Authors note

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TW: mentions of violence
(This chapter is optional. You wont miss much if you skip it.)

We are almost at chapter ten! I want to celebrate this achievement by sharing some information about this story.

Let's start with some random facts:
-The title is AI generated. That's why it sounds so weird.
-There was originally a lot more violence in the story but my family advised me against it.
-I made a piece of art based on this story! It is of a scene that happens later on. This was made before the revisions and so the Y/n has a scar on their arm instead of writing. 
-I added the dates later on to help me visualize the passage of time in the story. It's not for you.
-This story was going to be a lot shorter but I didn't want to make it sound weird or rushed and I had a lot of ideas to add to it so it is going to be pretty long. (For a wattpad story)
-I am not publishing this story until all chapters are complete. If you are reading this, all of the chapters are already done.
-I added a bunch of little references to other things in this story. Watch out!
-I tried to write the Dance chapter 2 times before the actual chapter but the chapters ended up being too long and I had to rename them and make a new one. Twice!
-I wrote Y/n's dad into the story but later edited him to be dead. 

Character profiles 

Roy Allen:
romantic orientation: pan
gender: trans FTM
pronouns: he/him

Ross Williams:
Romantic orientation: Demi-bi
gender: male
pronouns: he/him

Robert Baker-Harris:
romantic orientation: omni/ace
gender: male
pronouns: he/him (hmm..)

Susie Wonder:
romantic orientation: aroace (hasn't figured it out yet)
gender: female
pronouns: she/her

Y/n L/n:
romantic orientation: yours
gender: gender neutral
pronouns: whichever ones you use

Character phobias:
Roy has germophobia. Susie has arachnophobia. Ross doesn't have any really big fears. Just normal things like his friends getting hurt and dying. Most depend on the situation. Robert is usually more easily scared than the rest of them. Not heights though. He is immune to the fear of heights. I don't know how he does it. He still willingly watches horror movies, even if they scare him.

Those are the most important characters as of now. Please don't argue about your own headcanons. This is just how I wrote them in the story. 

Upload schedule: I'm going to try to upload 1-2 chapters every day at around 2:00 (give or take) 

Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن