Embry & Quil Jr's Imprint

By CharleneJoshlin8

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If you had a chance of going back and changing the very moment that decided the path of your future, would yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

1.4K 45 6
By CharleneJoshlin8

We got down to Sam's and Emily was cooking, just as Sam had said she was.

"Trina, Embry, what brings the two of you over?" Emily asked as we walked through the doorway. She was always so happy and it was infectious.

"Trina finally knows. She accepted the imprint." Embry told her. So Emily knew as well... I guess that made sense. I'm sure Sam wouldn't keep anything from her.

"Oh Embry, I'm so glad you finally told her. I kept telling you that she'd accept it!" She said, hugging Embry before turning to hug me. "Welcome to the imprint club. I know it's probably a lot of information and I'm sure you're not too excited about how long he kept it to himself, but if you ever want to talk or vent, you've got a sister who will listen."

"Thanks, Emily. I might definitely take you up on that." I replied, grateful that there was someone who I could talk to.

Emily walked back over to the kitchen and stirred whatever was in the pot on the stove. I walked over as well and asked her if there was anything I could do to help.

"That would be wonderful. Can you put these in the oven?" She asked, pointing to a tray of croissants on the counter.

"Yeah of course." I replied as Embry watched in fascination from the other side of the room.

It wasn't long before I heard someone walk onto the porch and come in through the door. I turned to see who it was and as soon as I saw that it was Jacob, my attention went directly to Embry in a panicked way.

"Trina, what are you doing here?" Jacob asked me as he looked in between me and Embry.

"Um – uh – well – " I was trying to find the right words.

"I think we need to talk, Jake." Embry said after my pitiful attempt. I could see that he was nervous but he nodded to me, letting me know that it would be okay.

"What about, bro?" Jake asked him curiously.

"Trust me, I think we need to move this outside before I tell you what it's about." Embry told him, already headed for the door.

Jake turned to look at me for a moment with an unreadable expression before reluctantly following Embry outside.

It had been minutes and I was starting to worry about them.

The guys were starting to file in through the doorway, other than Jake and Embry who I assumed were still talking.

Paul and Jared walked in with Quil following behind them, laughing at something I hadn't heard. I was helping Emily bring things to the table and backed up, running into a solid chest.

"Sorry!" I said as I turned around to see who I'd run into. As I looked up, I noticed it was Quil, who I hadn't seen since he'd phased.

"It's alright, Tri—" He looked down at me and the moment his eyes met mine, his expression changed completely and he cut himself off.

His eyes widened and he sucked in a breath before turning both ways, seemingly panicking. What had just happened?

At that very moment, Embry chose to walk into the house and made a B-line directly for me. He got to my side and exchanged a look with Quil who seemed frozen completely in his spot as if he were absolutely terrified.

Then he ran.

I looked up at Embry who was watching his best friend leave as quickly as he could with an unreadable expression.

"What just happened?" I asked Embry quickly.

"Quil just imprinted." He told me. I couldn't read his tone at all. Quil had imprinted?

"On who?" I asked him worriedly.

"On you, Trina." He explained, completely shocking me to the core. "I felt it happen."

How could I possibly have more than one imprint? It made no sense.

"How – what – how could that be possible?" I asked Embry, confused.

"What happened?" Sam asked as he walked inside the house.

"Quil just imprinted... on Trina." Embry told him. "How is that possible, Sam?"

Sam seemed shocked for a moment. "Imprints don't lie. If both of you imprinted on Trina, then that's what the spirits chose, Embry. I have no other explanation for you. Did Quil say anything before he just took off?"

"No, he just bolted. I felt him imprint on Trina while I was talking to Jake." Embry explained to Sam.

"Most likely because she's already accepted your imprint. If he imprinted on her too, that's another life-altering bond which, as her imprint, you would most likely feel as well." Sam suggested.

"What do we do?" I asked Sam worriedly.

"First we need to get Quil back here. The three of you need to talk. I'm not going to let anyone else hide away from their imprint again. It was hard enough on Embry. All of it is up to you, Trina. They'll both be whatever you want them to be whether it's friends, brothers, protectors, or lovers." Sam told me and I tried to process all of what was said.

I pulled on Embry's hand and walked out the door so that I could talk to him with at least a modicum of privacy. I was sure that they could all still hear us though.

"Are you okay?" I asked Embry, worried about how he was taking the information that his best friend just imprinted on his own imprint.

"You're worried about me when you just got imprinted on... again?" He questioned quickly.

"I'm good with weird. Still processing it all, but I can't change it, so why freak out about it? Now tell me how you're feeling." I demanded.

"It's strange. I feel like I should be angry or upset but I'm just not. I'm only confused why it happened. My wolf—my wolf doesn't seemed bothered by it at all, and trust me, my wolf is very territorial with you. Every time Jake even thought—off topic. Anyways, it's almost like my wolf knew it was going to happen." Embry told me as we sat on the front porch steps.

"Well you told me what your wolf thinks, but what do you think, Embry?" I asked him, placing my hand on his arm.

He looked over at me. "I'm confused. Quil and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember but I never expected us to imprint on the same girl. I don't even know what you want me to be and now this gets dropped on us. I'm worried about him, though. He didn't seem to take it too well."

"Is he phased?" I asked him, wondering if Embry could even tell.

"I'm pretty sure he is." He replied.

"Can you try to get him to come back?"

"I can try but I can't guarantee that he will." He told me.

"Tell him that I want to talk to him. I need to talk to you both, together." I asked of him and he nodded.

He stood up and ran to the edge of the forest, phasing behind a tree before walking back out into the clearing as a wolf.


As soon as I phased in, I could hear Quil.

What the fuck do I do? What the fuck do I do? What the fuck do I do?" He was chanting to himself.

"You can get your ass back here and talk to Trina." I replied. As soon as he heard me, he shut up completely. "She wants to talk to the both of us."

"How are you not thinking of 10,000 ways to kill me right now?"  Quil asked me, definitely still panicking.

"Because I don't want to kill you and neither does my wolf. We don't know why things happened like they did but we can't change it. Think about it Quil, does your wolf feel threatened by me?"  I questioned him.

"No."  He answered after a minute.

"Then come back so we can all talk it out. Trina's already had a rough day so we need to be there for her. Got it?"  I demanded.

"On my way."

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