The Graveyard

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Y/n's POV

Sunday June 15
The graveyard was chilly despite it being June. Ooo maybe it was a presence! Robert looked nervous as we entered the site. Perhaps they were thinking the same thing. Ross held their hand tightly as their other hand clenched around a flashlight. Roy crossed his arms and looked around disapprovingly. Was he expecting something else? I mean, it's just a graveyard. Susie was the first to say something.
"Kinda chilly, don't ya think?" She asked. "It wasn't like this on the walk here."
"The sun was still up on the walk here. Temperature prob'ly just dropped with the sun." Roy replied dismissively.
Though, he pulled his new jacket closer around his shoulders when a cold breeze blew past. He looked nice in that jacket. It suited him. 
I stepped further into the yard, ahead of the others. 
"Soooo.. What are we going to do here?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.
"Let's go explore. I wanna see if any weirdos are diggin up a dead body, like in the movies!" Roy exclaimed. 
He walked quickly down a path and the rest of us scrambled to keep up with him. How could someone with such short legs be so fast? I fell into step next to him and shoved my hands in my pockets. The others tried to keep pace behind us.
"We probably aren't going to see a dead body, y'know." I remarked.
"Yeah yeah, I know. But if there is one I don't wanna miss it. Creeps diggin up graves are faster than you think. And very skittish." He answered, matter of fact-ly. 
I chuckled at his comment. What a dummy.
"Yeah I guess seeing a dead body would be pretty cool." I replied.
"Hell yeah it would." Roy said.
Another cool breeze blew past us. It was difficult to see more than a few feet ahead because of how dark it was. Makes you glad we could find enough flashlights. If someone WAS digging up a body then we would have to listen for them because seeing was mostly off the table. 
"I have.. a question.." Roy said after a while. 
"What's up?" I asked. I didn't turn to look at him and kept my eyes on the path.
"Do you.. still have.. the- uh- thing on your arm?"
"What th-" I cut myself off. I remembered what he was talking about. "Oh.. um.. yeah.. yeah it's still there." I slouched a bit.
"Oh.. Y'know.. there's ink remover on the other end of that pen, and I still have it.. If you want I could wipe it off for you." He offered nervously.
I was about to question why he didn't do it before but I realized that with everything that had happened and that was still happening, he had probably forgotten or didn't have the time.
"Sure. Sounds good. I have sorta gotten used to it but it is still annoying to have YOUR dumb name on my arm. If I wanted to have someones name on my arm it would be the name of someone I actually LIKED!" I teased.
"Seriously? I was offering you something nice! Because we're friends! And then you insult my name and tell me you don't like me?" He shouted in mock offence.
I laughed so hard I had to stop walking to compose myself.
"Oh come on! It wasn't that funny! Get a grip before you scare off the grave diggers!" Roy scolded. That just made me laugh harder. 
He sighed. Then suddenly he touched my shoulder to get my attention. I looked up to see his face was serious. He was looking off to the side, as if looking for something.
"What's wrong, kidney bean?" I asked. 
"Where are the others?" He asked, turning his head to look at me. 
I stopped chuckling and looked around. The others were nowhere to be seen. I had thought it was odd that none of them were adding to the conversation but I had thought nothing of it. 
"They probably just ran off somewhere to look at a statue or explore or something." I tried to reassure Roy. He had a lingering anxiety about losing his friends after what happened with the cult.
"We have to go find them. They wouldn't just slip off without sayin somethin." He started to look worried. I felt the same.
"Yeah you're right. Do you know at what point in the path they disappeared?" I asked.
"If I did, don't you think we would have noticed and done something sooner?" Roy snapped.
"Right, yeah. Sorry." I said, standing up straight again. 
We turned our flashlights into the darkness. The graveyard was so big.. No! Don't get discouraged. 
"I say we spread out. I'll go that way, you go that way." Roy said.
"Good plan. Don't be afraid to scare off the grave diggers, alright?" I replied.
"Now is not the time for jokes." 
"Alright, ok. Just tryna lighten the mood. Let's go." 
We ran off in different directions, to search for the rest of the group.
"SUSIE!! ROSS!! ROBERT??!!" I shouted. It was disrespectful to yell in graveyards. But what if your friends go missing? I guess I could also try texting them.

Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora