His Mafia And His Girl

By laurasfavvv

29.5K 397 43

What happens when you fall in love with the mafia? That is something Amaya will have to figure out. *... More

I n t r o d u c t i o n
A m a y a
C h a s e
P a r t y
S a v e H e r
C a r e
A r g u m e n t
T i m e T o g e t h e r
B r o t h e r
T h e T r u t h
F o r g i v e
E v e n t u a l l y
M e r c y
H o m e
R e a l i t y
E x p e c t i n g
M u r d e r
S a v e d
V i s i t
In His Arms
F a r e w e l l
D a n c e F l o o r
J e a l o u s
R e m e m b e r
Kisses & Confessions
B i r t h d a y
D i n n e r
E n e m y
Nice To Meet You
I g n o r e d
T e a s e
S t a y
L e a v i n g
S i x t e e n
B a c k H o m e
I n c i d e n t
R e v e n g e
I n t e r r o g a t i o n
P e a c e
I t a l y
A l o n e
M o n s t e r
K i d n a p p e d
Together again
H o s p i t a l
Home Sweet Home
Horrific Weekend
B e a u t i f u l
Moving Out

D e s s e r t

353 4 1
By laurasfavvv


Amaya and I arrived to the safe house in no time, safely. I definitely thought that we would face some kind of problem on the road, and Amaya would have to get involved if it was for me to save us. But thankfully we didn't.

I stepped in front of Amaya in order to open the door. I unlocked the first door, then clicked the code in for the second one.

We stepped inside and I locked the doors behind us. I noticed Amaya taking in the view of the house, I was hoping that she wouldn't be disappointed by it, but it looks like she is.
"It's not as glamorous as our own house, bust its-"

"It's beautiful," Amaya said while still looking around "it's like the house I've always dreamed of."

"Really? It's not like it has anything special to it?" I said. Amaya turned around to me and let a smile grow on her face. She took a few steps towards me and then stood right by my side, while also putting her arm over my shoulders, letting it fall forward in the crook of my neck, and leaned her head on my chest.

"That's why I like it. It doesn't have anything special to it, but it can still wow you" she replied.

"Well if you like it that much, I might as well buy it for you instead of just renting it for myself." Amaya looked at me properly and scoffed; "Don't."

Then she laid her head against my chest again.

Then all of the sudden she quickly raised her head and gasped; "Oh my god!" which was enough to freak me out, I thought something had happened.

"Cielo!" she yelled happily. My dog caught my eye when he tilted his head at Amaya.

They both stepped towards each other and Amaya crouched down to him. Cielo sniffed her hands a few times, when he recognised her scent, he began jumping around and licking her everywhere. I mean everywhere.

Once she stood up he also stood in his two legs, and began licking Amaya's cleavage.
"Cielo!" I yelled angrily. And as the good dog trainer that I am, he listened and turned around, going somewhere.

"Why'd you do that?" Amaya asked when I walked up to her "He was excited!" my lovely playing-dumb-girlfriend pleaded.

"Because. Only I get to kiss you there." I explained. I tried to keep my eyes on hers, but I couldn't help but let them drop to her cleavage. The shirt she was wearing had a low cut V, but not in a slutty way. The shirt also allowed me to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra.

I felt a soft touch pushing my head upwards from my chin; "Eyes up here, mr. Davian."
And I obeyed.

"What were you looking at?" she asked, with genuine confusion in her voice. But I could tell that she was just trying to be a tease.
"What the fuck d'you think I was looking at?"

"My tits?" she asked, while looking up at me, while turning her head downwards, giving her the biggest puppy eyes.

Sexy puppy eyes.

"That's right," I replied "your tits."
I leaned forward to her ear, kissing right beneath it. I kissed her harder, sucking on the skin of her neck and running my teeth against it.

Amaya let her head fall back, giving me more space to kiss and suck.

"Fanculo, mio amore," I cursed against her soaked skin.

My mom interrupted by clearing her throat for attention. I kept my hands slithered around Amaya's waist, but slowly pulled my head away. Eventually I turned to face my mother, after I had come up for an excuse.

"Amaya," she began, her voice stern. My heart dropped as I realised that she would blame this on poor little Amaya.
I understand that she doesn't like seeing us in that kind of situation, but it was not Amaya's fault.
"welcome!" she announced.

Another sigh of relief left me.

"Do you want dinner?" mom asked, still on the staircase while holding onto the railing.
"Yes," Amaya replied and giggled.
My mother nodded at her and smiled wider.

It was obvious that she preferred Amaya over any of us, her literal children.

"Chase, cena?" she turned her face towards me, asking if I wanted dinner in Italian.

"Sì "

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All three of us ate dinner, though my mother only ate a bit because she suggested to take the dog out. So now it was me and Amaya left at the dining table. She had just finished eating, but one thing she didn't finish was the mess she made before dinner.

"I want dessert, do you?" she asked.
"Good thing you ask, we can have some in my room." I said.

"Okay? But why in your room?" she asked.

I don't think I'll ever be able to answer all of Amaya's questions.

"You'll see." I said and grabbed her hand, pulling her up the stairs before she asked any other questions.

Wei got into the room and I closed the door behind us. Amaya was standing there, waiting for me to give her our dessert.
I grabbed her neck and kissed her roughly. So roughly I didn't know what I was doing half of the time.

Amaya pulled away to look at me, she sucked in a deep breath when I began kissing her again. My tongue entered her mouth, meeting with hers. I swiftly rubbed the bottom of her tongue with mine, then pulled it back into my mouth, back into hers and she did the same to me.

Us making out didn't last for too long, since Amaya pulled away again.
"What are you doing, Chase?"
"I thought you said you wanted dessert. Don't you worry, amore, you can have yours first." I teased.

The word amore made her realise what kind of dessert I was talking about.

I picked Amaya up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. My fingers held her ass tightly. I laid her on the bed, and came down along with her. I began kissing her coincidentally exposed stomach. I looked up at her, my lips still on her skin, I could see her nips clearly through that fucking shirt.

I began pulling the shirt up all the way over her head, taking it fully off.
"No bra, huh?" I said as if I didn't already know it.

Amaya sat in front of me properly, her breasts exposed for me. Her hands reached the bottom of my shirt and took it off. Then her hands reached the belt I was wearing. Amaya kissed me, roughly, sliding her tongue in and out of my mouth, while unbuckling my belt. Once it came off, she placed it on the bed, and an idea struck.

"Can I have my dessert, please? she asked with the same sexy puppy eyes.


Amaya pulled my pants down along with my boxers, leaving me completely bare. I leaned back on the bed frame, relaxing and waiting for my pleasure.

Amaya looked up at me while slowly bending forward to where my hard cock was. She bit her lip once then parted them, letting my tip in. I groaned and pulled her up in a ponytail, holding it in my fist.

Amaya licked my tip a few times, creating wonders through me, before she took almost all of me in her mouth. I moaned heavily and started pulling on her hair, begging her to go faster without any words.

I felt her throat against my tip, she started gagging on me which only made me grow harder inside her. She pulled me out of her mouth, regardless of my attempt to push her head back onto my cock. She took a deep breath and then continued sucking my dick.

Shes in for a hectic night tonight.


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