Dean's Life

By Rddudd

92.5K 2.4K 3.1K

This is a story about Dean Winchester's life. He's a sheriff's deputy and a strict dad who's not afraid to sp... More

Once Over
Don't Even
Move In Day
Making Room
Paying the price
Say Uncle
Tea Party
Same Difference
Nick of Time
Didn't ask
For One Reason
No Big Deal
Taking Care of Business
Bad guy
Girl time
Don't think
What happened
Line Jumping
Focused on the Past
Traffic stop
Getting through
Either way
Because you are
This time around
Building Blocks
In Case
My life


1.6K 38 51
By Rddudd

Sam's pov

"Of course, sir. I apologize. That'll be $74.35," the cashier replied in a professional businesslike tone, trying to regain her composure.

After paying and pocketing the change, I thanked her quite curtly before grabbing our cart and Katie's hand as we left.

When we got home, Katie practically jumped out of the car before I even put it in park and then she started running for the front door.

"Hey! Hold up, Jellybean," I shouted, stopping her in her tracks.

She quit running but didn't turn around.

"Katie, get back here and help me with the bags," I called out. I wasn't angry, I just wanted a little assistance to make things go faster.

I saw her shoulders slump and heard the dramatic exhale before she voiced her concerns.

"UGGGHHH! Why can't you do it, Uncle Sammy?" she whined, before reluctantly dragging her tiny fifty pound body back to where I stood at the trunk of the car.

"Good Lord, you'd think I was asking you to do algebra for fun," I snarked. "What's with all the attitude today, little one?"

My lovely niece rolled her eyes at me as she placed her hands on her hips and proved my previous statement, replying, "I'm here to help you with the stupid bags like you asked. What more do you want?"

Oh my gosh, she is so my brother's kid. The attitude, the sarcasm, and the posturing all add up to one mini Dean.

Chuckling and shaking my head, I calmly responded, "What I'd like is for you to take these two bags and put them on the kitchen counter." I handed Katie two of the lightest bags, adding, "Then come back out with me and grab a couple more."

"Fine," she griped, snatching the bags from my hands and stomping off towards the door.

After repeating the process a few more times, we finally had all the groceries inside so I started unpacking the bags and putting things away.

"Can I go up to my room now?" Katie asked, maintaining her annoyed attitude.

"No, you can help put some of the groceries away first, please and thank you." I smiled, handing her the bag with the boxes of breakfast cereal.

"Whatever," mini Dean replied, sliding the boxes onto the shelf towards the bottom of the pantry. "I can't get this one in, Uncle Sammy. It won't fit." Katie tried roughly shoving the last box in, despite the resistance she was getting from the inflexible shelving system.

"Hey, hey! You're gonna crush all the cereal," I cautioned, grabbing the box from her hands. "Kneel down and check if you can see what's blocking the spot."

I got the dramatic sigh and eye roll again but Katie got down on the floor like I asked, to peer underneath the shelf.

"It's the stupid oatmeal blocking the spot," she replied, successfully completing her recognizance mission. After moving the offending object, she stood up to grab the cereal box from me.

Seeing a candy bar slide out of the pocket of her hoodie, my jaw hit the floor and my eyes widened in shock. It was as if the horrific, gruesome scene unraveling before me played out in slow motion.

"Is that..." I stammered, unable to finish voicing my thoughts out loud due to my complete and utter disbelief, despite the implications assigned to the seemingly benign chocolate treat staring back at me from the floor.

My niece looked at me and gulped audibly before taking off at a fast sprint to her room.


Katie's pov

"GET YOUR LITTLE BEHIND BACK HERE, RIGHT NOW!" I heard my furious uncle yell, stopping me in my tracks.

Reluctantly, I slowly made my way back to stand in front of him. I never raised my head to look at him though. I just kept my eyes focused on his shoes so I'd know when I was close enough to stop. I didn't want to get within arm's reach cuz I was afraid he'd grab me and start spankin', like Dad tends to do when he's really angry.

"Katherine Rose, look at me," my uncle commanded, sounding way scarier than Dad usually does when he's mad at me, or upset about something I've done wrong.

I shook my head no, afraid I'd burst into tears if I had to see the sad angry disappointed look on my uncle's face. I mean it's one thing knowing it's there but it's entirely something else to actually see it up close and personal with your own eyes.

I could feel my uncle's eyes on me, staring hard as he waited me out. I know I should do what he says cuz I'm in enough trouble already but it's so difficult to see him mad at me. For some reason, it's so much worse than when Dad is upset with me. I bit my bottom lip and tried to slow my rapidly beating heart. Swallowing hard, I hesitantly complied with my uncle's order and looked him in the eye.

"I'm only going to ask you this one time." Uncle Sammy knelt down so we were nose to nose. "And I expect the truth."

I looked down to avoid the hurt look in his eyes, but my uncle wasn't having it.

"Eyes on me, Jellybean." He gently tilted my chin up. "Did you steal that candy bar from the store?"

Tears welling in my eyes, I nodded, too afraid to speak my heinous crime outloud.

My uncle stood up, his tall lanky frame towering over me. Exhaling forcefully, he crossed his arms over his chest and dictated coldly, "Katie, go to your room and wait for me. I'll be in soon to punish you."

"Ok, Uncle Sammy," I replied sadly, as I started to cry.

I hate when Uncle Sammy is mad at me. It's way worse than when Dad is, maybe cuz it doesn't happen nearly as often. I know Uncle Sammy helped take care of me from the time I was a baby until I went to kindergarten. I don't remember too much of the baby stuff, like before I went to preschool but I remember Uncle Sammy always playing with me and tucking me in and reading me bedtime stories when Dad would have to work late.

I was really sad when Uncle Sammy moved away to California. I'm super glad he came back to live with us though. I missed him a ton while he was gone. He made the best grilled cheese sandwiches, and still does. Plus, he's the only one who'll play dress up with me, although Dad's old partner Donatello did once. He was really good at it too, way better at doing makeup and jewelry than Uncle Sammy.

"You know I don't like to do this, I never do, but sometimes I have to," Uncle Sammy said, as he walked into my room. Sitting on my bed, he patted his lap. I know what that means. He's gonna spank me.

"No please, Uncle Sammy, don't spank me." I took a couple steps back and covered my soon to be sore butt with my hands. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"You never should have done it the first time, young lady. Now don't make me tell you again." He tapped his fingers on his thighs, indicating where I needed to be.

I slowly and reluctantly started making my way over to where my uncle sat.

"Katie, do I need to start counting?" he asked, despite knowing very well what my answer would be.

"No sir!" I blurted out quickly. If Uncle Sammy has to count, I get the hairbrush, and I don't want that. Not in a million years. No way, no how. Uncle Sammy spanks harder when he uses my hairbrush. I quickly scrambled over his lap, not wanting to risk getting spanked by him with that evil brush even once. I've gotten two Uncle Sammy hairbrush spankings in my short lifetime already and I never ever need another one. Both times I cried so hard I ran outta tears.

Uncle Sammy unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans as I stood awkwardly in front of him between his knees. He briefly gave me a heartbreaking look before guiding me over his lap. Once I was in position, he yanked my jeans down below my thighs. He softly rubbed my back with his left hand as he rested his right hand on my bottom.

"I'm very disappointed in the way you behaved this afternoon, Katherine, but when this spanking is over, all will be forgiven, with me anyway. What your father decides to do about this situation is entirely up to him." Uncle Sammy patted my bottom before continuing, "That's why I'm not gonna go too hard on you because you still need to answer to him. Ok?"

"Yes sir," I replied sniffling, as I tried not to cry, well not yet anyway. I've never gotten a spanking that didn't make me cry.

"You don't have to call me sir, Jellybean. I'm your uncle, not a drill sergeant."

"O_k_k," I stuttered out in response, as I couldn't hold back the waterworks any longer. Hearing him call me by his pet nickname for me, made me really sad that I got in trouble and lied to my uncle. I think what I did hurt his feelings and I never wanna do that to him cuz he's always super nice and would never do that to me.

I heard my uncle take a slow deep breath and then I felt the palm of his hand slap my bottom hard. 

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