Cool it, Roy.

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Y/n's POV

Wednesday March 18
"Well shit.." I said. I began to feel around the dark room to see if I could find a way to get out. Maybe a tool to pick the lock or-
"I'm sorry, Y/n.." Said Roy.
"Why?" I asked. Oof that sounded a bit harsh.
"I was the one who suggested you come with me. I should have come alone. Who know's what's going to happen to us." He replied in a defeated voice.
"Nothing is going to happen to us if I can find a way to get us out of here. Mind helping me find something to pick this lock?" I replied. 
"I just didn't want to do it alone. I was being a pussy. I felt like I had to do it because I was the one who suggested it but I was too much of a chicken to do it on my own." Continued Roy.
"Roy, it's fine. I'd rather be trapped in here with you then to not know whether you were trapped or not. Especially with this attitude." I replied. I gestured in the direction that Roy's voice was coming from.
"I guess I just feel safe around you. Even after I was such an asshole to you, you still decided to give me a second chance. After we became friends, you didn't judge me or treat me differently. I thought you were going to rub it in my face that you were in the right but you didn't. You just treated me like a friend. I still wonder why you did that when it would have been so easy to be an ass about it. I probably deserve it anyway." Roy continued, despite my statement.
"Roy. Don't get all sappy on me. I'm glad you appreciate me but we seriously need to get out of here. Can you please- wait I found something!" I exclaimed. I picked up a bobby pin. "Sweet! The janitor must have left her bobby pin here the last time she cleaned!"
"You found a bobby pin?" Roy asked with more enthusiasm. 
"Yeah I- wait.. what are you planning? I can practically hear the gears turning in your brain." I questioned. 
Suddenly the bobby pin was snatched out of my hand.
"Roy! What the hell?" I yelled.
I heard the unmistakable sound of a bobby pin jangling around in a keyhole. 
"Come on.. come on.." I heard Roy mutter.
"Roy what are you-"
The door opened.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry! I'm going to fix everything I promise!" Roy exclaimed. 
"Roy what the fuck." Roy grabbed the sides of my face. Was he high?
"Y/n trust me! I'm going to make this right!" He looked around to make sure the coast was clear. "Wait here where it's safe!" 
"Roy if you think for one second I'm going to sit around and-" I started but was cut off abruptly by Roy tanking me forward and kissing me quickly on the cheek, dangerously close to my lips.
"Sorry, Y/n! Trust me ok?" Roy let go of me and hurried out the door. 
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Roy yelled as he locked the door. "I can't let you get hurt again! Just stay here!" 
I heard him running down the hallway away from the closet. I pounded my fists against the door as hard as I could.
"Roy! ROY!! ROY, YOU LITTLE DUMBASS!! GET BACK HERE AND OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR, ROY!!!" I yelled. "ROY!! Roy! Roy, come back! Roy, you little son of a bitch." 

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