Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Stealing Up to Newport

50 3 1
By thecowgirlbookworm

AN: I generally try to avoid internet drama, but was unfortunately dragged into some this week. I was informed by a message from a fellow fic writer that this story had been stolen and was being sold for profit on an Amazon service called Kindle Vella that monetizes original serialized stories by authors using the service. The thief had stolen over a dozen stories and was profiting off of our work. The stories have been taken down off of Amazon and I am working with them to figure out what can be done to prevent theft like this in the future. Thank you to all of my reader who read here, I hope you've enjoyed everything so far and will enjoy what's to come!

Will stood awkwardly with me in Zachary's parlor, Rigel's leash in his hand. He had insisted that he accompany me on my visit to Sophie, and had even made the Reichster's butler let Reggie and Lewis in with us. The two of them were currently standing awkwardly in the door, doing their best to try and fade into the woodwork. Meanwhile I was dressed in a fashionable Paris gown, a powder blue silk, one of the new styles ones with the pannier styled skirts the bunched up around my hips, and nibbling on a cookie while I waited for the new mother to make her appearance.

The beaming father was already sat across from us, smoking a cigar and deliberately waving the smoke towards me. Zachary sneered when I delicately coughed, "I'm surprised you're even here."

"I'm here for you wife." I snapped back, "I don't give a damn about you."

"I can see your husband has improved your vocabulary." He rolled his eyes, "And what did you bring us? A scrap of fabric, you know the Astors sent a crib made by a master craftsman from France."

"If you're not happy with the silver rattle we also brought, by all means, we'll take them both back." Will stepped forward, keeping a right hand on Rigel's leash as he sat.

"Well that would be pointless, it's not like you'll ever have an occasion for your own child to have one." He drew back a little as Rigel growled, all the hair on his head standing on end to make him look very much like a bear.

I snorted, "You know, you used to at least pretend at cordiality."

"And you used to not be a whore." He shot right back, only drawing short when Will let Rigel's leash slip a bit and Rigel took a few threatening steps forward. "Restrain that thing before I have it shot."

"Zaza," Sophie's voice was weak, and her steps were hesitant as she came in. A bundle of blankets, Adam I assumed, was in her arms. "Stop baiting our guests, they simply came to congratulate us."

He didn't even get up to offer her an arm, I took the leash from Will and he helped Sophie into a chair. A nurse trailed in her steps, and what looked to be a walking mop followed her. It gave a loud bark and romped into the room, its hair like hundreds of little ropes that swung around as it came towards me. I smiled, "This can't be Little Freddy, could it?"

"It's a damn nuisance." Zachary groused, standing and moving away. "Hair everywhere, growls at me all the time."

I gave Little Freddy a healthy scratching, whispering to him. "Good boy."

Zachary was moving for the door when Sophie spoke up. "Aren't you going to stay and visit?"

"Not since they turned our parlor into a zoo," He shot a glare at Lewis and Reggie in the other door. "And a dockside tavern. I'm headed out and won't be back until late, don't wait up for me."

Sophie sighed as the door slammed shut. "Perhaps that's for the best."

"Oh, it undoubtedly is." Will let Rigel's leash go, and the two dogs gave each other a good sniff before beginning a romp around the room. "How are you, Sophie?"

"Tired, would you like to see him?" She held up the little bundle. "He's finally not fussing."

"Of course I would." I went to sit next to her, pulling aside the blanket. He had a screwed up face, a light dusting of black hair and when his eyes lazily opened they were the same clear blue of Sophie's. "He's beautiful."

I heard Will come up behind Sophie's chair, leaning over. "Let's hope he doesn't turn out like his father." I couldn't help the sigh as I looked at my husband and rolled my eyes, he coughed slightly. "He's a handsome baby, Sophie."

"And big." She hefted him, a smile lighting up her features. "And only getting bigger."

"Hopefully he's letting you sleep." Will brought his chair over to sit on Sophie's other side. "My friend's wife says she never gets enough sleep once she's had one, at least for the first few months."

Sophie cuddled Adam back to her breast, "I can sleep some, but it seems I'm up all night sometimes."

"Crying?" Will dangled a finger in front of Adam, who extended a pudgy hand to try and grab it.

"No," Sophie chuckled as Adam latched onto Will's finger. "He's such a good baby."

I glanced over to her, seeing the paleness of her face and the circled beneath her eyes. "Sophie, you look exhausted. Can't you give him to his nurse at night?"

"I give him over late at night." She blinked slowly, "Zachary has been wanting to take him around to all the parties, and me with him. He took him on his own a few times, but I just can't stand to be away from him. So I go, just be with my son."

"Sophie, this isn't healthy." I whispered, leaning close to her.

"Adam didn't come easy," She sighed, "And the parties tire me out, but Zachary won't leave early."

Will pursed his lips. "That's not right Sophie, not a bit. You should be resting, and have Adam around you."

"That's what I've been saying!" The nurse piped up, but immediately quailed when we looked over. "Sorry, ma'am."

"It's alright." Sophie shook her head, her hair hanging limp. "You're not wrong."

I bit the bullet. "Sophie, we're going up to Newport in two days. We've had reporters hounding the house about the Empress sinking, we just want to get away. Come with us, meet us at the train station. You and Adam and his nurse, you can stay with us. Fresh sea air, cool breezes, you can rest and be together."

Her eyes were bright, "What will I say?"

"I'll tell them that we're going to need to take Adam to a better climate, for his health." The nurse darted forward. "We say we're traveling light, only us and we meet them. It will be good for him, and for you."

"They won't be up to Newport for a month or so." I reached over for Sophie's hand, patting it. "You'll have an entire month to be with him, doesn't that sound nice?"

"Oh Anastasia," She sniffed, her voice thick. "I couldn't."

"You can, you need to." Will took her other hand, "Sophie, you'll die if you keep going on like this." Sophie's lips quivered, she sobbed once, then dropped her head and nodded. Will and I soothed her, telling her about our house and the beach, how much fun Rigel and Little Freddy would have swimming in the cove. Will even promised to take her out on the yacht, a relaxing day at sea.

With her assurances that she would meet us at the train station, we sent her up to get some rest. Will stopped on the way out though, handing a note over to the butler. "Can you see this to Mr. Reichster, senior that is." The man bowed, tucking it away and I couldn't help but grin. Will had let me read what he had written, and I had enjoyed every word of it.

I won't even ask how you managed to get that note to me, knowing you it was some underhanded method. As for your offer, I caution you to remember the wound I gave you in your shoulder. That will be nothing compared to what I will give you if you even approach Anastasia while we are in Newport. If you do, you will not be able to carry out your threat. Nor find much pleasure in life after. I would do much to you, but am cautioned against it. You should be grateful for that, for if not I would have thrown you, chained and weighted, into the Atlantic long ago.

We arrived back to a house all aflutter. Two of the footmen had been put on the gate, for at least five reporters were clustered outside it at all times. Before we had stationed them out there one enterprising reporter had climbed the fence to get a comment. Now that there was someone watching them their enthusiasm had been dampened, at least somewhat. Still, though, Newport would be a haven.

The next day was spent packing, and I had a footman run a note over to Sophie to tell her the time to meet us. I had been very specific that it must be given to either Sophie or the nurse, and I knew he had been successful because when we arrived at the station the next morning Sophie was talking to Mother while the nurse bounced Adam who was crying at the noise of the station. Mother raised an eyebrow as we walked up, "I didn't know we were to have guests."

"Adam needs to be in a better climate at the moment," Sophie reached over for her son, cradling him close and he slowly stopped crying as she rocked him. "Anastasia was kind enough to offer us your hospitality. I don't want to be any trouble, I'm sure we can find a hotel-"

"Nonsense," Mother interrupted, brushing her fingers over Adam's head. "We would love to have you stay with us, and given that your trunks have already been stowed, it would only be more of a hassle to send you to a hotel."

Sophie's voice was very quiet, "Thank you."

"Why don't you go in and get settled?" I gestured towards our car, currently waiting for us. "We've got to see our trunks stowed." Not to mention making sure Louise and Reggie found their seats and the rest of the staff we were taking all got on. Truth be told, most of that would be overseen by Peggy and Mr. Rigby but I wanted to give Sophie a bit of quiet. She needed it, and Mother gently took her arm to guide her in.

Will and I followed shortly after, to find Adam now lying calmly in his mother's arm and Sophie dozing on Mother's shoulder. I smiled, "Well, it appears you're comfortable." Mother only smirked and shook her head, holding up a finger to her lips. Even Little Freddy, curled up at his mistress's feet, softly thumped his tail as he saw Rigel padding after us. Part of me wasn't sure how Sophie would react when the train started, I was worried it would wake her.

It woke Adam instead, although the nurse moved quickly to gently pry him from his mother's arms and rock him back to sleep. As the train began to pick up speed, Mother slowly disentangled herself from Sophie, gently laying her fully down on the bench. Will quietly got up, fetching a blanket and pillow. I took charge of the dogs while they managed to get Sophie situated, fortunately Freddy was as well trained as Rigel and hardly needed supervision.

But with Sophie asleep on the bench, not to mention Adam, we had little we could do. Cards were out, since it always led to cursing and laughter. Even a hushed conversation made Adam rouse slightly, so it was only whispers that were allowed. Mother was quite content to pull out her knitting, having finished her quilt a few months back, and I settled in with a fashion magazine while Will pulled a book from his bag.

The only sound was the smooth click of Mother's knitting needles, the shush of turned pages and the light clinking of the crystal glasses on their barred shelves. I leafed through the magazine, wrinkling my nose at the fashions shown. Apparently we were moving towards low waists, straight skirts and little lace. I rolled my eyes at it, trying to find anything with a bit of frill to it. Not even the hats had frills anymore it seemed.

So instead I set it aside and watched the scenery go by, glad to see the ocean finally beginning to appear. Sophie was softly roused just before we pulled into the station, and Mother chivvied her along and into the carriage. Adam and his nurse joined us, and with the dogs it was a rather tight fit. The other servants and luggage would follow behind in wagons, and Sophie let out a sigh as the carriage left town. "I forgot how far away your cottage is."

"It is rather nice." I shifted, noting that I was sitting half on Will and he seemed loath to lose me. "Very quiet, and the cove is perfect for swimming."

She gave a shy smile. "I haven't swam in so long."

"Then you shall," Mother smiled, "Once you're recovered."

It was about halfway to the cottage that I felt something brushing against my thigh, and when I glanced back at Will he was studiously looking outside and breathing harshly through his nose. I blanched, then leaned back and whispered. "Really? Will, Sophie is right there, as is my mother!"

"You're far too enticing." He grumbled, shifting underneath me and trying to hide his arousal. "Get out first when we get there."

"You're the gentleman, you have to help us all down." I hissed, although I did try to lift myself a bit off of him. It didn't make the ride any more comfortable, but it at least meant that Will was able to escort us all down without an obvious impediment. I still caught Mother giving him a look when he adjusted his trousers, and he flushed slightly. We'd been put into separate rooms again, although Will at least managed to get the ones next to mine.

I was shocked when I entered my sitting room to see a door that hadn't been there before. I was even more shocked when it opened to reveal my husband, wearing a grin that would have suited a boy better. "Surprised?"

"What is this?" I could see the other set of rooms around him, done in a darker blue than mine but still light. "Did you-"

"Of course I did," He held a hand out, and gently pulled me through. "I didn't want to have another night swimming incident, we'll just have to shove some towels under the doors and try and be as quiet as we can."

I leaned over and kissed him, "Well, if you do it right I won't be quiet in the slightest."

"I think that's my line." He murmured, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. I leaned into it, wrapping my hands around his shoulders to keep him there. But then Will was walking us backwards, and I felt my heart flutter at the thought of what was coming.

But then the door to my rooms softly swung open and Sophie's voice called out, "Anastasia, are you in here?"

I batted against Will's chest, breaking away. "Yes Sophie, just a minute!" Will groaned and fumbled at the edge of my skirt as I turned away, but I swatted at his hands and slipped back through the door. Sophie was resting a hand on a chair, taking the weight off her feet. I gestured at it, "Sit, sit! You're supposed to be resting."

She shakily sat, only glancing over when I sat by her. "I just wanted to come and thank you. Your mother set us up in a beautiful room, all white and with a room for Rebecca right next door."

"Sophie, you could have thanked me at dinner." I chuckled, reaching over to pat her shoulder. "I'm glad you like the room though, and just wait until you're feeling a bit better. We've got an entire beach to ourselves here, and our own lighthouse. Hopefully by the end of the summer you'll feel good enough to climb it."

"It sounds wonderful." She shifted, wincing slightly. "Although I didn't notice a bell pull in the room, could you ask someone to bring up some food?"

"Of course, I'll walk you back and have something sent up. Anything you're in the mood for?"

"Something sweet? If it's not too much trouble."

"Sophie, you're a guest. Nothing is too much trouble."

Will congratulated himself on getting the connected door installed several times that day. After escorting Sophie back to her room, Ana had wanted a nap and had snuggled up to him after stripping to her chemise. He'd pressed a number of sleepy kisses to her lips, given her a squeeze for good measure, and then fallen asleep before his head had hit the pillow.

He was vaguely aware of Adam crying briefly before someone went to tend to him, and his dreams slid into a rather bucolic domestic scene. Instead of Adam, it was his own child that wanted his mother and Ana who rose to briefly sing the boy back to sleep. Her voice was low and sweet, and their son burbled as he settled back down. Will could see what the rest of the summer would hold for them. Ana and him walking down the beach, ensuring the baby got enough fresh air and sunshine. Ruth dandling the lad on her knee while trying to get him to eat, he could even see his father there for the summer, holding their boy to his chest as he read to him at night until he could no longer keep his eyes open.

In his dreams he had Ana and his boy, Zachary and Henry had been lost at sea and his life stretched in front of him, a time of peace and love.

And then Ana twisted in his arms, her elbow landing in his stomach and jolting him out of his nap. He groaned, then caught himself and let his breath out in a hiss instead. Ana was still asleep, she snuffled slightly as she wrapped her arm around him. He sighed, looking towards the window. The light was already beginning to turn a bit orange, sunset coming. If he focused he could hear the servants moving around below, no doubt the cook and her helpers getting ready for dinner.

He waited awhile longer before letting his hands fall to Ana's sides, tickling her. "Love, it's time to wake up." She grumbled, twisting away from him but he was persistent. Still, she refused to open her eyes. "Ana, if you do not get up I am going to get Rigel to jump on you."

"Traitor." She mumbled, but she did sit up. "I guess we'll be back here soon enough."

"Indeed." Will yawned, "Dinner and then bed, that sounds like a plan to me." The two of them worked on setting themselves to rights. Fortunately for Will all he had to do was straighten his shirt and don his jacket, Ana had to brush her hair out, change her dress and wash her face. He couldn't help but snort as she toyed with a box of hairpins, "I think you might be able to get away without those."

"If it were our normal time here, yes." She slid the box open, then shut it again. "But Sophie-"

"Sophie is having a hard time even standing, I think you can get away without styling your hair." He gently took the box from her hand and put it on the vanity. "Now, shall we go see what your mother has arranged? I can smell it from here."

When the reached the ground floor, they were told that Mrs. Dalian has requested an outdoor dinner and Will stared in shock at the table. Usually Newport seemed to feature light meals, seafood and salads that wouldn't make one feel sleepy the next day. That had all been thrown out the window, for the table was crowded with a crown roast, fresh bread, roasted potatoes, asparagus wrapped in bacon and a tureen of warm potato soup. Will glanced over to his mother-in-law, already buttering a piece of bread. "Ruth, is this just because we have a guest?"

"No," She popped the piece of bread into her mouth, chewed and swallowed. "It's because our guest is practically skin and bones. I don't know what they were feeding her in that house but she needs more."

"Mother, you sounds like you're fattening up a calf." Ana grumbled as she sat, taking a sip of the wine that was swiftly poured for her. "I certainly hope you won't tell her that."

Ruth shrugged, "I may, I may not, but I will be ensuring her plate is full." Will had just pulled out his chair when Sophie came through the door, and he immediately went to help her into a chair. Ruth gave the girl a smile, "I hope you're feeling better."

"Very much so." Sophie nodded, "Everything here looks so good."

"Eat as much as you can." Ruth gestured, "William, would you carve for us?"

"Of course." Will took up the carving knife, doing his best to slice the meat as evenly as he could. He still made sure the best cooked slice went to Ana, although he put the largest on Sophie's plate. He chuckled after sitting, "I hope we all like it, I have a feeling we'll be eating beef for awhile."

"Our cook can do wonders." Ana smiled at Sophie, and the passing of the other dishes began. True to her word Ruth encouraged Sophie to take a little extra of everything, and they all kept up a stream of conversation as dinner progressed. He couldn't help but notice that Sophie took a bit more of everything, even a small slice of meat from the vast remains of the roast. Ana chuckled a bit, "I didn't realize a baby took so much out of you."

"He's wonderful, but rather tiring. He eats so much, that's why I was a bit late for dinner." Sophie blushed a bit, then pursed her lips. "I don't want to be a problem, for any of you, and I was thinking earlier that if Zachary learns I'm here-"

"If he does," Ruth interrupted, reaching over to pat her hand. "I have an idea on how to settle things. You shouldn't worry about it. Now, I have a feeling dessert is much needed."

Sophie blushed, "I would enjoy something sweet."

"And I would enjoy a drink." Ana stood, sighing as she did. "Mother, I can hardly move after all that."

"Then we'll have some blankets brought out and you can sleep outside." Ruth chuckled, nodding to a footman that hd brought out a large custard. "Blankets, if you would, and some whiskey." Both were swiftly brought, the custard was demolished, and a few wicker sofas were quickly turned into nests for all of them to turn into nests.

Sophie, with a blanket pulled up to her chin, gave a sleepy smile. "I had forgotten how far out your cottage is, back in town you can't hear the waves like this."

"And the views are much better." Will glanced over to Ana, who was tucked against his side. "I find it to be very restful."

"Indeed." Sophie yawned, "So far from everything, it's so nice." One of the servants had wound up a Victrola in the parlor, a bouncy rag playing while they cleaned, and the music came to them through an open window. Will couldn't help but smile as he sipped at his whiskey, for this was one of those rare moments where everything felt perfect and peaceful. He had his wife by his side, they were caring for a friend in need, they were stuffed full and warm, the waves were a constant comforting rumble, and he felt his eyes begin to slide closed.

He was jostled out of it when Ruth gently shook his shoulder, "William, take Sophie up. She fell asleep, poor thing."

Will was careful lifting Sophie, she mumbled slightly in her sleep but didn't wake. He was concerned as he took the stairs up, Rebecca in his wake as soon as he gained the landing. Sophie weighed so little, even after the large dinner they'd all had. With her this close to him he could see that her hair was dull and lank, and her skin far paler than it should be. He kept ahold of her as Rebecca drew back the covers and gently set her down in bed. Before leaving though he opened a window slightly, thinking she would like to hear the waves in the morning.

He passed Ruth on the stairs, giving her a nod as she went off to bed. Ana was still on the back porch, a glass of whiskey in her hand. "Care for a moonlit stroll?" Will extended an arm, smiling when Ana curled her hand around it. Rigel and Freddy, recovered from their morning train ride, trailed after them as they gained the beach. Will paused for a moment, looking up at the glittering lights above them. "The stars are beautiful tonight."

Ana, her toes almost in the surf, sighed. "They really are." This far from the city he could finally see all the constellations he knew, the spread of the Milky Way across the heavens. It felt like seeing old friends again.

"Although not even close to you." He murmured, holding her closer. "Now Ana, are you alright?"

"Of course I am, I would tell you if I wasn't feeling well." She leaned against him even harder, "You know that."

"I meant with the baby being here." He kept his voice low, just in case someone decided to wander out after them. "I just don't want you to worry about it, I couldn't bear to see you like that again."

Ana was quiet for a moment, stroking her hand over his arm while looking up at the stars. "I won't lie Will, it's a bit concerning, but then I see what Sophie's like and I don't want to be like that once, once we have a child."

"And you won't." He sighed, bringing his hand up to cover hers. "I would never make you do what Zachary did to Sophie, whenever you have our children you'll be getting plenty of rest and spending all your time with them."

"And you'll be strutting in to all the parties to brag?" She teased, squeezing his fingers. "After all, I assume you'd be over the moon if we had a boy."

"Hardly," He snorted, "I'd be home with the both of you, waiting on you hand and foot. And I'd be happy with either, so long as you were healthy."

Ana stepped up and kissed him at that, and he smiled into it. Her lips were soft and he could feel her smile into the kiss. She broke off gently, "I think I'll be alright, although I could use some distraction."

"Well, I suppose it's a good thing we have that door then." He chuckled, pulling her a bit closer. "Although we'll need to collect the dogs."

"I can slip upstairs and be waiting for you, if you do that."


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