Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)

By Lolowlfish

6.1K 23 98

Y/n has newly moved into town (protagonist has entered the chat everybody) but this place doesn't seem to be... More

Settling In
What? No Welcome Committee?
Hell on Earth
Mission Impossible
The Plan
The Game
Two teens at a cheap cafe
Authors note
"Zero Redeemable Qualities"
The Cult (pt 1)
The Cult (pt 2)
"Intermission! Mill about!"
Evening Get Together
What the fuck
The Sound of the Police
The Woods
The dance?(pt 1)(third times a charm)
The Dance? (pt 2)
Chapter 20!! Whooo!!
Purple Fish Dancing
The Cult (pt 3)
The Cult (pt 4)
Flee the Facility
Roy's House😏
I like to read
Maybe you aren't as bad as you were before.
Quick Heist
Chapter 30! Whooo!
W-what's today??
Safe Space
Slumber Party Trope but it probably wont be fun
What should I name this chapter? IDK I'm just the author
I'm Crying
To the resistance!!
Search and Rescue, bitches!
Cool it, Roy.
Chapter 40... Um.. alright...
Clean Up.
Did you think the story was over soon?
I don't appreciate my current emotions...
Helping Roy! (And totally not an excuse to draw him in a bunch of outfits)
The Graveyard
Untitled Part 47
Wake up Roy! We have to hide the body! There are no kids to bully in jail!
I can't believe you just read 50 chapters of this lol
Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?
Gay People.
55 is the loneliest number
My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.
Raising a Rose
A little break
Chapter 60. How the hell???
Another weirdly unexplained time paradox.
Thank You (A/n)
Hoyl Carp!

The End of an Era

152 1 4
By Lolowlfish

Y/n's POV (We found our old house somehow! I guess Lighter Fluid Guy likes to keep it local. I can plug in my laptop now!)

Saturday August 30th
A lot has happened this month since You Know Who was expelled. Nothing out of the ordinary however, which was what I found so comforting, even through some of the more frantic events. Nothing paranormal or illegal. 
Steve and Milo decided to legally adopt Roy last week and are working on gaining custody right now! Speaking of Roy, Susie was very suspicious that I was wearing his jacket on the day after The Ordeal and hasn't stopped teasing us about it. We just give each other knowing looks because little does she know, one day her suspicions will be confirmed. Not right now though. We needed time. At least we have a someday. The first day of school is on the 1st of September and I was not all that excited. At least I would be going with my closest friends. Something about sharing almost 8 months of trauma with people really bonds you together. Compared to everything we have done, school is nothing. 
I slumped downstairs to see what I could make myself for breakfast and heard Jaune talking on the phone.
"Are you sure we can't change something? I'm perfectly fine with them being here and they will be miserable if we take them away from their friends!.. Oh come on! There has to be something we can do! I can't deal with how awful they will feel. I can't look at their face.. I know.. Ok.. just give them some time, ok?.. No I don't blame you. You're doing what you can.. Goodbye, Kaitlen-Pronounced-Kai-tlynn."
She hung up the phone and sighed. I entered the kitchen to see she was shaking her head somberly and fidgeting with her hands.
"What was that? What's going on?" I asked.
"Oh dear.. Listen, Y/n, before I tell you, just know that there is nothing we can do and I have already tried everything." She replied.
"Well now I'm scared.." I crossed my arms.
"Well, um.. Since your legal guardian is in Oregon, you have been enrolled in a school there. We can't change it to the school here because I am not a legal guardian and technically have no custody of you. You have to go back to Oregon with your Aunt, Kaitlen-Pronounced-Kai-tlynn." Jaune explained. 
I was in shock. I have to go back to Oregon? After everything that happened here? I'll never see my friends again! I'll never see this town again! After everything I did to protect this town and my friends it was just going to be taken away?
"What?!" was all I could say.
"I know! I'm so so sorry! If I could do anything I swear I would!" Jaune cried.
"This is bullshit! This town is my home! I want to grow old here and die peacefully in my sleep at the age of 102!" I complained.
"And I want that for you! There is just nothing we can do! I'm so sorry!" Jaune sobbed.
"How am I supposed to live? All of my friends are here! All of my life's work is here!" I shouted.
"I know! I know! This is the worst thing to happen to someone like you."
"What's the worst thing?" Asked Ross from the kitchen doorway.
After explaining, he was just as appalled as I was. 
"After everything we have done to save this town, one of the people who did the most for us is getting taken FROM THIS TOWN?!" He argued.
"It's the worst thing, I know-"
"Yeah it's the worst thing! Our group deserves a statue in the center of the town for saving it but instead, one of our members is being sent away from the same damn town they helped save!" Ross interrupted.
"Plus, I'll miss all of you guys! I wont have any friends in Oregon, much less friends I saved a town with!" I added.
"I understand that you're sad but there is seriously nothing we can do. It's time for you to say your goodbyes and pack. The drive up there is long and we have to go today if you're going to make it up there by the time school starts." Jaune explained. 
She was sad, too. And tired. It would be wrong to be mad at her. She can't do anything about this. I hung my head.
"Ok.. I'll start packing. Ross, can you tell everyone to meet at the park bench?" I said.
"One last meeting for old times sake. I'll round them up." He replied sadly. I turned and went upstairs to start packing.

"You WHAT?!" Cried Susie after I explained. "But you finished your year here even after your parents were gone!"
"They just gave me the rest of the year because it would be more convenient than transferring me in the middle of school." I said.
"This is bullshit! It's so unfair!" Roy argued.
"I know! This was supposed to be my forever home!" I agreed, tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Will we ever see you again?" Asked Robert.
"My Aunt had better let me visit! If he doesn't he's got another thing coming to him." I crossed my arms.
"Promise you'll always remember us? No matter what other friends you make, we'll always be the ones you saved the world with?" Susie asked in a choked voice. She was starting to cry, too.
"Obviously! If any of you think I'm forgetting this shit, kick me in the shins and yell about everything we did until I remember!" I answered.
"Got it." Susie said, before pulling me into a tight hug.
"Goodbye Susie. Thank you for being my first friend in a new town." I spoke softly so only she could hear.
"Aw shut up! You're gonna make me cry!" She said after releasing me.
"Now everyone else needs a good bye! Come here!" I announced. 
Robert hugged me first. I thought they would.
"Thank you for making Roy a bit less of a dick." They said.
"Of course. It was inevitable." I replied. They laughed sadly and released me. Ross was next.
"What Rob said." He muttered. "I think you just made our lives a lot easier from here on out."
"I hope so. If he ever starts being a dick again, call me." I snickered. Ross nodded.
He stepped back to stand by Robert. Roy stepped up and stood in front of me.
"My life probably would have been a lot easier if I never met you." He crossed his arms. "But you did save my life more times than I would like to admit so I'll give you that."
"Oh shut up, dumbass." I pulled him into a hug. I remembered that he didn't like surprise physical touch very much but this time he didn't try to wriggle away.
"You're the worst, Y/n. Don't forget that you're a loser." He muttered. He buried his face into my shoulder and I think he was standing on his tippy-toes. 
"Only if you don't forget that you're a dumbass. Your hair smells like dirt and you're terrible at talking to people." I responded. 
"You love my hair, liar." 
"I love you." I pulled away from the hug but pulled him back for a kiss. A real one this time, not a fake out like the janitors closet incident. 
I pulled away to see that Roy was a blushing mess and remembered that there were other people around.
"The fuck was that?" Asked Susie in a giddy, teasing tone. Just play it off.
"Just a goodbye. Don't get your teeth in a twist." I turned back to Roy.
"Thanks for nothin', dumbass." I tipped his hat over his face and picked up my packed bags again. "See you all as soon as I can!"
I started to walk away, as Jaune was waiting by the car on the street, when I heard from behind me, "You're welcome, Loser!" as well as a chorus of goodbyes from the others. I turned around and waved before running to Jaune's car.
"Did they take it well?" She asked.
"Yeah, I think they took it just fine." 

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