Flee the Facility

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Y/n's POV 😏

Saturday February 29
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." Said Susie as she ran to us. "Holy shit!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Shouted Roy.
Susie flinched and stepped back.
"Is- is he-" She started.
"Don't say it!" Interrupted Robert.
"Move!" I said, pushing Roy out of the way. 
I put my ear to Ross's chest to listen for a heartbeat. It was slow and quiet but was still there.
"He's alive!" I exclaimed, lifting my head.
Robert's eyes lightened at the news.
"Ok fuck this house. It's creepy as shit and if we stay longer, another one of us could get hurt or Ross could get worse. Let's get the fuck out of here and figure out what to do next once we are safe." Said Susie.
"Good idea. Robert, you carry Ross. Everyone follow me. I remember which way to go to the exit." I said.
Robert didn't hesitate to pick up Ross. Bridal style of course, for flare. 
"What if the hallway changed?" Asked Roy.
"It shouldn't have. We didn't close the door." I said as I dashed to the door once again. Roy was close behind followed by Susie and Robert. I stopped just in time before running through the door. Somehow the room behind changed, even though the door hadn't closed. The giant drop off abyss room was just beyond the threshold. Roy didn't stop in time. He screeched to a halt just before the door but the momentum of his run threw him over the edge. I grabbed his hand just in time but started to slip toward the edge. Susie caught me around my waist and Robert grabbed the back of her shirt, still holding onto Ross.
"Holy shit! What the hell is this!" Screeched Roy as he hung over the edge of the abyss.
"I saw this abyss before. At the end of a hallway." I said, struggling to pull him up. 
My legs shook as I fought to pull Roy up. 
"You didn't feel like mentioning this?" Said Susie.
"I was going to when we met back up!" I argued.
"Guys! Let's not fight right now!" Said Robert frantically. He struggled to hold up Ross's unconscious body while simultaneously holding on to Susie.
"How about you all stop talking and focus on not letting me die?!" said Roy
His shout startled me as I was still very jumpy.
"Shit! SHIT!" I shouted as I slipped.
"Woah! WOAH!" Shouted Susie as she lurched forward.
She hit my back with the force of herself as well as pulling Robert and Ross. The impact caused me to let go of Roy. I quickly gripped the sides of the door  to stop us from falling over.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!! ROY!!" I screamed.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Screamed Roy as he fell out of sight.
"HOLY SHIT!!" Screamed Susie. Well there goes my hearing.
"AAAAAAAAAH!!" Screamed Robert as he backed away from the door. "NO NO NO SHIT NOOO!!"
I backed away from the door, my hands over my mouth. Roy had just fallen into an abyss. To his death surely. I surprised myself when I felt tears stinging my eyes. I backed up and leaned against a wall, dropping down to the ground to sit. Tears started to fall silently down my face. I was still in shock and barely registered them. I had just witnessed someone fall to their death. The scene replayed in my mind and it felt like none of my senses were working. Suddenly, the world came rushing back to me much too quickly. I registered the loud sobbing of Robert and the fast pacing of Susie. I was hit with the impact of all my emotions, fear, sadness, anger, and I felt sick. Tears fell faster as all these emotions flooded in. I didn't like Roy very much but I certainly didn't want him to die, let alone watch him die, LET ALONE be one of the sole reasons why he was dead! I felt like I was going to throw up. I hugged myself and pulled my knees up to my chest. I heard Susie's pace quicken and Robert's sobs started to die down a bit. I didn't know how long I had sat there with my eyes closed but eventually the sounds of Susie's pacing and Roberts sobs faded. I heard fast paced footsteps. They suddenly stopped and then picked up again. I was yanked out of my trance by someone grabbing my hand and pulling me forward at a running pace.
"Wake up loser! No time to take a nap!" Said Roy frantically as we sprinted down a long hallway. 
"Roy! Holy shit, you're alive! Or am I dead?" I said. 
"You're not dead. Probs got moved with the house. No time to talk more. Will explain later." He said breathlessly. 
"Right right. What are we running from?" I said. 
He looked over his shoulder for a second to give me a look.
"Right. Sorry." I said. "I'm- I'm glad you're not dead."
Something about when he asked why broke my heart a bit. Why was he questioning why I was glad he wasn't dead? 
"Well why wouldn't I be?" I asked.
"It's just.. never mind. You text the others, I won't let you run into anything." He said. He gripped my hand a bit tighter and focused on running forward. I pulled out my phone. I was nervous I was going to run into something but Roy kept his promise.

Susie: Y/n? Where are you?!
You: The house moved me. Roy's alive! we r running down a hallway rn away from somethin
Robert: YOU SREIOUS!! IS HE OK???!?!/11//1!!
You: YEah yeah! HE's ok! Make your way to the exit and we will meet you on the first floor.
Robert: Thank goodness!! WHat ahppened??
You: He didnt say. he is just running and wont tell me anything auntill we get somewhete safe.
Robert: ok. We closed the door again and now it's a hallway. We are running but we arent going too fast because I have to carry Ross
You: k see you soon
Susie: aight

"They're making their way toward the exit." I reported. My legs are burning and I am out of breath. Roy was practically dragging me along.
"Good. Let's find our way out of this hell hole. What time is it?"
I pulled out my phone again and checked the time. 10:00
"It's 10 pm." I said.
Roy nodded.
We turned a corner and kept running. When I felt like my legs couldn't hold me anymore we reached a staircase. Descending the stairs lead us to the first floor. Robert, Ross and Susie were already waiting for us.
"Out out out!" shouted Roy as we ran. "Go out the door!"
He waved his hand at them frantically, gesturing for them to leave quickly. The group turned and ran. We all dove out the door and landed in a pile in front of the building. Roy scrambled to his feet and closed the door. A few moments later we heard a loud bang against the doors.
"Thank goodness we got out of there alive!" Said Susie in a scratchy voice.
"Yeah." Said Robert in a high pitched tone. He held Ross close and rocked back and forth.
Poor guy. He never wanted to come here and for good reason. He doesn't have as high of a fear tolerance as the rest of us and Ross is officially his boyfriend now, so the fact that he is still on the cusp of death must be even worse for Robert. It was very brave of him though to come upstairs to save Ross, even though he was scared out of his mind the whole time. 
"Not to be a downer. I am really happy that we all got out of that house alive but it kinda sucks that we went in there for answers and weren't able to find anything." Said Susie.
"I wouldn't say nothing." Said Roy. He pulled a small book out of his bag. It was dusty and weathered, with a brown leather cover and a red piece of twine binding it closed. 
"Let's go to my house and check out this book." Said Roy, Holding the book up in front of him.

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