Evening Get Together

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Roy's pov

"Roy! Are you ready yet? Come downstairs!" Called my mom from the first floor. I groaned and turned away from the mirror in my room.
"Coming, Mom!" I replied. 
I looked back at myself in the mirror. I wasn't allowed to wear my hat or sweater during dinner because we had "guests", though my mom wouldn't tell me who they were. I sighed and went downstairs. Mom didn't call our frequent dinner parties "dinner parties." She called them "evening get together's" because it was fancier or something. 
"Roy you look lovely." Said mom. I didn't want to look 'lovely'. I didn't really know what I wanted to look like. I just wanted my hat and sweater back. 
I ignored her and walked into the dining room. We had a large dining table. I took my place in my usual seat at the empty table. The guests hadn't arrived yet. 

The guests were here. 
"Thank you so much for inviting us Carmen." I heard from the entrance way room. That voice belonged to Jessica, my dad's work friend. She must be here with her husband.
"We are glad to be here." Gabe and Tina, from bingo.
"We are so glad we could make it." Sara and Peter, from mom's weird mom club at the yacht club building.
"Greetings Carmen." Steve from the yacht club.
"Charmed to eat dinner with you folks again!" Britney, another mom from mom's mom club.
"I'm glad to be here, Carmen." I jolted up in my seat. No. No no no. Mom didn't tell me my uncle would be here. Of course she didn't! I would have complained more and she didn't want me making a fuss! My heart started beating faster and every muscle in my body tensed. I tried to breathe to calm down. If I could get through dinner then I could go back to my room, put my normal clothes back on, and forget about yet another forgettable get together. Maybe I could call the gang or watch some t.v. or-
The guests started filling into the room and took their seats. Steve and Britney sat on either side of me and I let out a breath, relieved that I didn't have to sit next to him
"Hello Reynold!" Tina said cheerfully from across the table. "How have you been."
"Fine, I guess." I replied.
"Don't mind him. Teens are just usually standoffish like that." Said mom dismissively. 
"Right of course." said Tina, in her usual cheery voice. Tina irked me.
"I still don't know why you call her a 'he'." Said Peter. Sara elbowed him.
"It's just teen exploration Peter. You remember when you had your emo phase?" Said Sara.
And so it began. What I hated most about these dinner parties. The constant arguing.
The table was split up into two teams based on what they were debating.
If I was a boy or a girl.
If the woman who leads the mom club is hot enough to steal someones husband.
Whether or not Steve should get a girlfriend. Steve was gay so it was unlikely he ever would. I didn't know why Steve came to these dinner parties. He never spoke but if he did it would be to try to get everyone to stop arguing. He wouldn't do a good job of it though. I think he liked watching the others argue.
Oh and you can't forget the favorite subject of debate. Money. How much you had, how much you should spend, where it's going, who controls what portion of what who makes, who carries what to where to make what when for who. I honestly couldn't understand half the words the adults said when they started talking about money. 
"I never liked make up, Sara. Make up isn't for men."
"I remember, Peter! You used to wear black eyeliner! I remember talking to my friends about how we thought you were so brave for it! We all thought you were so.. hot for it~" 
Ugh. There's another thing I hated about dinner parties. Sara and Peter would always flirt with each other. They thought they were being subtle, too. I caught sight of my uncle at the end of the table. Why had mom invited him? She usually never invited him to these things. Just being in the same room as him made me uncomfortable, ever since the gang told me his behavior wasn't normal. I took a bite of the potatoes on my plate and slowly scanned the rest of the people at the table.
"The stock market crashed right? Or was that just a rumor?" Asked Britney.
"Definitely a rumor." Said Gabe.
"How would you know Gabe? You don't make investments! You just store all your money in a box in your basement!" Said mom.
"I feel like things would have more significantly changed about everyone's daily life if it did! Like the great depression! That is why I store my money in the basement, Carmen."
"You should learn more about the stock market. It's a lot more confusing than you think it is. It doesn't just work like that." said Jessica, butting into the conversation. 
"Shut up, Jess. You know I take care of all our money. What would you know?" Said her husband.
"This is why we are getting the divorce, Chad! You always think I am stupid and don't know anything!"
"You two are getting a divorce?!" Asked Britney.
I didn't know why she was surprised. This was their fifth divorce since they met. 
"They will get back together again."
"No we won't!"
The conversation went on like this for what felt like hours. The argument would start to get somewhere one way and then someone would bring something up that would start a new argument. I slumped in my chair. At least the conversation wasn't about me. I was hoping that I could get through dinner without being the center of attention.
"Oh, Carmen! It's been awhile since you and the family have visited me. We should make some arrangements soon." said my uncle suddenly. I had somehow forgotten he was here. He didn't talk very much during the dinner parties he attended. 
"That's a great idea. I will text you later." said mom. I slumped a bit further in my chair.
"Roy. Sit up." said dad.
"Why do you call her Roy? Isn't that a boy's name?" Said Chad.
"Roy isn't a girl, Chad." said Jessica. "Does that look like a girl to you?" She gestured toward me.
"It looks confused, that's what." Said Peter.
Why did the conversation have to turn toward me? 
"Remember your emo phase, Peter?" Said Sara.
"For the last time, I didn't have an emo phase. And this is different! How is she supposed to make friends if she is confusing everyone with all this 'pronoun' bullshit?"
"Roy has friends! Tell them about your friends, Roy." said mom.
"I'd rather not." I said. 
"Would it be too much to ask to just have one dinner party where we don't argue the entire time?" said Steve.
"We don't argue. We debate important subjects."
"I don't think whether or not your dumb husband had an emo phase or not is an important topic is all I'm saying."
"My husband isn't dumb Steve! You're just jealous you don't have one!"
"Everyone clap guys! She acknowledged that I'm queer!"
"Please don't shout that, Steve. There are kids in this room."
"Is it getting hot in here?"
"I'm itchy!"
"This steak is a bit dry."
"How do I text again?"
"Wait. Steve is gay?"
"Don't talk to me Chad!"
"Store your money in a box!"
"And that's why I hate Chipotle."
I stood up suddenly and everyone turned to me.
"Would everyone just shut up? I can't deal with you people!" I yelled and stormed off.
"Roy! Roy please. You're making a scene!" shouted my mom after me.
I didn't even turn around. I just needed to get out of that room. 
I slammed my door when I got back to my room. I changed out of the uncomfortable fancy attire that mom had gotten for me and back into my sweater and hat. I sighed and flopped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone to text my friends. I was about to text the group chat with Ross and Robert when I thought of something. I pulled up Y/n's contact and sent a text.

You: Hey. Y/n. I have to talk to you about something.
Creepozoid: who the hell is this? How do you know my name?
You: It's Roy
Creepozoid: How the fuk did u get my number??!1
You: I got it from your dad. Can you talk?
Creepozoid: Do you have me saved as Creepozoid?
You: Not important rn!
Creepozoid: Ok I am going 2 have 2 talk to my dad abput this tmrw. What do u want?
You: Remember tha cult?
Creepozoid: Ya?
You: K good. Meet me at the park asap. I hate 2 text on this tiny screen.
Creepozoid: WHAT???!! It's so dark outside tho! Cant we just call or smthn?
You: No. My parents are still awake and I'm not supposed to call people. 
Creepozoid: Fine. Whatever. You'd better not make us explore another abandoned building.
You: No promises.

They stopped responding. I set my phone down and started to climb out the window. 

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