Clean Up.

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Y/n's POV

Tuesday March 18
Everyone was tired. Not surprising due to the fact that we had all just fought for our lives. The gym was covered in the bodies of cultists, unfortunate resistance members and various bloodstains. 
This was not going to bode well on our psyches. Most of us had ended up killing one or more cultists. Even if they were in the cult, they were still humans. I wondered where my mom was.
"A-Alright everybody. Don't think about any of what just happened too hard, ok? Lets just clean this up and call the police and forget this ever happened." Said Jaune from somewhere in the crowd. 
Silent nods were passed throughout the members. 
"Ok. Roy, you can do the head and body count. Determine which ones of us are still alive and which ones are.. um.. you know..
Susie, you lead everyone to the janitors closets and start work on cleanup.
Ross, try to find any 'sacrifices' that the cult abducted." I instructed.
The group nodded and everyone dispersed to do their jobs. Despite the fact that there were so many of us, the room was quiet, save for the shuffling of feet and the swish of stolen cloaks.
I decided to follow Ross. There were tons of places that the cult could've hidden abductees and he could use some help. Also gave me the chance to talk to him some more. Out of the Hatzgang, he was the one I knew the least about.
"Hey." I said, catching up to him.
"Oh. Hi, Y/n. What's up?" He replied. 
"I thought you could use some help." I answered.
"Alright. I have some ideas where the cult could've hidden people. I know almost all of the secret hiding spots in this school and I'm sure that if a cultist found one of them they would use it." He said. He sounded calm and calculated. This was how he was normally as far as I knew. Nothing like the vengeful, angry boy that he was just minutes ago.
It took awhile, but at the third spot that we checked, we found something. This was a locker with a piece of paper taped to it. Scribbled on the paper were the words "Out of Commission." A locker seemed too obvious though. 
Ross put in the locker code and it swung open. There was a large hole in the back of the locker leading into a room that was too dark to see. My eyes widened.
"Why is this here?" I asked.
"Some kids broke it years ago. School didn't have the budget to fix it." Ross explained.
"How did you know it was here?"
"Roy found the locker with the sign on it and Robert and I helped to figure out the code."
"Ok.. Let's check it out."
Inside the hole was a broom closet. Somehow the lights still worked, so after locating the switch the room flooded with light. I gasped.
"What? What is it?" Asked Ross from outside the hole. He crawled inside to see what I was seeing.
Robert was laying unconscious in a corner. His hands and legs were tied with rope and he had a large bruise on his cheek. Ross ran to him and dropped to his knees. Robert was still alive. He was breathing and Ross found he still had a pulse, be it weak. 
"We have to get them out of here. Um.. Y/n, can you go looking for any other abductees? I have to get Rob out of here." Ross instructed quickly. 
"Of course." I replied.
I ducked back out of the locker and dashed down the hallway to see if I could find anyone else.

"Hey, Loser." I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. I turned around to find Roy standing in the doorway of the room I was in. I think it was the science room but it was hard to tell because the place was trashed.
"Oh. Hey, Dumbass. What's up?" I asked. I guess that was my nickname for him now. Flattering, truly. 
"I finished the headcount and came to see what you were doing." He replied.
"I'm just looking for anyone else that could've been kidnapped. Ross and I already found Robert, but hopefully they're out of this school and long gone by now. Robert definitely needed medical attention." I answered.
"Oh! That's good! I- I hope he's gonna be ok." Said Roy.
"Yeah. I hope so, too." I responded. 
Roy fidgeted with the sleeves of his sweater before speaking again.
"I'm sorry about what happened in the closet. I- um- I never would've done something like that if I had more time to figure something out. I just couldn't stand the thought of us being abducted by the cult and it being my fault. My mind was running a mile a minute and I was just remembering random stuff I saw from other things. I'm sorry." 
"So it WAS like in the movies." I said before thinking.
Roy blinked at me in confusion.
"Shit.. I mean.. Thanks. I didn't assume anything. I was just super confused." I revised.
"So it worked!" Roy's tone changed from the apologetic one quickly.
"Yeah maybe. But don't try something like that again, alright? It won't work twice." I waved a finger at him.
"Ok, that's fair. Find anybody else?" Roy quickly changed the subject. I was relieved.
"No. Not yet. I know there must be more people here who got kidnapped, but the cult must've hidden them really well." I explained.
"Alright. I'll help. I know the spots that Ross does." Said Roy.
"Ok good. Cuz I don't have a clue how you were even able to find the spots I already saw in the first place." I replied.
"So you know some of our hiding spots now?" Asked Roy.
"Uh, yeah. The attic in that one janitors closet, the hole behind the school stove, and the hole in the decommissioned locker." I listed. When the hell were those three even able to access the stove? Now was not the time for questions.
"Hmm.. I see. Well, you know what that means." Said Roy, narrowing his eyes.
"You have to kill me?" I asked sarcastically.
"Ha ha. No. But I will if you tell any randos."
"It means that you are now an honorary member of the Hatzgang. Your shift starts tomorrow at 6:00 am SHARP and ends when you die." 
My eyes widened. I froze for a moment. Was Roy seriously suggesting that I join the Hatzgang? The self proclaimed most selective gang in the school? Probably the only one if I'm honest. Ross, Robert and Roy had been the Hatzgang for quite a while. Since before 3rd grade according to Robert (I asked him about it at the cafe). But now all of a sudden, Roy was just going to let me, his previous victim and very recent friend, join the group that meant so much to him? Now it wouldn't seem like too big of a deal to you or some random person who didn't know the gang very well, but to Roy this was like getting accepted to go to Hogwarts. I mean, no one has joined since the third grade. I was questioning if he had hit his head or something.
"Well? Are ya gonna shake my hand? That's how you get in!" He continued. I was broken from my surprised space out.
"Are you sure? I mean.. I know this is kinda important to you. I wouldn't want to intrude or mess something up." I said hesitantly.
"You know our hiding spots, you've seen my closet, you've seen me cry, we've slept in a tree together, and you joined the cult busting crew that destroyed the dangerous cult plaguing our town. I can't just let you roam around free after all of that. Shake my damn hand." Roy demanded.
"Alright, alright. No need to tell me thrice." I said. I took his hand and immediately let go.
"Ew!! Did you spit in your hand?!" I asked. I held my hand out in disgust.
"It's part of the pact. The only way to leave now is to die." Said Roy confidently.
"That's disgusting. Are you sure this 'gang' isn't a cult?" I asked. My face scrunched up.
"Well, we don't sacrifice anyone and we don't wear creepy cloaks so I think we're good." Shrugged Roy.
"I'm gonna wash my hand now." I said. "You look for more captives."
"Hey. You're part of MY gang now. I give the orders." Said Roy, crossing his arms.
"In your dreams, baby hands." I responded. I left the room to search for the nearest bathroom. 
Once I was sure Roy wouldn't see me, I let the grin that was nagging at my face crawl out of hiding. My shift starts tomorrow.

Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt