My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.

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Y/n's POV (Warning: I think I cringed at some point? I'm too tired to remember. We've been out in the woods for so long and can't find civilization.)(Anyone else hate the word 'chuckle?')

Friday July 4
I sat alone on the roof with my bag of candy. Everyone decided to stay the night but were so tired when they got back from Candy Club that they just fell asleep. I was the only one that wasn't tired. They seemed fine before the exorcism but I know from experience that tiredness can hit you like a ton of bricks. Too bad they were going to miss the fireworks though. A purple one whizzed through the air and exploded into a shower of sparks. I wish our lives could be this simple all the time. I took another bite of candy and set the bag down next to me. Golden sparks shot like lightning through the sky with another loud crack. I heard scuffling behind me and turned around.
"Did I miss em? I can't believe I fell asleep!" Roy complained as he scrambled up to the high part of the roof where I was sitting.
"Y/n? There you are! Why didn't you wake me up?" He pulled himself up to sit next to me and caught his breath.
"You all looked so peaceful. I didn't want to interrupt your sweet little dreams." I teased.
"Well next time, wake me up." Roy crossed his arms.
"You'd probably be mad about that, too." I replied.
"Ok, listen, I don't get mad about EVERYTHING." I could see he was glaring at me in the light of another firework. I snickered.
"You kinda are, though. Think of one thing you aren't mad about right now." I retorted.
"Well.. Um.. I'm not mad at any of my plants." He stammered.
"No one is mad at plants except the siblings of weed addicts. Choose something else." I popped another candy into my mouth.
"Fine.. uh.. I'm.. I don't know." He admitted. "If I think about it enough, there's a reason to be mad at anything."
"You can think?"
"Shut up! Oh don't laugh at me! You look like an insect when you laugh." 
I laughed harder. 
"What does that even mean?" I asked.
"It means you're a pest." Another firework exploded as he rolled his eyes.
"Aw thanks! But, on a serious note, being mad at everything isn't healthy. It doesn't make you feel any better to be angry at the world. It just hurts." I responded.
"Don't get all deep on me right now. I just came up here to watch the fireworks, not to get a lecture about my emotions." Roy snapped.
"Alright alright. I'm just saying." Sometimes it was hard to talk to Roy. That's why, sometimes, it was the best option to just sit. Let the fire in his head fizzle out. He's the worst. Why is it that you of all people were chosen to be chucked, aggressively, full speed into my life? I must be dense. Or crazy. Probably both. How did this happen? Oh yeah I remember. I accepted the bet. Would none of this ever have happened if I hadn't? The cult probably would have overthrown the town or something and then we would've all been fucked, and Roy and I would still hate each other, and we would still be with our parents, and I never would have known anything.
"Hey! I ain't no firework! Stop staring and look at the sky before the show's over, stupid!" He said sharply.
I turned quickly to look at the sky while another firework shot up. I'm glad I accepted that bet. 
"I'm not mad at those fireworks." said Roy. I looked at him again.
"I would be if I was trying to sleep, though." He added and turned to look at me.
"That's good. Anything else?" Another firework illuminated our faces.
"Well.. maybe I'm not mad at you anymore. You still look like an insect when you laugh."
"A pretty insect? Like a moth?" I scooted a bit closer without thinking.
"No. Like a stick bug. Or a fly."
"Wow ok. At least stick bugs are cool."
"Ok I'm leaning more towards a fly now."
"Says the one who looks like a bee."
"I do not look like a bee!"
"Yeah you do! You're stripey and you sting people. Well maybe you're not as stripey anymore, but my point still stands."
"Fuck you.."
"You know I'm right, candycorn."
"Let's stop comparing me to stripey things. I don't look like every stripey thing."
"Shhhhh." I put a finger in his face. "You're missing the fireworks."
He rolled his eyes again and looked back at the sky. I had to drag my eyes back to the fireworks. 
The fireworks had been going on for a while now and I was starting to get tired.
"You know what time it is?" I asked.
"How would I know what time it is?" Roy responded.
"I dunno. You seemed so into these fireworks that maybe you looked up what time they're supposed to end." I said.
"No I didn't. Maybe you should next time." He countered.
"I didn't think they would be going on for this long." I complained.
"You can always go back inside." Roy suggested.
"And leave you out here alone on a roof? Hell no! You could fall." I answered.
"I've climbed on a roof before."
"In the dark?"
"..No. But I would be fine. I climbed up here didn't I?"
"Yeah but going down is different. And you never know when an accident could happen."
"Why are you so worried?"
"I worry about all of my friends. It's called being a person. You should try it sometime."
"Funny. Stay up here I guess but don't blame me if you pass out and fall off the roof."
"I will blame you because you should try to catch me if I fall off the roof!"
"Emphasis on TRY."
"You're the worst."
"If I'm the worst then why are you holding my hand?"
"I'm not-" Shit. I totally was. When did that happen?
"It's because I don't trust you to try to save me if I fall off the roof. Just taking safety precautions." I tried to play it off casually but it sounded really forced.
"Riiiight.. I wouldn't actually let you fall off the roof. Susie would kill me." He laughed. 
He didn't let go. Why didn't he let go?
"Hey can you let up on the death grip? You're cutting off my circulation." He complained.
"Sorry." I softened my grip, but increased it on the other hand that was holding my candy bag. My face felt hot and it suddenly became difficult to form complete thoughts. How did I not notice holding his hand? How long had I been doing it? WHY DIDN'T HE LET GO?
"Are you good? You look totally freaked." Asked Roy.
"What? Oh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I answered.
"Ok.. wait shut up! I think this is the finale!" Roy leaned forward a bit as if being that much closer to the fireworks would improve the experience. I smiled and turned back to the sky. The biggest most colorful fireworks were shooting up and exploding. Then in a wave, smaller golden fireworks blew up in a line surrounding the town. That must have taken a crazy amount of coordination but it was totally worth it. The works were on all sides and then they stopped. The last sparks faded and not another explosion sounded. The night was finally quiet. 
"How did they do that in so many locations? Do you think they had walkie talkies or something?" Roy asked.
"I dunno. It was pretty cool though." I answered.
"Yeah. You want to go inside now?"
"I don't know. It's kinda nice out here."
"It's cold."
"You have a jacket, you baby."
"Still kinda cold."
"It's July!"
"Oh my god just-" He scooted closer to me until he was under my arm. "You're warm as an oven sometimes. How the hell do you do it? Did ya carry Satan's first born son or something?" 
How did he know?? I could tell he was making fun of me but none of it registered. It took all of my willpower not to push him away, scream, and run. I swallowed hard and gripped my candy bag tighter.
"Roy what the fuck?" I whispered.
"What? It's true. You'd better not be paying child support for the demon baby." Roy answered obliviously.
"You know what this looks like right?" I tried again.
"Whatever. If you're staying out here in the dead of night with no distractions then I refuse to freeze to death." 
Clearer answer but still unhelpful. 
"You don't care?" Last try.
"Do you?"
The words reverberated around my brain for longer than they probably should have. Do I? Anyone who sees this will assume all of the wrong things. But no one is out at this hour. Just us. And if he doesn't care then I suppose I shouldn't either.
"Convincing." He teased.
"Shut up. I'm fine with this as long as you don't mention it again."
"Alright fine. Just don't let me die of hypothermia."
"I won't you damn chihuahua."
"Be quiet. Being possessed by a ghost makes everything colder."
"Not for me."
"That's because I got most of the ghost. You just got a bit."
"Whatever you say, chihuahua."
"Stop calling me that."
"You act like one."
"I do not!"
"You totally do."
"Just- whatever. Don't speak to me."
I snickered. 
Like always, Roy's hair smelled quite nice. Maybe this was fine. Maybe I could just chill out. My hand was hurting from how tight I was gripping my candy bag and I loosened my grip. 
"I wish things were this simple and calm all the time." I pondered.
"If they were I would die of boredom." Roy retorted.
I laughed. I was ok.
"Yeah probably. What I mean is I wish we could live normal lives. Not have to deal with ghosts and cults and all." I explained.
"Yeah all of that sucks. But I was thinking, and don't ask if I'm able to think again or I'm shoving you off the roof, and I think we would still hate each other if we lived normal lives. Only reason we got to know each other is because we had to while fighting the cult." He said.
"Yeah. I think you're right. Any regrets?" I asked.
"Just a few. Most have to do with your soulless eyes." He replied.
"Stop! I will throw you off this house." I threatened.
"You wouldn't... right?"
"Only if you gave me a reason to." 
We snickered at that.
"What's the first thing you want to do after it's all over? When Evermore is exorcised and we're all free." I asked.
"Probably visit my parents. I hate them but I want to see how they're doing. Then I-"
"I said the first thing." I smirked at him but he probably couldn't see it.
"Oh my god! Did you remember that from-"
"From the first event during our bet? Yes. Remember it like it was yesterday. You were shit at asking questions."
"It's true! A huge asshole, too. Not even trying."
"Don't remember that! Cut that out! That is not the thing you should be remembering from that night!" He waved his hands in front of me.
"I'll remember it forever just to spite you!"
"Alright, smartass. What's the first thing you want to do when this is all over?"
Ask you on a real date, I thought. Wait, why was that my first thought? No, hush. That's weird. Instead I said,
"You remember the spot I showed you on that tree, months ago? I want to just sit up there and know that everything is ok. That everything is finally peaceful."
Roy thought for a second.
"That sounds good. I want to go back to feeling like I'm on top of the world. Like I have some control over my life." He said.
And I agreed. 
"You ever feel like you don't have control over your life? Like some other godly presence is writing your story for you and you have no control?" I asked.
"What? Why?"
"Just wondering."


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