Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?

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Y/n's POV (It has now officially been 6 months since I started this story on January 16th! Current date: June 16)

Thursday June 19th
I slowly regained consciousness and my eyelids felt very heavy. Everything was sore and tired. I thought sleep was supposed to help you. It was unnaturally warm where I was sleeping. Not that I minded. It felt nice. Cozy. I attempted to remember everything that had happened yesterday as my mind continued to wake up. My entire body tensed as I remembered everything. To confirm my memory was working, the warmth that I had felt before shifted slightly. My eyes flew open and I looked around in surprise. However, I was unable to move much else. Roy had wrapped his arms all the way around my midsection and had his head buried in my side. I remembered that he had mentioned that he moved around a lot in his sleep but I didn't realize he was this.. grabby. 
I hadn't noticed that my breath and heart rate had sped up but I forced them to slow down once I did. My face felt way too hot and there wasn't much I could do about that. Alright. How do I help myself out of this situation without making it weird?
Before I could think of anything, Roy stirred and blinked awake. Shit! I pretended to be asleep. He yawned and looked around, though didn't seem surprised.
"Roy?" I asked, pretending to wake up. 
"Aaiiee!" Roy exclaimed. I must have startled him.
He pushed himself away from me quickly, entirely messing up the blankets and almost shoving me off the bed.
"Ow!" I complained.
"Why do you wake up so creepily?" He asked, ignoring my cries of pain.
"What do you mean? I just wake up normally! You actually woke me up you know." I protested.
"Sorry." He muttered.
"Yeah yeah, it's fine. Just don't kick me again." I replied.
"I won't if you don't startle me again." said Roy.
"Oh shut up." I said, sitting up. 
"Whatever." Roy responded.
"Roy.. Why were you hugging me?" I asked.
He froze for a second.
"I.. uh.. I move around a lot in my sleep. You know that." He answered.
"Right, yeah. I was just wondering if there was anything more to that." I said.
"There isn't." He answered sharply. I was a bit surprised at his harsh tone.
"Ok, sorry." I said in a slightly offended tone.
Roy looked like he was about to say something, hesitated and then decided not to.
"C'mon, let's see if everyone else is awake." I suggested. Roy nodded and we left the attic.
When we entered the kitchen I saw that Susie and Robert had come over and were eating breakfast with Ross and Skylar at the kitchen table. They waved us over. Goodness, it had been awhile since I had seen my sister. She had gone to have a slumber party with Skid and Pump at Lila's house but then everything started happening and Jaune asked Lila if she could stay over there longer while we sorted things out.
"Sky!" I shouted, running over to her.
She jumped out of her seat to hug me back.
"Oh, Sky I missed you! These past few days have been super weird!" I held back tears.
"Were they spooky?" She asked. 
I giggled. It seemed that those boys had rubbed off on her a bit.
"Yeah.. Really spooky." I answered, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"Bleh!" She complained, batting me away. I laughed.
Roy came over to the table as well. 
"Did you two have a nice cuddle?" Susie teased.
My eyes widened and my face grew very red. She, Robert, and Ross snickered. 
"What? How did you-" Roy started.
"Ross was going to wake you two up but.. you two were busy. So, he called us over for "planning time" and showed us." Susie cut him off.
"We still need to do planning, y'know. We can't just have ghosts living in Roy and Y/n." Ross explained.
"Yeah, but I'm mostly here because of the other thing." Susie remarked.
I turned to look at Roy and he had shrunk into his jacket. His face was bright red, from embarrassment I assume.
"Oh shove it, Susie. Roy just moves around a lot in his sleep." I argued. Roy shrunk further into his jacket.
She cackled.
"You're a witch, Susie. You even have the laugh down." I said.
"Wow ok. Treat people how you want to be treated, Y/n!" Robert teased.
I rolled my eyes. My face felt a lot less hot at this point. Jaune returned from the kitchen with a pan full of scrambled eggs.
"Oh good, you two are awake! Come eat some breakfast alright?" She said. We sat down. She served us eggs and then sat down with us. The table was pretty cramped now but that didn't bother us. 
"Did you two sleep well?" Asked Jaune. She was very obviously holding back a snicker. 
My face grew hot again. I wish it would stop doing that.
"You saw, too?" I muttered.
"Well.. I was curious why the only reason Ross called Susie and Robert over was to look in the attic while you two were still sleeping. I was just going to tell them to keep it down while they were up there." Jaune explained.
I groaned and buried my face in my hands.
"Aw! Sorry sweetie! I promise I didn't think anything. We've all had a very tough week." She said.
"Gee thanks." I grumbled. Roy was being awfully quiet..
He had his arms crossed and was staring very intensely at the table cloth. His cheeks were a bright pink. I sighed.
"Alright guys, cool it and finish eating. We actually have things to do." Ross said. 
"Alright alright. You're no fun." Susie complained.
I gave Ross a thankful look. We all finished eating and ascended to the attic. Jaune went to put Skylar down for her nap.
"Ok. I think we can all agree that Y/n and Roy having ghosts in them is a bad thing." Said Ross.
Everyone agreed.
"So we have to find a way to get him out." Ross continued.
Everyone agreed.
"How are we supposed to do that?" Susie asked.
"Exorcism!" Ross exclaimed and pointed at her.
"Excuse me?" Roy questioned.
"That's right. Exorcism. Now we are going to have to do some research because there are a lot of fake exorcism recipes. We will just have to keep trying until one works." Explained Ross.
"Wait we haven't agreed on this." I looked around at everybody.
"What else do you suggest?" Ross asked.
"Well we could try to use this to our advantage! If Roy still has that fuzz he explained in the back of his head then we could use his amplified hearing to our advantage." I suggested.
"That will inevitably hurt him more than help him. You don't even have anything and we don't know if you guys will get sick again. Do you really want to go through your life with a ghost man in your head and the potential to get sick at any time with no advantages?" Ross countered.
"I don't have anything yet. We could still use Roy's hearing. Or we could exorcise me and not him." I continued.
"Not really. If you exorcise one half from one person then the other half will go with it." Susie jumped in.
"What? How do you know?" I asked.
"Yeah, and how do you know so much about ghosts? You mentioned something at the hospital, too." Added Robert.
"I just, uh, do my research. I'm interested in ghosts." Susie stuttered. Why was she acting weird?
"What if it's just a quarter of a ghost?" I questioned.
"Same thing." said Susie.
"Oh.. ok." I said.
"Ok Ok! I have an Idea." Ross jumped in. "What if we try to exorcise this ghost, but while we are doing our research and trying to find the right one, we can utilize Roy's hearing to our advantage." 
We all looked at each other.
"That sounds like a good idea, actually. Then we wouldn't waste Roy's hearing powers and we still wouldn't have to do it forever." I nodded.
"Yeah. And if we aren't able to exorcise Evermore then we have a plan B already ready." Robert exclaimed.
"It makes sense. Let's do it." Roy said.
"I can roll with that plan." Susie agreed.
So it was settled. We would attempt to exorcise the old mayor from Roy and I. During the process we would use Roy's new ability. It was foolproof.

Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя