Always next to you

By _ToniaFrancis

3.9K 286 25

Abandoned by her mother and boyfriend of four years, Nicole gets a new job to start her independent life. Her... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Two

46 4 0
By _ToniaFrancis


"I won't do it," I told Diana.

"What you want doesn't matter," she replied.

"You can tell the press whatever you want, but I won't make a statement in this until I'm ready,"

"So you want everyone to think I'm delusional? Our wedding is very soon Aiden, and this is just a TV interview,"

I glared at her. I knew what would happen if I didn't comply with her wish, but I had no intention of telling anyone I would marry her. I couldn't even say it out loud. There was no one to help me out of this.

Jonas hated me and wouldn't answer my calls. I was losing my mind with no sleep. Overdosing on my pills would kill me if I wasn't careful, and I didn't want to get addicted. It was the only way I could get any sleep.

Nicole had only been to my house once, but I thought of her every day. I didn't have the energy to go to work on most days. Diana's presence was draining. I felt like I would drop dead at any point.

I followed her to the TV station, doing my best to come up with a good plan before things got out of hand. Diana spoke like she had an agreement with my father using her father's influence. It makes me wonder what she saw in me.

Diana was aware that I didn't love her, and I did not want to marry her and she was deluded into thinking I would someday. Was she not worried about how fake all of this was? I was only playing along for now, but she would be hurt when I stopped this fucked up situationship.

When we got to the TV station, we were taken to a room to wait on standby. My father sent me a text telling me to behave, and I just decided to say nothing.

"How is the wedding preparations coming?" The interviewer asked.

The smile on her face was so fake and it made me so uncomfortable.

"Aiden and I are still getting to know each other again since we've been apart for years," Diana replied.

"That's so healthy. Congratulations once again. I'm really happy you brought Aiden this time, so can he give us more insight into the new housing project?"

I frowned. What project was she talking about? I searched my brain, but nothing came to mind. For the last five years, I focused on my company and made it successful.

When I didn't speak, Diana told the interviewer that we were both still learning about our family business. Then it clicked. I knew my father hated the fact that my games had succeeded when he branded them a failure.

He never wanted me to do anything outside the family business so he could control me. The man was using Diana to get me back on a leash. What was Diana getting out of this?

After the interview, I texted Lizzy telling her to send me everything she could find on the new housing project. I had to know what my family was planning and use it to my advantage.

"You could have at least said something in the interview. The host was so nice to you," Diana said.

She went on and on about how much fun she was having and how we had to visit other people. The sound of her voice increased my rage. I halted in my tracks and turned to face her so she knew I was serious.

"Find your way back, I'm leaving," I told her.

I immediately went inside my car and locked the doors before she could protest. Diana stared at me in shock as I drove away. It had been almost eight minutes since I texted Lizzy. I hoped she was able to find something I could use.

This was a ridiculous situation for a 25-year-old. Did they really think I wouldn't fight back? I knew it was only a matter of time before Diana or my father figured out my plan, so I had to make sure Nicole was safe.

Nicole chased me away before, but it had been a couple of days, so maybe she was finally ready to hear me out. I felt a pang of regret that I proposed to be just friends with her.

She could use that as an excuse to ignore me completely. The memory of her strung at me with betrayal in her eyes makes me quiver in angina. I hurt that man too much. How would she believe me when I told her how I felt?

I dialed her number when I was at a traffic light but it didn't go through. It didn't take my genius brain to tell me that she has blocked me. Today was a work day, so I knew her phone lines would be on.

Nicole would be working from home today, so that is where she would be. I drive straight to her apartment hoping I could convince her to come with me. I thought keeping her as a friend would protect her, but I was wrong.

The last few days have been hell on earth. For once, I would take Jonas' advice and keep her close to me. I couldn't let her stay in her apartment and I had to keep her safe from the press.

Diana was brutal, but I had come too far to let her desires unravel me. I parked at Nicole's in case Diana had someone tailing me. I took the elevator and went straight to her floor.

While on her floor, I tried calling her again, but I got the same results. I didn't care if she hated me, but I would protect her the only way I knew how. She didn't respond.

I pressed the home button, believing she was in. When she didn't come to the door, I realised she wasn't there. There was a possibility she wasn't here. I came here urgently without telling her I was coming.

Now that I thought about it, I never called her before I came to her apartment. I didn't even ask for her address. I was used to doing things my way, and I forgot that it had consequences.

My plan was to take my time with Nicole, but with everything that was happening, I was convinced I can't do without her. Even now I was struggling to breathe, lacking 36 hours' worth of sleep, but I was searching for her.

I went back to the lobby to ask the doorman if he had seen Nicole today. If she wasn't here, then there was a possibility she was in danger. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her.

"She left an hour ago," he said. "Have you tried calling her?"

"Her number isn't reachable, but I'll try again," I replied, dashing out of her apartment building.

As I was about to enter my car, I caught sight of a figure clad in black eating a doughnut from my side mirror. I entered my car, pretending not to notice him, and watched him for a few more minutes.

The man ate the doughnut slowly and was obviously watching this building. He was also trying to be discreet about it. The figure was so familiar to my memory because this wasn't the first time I felt like I was being watched.

My heart raced in my chest. I put a tracker on Nicole's phone when I first noticed the presence. I would hate to have a repeat of what happened years ago.

The man in my mirror looked nothing like the man that tried to harm me, but it had been years and people change. It also didn't help that Nicole wasn't home right now.

Was I too late?

I started my car and turned towards Jessi's street. She was the only person that would understand my situation right now. I needed to see Nicole. I didn't have a plan, but I wanted to explain things to her.

Nicole was suffering because of me and I had to make her life better again. She trusted me and I broke her trust over and over again.

"No!" Jessi says, after coming to the door to see it was me.

She tried to slam the door in my face, but I pushed it back. I looked inside to see I came at the wrong time. She was busy coding.

"Please, just hear me out. Have you heard from Nicole?" I asked.

"No, Aiden! You disappeared for days, and now you want to know where she is? You hurt her," she replied.

"I know and I want to fix it,"

"You can't,"

Jessi was very upset with me and I knew it would take a lot of sacrifice to appease her. I didn't know how to tell her that I needed to see Nicole. I was terrified. I have never been this scared of losing something before.

Even if she doesn't forgive me, as long as she never left my side, I would calm down.

"I can't lose her Jessi, I need her," I say honestly.

Jessi scoffed.

"Maybe you should have said that before telling the world you'll marry some other girl," she said.

"You've been in my shoes before Jessi, You know there was no way I could avoid doing that interview,"

"You can't fool me. I heard she moved in with you,"

"She did and I'm losing my fucking mind! I considered her a friend and I didn't think she'd be this much of a threat."

"I warned you about her, you idiot!"

"I can't do this anymore, Jessi. I never got to tell Nicole how I really feel because I was afraid of hurting her and I still ended up hurting her. I can't lose Nicole, and I don't care if I have to change my last name. I need her next to me,"

"What about your dad?"

"You're more of a parent to me than he ever was,"

"I'm only five years older than you, dumb ass," Jessi replied.

After a while, Jessi pulled me for a hug. In her arms I allowed myself to feel for a brief second and I almost broke down in tears. I was very good at closing off emotions and feelings. It was the best way to survive without sleep.

My mind was followed by scenarios of things that may never happen. If Nicole wasn't in the picture, would I have agreed to my father's wish?

"I can't tell where she is, but I can tell you where she will be tonight," Jessi told me.

I pulled away from her and looked at her face for a few seconds. My eyes widened as the answer came to mind.

The bar!

Why didn't I think of that before now? It was still daytime, but if she was feeling down, she would go there since her friend worked there.

I knew the bar opens by 4 pm and it was 2 pm now. It was only a hunch, but if she would really come there, I would go and wait for her.

"Thank you, Jessi! You're the best," I kissed her cheek and ran to the elevator.

She watched me run, and I could feel the sadness in her eyes. I knew she wanted to help me, but after what happened years ago, there was little she could do.

My phone rang as I tried to leave Jessi's parking lot. It was Lizzy.

"The client is ready for the call, sir,"

"Lizzy, I'm in the middle of something. Can it be moved?"

"They're already waiting sir," she replied.

I slammed my fist on my steering wheel. Why was this happening now, of all times? I finally got a lead on where she might be and I have to work. After a few more seconds of biting anger, I took a few deep breaths to calm down.

"Lizzy," I called.

"Yes sir?"

"Send me the link. I'll join them from my car,"

My phone pinged immediately.

"Done sir,"

I tapped on the link and connected it to the speaker in my car. After the formalities, the meeting continued for three hours. They agreed to come by the office and sign the contracts.

It was tiring, but the client had so many requests that needed to be analysed one after the other. They also talked slower than my father did.

I drove my car outside the building to see that it was already evening. I tended to go wait for Nicole at the bar, but now she would see me coming. It did not stop me from driving there as fast as I could.

The divers' bar was a very chill place for the working class. The hotel on top of it was hospitable as well. It would not be my choice, given my taste, but I didn't mind it.

As soon as I was at the bar, and got out of my car and entered the building. The soft music for the speakers greeted me as I walked further to find where Nicole was seated.

I subconsciously went to where she drank with Jonas and found her smiling at Jonas. I searched for her everywhere and she was drinking with Jonas. There was no way I could be jealous because I fucked up.

Seeing her sad smile broke my heart even more and I couldn't help but feel it was my fault.

"Nicole," I called.

She paused and turned slowly to see it was me. A drop of tear graced her face as she shook her head.

"No," she stands up and grabs her bag. "Stay the fuck away from me,"

She was running away, and I couldn't let her. It was very hypocritical because I had done the same thing when I saw her at the office. I reached for her and pulled her back to me.

Nicole struggled in my arms, and I knew I would only hurt her more if I held on.

"Aiden let her go!" Jonas demanded, standing up too.

"Who's side are you on?" I asked.

I knew he was upset with me, but I hoped he would wait for me to explain what had happened first. I didn't know the full story until I met my father.

"That was a real dick move, Aiden. Even I know that," Jonas replied. 

"Nicole, I'm sorry, just hear me out," I pleaded.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say." She answered

I watched Nicole walk out of the bar and out of my life and there was nothing I could do to stop her.

- # # # -

Song recommendation: We Are - One Ok Rock

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