Mattheo Riddle one shots/shor...

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One shots stories for mattheo riddle fans Smut warnings Short stories of Y/N and Mattheo Riddle 18+ Please... Több

All alone
All alone part 2
Doctor, doctor
Toxic waste
Halloween part 1
Halloween part 2
Party favours
Cursed dreams
Hate games
Jersey Boys
Cute poison
Make or break
On my mind

Forgive and forget

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kls182 által

(Smut warning) (mature language)


I turned the page of my book and repositioned myself on the windowsill. The skies were turning black and another rainy day at Hogwarts was about to come, which matched my mood completely. Another day, another fight with Mattheo. Always the same fight, I'm flirting with boys, or I'd rather hang out with Enzo or Theo than him or I don't trust him blah blah blah. I didn't always mind Mattheos jealous side because I sometimes found it attractive.

Somehow he always turns into a fight and it's always my fault for guys speaking to me or flirting with me like I can control it. And here in the library while I sat distracted from my book, he retaliated the only way he knows gets under my skin. Completely ignoring me and flirting with the first girl that looks in his direction. He knew I'd be here and he knew just the right place to sit and be in my eye line.

There he sat with a girl who's name he probably doesn't even know and he's laughing and giggling like a little fucking child. It's embarrassing honestly so immature and stupid.

I roll my eyes and return to my book re reading the same lines because I can not concentrate over the sound of her laughing at everything he says. I mean he's not that fucking funny. Yes I find him funny because he wants to make me laugh but it's so fake how he's acting like she's so interesting. I can feel myself getting worked up.

I see him look over at me and he quickly turns his glance back to her while she plays with his rings. That's fucking it, only I play with his rings and if he wants to take it further then I'll fucking join his silly little game.

I slam my book shut, shove it my bag and storm past them with a speed so fast I'm practically out the door in seconds. I don't look back at him but make my way to Enzos dorm room.

Next I know I'm hammering down Enzos door, he opens it panicked and sighs with relief when he sees it's me. Me and Enzo are nothing more than best friends, we grew up together and he's the closest thing I've got to family which is why I know he'll help me get under Mattheos skin.

"Y/N what's wrong you scared the living shit out of me" he runs his hand on his forehead and I slump down on his bed in a huff.

"Take a guess" i sigh

"Mattheo? Again?" He slumps down next to me and opens his arm for a hug, I accept his hug and it cheers me up just a little.

"He acts like I go around practically cheating on him but the minute we have a fight he's acting single and he does right under my nose it's so pathetic Enzo"

"Well then maybe play him at his own game? Because he'll hate it and then he'll know exactly what it feels like" great minds think a like.

"Well that's what I came to ask.." he sits up and looks at me confused.

"When we go to the three broomsticks later I'm gonna need your A game at flirting"

"Y/N I don't know, I've seen how he is with you I'd really rather not have my nose broken today" he covers his nose in defence.

"Please it doesn't have to be you shoving your tongue down my throat, I just need to piss him off enough that he stops ignoring me" I look at him with puppy eyes knowing he will give in straight away.

"Fine fine, I'll try my best but the minute his fist is clenched I'm calling it"

"Thank you you're very helpful" I smile at him and he shakes his head realising what I've asked him to do.

"Go on then I'll come to your dorm to pick you up because I'm romantic like that"

"You're a life saver Lorenzo" I smile and head back to my dorm to change.

I slip on my jeans and a tight crop top and put my raincoat on top. Just in time I hear a knock at my door and there stands Enzo in my doorway.

"Ready to go flirtt" he says jokingly and I give him a light shove and we go find Pansy and Draco.

-three broomsticks-

As we walk in the pouring rain towards the three broomsticks, Mattheo, Blaise, Tom and Theo join us. I feel Enzo slip his arm around my shoulder and he gives me a sly wink to indicate that it's go time.

"I don't want you getting cold from the rain" Enzo says as he pulls me in tighter. It would feel weird but he's always giving me hugs so it's nothing new but I see Mattheo watching us from a far and already his jaw is clenching.

"Well that's very chivalrous of you Enzo aren't you a charmer" we both laugh and I see Pansy looking at me confused, I signal her a look telling her I'll explain later and we head inside and grab a booth.

Enzo slides into the booth first and I sit next to him, once again he places his arm around me, and I feel Pansy squeeze in next to us.

"Squeeze up you guys it's a small booth" she pushes me into Enzo and straight away I know what she's doing.

Mattheo sits across from us still not giving me any eye contact like the immature little boy he is, but I feel his foot slide between my legs. I kick him away and cross my leg over my knee. This is what finally makes him look at me, denying him physical touch is the easiest way to piss him off especially when I've got some else's arm around me.

While the group chats away over some butter beer me and Enzo engage in our own conversation, he's whispering in my ear and I'm fake laughing, just when we think it isn't working Mattheo finally speaks up.

"Well isn't this a cosy situation we've got going on here" he's looks directly at me and Enzo and I can't help but smile in disbelief at how dramatic he is, I mean obviously that's the reaction I was going for.

"Why don't you share with the rest of us what you're talking about? I mean to be honest Y/N I didn't know Enzo was so funny so please share" he's looking at us with a dead serious face, his eyes are raging and his jaw is clenched.

"It's an inside joke you wouldn't get it" I say it with less confidence than I wanted but it still gets under his skin.

"Yea it's just a joke from when we were kids" Enzo says this more confidently than I did, and we both know that it's going to piss him off.

"Cut the fucking act guys, pulling Enzo into our fight? Really mature Y/N" he's still staring at me emotionless and dark eyes, I can tell the table is getting uncomfortable and I'd rather have it out with him in private. It didn't take that long to piss him off

"Don't talk to me about mature Mattheo, guys I think I'm gonna go" I stand up to go even though they all protest to me leaving, but I know he will follow me and we can finally talk about this stupid argument. I hug Enzo and Pansy and leave.

Thankfully it's stopped raining so I head back towards Hogwarts, I walk with a fast pace so that my I don't freeze to death and I hear fast footsteps coming closer behind me. Mattheo grabs my arm and turns me around.

"What the fuck was that Y/N, cuddling and flirting with your "boy best friend" in front of me clearly I had the right idea about the two of you" he doesn't let go of his grip on my arm and so I yank it away in disbelief.

"You want to talk about flirting ? After that stunt you pulled in the library? Letting her play with your rings, giggling like you're  on gas and air ?" I can't believe him, such a fucking hypocrite.

"Y/N I'm sorr-"

"No you're not, every time you do this, every fucking time and I wanted you too feel how I did, but I can't keep doing this, you ignoring me and acting like you do I can't" his gaze has softened and I feel myself turn away from him and walk away and back to my dorm.

I slam my door shut but seconds later it's swung open and slammed shut once more.

"Don't walk away from me when we're talking and don't say shit like that" Mattheo doesn't move towards me he stays frozen still and staring at me. I can feel his rage from across the room.

"Like what?" I'm yelling at him now all my pent up anger is starting to pour out of me.

"Saying you can't do it, you're not fucking leaving me and that's that stop acting like a child, the second we have a fight and you're saying "you can't do it?" I can't help myself I find my self reaching over to my bookshelf and lobbing a book at him. He holds his hands up in defence but it barely grazes him.

I grab another book and throw it again this time it hits his arm and  falls on the floor with a thud. He looks up at me with a smile on his lips and we both start fucking laughing. Not how I wanted this to go.

"Baby I can't believe you just threw wuthering heights at me" he still laughing and I try my best not to but I can't help but laugh too.

"I have a whole bookshelf here maybe you want some Jane eyre lobbing your way"
We carry on laughing for a few minutes and when I finally sit on my bed in defeat he walks over cautiously. I sigh at the fact we always have the same fight.

He stands in front of me and begins to kneel on the floor so I'm looking down at him. His curly hair still wet from the rain and the scar on his eye looking pink from the cold. I can't help but run my finger over his scar and he closes his eyes to my gentle touch.

"Baby, I'm sorry okay, I know nothing is going on with you and Enzo and I know that what I did today was stupid as shit, I don't even know who she was I just knew it would get to you" he looks up at me through his lashes with a soft gaze that makes me melt and he takes my hands in his and presses his lips to them softly.

"I know I'm jealous i can't change that, but I can stop being a dick when we fight, okay ignoring you just causes me more pain and torture than it does you I don't know why I do it" I know he's being open and honest with me and I appreciate it. That's all I needed from him was communication. We've both acted like immature idiots today.

"That's all I need Matty, I just need you to speak to me instead of acting like a dick" he smiles up at me and I cup his face in my hands and lean down to kiss him.

"Forgive and forget?" He stands up and pulls me up with him.

"I love you Matty" I cuddle him and rest my head on his chest and inhale his smoky scent.

"Oh yea? Just how much? Because I can show you just how much I love you" I look up at him and by the darkening in his eyes I know exactly where this is going. One second I'm throwing books at him the next we're moving on to make up sex.

"Well what are you waiting for Riddle" I look up at him and smile and his lips are straight onto mine. Swirling his tongue around my mouth and his hands kneading my ass, I can tell he's been dying to touch me all day and I fucking love it. Physical touch has always been his love language.

I shiver when he slides his hands up my top and pulls it above my head. He stands back licks his lips and takes in the view that is my body.

"Fuck me Y/N, so fucking beautiful" he practically rushes back too me and drops too his knees, leaving cold kisses on the lower part of my stomach and unzipping my jeans. He pulls them down and stepping me out of them.

All I can see is his dark curly hair below my waist as he leaves kisses from my ankle moving up my legs and kissing the inside of my thighs. I run my hands through his hair and tilt my head back in pleasure before he's even touched me properly, I can hardly breath as I feel his hot breath on my legs.

Stomach fluttering, his hands slide into my pants and he slowly pulls them down to my ankles, once again he works his way up my leg with kisses and I'm dying for him to touch me.

"Is this what you want darling ?" He doesn't look up but carries on kissing the inside of my thighs and I moan before I can answer him.

"Yes, fuck yes"

"So needy for me " I feel his breath on my sensitive nub and I cant deny that he just made me 10x wetter just from breathing.

His mouth grazes my clit and I shudder and nearly stumble, I grab onto his hair to steady myself and finally he lightly presses his tongue to my clit and I fall forwards and moan loudly, I feel him smile and run his hands up my legs.

"So wet already, such a good girl" and when I can't take it any longer I push his head forwards and he understands and he moves his tongue in circles causing my legs to turn to jelly, I'm already arching my back and gripping his hair as he swirls his tongue around my clit.

Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore he runs his hand up my leg and slides two fingers inside me moving them in and out slowly. The sensations send shivers down my spine and I can feel my climax coming already.

"Faster please" I beg and he does just that still licking my clit in circles slowly, he pumps his hand faster and faster and when I feel my legs buckle and my climax release he stands up to steady me. Placing his lips to mine and devouring my mouth I feel his errection press against me and I start to unbuckle his belt and remove his shirt.

"Now it's your turn Riddle" I smile at him, my legs still shaking barely holding me up I slide down his jeans and rub my palm over the tent in his boxers. He groans in my mouth breaking the kiss and I slide my hand down past his waist band and I take his length into my hand.

"Shit baby" he tilts his head back in pleasure as I move my hand up and down his errection. I kiss his neck and all his scars on his body as I make my way down to my knees finally removing his boxers and revealing his cock that stands in front of my face.

I take the tip into my mouth licking his pre cum and I feel him grab my chin and tilt it towards him.

"I want to see your eyes pretty girl, don't take your eyes off me" I nod in agreement as he slides his hand too the back of my head and I take him to the back of my throat.

I move my head forward and backwards and he moans in pleasure, I keep my eyes on him even when they tear up and grip the bottom of his cock making his moan even louder, I feel him pulsating In my mouth but he pulls out of me before he's can finish and he pulls me up towards him kissing me and lifting me onto the bed.

"I can't take it anymore baby I need you"

" I need you Mattheo" I lay on my back and instantly he's inside me, kissing my neck and leaving marks for everyone to see.

He moves in and out of me slowly at first but as I dig my nails into his back he starts to move faster and we both moan together.

He grabs my wrists and pulls them above my head then interlocking our fingers he kisses me deeply. Moving faster in and out of me, I can feel it in my stomach and I groan at all the different sensations I'm feeling.

"I want to see you ride my cock baby" and so he flips over so he's on his back and slowly I sit down on him taking him all into me.

"Fuck Mattheo" I arch my back in pleasure and one hand grips my waist guiding me to riding him and the other kneads my breast.

I roll my hips in circles increasing the pace and I feel his grip on my waist tighten, my legs are starting to shake and once again I can feel my climax coming, like always Mattheo always makes sure I come first, so selfless.

"Do you love me Y/N"

I carry on circling my hips on him. My hands gripping his chest.

"You know I love you"
He sits up so he can kiss me as he moves his hips upwards causing me to cry out and grip him tighter.

"Tell me you're mine and you love me" he smashes his hips upwards once again and I can't catch my breath. I can't hold on any longer.

"I'm all yours and I fucking love you" I practically moan the words my back arched and sweat dripping from my forehead.

"Come for me baby" and just as he says it we both release at the same time and I see fucking stars.

I collapse onto his sweaty chest and he pulls me on top of him as he strokes my hair while we both get our breath back.

"Jesus Christ, I reckon we have make up sex way more often" he chuckles as I look at him annoyed. He kisses me and reassures me he's just joking.

"Shall we have a shower ? I feel all sweaty" I look up at him and he smiles

"What a silly question Y/N" he practically jumps up at the thought of us showering and as I try to get up my legs buckle and I feel him catch me.

"Here let me help" he's laughing at me as he bridal carries me to the shower, he places me down and holds me up while I let the water wash away all our sweat.

He leans down and begins kissing me and straight away I can feel he's ready for round 2, looks like I'm going to need a nap after this.

Thanks for reading!😊

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