much safer than out in the open. Will turned to a small locket, drawing out and spreading a blanket out on the floor. "Here, sit."

The wool was scratchy under my feet, and only grew slightly scratchier as the sand from my feet sprinkled over it. I watched Will take off his shoes, lining them up just so on the floor. "Thank you, Will."

"It's just a blanket." He smirked, reaching over and drawing off the coat. "Come here Ana, I've missed you." I scooted across the blanket, collecting my skirt around me to not tear it.

I held myself back from sitting in his lap immediately. "How can you miss me when we've been sleeping by each other and around each other every day?"

"I've missed doing certain things to you." Will reached up, tugging me into his lap. His voice was a whisper as he trailed his nose up my neck. "I've missed making you scream, I can't exactly do that in the house." I leaned down and captured his lips at that, moaning slightly into it. Will's hands were quite skilled as they ghosted over my back, traveling up my neck and into my hair. I was surprised that he was able to kiss me so skillfully while he removed the pins from my hair, letting it fall down to my waist. He drew back, twining it around his fingers. "I love your hair loose."

I brought my hands up to cup his face, "Will, thank you for tonight."

"I shouldn't have gone with Oscar until we'd seen them." He turned his head to kiss my palm, "I should have cut his throat."

I pressed a kiss to his lips, "You all but did, and we humiliated them, Will. It was wonderful."

"Wonderful," He mused, drawing my head down to rest on his. "And you're jumping at every shadow."

"Then distract me." I tried to sound seductive, although that was quickly ruined by the squeal I gave as he tumbled me over. As much as I wanted to disrobe entirely, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable place and the wool was scratchy against my thighs as Will pulled my skirts up. But then the scratchiness was far from my mind as Will brought a finger to my entrance, slipping inside and stroking me. I lay back, enjoying the pleasure until my neck began to develop a crick. I brought a hand to Will's cheek. "A moment?"

His eyes were dark, his breath coming hard but he nodded. I used the moment to grab the coat and fold it into a pillow, laying my head down on it. Will snorted, "Well, now that you're comfortable." In response I spread my legs, reached up and pulled him to me. He held himself off me though, preferring to plunder my mouth. I greedily returned the favor, and twisted my legs around to bring him down onto the blanket. My hand drifted to his fly, and he helped me unbutton it and free himself.

I rose to my knees, grateful for the lamplight as I took in the sight of Will. His eyes were dark, his chest heaving slightly as he watched me. Without his cot he was only in his waistcoat, the navy wool dark against the starched cotton of his shirt. But then the view of him was gone as I bent down and placed a kiss on him. He hissed slightly, although it turned into a moan when I spoke. "I want you to know just how much I love you for what you did tonight."

Kneeling beside him to do this was much more awkward than having him in a chair, but I wasn't about to let him get up. I knew my knees might be bruised in the morning, but when I took him in my mouth and swirled my tongue over him, it sent him into a round of Gaelic cursing and I found I didn't care. It was hard to care about bruises when Will was panting and cursing, his hands in my hair and his hips occasionally thrusting up into my mouth.

But then he was tugging on my hair, harder than usual and I drew my head up. He tangled his fingers in my hair, "Lay down and pull your legs as far up as you can." I did as he asked, and then it was my turn to curse as he dropped his nose between my thighs and licked the length of me. Cursing only seemed to drive him wild as he licked and stroked, teased and sucked at my until I was thrashing in his arms and begging for release.

Will wasn't merciful though, pulling away to rear up over me. I knew my skin was flushed and sweaty, my hair was a mess and my lips swollen from ministering to him. Will sighed, his hand tracing my breast. "So beautiful." The pillow was much appreciated as he resumed kissing me, twisting my head up to allow him to deepen the kiss. Although when Will entered me and I arched up against him, I found myself missing my bed. The mattress was far more comfortable.

Especially when Will began to set a harsh pace, making me pant and beg for a slower one. He obliged for a moment, although then I missed it and begged for more. Will was all chuckles and kisses as I clutched at him, bringing my legs up. It made my hips dig into the unforgiving wood more, but I hardly cared when Will was hitting that sweet spot inside of me that made my knees weak and my thigh flutter.

When the end came I was loud, knowing that there was no one around to hear me aside from Will, who was loud in his climax as well. He cursed then, just as a sailor should, his hands gripping the blanket tightly on either side of my head. The little bit of breeze that came through the wooden walls was pleasant, drying the sweat on our skin as Will held me to him. But the wooden floor was still uncomfortable, and we could both fit into one of the hammocks that had been slung. It was far more pleasant to gently swing in the hammock, after dousing the lamp, wrapped around Will and both of us under his coat.

The dark was warm and comforting with Will there, wrapped around each other like we would die if we weren't touching. I didn't dream, I simply slept deeply pillowed on my husband's breast. But when the sun rose, and it rose early, the canvas curtains did little to prevent the light from coming in and waking us. Getting out of the hammock proved a harder task then getting in, leading to the both of us laughing like madmen as we attempted to balance it.

Our clothes were rather worse for wear, my dress wrinkled and still covered in sand, and as we walked out into the morning we were still trying to put ourselves to rights. Will had pulled my stockings from his pockets, and I was twisting my shoes around to try and get the sand out of them when a delicate cough sounded. I looked up, seeing Sophie standing there with Adam in her arms. She had a wide smile on her face, "I see we're not the only ones who felt like an early morning walk today, my Liebchen."

"Sophie," Will blanched. "We were just-"

She snorted, "I would hurry back in before more people wake up. And you should probably change before breakfast."

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