Why Even Try (Book 1 of 4)

By 5654wdh

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Loki, Thor, Sif, the warriors and ... you! How did the Odinson's and the warriors become friends? And what i... More

Chapter 2 - Thor's Heart
Chapter 3 - Not So Fast
Chapter 4 - This Can't Be Happening
Chapter 5 - The Day has Come
Chapter 6 - I Made It
Chapter 7 - Feeling more Aware
Chapter 8 - Reunion of Sorts
Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up
Chapter 10 - Trying Something New
Chapter 11 - A Tragedy at the Palace
Chapter 12 - Waiting on Word
Chapter 13 - Beginning To Heal
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Jolly Good
Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting
Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too
Chapter 18 - Loki's Poems
Chapter 19 - The Prince's Dance
Chapter 20 - I Will See You Tomorrow
Chapter 21 - Finding Out Something Interesting
Chapter 22 - I am Going to Take Care of You
Chapter 23 - I Know You Care, But...
Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice
Chapter 25 - What Could Have Happened to Him?
Chapter 26 - Will You Help Me?
Chapter 27 - Nothing But Trouble
Chapter 28 - A Strange Way to Return
Chapter 29 - Needing More Time
Chapter 30 - Someone New
Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened
Chapter 32 - Waiting For the Next Time
Chapter 33 - Trying to Figure Out What to do Next
Chapter 34 - What Does This Mean?
Chapter 35 - It Means Everything
Chapter 36 - But Why Not?
Chapter 37 - Not the Best Idea
Chapter 38 - What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 39 - I Will Always Be Here For You
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning
Chapter 41 - The Nightmares Continue
Chapter 42 - Needing to Show Him
Chapter 43 - Feeling Safe At Last
Chapter 43 - One More Dance
Chapter 44 - So Much To Say
Chapter 45 - How Could So Much Have Gone So Wrong, So Quickly?

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

183 2 0
By 5654wdh

Loki and I continue to learn magic and spend lots of time together with our mothers and some other Masters of Magic. We are learning quickly and have soon learned pretty much every spell in the realms, much to the chagrin and concern of the Masters. Frigga and Kathalia have been called to appear before the Mages Council to talk about our progress, skills, and the expectations for us. Both Frigga and Kathalia assure them that they have nothing to worry about, because what could Loki and I possibly do while under the ever so watchful eye of Odin?

"Make sure it stays that way Lady Kathalia and Your Majesty..." warns Bard the head of the Mages council, "it would be unfortunate if any type of imprisonment were to happen to either the Prince or Lady F/n...and I know it would not reflect kindly on the royal family."

"I understand Bard," Frigga says.

Recently Loki and I have taken our final examinations and await an official doctrine with our scores and our rankings of our skills and abilities; we are hoping that's why our mothers were summoned, and not because of what we did to the color of the water in the pond near the training grounds. Anyone who went in the purple water came out purple too; purple from head to toe. It was funny to see so many purple people at dinner that night. Loki and I play with some magic and other spells in the hall while we wait for our mothers. Before they leave the chambers, Bard stops them and addresses my mother.

"Lady Kathalia," Bard continues, "there is another matter of something regarding your daughter, and I have another opportunity I would like to discuss with you. I believe it is something that would be equally beneficial to her as well as Asgard. She is quite talented and gifted, and I only see those gifts getting stronger."

"As you wish Bard," Kathalia responds, "May we discuss that tomorrow, I know of two young people who are anxiously awaiting the news of their scores."

Kathalia and Frigga leave the council chambers and head down the hall to us as we wait for them.

"What was that about mom?" I ask my mom as she and Frigga approach us and smile as we stand up to meet them.

They love our friendship after having watched it develop since we were kids, and now as young adults they are even more proud of us and happy that we managed to stay friends. They knew that it would be a bond to keep forever, partly because of our empathic link but also Frigga knows that Loki could be difficult at times. She knows that Loki is not the easiest person to make friends with, or to be friends with and she is grateful that he and I have managed to remain so.

"Oh they just wanted to share the news with us about your examinations scores and rankings" she says coyly.

Loki tenses as we stand next to each other and reaches for my hand and grips it tightly. Looking down at our hands, I look up to him, just as he turns to me. He releases my hand and places his on my shoulders then stares intently into my eyes.

"Ok, F/n," he says and I can hear the nervousness in his voice, as he gently yet unintentionally shakes me, "no matter what happens, no matter our scores, we will still practice and invent new spells together, ok?"

"Loki!" I giggle, and look into his eyes. There is something in there that I can't quite place, "we are friends, and just because we are in these classes anymore doesn't mean we won't see each other or have time to create and practice spells."

"yes, but...."

"Come on Loki," I say and cut him off, "don't you want to know how we did? I want to know how much better I scored than you."

"Hey!" he says with somewhat feigned annoyance.

"Besides, then we can go celebrate" I say. He nods and we both turn to my mom and the queen with anticipation.

"Together? Alone?" he says quietly but I don't hear him, "how will we celebrate?"

"Well?" I say to the mothers.

"Well," Frigga begins and consults the piece of parchment in her hands, "you both....passed!"

Loki and I jump up and down and finally fall into each other's arms with a hug.

"You both have recorded the highest scores ever, not having missed anything, and you both scored exactly the same." Frigga begins and hugs us, "As a matter of fact, some of your scores were so high they had no idea to actually score it! You both had demonstrated things that they were unaware of. I am so proud of you both!"

"Go and join your new training," my mom says after hugging us both, "we will go to dinner in the village tomorrow night to celebrate."

After a few moments, they dismiss us so we can join the others for some fight training. Loki turns to me and offers his arm, and even though I am shocked by his behavior, I place my hand in the crook of his elbow. As we walk along we talk about the next things we can do regarding our magic. The only thing left will be to continually practice and find more in books, or invent our own; which we have been working on too. We are now considered Masters of Magic at the first level.

As we walk, we notice many people watching us with interest. Walking arm in arm with Loki is garnering some odd looks from others, since it almost looks as though we are a couple. People nod and greet us, almost like they are happy we have gone public with a relationship. We don't curtail their looks or interest, because it would be futile to argue. Let them think what they want; we know the truth and what we mean to each other. Besides, we are still relatively young, but are nowhere near the age that we should be considering getting married; but old enough to probably start courting someone. Some of our friends try to pressure us into dating each other or someone else; but we continue to grow closer to each other as friends as our empathic link strengthens. Not feeling like I am ready to court anyone, I enjoy the time that Loki and I spend together. We have always been close ever since we first met and are best friends. People wonder how I can be friends with him since he has the reputation of being volatile and unpredictable, but I know a different Loki; a kind-hearted and gentle Loki. Everyone else seems to think that they know an evil and more than mischievous Loki.

Our day concludes quickly, and as evening falls, we bid each other and our friends good night and head off to our separate quarters.

Morning comes and after a quick breakfast in the hall, I head over to the training ground. Today we are getting more into some of our fight and warrior training. I am introduced to a young man name Fandral, another one named Hogan who is actually from Vanaheim, but his parents are good friends with the king and queen. Our group is rounded out with my friend Sif, and of course Loki and Thor. We are lead through our training by a Warrior named Volstagg who is a hulking specimen of a being. He is large and tall and we are quite certain we will learn a lot from him.

As usual, and many times throughout our trainings and lessons, Loki and I would get in trouble for not paying attention, or being distracted by something that we could use magic on, but we are not allowed to. The fighting and training has to be as fair as possible and since not everyone is capable of magic, we cannot use ours.

After one afternoon's lesson, we are summoned along with everyone else who is close to our age, to the great hall for an announcement from the king. Once we are all assembled, he appears, and Loki appears by my side, and pokes me in the ribs which I return with a jab to his side.

"Ladies and Gentlemen ... His Majesty....King Odin..." The herald says and Frigga and Odin step out. Loki and Thor move away from us and join them on the dais. We applaud and Odin pounds Gugnir on the floor to get everyone's attention. Loki rolls his eyes and makes a face at me, which I cannot help but laugh.

"Commencing immediately, and in the garden will begin the hunt for Thor's Heart..." Odin states, and Thor beams at me in an odd way, while both Loki and Frigga look confused and somewhat disgusted.

"Never has this been done before, and it an intriguing ritual that could be the start of something truly amazing. A gemstone has been hidden somewhere on the grounds, and it will be up to each and every eligible maiden to search for it. The lucky lady who finds it first will receive a prize worthy of a queen, to be awarded immediately after the hunt, at a celebration here in the Grand Hall."

"If there are no questions, all the ladies should immediately head out to the gardens and wait for the hunt to begin."

Of course everyone is dismissed suddenly without the opportunity to ask questions, because I most certainly would have asked if Odin knew how stupid this is. Sif and several of the other ladies in the court are excited, but I really do not have an interest in the hunt, but since I am an eligible maiden I am obligated to participate. I really would like nothing more than to go back to my room, read, practice magic, or do anything other than this. Some are all trying to figure out what the prize could be, when the hunt begins.

"Who cares what the prize is, as long as it involves Thor, love and his...heart" some of the court ladies swoon., "he's so handsome."

"What if the winner is to court, or even better, marry Thor?" some other lady says and all around her squeal with delight.

"So odd that Thor would need to have a contest like this to find someone to court" another bubble head says, "it would be something to find someone for Loki. But who would participate in that contest?"

"Well you know Lady F/n would...." Another one says, "they are always...."

She stops talking when she realizes that Sif and I are right behind her close enough to hear her conversation. I smile at her, which lets her know I can assume what she was going to say. She smiles back nervously and awkwardly then the two ladies move away from us. Sif and I roll our eyes at them as well as this contest because it seems highly ridiculous in regards to Thor, and it is definitely not something Loki would put up with.

Oh Shit, what happens to the person who wins, really? Maybe that bubblehead is on to something, since it is called Thor's heart, but knowing that I do not care...I spend no more time trying to figure this out. Thor and I rarely have any interaction, Loki and I are better friends and to be honest I would have a better chance at winning Loki's heart. I giggle to myself, because honestly that would be more difficult-Loki has never shown any interest in me other than friendship, and I know that I have shown him the same. 

What would I do if my feelings for Loki changed or if his changed towards me. 

Quickly I dismiss that from my mind, because it seems like it would be a long shot and beyond anything in the realm of possibility. With a wave of my hand, I change my clothes into my usual, a tunic, leggings and boots.

"Don't you think you should change into something more suitable for a hunt?" Sif asks, and I shake my head, "or if you win?"

"Sif, I really don't care about this, and I wa-" I say but I am interrupted by Loki.

"F/n, Wait!" I hear Loki yell to me before I get out of the doors with Sif.

"Loki!" Odin bellows as his eyes scour the hall, trying to find his youngest son, "where did he disappear to? He's always into mischief. Loki!"

"Sif, I will meet you outside, let me see what Loki wants..." Sif rolls her eyes, she's never really not liked Loki, but has never really liked him either. Sometimes I think she sees him as a hindrance to me, but she knows how much he and I like each other.

"Hi Loki," I say and he quickly puts his hands on my upper arms and turns me to him.

"Hi... um, I don't have a lot of time to tell you this, but whatever you do, do not pick up or touch the gemstone." He begs me and looks at my casual outfit, and taps my arms with each word "You look wonderful...I have never seen you look so... casual. I like it. Quite a becoming look for you."

Using his magic, he does the same and changes his clothes into something more casual too. I smile at his eagerness to match me.

"Thanks! You look great too. But what do you mean? Don't pick up the gemstone?" I ask, and he looks around exasperatedly before Odin beckons to him, after finally laying eyes on his son.

"Shit! He found me, since when does he care where I go, and who I talk with?" He asks rhetorically, and then continues, hastily he grabs me into a hug and releases me, "Just promise me that if you find it, you won't touch it...point it out for someone else to grab, please..., I will explain later., just promise me..."

"Ok...I promise..." I yell as he hastens back to his family.

Shaking my head and trying to make sense of Loki's words, I join Sif and we team up and begin to comb the grounds looking for whatever we are to be looking for – Thor's heart. Remembering Loki's words, I am overly cautious about touching anything, but nothing that looks like a gemstone seems to be in plain sight.

Please promise me, that you will not touch the gemstone...

Ok, I promise, Loki.

"What did Odin call this gemstone again?" I ask, mostly out of curiosity to hear how stupid the name of the gem and the contest are.

"Thor's heart...and your nonchalance is a direct result of you spending too much time with Loki." She kids me, but I know there is a small element of caution in her words, "be careful, I would not want to see you become like him-uncaring, aloof and selfish, evil."

"Oh Sif, is it my fault that he and I have been friends forever?" I ask, and decide to sit on my favorite pink bench. "And Loki's not always like that...he most certainly is not evil."

The bench is my favorite because Loki made it for me after an accident with my horse that he and Thor were found responsible. No one but Loki, my mother and I know the story of this bench and that's something that makes me happy too. It was always fun as younger Asgardians to have our secrets, and I am sure that will continue into our later years. Sif and the other ladies can look for the gem, I have better things I can do, and I begin to practice a few quick spells.

"Probably not your fault for becoming friends, but I can blame you for staying friends with him..." we burst into giggles and she continues to look for the gem.

I start to laugh at how so many of the other women in the court are scrounging all over in search of this gemstone. They are searching blindly and desperately for something, they have no idea what the prize will be at the end, and are looking for it as if their life depends on it. Many of them are quite savage about it, shoving and pushing each other, and playing tricks to keep each other away. Sif and I wander to the next place she wants to look, but we are not really searching whole heartedly; or at least I am not, but Sif might be. I must look out of place in comparison to the others, sitting on a bench not having one bit of interest in anything related to Thor.

"Come on, F/n, Let's search over there..." Sif says and points to the direction she wants to go.

"Ok," I reluctantly say and get up from the bench. I really want this to be over, so I can go home.

Not really paying attention to where I am walking I trip over something and fall forward, hitting my face on the ground.

"Ohhh!" I say as I fall and land on my face.

Hitting the ground with a thud I can feel that my lip is cut, my nose is bleeding, and I have a cut on my cheek and above my eye.

"Are you Ok?" Sif comes running over and helps me stand up, "oh my, your face!"

"Yeah, I will be ok, I tripped on that rock." We both look at the rock inquisitively because it looks like it just appeared out of nowhere, "I didn't realize how hard I hit the ground. Stupid rock!"

And as I bend down to pick it up to throw it in the lake; it shimmers to a beautiful red gemstone the size of the palm of my hand and in the shape of a heart. Holding my hand wide open, I look to Sif with shock in my eyes.

"Thor's heart..." Sif says with disbelief and disappointment, "you found it..."

"No, I found a rock, you saw it" I say and point to the item in my hand, "you saw it change from a rock to this, right?"

She nods, but I can see her disappointment. Does Sif like Thor, and if so, why did she never tell me, or at least him? If she had we wouldn't be in this stupid predicament.

"Here Sif...you take it. I don't want it...or I will put it back down on the ground and you can pick it up, ok? "I hold it for her to take it from my hand and as she reaches for it, I disappear in a shimmer of white, taking the gem with me and I am hurtled through space.

My appearance changes before my eyes into a champagne-colored gown and a ruby encrusted head band appears in my hair. I land in front of the golden doors of the great hall. No one else is around, but I can hear voices and cheering on the other side of the doors. I can feel the swelling on my lip and the rest of my face from hitting the ground. I use some magic to wipe the blood from my nose, and cover the gash on my cheek and above my eye but something deep down tells me not to heal them completely, so I leave enough so people can see that this ridiculous hunt hurt someone.

How did everyone get here so fast? How did I get here? What is happening? I did not know there was a ball tonight. Why am I dressed in this? This is not what I would have picked out to wear to a ball.

Are you here? I cannot find you...

Yes Loki, I'm here, I'm in the hallway, where are you? What's going on?

You're in the hall? Oh no... you didn't...

Didn't what? Loki, what is going on?

Oh F/n you...did!

Did what? Loki!

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