Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)

By 5654wdh

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Loki, Thor, Sif, the warriors and ... you! How did the Odinson's and the warriors become friends? And what i... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Thor's Heart
Chapter 3 - Not So Fast
Chapter 4 - This Can't Be Happening
Chapter 5 - The Day has Come
Chapter 6 - I Made It
Chapter 7 - Feeling more Aware
Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts
Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up
Chapter 10 - Trying Something New
Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace
Chapter 12 - Waiting on Word
Chapter 13 - Beginning To Heal
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Jolly Good
Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting
Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too
Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems
Chapter 19 - The Prince's Dance
Chapter 20 - I Will See You Tomorrow
Chapter 21 - Finding Out Something Interesting
Chapter 22 - I am Going to Take Care of You
Chapter 23 - I Know You Care, But...
Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice
Chapter 25 - What Could Have Happened to Him?
Chapter 26 - Will You Help Me?
Chapter 27 - Nothing But Trouble
Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return
Chapter 30 - Someone New
Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened
Chapter 32 - Waiting For the Next Time
Chapter 33 - Trying to Figure Out What to do Next
Chapter 34 - What Does This Mean?
Chapter 35 - It Means Everything
Chapter 36 - But Why Not?
Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea
Chapter 38 - What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 39 - I Will Always Be Here For You
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning
Chapter 41 - The Nightmares Continue
Chapter 42 - Needing to Show Him
Chapter 43 - Feeling Safe At Last
Chapter 43 - One More Dance
Chapter 44 - So Much To Say
Chapter 45 - How Could So Much Have Gone So Wrong, So Quickly?

Chapter 29 - Needing More Time

26 1 0
By 5654wdh

Climbing out of the secret passage, my mom helps me to my bathroom so I can get ready for bed. I walk slowly to my bed once I have bathed and crawl in. Even though I have enjoyed my time away from everything I missed my bed, my rooms, my mom, and I really want to say my friends but I am not sure I can. My mom knocks on the door and comes in with some tea and cookies; and Fandral is with her. Loki has managed to teleport to my terrace and watches through the windows as my mom and I chat. He is concealed in the corner and has found a way shield our link.

I just need to see her, to see that she is ok, I have missed her so. But why is he with her?

"How are you feeling?" she says and moves over to open my terrace doors, "there is a wonderful breeze tonight."

Just as Kathalia approaches to open the doors, Loki backs into a dark corner.

Please do not let her see me....

"Tired, but relieved to be back in my own room" I say, "thank you understanding that I needed to have some time away."

"No worries at all..." she says, "Your foot should be much better tomorrow."

"I am so sorry for what happened to you my friend," Fandral says.

"It's ok, I am going to fine" I say, "I am just glad you were not hurt"

"Does Cedrin know you are back?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, I just went right to muspelheim, and then the dungeons," I cannot help but laugh

"What is going on with you and our new friend," Fandral asks.

I never should have let her leave, I feel so responsible. If I wouldn't have come to her after Thor attacked me. She needs to be away from me...maybe she is better off with Cedrin

We sit and have some cookies and tea and laugh for a bit. My mom and I have always been close and it feels so good to be back with her. Fandral has always been such a good friend. We talk about what happened on Muspelheim, what happened with Sif and Loki basically betraying me. Fandral is on Loki's side thinking that he did what he did for a reason. My mom thinks he had a reason for doing that, but she sees that I am tired and want to sleep. After a bit, I lay down and she covers me, I roll over to my side, and fall asleep. She turns the lights off, and closes the door. Fandral had fallen asleep on the couch in my room

Loki continues to watch me as I sleep in my bed, I am curled up on my right side facing the windows and feeling the beautiful breeze of Asgard on my face.

We have training tomorrow, I wonder if she will be there...But I cannot ask her about anuthing with Fandral, then she would know I was here.

Loki makes a move to enter my room, but he can sense the spells present so he backs away. From where he is on my terrace he makes a gesture to spread my hair out on my pillow, and to flatten my ear that got bent once I laid my head down.

I need to let her go, but how? And Can I really do that?

Loki leaves but not before taking one more look at my sleeping at my figure.

The next morning I dress simply in a long cotton green dress with gold sandals and a black wrap. My foot feels brand new, like I could dance for hours. Which is probably good because I think a dance is coming up soon. My mom and I walk to the grand hall for breakfast, and then she will be heading to Alfheim for a little bit. I hate it when she is gone.

"So, I have arranged for Frigga to check in on you every so often until I return," she begins, "and there is always Asmund and Heimdall"

"I know mom..."

"And as much as you don't want to hear it, the Princes will take good care of you too..." she says

"Mom," I say getting slightly annoyed.

"I know dear, but after your side injury, and the foot, and I know that you and Loki are..." she stops when she sees that I am I getting annoyed. "I'm sorry,"

She reaches over and gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Good morning ladies, might I be able to join you?" a familiar smooth voice says from behind me.

The voice sends a quick jolt through me because I didn't expect to hear it, and I am not entirely certain how I feel about it now, but then again, he is a prince and my friend. We have attracted the attention of some of the others around us, and my hesitation to respond is making things uncomfortable. I look to my mom and can read in her eyes that she thinks I need to allow him to sit with us.

"Of course your highness, we would be honored if you joined us" my mom says.

Loki sighs in relief and sits down next to me. I smile at him to ease some of the discomfort of the situation, but I have to also try and keep myself calm. All the things that happened over the past few days come back to me and I feel my anger building.

"Lady F/n, are you alright?" he asks, and I nod; realizing that I have bent my utensils from anger.

"Yes, your highness, I am fine," I respond and release them.

"You are looking quite well," he begins, "your eye has healed nicely, how about your foot and your side?"

"Yes, thank you for asking," I say "everything seems to have healed quite well"

Loki doesn't like that I have responded so unusually flat and cold to him. He chats with my mom and I find a way to get lost in my thoughts. My mom excuses herself to report for duty with the Queen, and leaves us sitting together. Silently we continue to eat, until it gets to be too much for Loki to handle.

"F/n, enough of this..." he says in an exasperated whisper and I look to him innocently.

"Stop this nonsense, you have run away without letting anyone know where you were or when you were coming back." Loki begins, " With your return, you need to accept who you are and take your place in the Royal court."

"And what would that place be, Your Highness?" I ask and stand to leave, I want to be difficult to him, I want to annoy him, and I don't really know why.

But Loki cannot answer as Cedrin has entered the hall with Ala and some others. He sees me with Loki and looks somewhat hurt but runs to hug me.

"F/n, when did you get back?" he says, and pulls away, "You look beautiful..."

Loki stands, "Lady F/n, I believe you have some training to report for..." and he offers me his arm.

Turning to Loki, and bowing my head I respond to him.

"My apologies your highness, but I am not training today so I can allow my foot to heal..." I say, "perhaps we can catch up later."

Loki nods reluctantly; he doesn't want to accept that I will not be joining him and that I am might be mad at him-let alone I have chosen another man with which to leave. Cedrin offers me his and suggests a walk in the gardens, and I agree. Bowing we both excuse ourselves from Loki's presence. Some people did see us and thought we were arguing but since there was no outburst so they all turned away. Cedrin and I leave and head to the gardens. We talk about everything and I tell him about the battle, what happened, and how Thor left us as well as what caused the rest of us to end up in the healers ward. It starts out pleasantly and amicably, but then he broaches a tense subject.

"So are you and the Prince officially courting?" Cedrin asks, "because if not..."

"Cedrin... why do you ask me that all the time?" I ask

"Do you love him?" he asks, "and are you courting?"

"Cedrin, " I say again and we sit on a bench, where we can watch the sparring practice. "There's something you need to understand..."

Before I begin, I catch Loki's eye quickly, and by instinct I smile which he returns. Sighing I turn back to Cedrin.

"The prince, Loki, and I share a bond." I begin and he gives me a questioning look. "It's called an empathic link, which means that he and I can feel each others emotions, feelings, magic, and other things."

"Are you tyring to tell me that you are destined to be with him?" and I shake my head, "that you and he are promise to one another?"

"No, I am just trying to tell you about my bond with the prince..."

"It sounds like you are trying to let me down easy, I was good enough to flirt with and have a small date so you could use me to make him jealous..."

I continue to tell him that it means that Loki and I will always have lives intertwined; regardless of on what level it might exist.

"It doesn't necessarily mean marriage, but it also doesn't mean that we won't be married" I tell him.

"Why are you telling me this?" he says on the verge of tears, "since the moment I met you, I wanted more with you, but what you are telling me ...breaks my heart"

"Why?" I say, "I am being honest with you, this doesn't mean anything other than what I have told you."

"No, it basically means that you will not be able to be with any one other than the Prince..."

"Cedrin, were you not listening to me?" I shriek.

My explanation doesn't convince him, and our conversation escalates to a fight. We gain the attention of those whom are sparring. Loki stops, but his partner is Thor and he doesn't pay attention and Loki ends up on the ground. Seeing what happened, I abandoned Cedrin and run to Loki's aid, but being a healer he reluctantly follows me.

"Loki, are you ok?" I ask and immediately begin to assess him. He smirks and nods.

I help him to the pink bench that he made for me. He has a small cut on his cheek, and I move to heal it, but he moves my hand away from him.

"Please, Lady F/n, do not trouble yourself over me, I shall be fine," he says, "I insist you continue with your date. "

Moving to face him, I can see the hurt in his eyes and he can see the hurt in mine, but I incline my head.

"As you wish your highness," I say and stand to move away and Cedrin follows me.

It's not long before we continue to argue and I finally walk away from him and back to Loki, who has resumed fight training. I can feel that Cedrin is watching me, almost as if he didn't think I would walk away from him. Loki and the others have finished and are putting their armor and weapons away as I approach.

Well, Cedrin seems to think there is something with Loki and I, perhaps I should play with that...

"Loki!, " I yell, and he doesn't turn

Oh you want to play this game?

He smirks...

"Your Highness...." I say and curtsy.

"Ah, Lady F/n, what might I do for you..." he says smarmily and smirking still, he nods for me to stand.

"Your Highness, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to join me for dinner tonight?" I ask

He's surprised that I asked him and doesn't really know what to say. Not far behind me is Cedrin, who is surprised and either came over to apologize, or to continue our fight.

"So you never answered my question, but I guess I can make an assumption based on what just happened." He said, "and to think I was going to ask for your hand in courtship..."

Loki moves over and winds his arms around my waist from behind and rests his head on top of mine. He's doing this to annoy Cedrin, but I feel something stir-like I enjoy feeling Loki's arms around me. But I can't, he's just doing it to annoy Cedrin, just like me.

"I guess you are a little late for that huh?" Loki says, "I shall meet you up front for our date in the village my dear".

Loki leans and kisses my cheek, and heads off to get ready. Cedrin moves in the opposite direction, and I just flop to the ground. The warriors give me a look, and Sif just walks away from me-they are disappointed in me for what I have done to both of the guys, and mad at me for the possibility that I might be using Loki to make Cedrin mad.

"You shouldn't have done that, you know how Loki feels about you, and now you have given him hope" Sif says.

What have I done? I hurt Cedrin, and now I have a date with Loki.

Rising from the grass, I walk back to my rooms and get ready for our date. I didn't really give things much thought, like what we are going to do. I guess we should start with dinner, and just see where the night goes. I shower and do my hair and makeup then choose a unique dress for the night. The top is strappy and has a deep plunge. It is a dark blue that blends to a fiery orange around my knees and continuing to the ground. Some lightweight lengths of fabric trail down my arms. The strappy detail on the top is perfect and I do not need any jewelry. Choosing a pair of gold glittery shoes, I grab a small clutch and leave. My mom is working with Frigga tonight, so I will just tell her about everything tomorrow. Turning the lights low, I walk out of the door and find myself face to face with Cedrin.

"Oh, Cedrin, hello...." I say, "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight..."

"Um, no, I suspect not...." He says, "Might I escort you to the dining hall?"

"Normally yes, but I am not headed to the dining hall..." I say

We walk along and every so often he makes a move to either take my hand or offer me his arm, but I pretend to not see. I am still annoyed at him from earlier, as well as confused as to why he showed up at my door. We exchange general chit chat and as we move to pass by the main door I turn to meet Loki, but Cedrin pulls me back.

"You can't be serious?" he says to me, "after you told me there was nothing between you..."

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I turn back to Cedrin. I am not certain that Loki saw me yet, so I have a little time.

"I am....have a good night Cedrin..." I say and turn to see Loki at the exact same time, our eyes lock onto each other's.

The hall is glimmering gold and jewel tones, but right now nothing matters more than the smile on Loki's face. He's been my best friend for so long and we have such a connection; I can feel a pull to him. Not only just physical, but our link, there is something pulsing through me that I have never felt before. Shaking my head, I stand before Loki and curtsy.

"Please my dear, not necessary tonight," he says and kisses my hand, "we are just two people, F/n and Loki going on a .... date"

Nodding in agreement, I smile as he takes my hand and places it on the crook of his elbow.

"F/n," Cedrin yells after us and we both turn to him.

His face falls as he sees us together and the aura surrounding us; he can tell that I am not meant to be with him.

"Have a good time..." he says

Loki squeezes my hand and we leave the palace.

Heimdall watches as Loki and I leave the palace and smiles to himself; he will let my mom know what he saw later since she is due to help him tonight.

Loki and I end up having a fantastic time with dinner, dancing, and walking around the village. Some of the villagers are a little apprehensive of him since he does have a reputation, but he is cordial with each of them. After having a good time, I feel like I cannot stop smiling, and Loki looks the same.

"Come with me..." he says and I smirk.

"Oh boy, you've said that to me before..." I laugh.

"Well yes I have, but at the time I was an impulsive boy trying to make you happy while you were injured." He says.

"Ok, where?" I say.

"It's a surprise" he says and tugs me along with him.

We walk for a bit and find ourselves at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, as it overlooks the great waterfall. It's a magical spot since it looks as though the sky and the water meet and the stars reflect off of the water.

"Loki, this is incredible" I say and he smiles, "I have never ventured this far on the bridge."

Loki smiles and we stare into each others eyes for a moment.

"So tell me, what are you now?" I ask him once I break eye contact with him.

"What do you mean, what am I now?" he asks.

"Well, before you mentioned that you were an impulsive boy trying to make me happy," I say, "what are you now?"

He laughs and blushes slightly before responding.

"I guess I am still the same impulsive person but I would like to think that I am not a boy...but a man"

We laugh and taking my shoes off I sit, and dangle my feet over the side, and Loki sits with me. The water rushes by and I can feel the water rise and brush against my feet. Looking over to Loki I can see that he did that and he smiles. We sit side by side and talk, and I put my head on his shoulder. He hesitates and eventually puts his head on top of mine.


Kathalia and Frigga have wandered to the dome and are chatting away. They approach Heimdall and can see that he is intently watching something.

"Heimdall, what has your interest so..." Frigga says, as he raises his hand to silence them.

He turns to look to them, and then points in the direction of Loki and I, where we sit side by side with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine. They both look to where we are sitting and then to each other.

"It's about time..." Kathalia says.

"Come friend," Frigga says and pulls her away, "let's allow them some privacy. Heimdall, I am giving Kathalia the evening off from helping you; I think she would have a hard time concentrating anyway."

Heimdall smiles and nods, and Kathalia insists to Frigga that she would not pay attention to Loki and I and then they both laugh and head off to have a drink on Frigga's terrace.

Back on the bridge, Loki and I continue to sit in silence, but it's not awkward. I feel completely caught up in the moment and cannot help but smile. Sighing in contentment, I feel Loki giggle, and then place his right hand on the left side of my face. He holds it there and manages to move slightly which causes me to lift my head from his shoulder, reluctantly. I didn't want the moment to end, but I look into his and hope everything is ok.

"What's wrong?" I ask, but he's staring so intently into my eyes that I know nothing is wrong.

I get so lost and caught up in the moment, that I don't even realize we are kissing until his lips on are on mine. It's gentle at first, but becomes more passionate and heated as our lips part and our tongues fight to control the kiss. The feelings that are pulsing through my body are electrifying, and I wonder if he feels this too. It's like our lips were meant to be together, and I do not want this moment to end. Eventually I giggle and pull back. Loki initially looks hurt, but then he laughs too.

"I guess we should back to the palace..." I suggest.

Loki stands and offers me his arm and we walk back. Once at my doors, he pulls me to a hug and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Lady F/n, thank you for one of the most ... incredible evenings of my life... and I lo-" he clears his throat, "would love to do this again."

"Good night Loki.." I say and turn to go into my chambers.

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